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[OOC] The Tenth God (Sign-ups closed)


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Hmmm, well, it's a bit shorter and rougher around the edges than I like my responses to be, but... at least I haven't completely lost my stuff yet, as long as I've gone without writing jackshit.

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So in preparation for what will hopefully be a very soon ending Travel phase, I've gone ahead and made a tiny update to the OOC. Just a tiny one, I swear...

Ruler of the Plane of Lust, the Third God: Swagalicious (AKA Sain Derrek) has been added to the NPCs section

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Appearance: Faceclaim. A young-looking fellow with a flashy haircut, weirdly enticing brown eyes, and a pair of pierced ears which usually have some sort of diamond or gold earring in them. Wears a leather jacket over a white shirt and has extremely tight leather pants. His shoes are generally leather boots but occasionally are leather boots with heels

OMFG Lexi...XD

But nah, seriously...please tell me this is just some type of bad joke and you have the real God of Lust hidden away somewhere in a cave...

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Nope, Swagalicious is the real thing

He's an innuendo-obsessive dork with the most annoying face I could think of :P

Don't be too scared off by the silliness, I actually think he's a pretty well-done character

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Bfroger, were you intentionally ignoring me via the mechanics of the game or did you just miss that I posted something for Mommo to respond to?

EDIT: *Waits for someone to notice the elephant in the room*

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So, I got like, no fucking clue what Divination Tech encompasses other than it is obviously what is used to craft modern Mechs, but... seeing as how Solomon has spent his whole life working on mechs among other pieces of more conventional machinery... I figured this reveal from Black Idol should be a big fucking deal to him and go a long way towards making him reconsider his initial veiw of sleeping bear

TL;DR- yes, this latest response is basically me talking out of my ass and bluffing with background knowledge I don't have... but with good reason.

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Bfroger, were you intentionally ignoring me via the mechanics of the game or did you just miss that I posted something for Mommo to respond to?

EDIT: *Waits for someone to notice the elephant in the room*

No, sorry, I missed the post you made.


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Tai will conveniently psych off before a plate of leftovers for the remainder of the phase, since he's basically stuck there...alone.

Edited by IntSys
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So, I got like, no fucking clue what Divination Tech encompasses other than it is obviously what is used to craft modern Mechs, but... seeing as how Solomon has spent his whole life working on mechs among other pieces of more conventional machinery... I figured this reveal from Black Idol should be a big fucking deal to him and go a long way towards making him reconsider his initial veiw of sleeping bear

TL;DR- yes, this latest response is basically me talking out of my ass and bluffing with background knowledge I don't have... but with good reason.

Yeah, that was what you were supposed to get from that ^^

Divination Tech is basically a way of converting the metaphysical substance of Favor into electrical pulses and drawing it out through the human nervous system allowing for modifications of an extraplanar dimension held within each person's mind

TL;DR it used to be a lot harder to create and modify your mech

Hiroki will visit the Diviner once this interaction concludes (if that's possible, i forget and it's the early morning)

No. You can visit the food car to socialize, the diviner to prepare for the next battle, or the concert to learn about the world and gods. The keyword there being "or"

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So like, should I edit, can I edit? I'm really not quite present anywhere online much these days because it's time to get into college and such and everything is super stressful ;;

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So like, should I edit, can I edit? I'm really not quite present anywhere online much these days because it's time to get into college and such and everything is super stressful ;;

I'd appreciate if you edited to make a response of some kind

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Yeah, that was what you were supposed to get from that ^^

Divination Tech is basically a way of converting the metaphysical substance of Favor into electrical pulses and drawing it out through the human nervous system allowing for modifications of an extraplanar dimension held within each person's mind

TL;DR it used to be a lot harder to create and modify your mech

Oh, good then, I read the cue correctly, yay. I have redeemed myself for fucking up with Mayanna during the Ymora Revival, at long last.

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Some random thoughts I had about the "optimal" character

[11:05:42] +TACHIBANA SYLPHYN: So looking at things
[11:05:51] +TACHIBANA SYLPHYN: Reflex has the weakest 1 and 3 point bonuses
[11:05:59] +TACHIBANA SYLPHYN: But you get a lot of value for 2 points
[11:07:21] +TACHIBANA SYLPHYN: Social's 1 point is insanely good
[11:07:38] +TACHIBANA SYLPHYN: And Observance has solid 2 and 3 point things
[11:07:52] +TACHIBANA SYLPHYN: So I'm thinking 0-2-1 or 2-0-1 is probably optimal
[11:08:05] +TACHIBANA SYLPHYN: Or just 3-0-0
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AND CHAPTER 2 IS UP. Good luck dealing with Swagalicious's overwhelming presence

Note: side quest available for Mommo, use the walk out physical action and head to the fire escape to receive an item

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*Lets Lawrence take control of his Profile for a bit*





you OK there, buddy?


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The introduction is separate from the verbal action (for the record, only Mommo has level 2 social) Introduction is just bowing and saying your name, Swag's presence may effect how smoothly that goes, but it only prevents the actual verbal action on the list

Also, K_H, um, what? It's alright if you want to have Lawrence be extra-fucked-over by Swag's overwhelming presence, but I'd rather you not randomly add a debuff mechanic to my RP

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Um... question...

If Morgan was to express concern (in this case, asking Laurence if he's alright) would that count as doing something characterizing or asking another contestant a question?

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Figured as much, though I wasn't entirely sure what classified as something characterizing in terms of how one should act as their character should. I kinda thought it went into a gray area when she's supposed to be expressing concern. Anyways, thanks for clearing that up.

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