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Viridescent's Wandering Art Thread [Art: Drawing/Feedback]


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aw. they both kinda look like they have been playing with electrical sockets, and, speaking from personal experience, that eyepatch look way too snug and functional to work as an eyepatch, eyepatches are straight up evil. but aw. and i really like weavile's collar and... feather crown? and how his neck connects in a sense-making fashion. the big eyes and anime mouths collide somewhat with the otherwise semi-realism of it all thou, and there's something iffy about how they're standing in relation to each other, i think it's weavile's tail that does it; it doesn't look like it comes from his tailbone, and thus makes me question everything. i might need to find someone to do that pose with to test that theory, 'cause i'm not sure thou.

but the colors are really nice and their expressions ♥ you're really good at expressions, dude

also they're totes


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Question away all you like, lol. I think the reason you feel that iffiness about Weavile's tail is because...well, Weavile doesy really have a tail. It's more like a couple of stiff quills that stick out from its butt. Look at weavile's backsprite; its tail is literally just two feathery quills that stand up and outwards at an angle.

Had it been an actual mammalian tail, yes, it would look like it stems from its lower spine, not its butt. But since it is to be likened more to a bird's tail feathers, I think it can be imagined to stick up straight from its rump.

As for the eye patch, Idk. I couldn't get the other eye satisfactorily expressed, so I used the old artist's trick: amputation and crippling, lol. Besides, the blindness in one eye makes Zangoose look kinda more badass in my opinion, and it's a common enough disability in mongooses (mongeese?) who have lived rather too many fights. I don't know for sure about the eye patch dynamics though, having never even seen a real one, much less worn one. Glad you approve at least 80% this time though. XD

And the fur static is because they've been snuggling!

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More like I have been showing you a random collection of work ranging from really old and/or lazy doodles to something where I put in at least a half-hearted effort to things which actually interest me to devote more time (which is rather a rare commodity right now tbh.)

So not to be immodest, but I haven't really displayed any serious art here...yet.

However, I am most glad by your compliment, and thanks for viewing!

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That's very kind of you! I have some exams and other SRS BSNS to deal with as of now, but I shall be back in full swing by late May. I plant to do a couple of revamps of this thread as well to make it more comprehensive, but that's for later~

As of now, I'm probably not going to be doing any drawing unless it's for my relaxation; I certainly can't go to the level of exerting myself on another project now.

Edited by Viridescent
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All right, here we are again, this time I am armed with the excuse of temporarily being free of obligation due to the end of my college exams. So, I have here some pen sketches featuring Dragons. It's more or less a fusion; an experiment in two different styles, one for each subject, so I hope to receive your criticism! Mind you, this still isn't very dedicated art, it's just me passing the time which i unexpectedly find hanging heavy on my hands, so don't expect too much concentration.


Beauty and the Beast? Dragonair is given a more solid gradient, and close strokes to make it look silky, smooth-textured and feathered, as if it just emerged from water. Mega Charizard X is given a rough, dry, tattered texture to fit with it being a Fire type; consequently it is coarser and the lining of the scales is not smoothed. I also did black flames and cartoony smoke clouds because why not?

Personally, I like the Dragonair style more, because I feel it conveys the elegance and quiet dignity of that aquatic serpent (which uncharacteristically becomes a chubby, cartoony-winged Derpanite for no logical reason) but I want to know your opinions!

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Very nice, Viri! I do so appreciate the contrasts in shading, especially along the body of the Dragonair and the wings of the Charizard. However, I think that the abundance of activity around the Charizard's head might make it a little difficult to discern the details.

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Mmh, yeah, point noted. To be frank I made a little mistake there, so the only way to not let it be glaring was to increase the level of for and smoke to cover it up, haha. I could not erase ink, could I?

Anyway, thanks for the comment, Spine!

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i had decided that my 100th entry would be in the what do you look like thread but after stalling for three days... nah. hang out in viri's sweaty art thread. it's like celebrating christmas at ikea.

i always approve to 86-98.7% of your drawings and the rest is just looking for faults because my mother taught me that if you can say something nice you can shit all over it just as well

Aah, I feel like this is one of those drawings that would blow my mind if I saw it irl, and scanned, it, well, still kinda blows my mind, but the full epicness and the difference in textures doesn't get conveyed. i can't believe that you make so few mistakes in fucking INK. that's truly a mechanical precision you've got, like brahms reborn with an ink pen and a less epic mustache.

but you do have a fucking thing for, idk, trying to show things in their entire glory instead of just putting them behind other things - usually it's the tails, but going back, yeah, almost always the wings too. imagine having something growing out from your shoulderblade. then imagine twisting it so that it points directly in front of you. 'cause that's the fucking 180 charizard's wing is doing. if the other wing was doing it too i might have brought it, or if his torso was twisted more to the front

but on the topic of wings hooolllyy shiiieet the texture of the wings is sooo good. it looks leathery, but the tears look just like the tears in feathers. in 2142 critics will find this and argue about whenever charizard's wings have barbs or not. it's just that great. i'm loving it™

i like his bigass palm too, because it really looks like an incredibly creepy human palm. the claws, on the other hand - they're so big that they mess with the perspective, you feel me? like, it feels like they're much closer to the viewer 'cause they're the fucking size of california.

there's some other anatomical errors, but i feel like it's stuff you're probably aware of and haven't fixed 'cause fucking ink but. deep breath. the back of his torso looks like it's twirling, due to the tail root being visible. the front does not look like it's twisted. his front leg seems flat from the angle he's holding it - it looks too wide close to his stomach to have much volume. from the position of his front leg in relation to the tail, it looks like we should see the sole of his foot, like we're doing, but in relation to the position of his other leg, it looks like we should see the top of it. one of his arms looks a lot longer than the other. his face is in almost perfect profile; and yet the back horns stick up a lot above the front one.

and then dragonair! you're right, the texture is reaaally good, brings me straight back to when i was eel-fishing with my grandpa and trying to literally wrestle them eels with my bare hands; not to much success. His entire face, too, is great, and i love the thickness gradient. if anything it's the pose, but i can't tell if he's floating or not and my criticism would vary depending on that, soo... whatever. he's pretty much perf anyway. the angle of the horn is satisfying in a way i can't explain; like peeling of glue from fingers.

and i love the fire.

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Yeah, I'm aware of the fact that Charizard looks like he's pinned against a mounting board. To be honest I was only trying to do something to experiment with textures do I kinda did the parts first and then tried to put them together as best as it would allow. I gave you fair warning that I want concentrating and therefore didn't care too much about the anatomy.

As for the review of the textures, I'm glad that false in your 'approved' portion. This gives me the critique I need to work on future projects. Thanks for the tips on the wings.

I'm outraged, however, that you think my mustache is less-than-epic! One day you shall all bask in its expansive glory.

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I have no doubt your mustache is pretty great; no doubt you grown over 200 of them until one was good enough. but you're messing with the big guys here; look at this guy. it's fire from his nostrils, that he uses to forge his own trimmers with. it's a swift river ready to sweep away unworthy strands. it's a unkept tempest to blow away the competition. this is the guy who's hair is simultaneously a comb-over, backslick, frosted tips and even a bit of a mullet. step it up.


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I would place all of this at AT LEAST 3-4 years old

I'd recommend posting your art here or in a thread of your own, as this is a gallery of Viridescent's art (as I understand it).

Though I still have to say, your art is some high quality stuff. The first and last were especially good in my opinion.

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Yeah, that's true. Not that I mind very much but it kinda defeats the purpose of me starting this thread as a gallery or future commissions thread.

However, that's done quality work you have there, especially that last wolf one. It's been a while since I did any dedicated digital art (last one was Scizor) but even I can tell that's well done.

I'd definitely want to see more of your stuff. Perhaps you could contribute to the main art thread!

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I'd recommend posting your art here or in a thread of your own, as this is a gallery of Viridescent's art (as I understand it).

Though I still have to say, your art is some high quality stuff. The first and last were especially good in my opinion.

OH SHOOT I completely misread everything

I apologize aaa, if I could delete the post I would, I'm SUPER sorry holy cow!

I'll just edit it oops

But anyway, I do like the charizard you did! I don't have the words or ability to form concrete sentences to describe it, but the wispy look of it is quite alluring!

Edited by Kagamine
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No worries, and thanks for the appreciation.


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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm still alive...

Yes I know I said May 11, but I'm 2 days early.. Problem?

And so is this thread! I'll be back to posting more stuff, but perhaps a little less frequently. Also, stay tuned for an important update in the coming week!

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This was a triumph!
I'm making a note here:
Huge success

glad it's back on i had a moment when this thread closed of "so what the fuck i am supposed to do on this website now? and i like the little green light you added there it's very... symbolic. tickles my fancy

An important update that you spoiled in the status thread gg k8

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