Ironbound Posted May 20, 2016 Author Share Posted May 20, 2016 Ah, thank you! No, I'm entirely self-taught. I started drawing since I was a toddler of three, and it was my way of approaching things in the world. Art is something that can only be learned but not exactly taught, in my view, since it is a most fundamental self-expression, and so cannot be fully imparted by another. That's like having another's mind impressed upon yours. And yea, when I was four, I think, my parents brought me a supposed 'art teacher'. He tried to tell me that the duck I was drawing should not be green, and should not have its feet visible if it was in water. In hindsight it is fair, but I threw a huge tantrum and yelled at him, asking who the hell he was to tell me how my duck should or should not be, and then I had him sacked that very day. So nope, no teachers. Just me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 21, 2016 Author Share Posted May 21, 2016 NO SPOILERS! GLORY BE TO AMAZON! HAIL CLARICE! 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spineblade Posted May 21, 2016 Share Posted May 21, 2016 Oh wait, I didn't even need to invade your turf. Whoops. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halloween Posted May 21, 2016 Share Posted May 21, 2016 im so exhausted right now and its all your fault, damnit viri anyway, there might be some repeating in here but deal with it somehow. as i've said... multiple times now, this might be my favorite piece of yours aside from dat genesect, but only because genesect has a lot of details i like; this could be considered your best piece however; the composition is very pleasing to the eye, the color palette looks stunning, colorful without being cluttered, the expressions! expressions are a forte of yours; they all look very menacing, in different ways. And I quite like the personal touches you put on them. I've never seen venusaur as a toad – to be honest, i've never put much thought behind any Pokémon species – but his toad-like chin makes a lot of sense, without being farfetched from the original design. But the crown of course goes to Chebre – the stars on the hat, the medal of national order that just happens to look like that, the cigar... Che is one of those people I know are incredibly overrated, but damn he was cool so I can't help being a little exited. in fact, somehow my grammar get progressively better the more excited i am when im typing, haha then the little stuff I relish in – venusaur's back leg, the angle of it is a treat, as is the vine on his front leg, staraptor's talons, the shading on venu's top flower, the primordial eco system on his back is fucking magnificent, straptor's entire everything actually, the amount of crayon control you must possess to make thinning lines like the ones on primape. but there's stuff i don't like as well, ofc. the skulls... doesn't really look like pokémon skulls, and i wish they did; it would have been funny to see chebre step on a garchomp or haxarus skull. honestly, they actually look sort of... lazy, compared to the rest of the picture. and the shading just isn't distinct enough; there's near no sense of depth because everything is the same hue. and don't gimme any lack of crayons crap, you can shade in ink, this isn't a problem for you. i kind of think the picture would have been better without talonflame too – he sticks out from the composition, but more importantly, he sticks out from the color palette, that would have been more harmonious without a blob of orange at the top. plus he doesn't look as threatening as he looks like "wait for me gaaiz!!" but my main issue will always be your unhealthy obsession with making every tail look like they protrude from their owner's asscheek. does your dogs have some kind of weird birth defect i should know about that you keep projecting? it disrupts the entire anatomy of the subject because it looks like their torsos should be twisted, but it isn't. ill comment on the bugs tomorrow, i need to head out soon and i wanna check some other threads real quick! all that bugging me about them for nothing... youll get proper feedback soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 22, 2016 Author Share Posted May 22, 2016 Why thanks weenie, I appreciate your input. I didn't intend for Clarice to become Che Breloovera, but turns out it did end up like so, and I'm not complaining. And yeah, each of them represents a different kind of menace: Breloom is daunting, Staraptor is quietly intimidating (pun intended) and Venusaur has the smug grin of the fat bully on the playground. Primeape and victreebel are just there for the jungle effect, and to support the Venusaur-is-walking-rainforest idea, but I see what you mean about Talonflame. Honestly I just added it in on a whim(sicott?) And because you know that I'm HARDCORE and don't use a pencil or eraser before just starting off with ink, I couldn't remove the Smogonbird later. Let 'er be there for the splash. And yeah, I deliberately didn't make it look scary (target just a background haze) because we all know SATRAOTIR is the true aggressor. Perhaps it should have been Yanmega. Fits the green scheme and adds a bug, because the Amazon is full of bugs. But after drawing so many bugs just before this (including Yanmega) I just didn't want to draw another bug again so soon. I don't get what you mean about the tail. Breloom doesn't have any ass cheeks, being somewhat reptilian or dinosaurian in its body build, so the tail is an extension of its belly, and flows smoothly like a snake's. The shadowing on the base of the tail should indicate that anyhow, but I'll look into the matter. As for the skulls ... eh, you're right. I'm not bothering about them now though. They're an afterthought anyways. Thanks for the link, by the way. I enjoyed it. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 22, 2016 Share Posted May 22, 2016 lol, it's another good one Viri~ Of course... I'm still waiting for a Waywir'd traveler to wander into this thread. ((funnily enough he'd be exclusive to Amazon if he was real...)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 22, 2016 Author Share Posted May 22, 2016 TRUE, lol. I'll make it next, gimme a few days :] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 22, 2016 Share Posted May 22, 2016 Np lol~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halloween Posted May 22, 2016 Share Posted May 22, 2016 OKAY strap in for some incredibly overdue bug critique after the amazingness of the drawing below these unfortunate critters are just not measuring up – they would have gotten a better review if I'd just had gotten around to doing it sooner, haha. The drawing overall feels uninspired. You are incredibly talented at drawing as im sure you are all too dreadfully aware of, and your skill level shines through, but the composition is lackluster, with the break through it that I talked about before, the official art poses; only Yanmega has an interesting pose, there's no consistency in the colors, and the designs doesn't have any of Viri in them, it's just Gamefreaks designs, aside from Volcarona's wings. Even Scizor, the centerpiece and focus point, especially in contrast to everyone behind him, looks like he's thinking "can i go now?" But this drawing also has three MVPs; Yanmega, Mega Beedrill, and, unenthusiastic participation aside, Mega Scizor. Yanmega's pose is really cool; it looks like shooting upwards and backwards, and the twist of his body is great. You're right, he should have been where Talonflame is. Mega Beedrill has a neat texture to his wings, and the yellow! you use yellow all too seldomly man, it's very enticing. The shadow/shine on the lance he holds down too; it looks like it's actually reflecting color off his body, at the same time as it's shadowed. superb And you have some experience shading Scizor, which is paying off; the little bright red highlight on his abdomen and on his claw there, the contrast between pure black and pure white and how that actually looks natural, and how chromatic he looks... yes. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 22, 2016 Author Share Posted May 22, 2016 Yanmega is actually growing on me real fast. I might do more with him. I had thought that I'd do groups of mons together, like I first did with Steel and now with Bug, but you got me thinking. In fact I have a new series planned. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 23, 2016 Author Share Posted May 23, 2016 I did this pencil sketch two years ago. I unearthed it today, and I don't think it's so bad that I can't post it here. So... Eh. Reveal hidden contents I always saw it as feathered. And before you ask me why its hind legs are disproportionately small...that's actually the way Hydreigon really is. Its legs are atrophied, because it never used them, what with it levitating all the time. I don't like it too much. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halloween Posted May 23, 2016 Share Posted May 23, 2016 not gonna shit all over something you did two years ago since your art skill has clearly evolved a ton since then even if im very tempted to But there's some stuff I really love with this one; the crown design for the main head, its gleeful expression, the wing design, the snakeiness, and the ruffled feathers on the tail. And the earholes behind the crown. gj tiny viri Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 24, 2016 Author Share Posted May 24, 2016 I told you I have started to like Yanmega. Behold, the new series: MEGAS! That's right, I'm drawing Megas and evolutions for some old favourites. starting off with the Original Mega: Yanmega! Reveal hidden contents Okay, so I always wanted Mega Yanmega. Bug/Dragon is a huge missed opportunity, and this deserves it most. Here are some competitive stats and things: MEGA YANMEGA Type: Bug/Dragon Ability: Levitate Base stats: HP: 86 Attack: 76 Defense: 91 (+5) Special Attack: 156 (+40) Special Defense: 91 (+35) Speed: 115 (+20) I just want OU to burn. I'm sick of all the fat stuff proliferating there, and something ought to kill 'em dead. Mega Yanmega gets massive boosts in its special stats, patching up its horrendous SpDef to more than acceptable levels, and skyrocketing its special attack to rival Mega Charizard Y's. Its speed is also significantly boosted (no pun intended) such that, even without the pre-mega Speed Boost, it can outpace things like Latios and Serperior, and tie with Raikou and Starmie, all of which it can check ably (as long as Starmie doesn't have Ice Beam!) Now, Tinted Lens would be an excellent ability to retain, but I find it absurd in the extreme if a Pokémon whose very design is based on flight were to be susceptible to EQ by virtue of its type change. So Levitate it has to be! To make up for the loss of offensive ability, Mega Yanmega gains some good moves to use (just like Mega Lopunny got HJK in ORAS.) It will of course have access to Dragon Pulse as a strong STAB, but it will also gain access to Boomburst (c'mon, it is said to attack with sound waves. It already gets bug buzz and sonic boom, so this is the natural next step) and Heat Wave as a tutor move! (That way it can actually hit steel and ice types properly without having to use the poor HP Fire or Ground.) It already enjoys Ancient Power and Giga Drain as coverage. This Pokémon would be a fast pivot with U-turn as well as a deadly wallbreaker and late game cleaner with its speed and raw power. It is not too bad, and won't be banned from OU, simply because getting it going is tough for Yanmega (those SR in base form chip off 50% of its health, like Zard's) and even with its improved coverage, certain fat things like Heatran can still wall it if it doesn't have HP Ground, or similarly prepares for them. Plus, it has no access to any sort of boosting moves, so it has to do what it does on raw power alone. Here's the draft lineart: More soon! 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 24, 2016 Share Posted May 24, 2016 Heeeeeeey, looking pretty sweet. I like that's it not a drastic departure from the original design. ((like quite a few Megas are.)) which is reeeeeally great XD. I like that it doesn't feel overly designed lol. Also... I don't want that thing to Air Slash me. ((though it wouldn't be STAB anymore I'd imagine it would still freaking hurt maaaan.)) ((still h-waaaaiting for a certain birb~)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 25, 2016 Author Share Posted May 25, 2016 Haha, I said I'm drawing Megas and evolutions of old favourites, mind you! It's upcoming~ Also, I added in the Stats and analysis for Yanmega! Thanks very much for the appreciation! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 25, 2016 Share Posted May 25, 2016 I know, I'm just an arse and I'm excited about it XD. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 25, 2016 Author Share Posted May 25, 2016 Nothing wrong with being excited. I'm glad that my twiddles are appreciated with such eagerness. As for being an arsenal... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halloween Posted May 25, 2016 Share Posted May 25, 2016 I like it when you don't try to make stuff look like official art so i don't have to nitpick on too much detail. For that – this is more a note on the Popwhateverthefuck's evolution than it is a note on Mega Yanmega – it's not the amount of detail itself, it's small details close to big details, that condensed to a 64x64 or (whatever the current size is) would only be a one pixel dot. Anyway. As a 3D person, any kind of turnarounds, side view/front view things make me so ecstatic. it's like catnip. You could be like, okay so this is what igglybuff looks like from behind and id be all over it. Please keep doing them. I'm pretty crazy about this design overall. The scan is usually dark, but it enhances the contrast of the shadows and give an overall more dynamic sense of it, which sort of nullifies my severe allergy to dramatic vignettes. It's like one of those teen novels where the elder goes up all "okay so you broke pretty much every law in this entire country but you also saved the world, so, eh. don't do it again ok", on a somewhat smaller scale. The light, shadows and colors are so gorgeous, especially the tail party where bright blue, red and military green meet, and there's this pleasant green (?) shadow on everything. All of the tail pieces, the way one side is bright and how it looks like there's light reflecting on the underbelly... Unfortunately i can't tell where the light is coming from thanks to it, which contracts the pose a little. I'm pretty sure wings aren't supposed to bend like that, but I can see that the paper was ending and I can blame some of it to camera effects. It looks like the left (viewer's left) are upside down as well. The design on them is v. appealing thou! I like how the "shells" are separate from the wings. Legs... I was looking a long time at them trying to complain about the position about the left back leg, but in the end I couldn't figure what I wanted to happen with it so you win this one, haha. I like the nail polish. Gives them a feminine touch. The gills on the body are also good, especially on the last piece, the shadows work out well for the gills there. The top view model also gives me a whole new range of things to pick on! On the top model, it looks like the body is tapering on the middle, and on the model itself it looks very much tapered at the top, even taking perspective into account. The bottom, overall, looks waay too big; the pose enhances the feeling that 115 Speed is struggling with the weight of his own gigantic arse. I was gonna say that you're optimistic about what coverage GF would grant this thing, but turns out it also has access to giga drain. that being said, stats aren't really my forte and if I'd have something to say, I'd still know better than to get into an debate with you about it. they look good to me! with roost and protect it already has a hella good movepool. defog would be neat too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 25, 2016 Author Share Posted May 25, 2016 It doesn't get Roost and defog is ass on it tho. And yeah, the top view thing is a little off-kilter tapering, but you know me, I'm HARDCORE and so ink right off the bat. Mistakes cannot be erased. The wings are bendy, but let that pass because of paper size. Also yes, the right lower wing is at a reversed angle. I was gonna add the biology description in, but it'd be too long. Basically it's this: Mega Yanmega has compound eyes that wrap around its head like goggles, and hence it has a highly vivid 360° view that is beyond the comprehension of the human eye. Its six wings are all powered by independent sets of muscles (see the blue orbs to which each wing is attached) that allow each to be flapped and moved independently to a range of upto 270° in any direction. This extreme maneuverability makes Mega Yanmega the most nimble of fliers. It can rotate all of its wings in opposite figure 8 motions to hover perfectly still in mid-air. The wing illustration shows it doing so to make sharp twists and turns without checking its speed. The body is segmented into thirteen parts: head, three-segmented thorax and nine-segmented abdomen. A row of crests emerge from its head and three principal thorax segments, and smaller fins emerge along each abdominal segment, which amplify its aerodynamics. The shape of the red wing coverts is designed to create lift and reduce drag, like airplane wing flaps. The ultimate abdominal segment possesses the rudder-like pair of wings as well as sharp recurved fins that are of a similar shape to an aircraft's tail fins and serve the same aerodynamic purpose. They also double as a sharp, bladelike trident or pincer with which Mega Yanmega can assault prey. It has two pairs of mouthparts: A short, sharp pair that is used for consumption and a large, red pair that cuts through air and flesh with equal impunity. Its three pairs of legs are streamlined and possess fins on their edges, allowing them to enter the slipstream of its mandibles and minimize drag. the backward pointing claws help to seize prey in a vise grip, while also again minimizing drag in flight. (And that's supposed to be dried blood, not nail polish, weenie!) The row of 'gills' along its body are actually grooved spiracles that act as vents for Mega Yanmega to breathe and thermoregulate as it exerts itself in flight. The shape of the grooves also again minimizes forward drag. And the size of the bottom segment is just perspective. It's pointing the sharp pincer blades at you in a vicious aerial Jab, so don't worry, its not a fat arse! And as for the stats...I want it to raze things to the ground, haha. And from a competitive aspect, its just what we need to punch some holes and do what Mega Sharpedo is meant to do (but which can't because of its fraility and being forced to run Protect) that is, clean up late game with a speed boost under its belt and blood on its fangs. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 28, 2016 Author Share Posted May 28, 2016 Right, here is a somewhat casual pen sketch. A realistic interpretation of Togekiss and Togetic, which I always saw as feathered mammals rather than actual birds. So this drawing reflects that, with an avian body and wings but mammalian face, ears (which I interpret those pointy things on Togekiss's head as) and legs. Still, statutory warning: CONTAINS BURD (sort of) Reveal hidden contents Funnily enough, Ody had a Freudian theory about how I draw Togekiss and before that other fat flinchy stuff. He proposed that I secretly wanted to use stall and flinchy mons, but was held back by my strict morality and code of honour in battling. I find that hilarious, and well as his caption for this piece: "Paraflinch, from nightmare to reality" Beats the official design anyway. That's just an egg-plane. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 28, 2016 Share Posted May 28, 2016 it looks... so Squirrel like to me XD. Like someone was like "Flying squirrels are a lie... they only glide. I'LL MAKE A REAL ONE!" Honestly though I really do like the line work etc... the texture on the body and wings really do look like feathers and yet... kinda like fur as well. It's weird how well it's working to be honest. But, I do really like this. The only issue I'd say is, that it definitely has lost really... any semblance of being a fairy imo. It definitely looks like it should be Flying/Normal again in this iteration due to the mammalian parts making it look more "mundane?" I don't really mean that it's boring by that, just that it's less... well whimsical in nature. It still holds a charm to it's design that I rather like. Also, Freud's been entirely disproven multiple times. ((mostly due to his obsession with certain... organ... far as I explain there.)) so your fine. and one more person says Stall is dishonorable... I'mma learn it and once I'm god at it consistently smash people into the ground with it. Mostly to see if anyone is willing to actually learn to beat me. Most probably won't be and than at that point I know that it's not because of stall, it's because of people's unwillingness to learn how to play against what is a perfectly legitimate strategy. ((that... and I'm also evil... and seeing how much it pisses people off and just literally tilts them just seeing it... hehehehehe.)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 28, 2016 Author Share Posted May 28, 2016 I can see why you say 'squirrel'; it's because of the eyes, most likely. Rodents have completely black eyes, with no normally visible sclerae. Anyways, yes, I do agree that this doesn't have the ethereal feel of a fairy, but rather a quiet mystery, like a rare but 'mundane' mammal. Also, I did not say, "Stall is dishonourable!" as if it was a universal truth or something. Merely that using it does not conform to my code or style. I'm not a happy stall player, and I dislike facing it, hence my zealous preparation in building every team of mine, to ensure that they contain something that can stall break. Ironically, Nasty Plot Togekiss is an excellent stall breaker. And as for our winged wanderer, give me time. I'm in a bit of the so called artist's block about that, because IDK how to give it form. I've tried a few things, but they all seemed a tad too...far fetched. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted May 28, 2016 Share Posted May 28, 2016 On 5/28/2016 at 3:07 PM, Viridescent said: Also, I did not say, "Stall is dishonourable!" as if it was a universal truth or something. Merely that using it does not conform to my code or style. I'm not a happy stall player, and I dislike facing it, hence my zealous preparation in building every team of mine, to ensure that they contain something that can stall break. Ironically, Nasty Plot Togekiss is an excellent stall breaker. And as for our winged wanderer, give me time. I'm in a bit of the so called artist's block about that, because IDK how to give it form. I've tried a few things, but they all seemed a tad too...far fetched. I know I know, I just get touchy on that subject cause I actually believe in honour etc... ((despite people thinking I'm stupid for it.)). If I was using Stall I'd personally not think I'm being in anyway unfair to my opponent. There's ways to beat it ((Wallbreakers and Stallbreakers which are easy enough to fit into a team and still pull their weight in different match-ups do exist.)) so it's not like using a dominate thing that has 0 answers. There's ways to beat it, ways to get through it. Personally I find it more fun to paly against Stall then to be the stall because I like flexing my brain trying to figure out how I'm going to find that chink in their armour and then PRY IT WIDE OPEN! It's like a big puzzle and as soon as you get one of their key members down the walls start to crumble. Maybe it's jsut me. Also... I love puns but... alas... it hurts me so to hear this pun. My heart. It's happy and yet so sad. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ironbound Posted May 28, 2016 Author Share Posted May 28, 2016 I present to you the next in the Mega evolutions series: Goodradus Megatherion! Reveal hidden contents Peanut butter and jelly? This one is actually a favourite of mine. It's inspired by the nudibranch, a sea slug that eats poisonous sea anemones and imbibes the toxins to become poisonous itself. That's why Mega Goodra is Dragon/Poison! The crown of tentacly antennae and the larger row of the same on the back are a reference to this, as are the bright colours that advertise toxicity. It's still a cuddly, gooey, huggy Dragon though! Cute and yet icky. Now, getting competitive, I wanted to do Goodra some justice, really. A great concept ruined by subpar typing, not-very-good(ra) physical defenses and a crippling lack of recovery. I debated about giving it Regenerator, but that's not strictly in conformance with slug biology, and like with Mega Yanmega with Levitate over the not-inconsistent Tinted Lens, it's absurd for a thing to not have an obvious biological ability. So, Mega Goodra gets Liquid Ooze as an ability, improving over Gooey in terms of physiological logic. Now, Liquid Ooze is a rather meh ability, situational but not beneficial in particular. And yet I wanted to patch up Goodra's flaws. So what do I do? Why, the most evil of things, of course: Grant Goodra access to Recover! It makes sense, really, if Gastrodon can get it, why not the other sea slug? Recover makes Goodra much more potent as a tank, and lets it stick around (hehe) longer to abuse its fantastic coverage: Draco Meteor, Outrage, newly STAB Sludge Wave, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Power Whip, and so on. And now, it can't even be poisoned, so it can even run a horrible defensive set with Toxic or Dragon Tail and Recover! As I'm giving it reliable recovery, I may as well make it the fattest thing on the planet. The stats go this way: 90/120/110/130/180/70 Loses speed a bit, because it's so FAT, but who cares, this thing can drink EQs and Psyshocks, and it even gets Acid Armor to boot! And there were are. Enjoy! 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phi-Bi Posted May 29, 2016 Share Posted May 29, 2016 Your drawing is awesome, I just don't know what to say to reflect my feeling about it. My favorites among them is your mega design, it's well-designed and has logical explanation. Looking forward for your artwork ^^Also I wonder if you could make dragon/steel mega druddigon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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