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You have been surrounded by anime cats...

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This is probs a wasteland thing BTW

NEways, as I replied to the status. Anime cats can mean only one thing (just watch the lower left corner)

Obviously my command is for them to arrive

Then again, I suppose there's always Blair and Neko... Not that either of those changes much

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Simple. My first thing I would do was place on the magical hat if the previous theater owner. By accepting it's powers, I would lose the control of my body, though my new feline army would manage to make due. The cats would be under my control to a degree, though I would not be able to stop them from kidnapping my friends and forcing them to preform in a death theater. My friends would collect gems in the performances to pay for bail of the others, and the cats would take care of building more stages. After a time, the cats may begin to rebel, as I wouldn't be paying them, and would probably start making threats on my life. I would still be in a comatose state due to the magical hat, but my best friend would still believe and me and try to save me. Eventually, after paying bail for all of my friends, my best friend would rescue me during a cat riot. My best friend would carry me to an escape ship, where we would sail away. I would still be in a comatose state, and would at this point use the hats evil powers to launch a massive laser into space, bellowing up the space bear. I would be a martyr to a good cause, and the space bear would be finally destroyed.

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