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[OOC] ANKL: A New Kind of Life. Or How to Kill a Goddess (Sign-ups closed)


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TBF, that's pretty much exactly the situation I had imagined it being But yeah, you should probs double check with Acqui to make sure it's okay

Also, age is like super important, anyone more than a year older than you is going to expect that you treat them P respectfully. Not calling Katherine Ms. Lucille is fine, but everyone should keep it in mind. The general way of referring to someone in your general age group but a couple years older is simply "Miss [First name]"

Similarly, when talking to someone beneath you it is common to refer to them by their last name. This can also be used as a way to demean someone of a similar age

And of course when talking to friends you'll just use normal speech

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Soooooooo... Acquie I'm not sure if Rein is right or left handed so... I just went with right... if she is left-handed though just lemme know. I'll change my post to reflect that. Just wasn't sure and would like it to be accurate. ((Drake was definitely close enough to see which arm she punched with so... I'd like to make sure it's the correct one in my post lol.))

also... Emberly really is 6'3". ((I think that's her canon height anyway... I can never remember if it's 6'3" or 6'2:... either way she's freaking tall.)) she's about as big as her personality lololololol.

((also... what are earth are those symbols next to my name in the Accepted characters part? I'm jsut... curious lolol.))

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"getting our existences acknowledged by the people in our immediate vicinity"

This line is going in the hall of fame... Which doesn't exist but if it did this would be there

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Note to self: people post faster when you aren't constantly watching the thread

No worries guys, I'll get a post up for at least two groups by the end of the day (my "day" ends around 23:00 EST) tomorrow. This isn't going to turn into months of me doing nothing again :P

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No worries guys, I'll get a post up for at least two groups by the end of the day (my "day" ends around 23:00 EST) tomorrow. This isn't going to turn into months of me doing nothing again :P

Oh god in heaven please let this be true...

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Calm yo titties, I know. If I go all lightspeed posting right off the bat Ima burn out and then you won't see me for months

However I do intend to get some postering dun this evening if my stomach lets up on the blegh

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He was around yesterday. I know because he posted in PLD's IC thread with a proposed plan that is utterly destined to fail given the situation and circumstances.

Anyway, for those curious... this is the peice of Art I used as inspiration for the description of Arya's sketch...



Now, granted, this simple image right here doesn't really do the description it inspired for her work justice by a looooooong shot, but eh... I thought I'd just put it up anyway

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so yeah, don't really wanna be that guy but...

if he still hasn't posted by now, it may be best to just move this particular interaction along instead of holding it up, given it really doesn't seem that important or central to actual plot and more tailored towards character development for those involved.

Afterall, it's not like he'd actually be excluded from it if we did- his PC is right there in the room. He could just make a catch up post or something later on if he wanted.

Again, don't wanna be that type of guy, the one I always go out of my way to lecture when they say it, but... well, considering that holding up with constant waiting is kinda a factor in why things went awry in this story's original incarnation...

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