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[OOC] ANKL: A New Kind of Life. Or How to Kill a Goddess (Sign-ups closed)


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I have no idea what you could possibly be referring to~

It's not like I randomly call Lilith Layla on occasion to hint at her state of being~

I would never use names or pronouns as a way of revealing vital character information~

(BTW, any time you think I'm revealing something about a character, you should check the NPC sheets and see if anything changed)

EDIT: Oi, hey, I ain't sloppy (:P)

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tfw people think that the Host is making mistakes... HEHEH HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE oh it's so cute~

((also, the fun part is totally not saying either way Lexi and tormenting the heeeeell out of them until a super hard reveal, it's like my favoruite thing to do in the world since it makes the players doubt things they think may be true and are, but it totally throws them off. It's great.... that or I'm jsut evil. Or both. Probably both.))

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Alright, so, I realized I was actually really unclear as to what the elements did, lemme try to fix that (note: I'm not including special interactions for specific modifiers here, but I'll try to mention them if a character gets them)


The most damaging element when used directly. Thunder hurts. There's not really much more to it than that


The most precise element. When used effectively, it can even outdamage Thunder. However Ice is very fragile and not suited for direct confrontation


Equal parts damage and defense, with a touch of healing. Water can basically do anything, but doesn't do anything very well. It's slightly more suited towards defense due to having both defense and healing aspects


Fire is essentially water without the healing. It has similar damage and defense capabilities. To make up for the healing loss, it gains the ability to function beyond the user's influence. Which is to say, the user can start the element going but let it continue on its own


Darkness has fairly weak damage, but makes up for it by adding a "fear" modifier to all instances of damage dealt. Meaning that when a Darkness something or other hits you, they don't hurt much, but they can whittle you down by striking at your deepest fears


Light is a healing element. With it, most instances of "damage" are replaced with "healing." It can still deal a small amount of damage, but it will generally be abysmal compared to the healing output


Soul is unbreakable defenses. Its offensive abilities are trash, but trying to break through the Soul element directly with anything but Hope is entirely pointless. And even with Hope can be a struggle


Hope is unmatched raw power. Meaning that in a battle of force it will win against even Thunder. It doesn't do all the much damage, but no other element can overcome it directly

Damage rankings:








Thunder, Ice, Fire, and Darkness are all offensively oriented. While Hope, Soul, Light, and Water are defensively oriented

And I have no clue what you're talking about when you say this sounds suspiciously like the way the modifiers are set up *Whistles innocently*

Current special interactions

Riley Callan, Eye of Hope. Loses standard Eye functionality, but can see the future (sort of) as well as show it to others

Haley Lucille, Light Eye. Illusions are extremely realistic, but cannot form solid constructs. No healing ability and cannot damage directly

Lilith Perditia, Darkness Vine. Attacks become incorporeal

Esyllt Morrianas. Hope Vine. Attacks become incorporeal and bolster allies, but lose a bit of their raw power

Arturia Eberhardt, Light Fury. A Light Fury's healing or damaging functionality is modified based on the user's perception of "ally." Those not considered allies will take damage while allies will receive the healing. A Light Fury also cannot user their storm to deflect attacks like most other Furies, but will be instantly healed from most all damage

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ah, yes, arturia has the ability that involves suffering the most pain through full utilization, perfect

YW <3

I spy consistent usage of male pronouns. Sharp being a Transgender confirmed.

Psst, this has been here for almost a week now

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I said she pushed away forcefully. I suppose shove may not be the right word, but it still was intended to be enough for Arya to notice Layla was pushing her away

"NOTICE ME SENPAI!" - Shove-chan

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Welp that escalated quickly....

Btw does Lana always have to be this close to her opponent for her power to influence them?

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Oh, uh, right, that's important

Time usually interacts with "memory"

For the Time Eye, you can make illusions based on things from your past. Anything you can remember, you can create a realistic image of (see what I did there?) It will be more fragile than the original (and touching it with human skin other than Arya's will simply disintegrate it), but it will share all its functions. Even living beings will be alive (but can only be copied if they're dead due to soul shenanigans), their minds will mimic the way they were in the moment they are remembered from, doesn't work with sentient creatures

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Aight, nice, nice... yeah, I do. So let me see if I got the gist right: basically she can make life-like, autonomous holograms of sorts out of anything she can remember, can even conjure up images of people and animals, etc, though illusions of the living can only act autonomously if the subject of the projection is already dead... because apparently the soul needs to be called back for it to work or something ((Though, if time is supposed to function off of memories, wouldn't it make more sense for the images of living things to just act based solely on how Arya's mind recalls they would based off of past observed actions, rather than actually straight up calling their spirit back from the dead?))

Does it still have standard Construct functionality though, or is that consumed under the memory clause? ((Basically, how overarching is the memory thing? Is it like with a light eye where the special functionality of the element overrides the standard secondary effect of making solid constructs, or are they unaffected?))

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Well, the things a Time Eye makes are solid. It's just that the element itself uses memory as its embodiment

A Time Eye isn't actually a special interaction like a Light Eye, it's just that Time itself is a strange element

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Am I right in my interpretations about the rest of it though, (minus the "Holograms" part since everything they make is solid)? (Edited the last post abit, btw, don't know if you saw before you posted a response)

And this means forming weapons with it is pretty much impractical, right, if they'll just more or less disintegrate on impact with a human target anyway?

((Sorry to be asking so many questions, just think it's better I make sure I understand how it works now rather than later, plus you just said it yourself; Time is a strange element. An actual example or something would probably help alot though...))

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Am I right in my interpretations about the rest of it though, (minus the "Holograms" part since everything they make is solid)? (Edited the last post abit, btw, don't know if you saw before you posted a response)

And this means forming weapons with it is pretty much impractical, right, if they'll just more or less disintegrate on impact with a human target anyway?

((Sorry to be asking so many questions, just think it's better I make sure I understand how it works now rather than later, plus you just said it yourself; Time is a strange element. An actual example or something would probably help alot though...))

I could be very wrong, but I think they'd be useful against an enemy like the Toad (basically monsters), but not against other humans.

Y'all are here arguing about Time constructs while I'm busy typing essays about the roles of tutors in ancient Rome. Little jelly, ngl.

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Aight, nice, nice... yeah, I do. So let me see if I got the gist right: basically she can make life-like, autonomous holograms of sorts out of anything she can remember, can even conjure up images of people and animals, etc, though illusions of the living can only act autonomously if the subject of the projection is already dead... because apparently the soul needs to be called back for it to work or something ((Though, if time is supposed to function off of memories, wouldn't it make more sense for the images of living things to just act based solely on how Arya's mind recalls they would based off of past observed actions, rather than actually straight up calling their spirit back from the dead?))

Does it still have standard Construct functionality though, or is that consumed under the memory clause? ((Basically, how overarching is the memory thing? Is it like with a light eye where the special functionality of the element overrides the standard secondary effect of making solid constructs, or are they unaffected?))

It wouldn't be able to act at all without a soul, it would literally just be an empty shell. And you're not actually calling the soul, you're calling an imprint of the soul from the moment the creature is being called from. But, uh, if the creature is still alive then there would be two copies of the soul in physical existence at once and that results in Bad Things

Am I right in my interpretations about the rest of it though, (minus the "Holograms" part since everything they make is solid)? (Edited the last post abit, btw, don't know if you saw before you posted a response)

And this means forming weapons with it is pretty much impractical, right, if they'll just more or less disintegrate on impact with a human target anyway?

((Sorry to be asking so many questions, just think it's better I make sure I understand how it works now rather than later, plus you just said it yourself; Time is a strange element. An actual example or something would probably help alot though...))

As stated above me, it would work fine on monsters, it only falls apart when it touches humans. Which is because it is only a vision of time, and because humans are sentient, they can test the truth of what they see with their eyes. So when they touch it, the falsehood of it becomes immediately apparent and the illusion collapses. The eyes can be deceived, but the soul cannot (also if Natalie looks at anything Arya makes it will instantly disappear, her eyes can't be deceived)

That's also why you can't summon sentient beings, because they'd immediately destroy themselves

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Don't mean to be a nudge, but it's been a bit since there's been a post for Lexi's group. Is that a pacing thing to make sure we're all keeping up with each other?

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