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[Spoilers!] FE:Fates Lunatic Guides


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So I've been thinking about it and I'm just going to be creating this guide now rather than later. This will be a sort of helper tool for anyone playing through Fates in Lunatic Mode, more specifically Conquest atm as it's the only one I've beaten on Lunatic so far. These guides will be done assuming the player does not have DLC (Aside from Before Awakening of course) and is not grinding off of invasions in the Hoshido/Revalations route. A quick note is the Avatar. In a Lunatic run, your best bet for boons are Speed, Strength/Magic or Defense/Resistance as luck, skill and HP won't be needed a whole lot as the avatar has decent growths in them anyway.

Before we do anything else, I must let you guys know that there will be spoilers here. I'll likely be posting 1-2 chapter "guides" every 1-2 days. For now though, this opening post will be here to guide you through chapters 1-5 and some tips in general. I'll start with the tips.

1. Pair Up+Separate=+1 Movement

If you need to get somewhere with a unit or two of them really really quickly, this is the way to go about doing it. This is very basic and even someone who just picked up the game could do it easily. What you do is you pair up one unit with another unit, preferably one with high movement or one that is close to the destination. Move as far as you need to with that unit, switch to the one with lower movement and then separate. This puts one character ahead an extra space by turns end which works really well if you need to get to a unit in danger quickly.

Separate is also a very useful tool when it comes to dealing damage quick and creating chokepoints. If you're in an area that can only be accessed from one side with a small opening of two spaces, it may be a good idea to create a chokepoint by separating. Of course though, this is going to bring me into another point.

2. Pair Ups, Dual Strikes and Chokepoints

Let's get one thing settled here first. Make sure you know which character is marrying who and why. In Lunatic mode, you cannot just S-support some units because you want to. You need to S-support some for better skills, stats and classes on all units involved. Pair ups are better for more than just building up supports though. After five attacks in any combat whatsoever involving two paired up units you will get a free dual guard which guarantees you'll take no damage in one attack of combat. This is your best friend when fighting bosses, hoards of enemies or just tough enemies in general. While pair up is great, the only real drawback to it is that if you're paired up, your partner won't be dealing extra damage meaning if all units on a map are paired up, you effectively get half the attacks you would be getting without pair ups. This is where separation and dual strikes come in. Keeping some units solo and separating at points in a map is a good thing. It means you get more attacks in a turn which may be what you need to kill that one last enemy that has the potential of killing someone. While separated, you're more vulnerable, but if standing next to an ally, both units will strike the enemy. This works really well for thinning hoards of enemies. One thing you need to remember is that enemies will use these tactics against you too, so it's in your best interest to always be on the lookout. Finally Chokepoints. Make sure you abuse these things whenever you can. Keeping large groups of enemies away from your main group is one of the best things you can do in Lunatic mode as it lowers your risk of death by a lot. The best units to put at a chokepoint are paired up, high supported units with either high defense, high resistance or both. Having a weapon with 1-2 range can also help as well. Onto tip 3.

3. Skills and My Castle

Now I know what you're thinking. "What if I don't want to use my castle to get cheap skills at a low price." Don't worry, the game is still possible without it, just slightly harder. This doesn't mean you can't use the My Castle feature at all though. Being able to rack up battle points and visit points allows you to get weapons, stat booster and more which could easily turn a battle to your favor. My Castle also features a wide variety of places that can help you out on and off the field. There's a place to build supports, you can grind supports in castle battles, you can win prizes at the lottery shop, you can take prisoners, get meals, buy seals and buy weapons and staffs and stat boosters. You can also forge weapons and build stat raising statues so it's in your best interest to think about your castle every now and again too. Some skills I'm going to recommend real quickly for anyway going through lunatic are: Rally Strength/Speed/Defense/Resistance/Magic, Shuriken/Bow/Sword/Tome/Axe/Lance-Breaker, Quixotic, Lifetaker, Rend Heaven, Sol, Luna, Astra, Beastbane, Renewal, Even/Odd skills, Sword/Axe/Lance/Bow/Shuriken/Tome-Faire, and seal skills. These can all help a player immensely on any run through the game and it's important to study up on what classes get what skills, something I'll be going further into as we get into characters that change into said classes.

That's all of the main tips for now. More may be added in the future, but for now, here's a guide for chapters 1-5... mostly 2-5.

Chapter 1 is literally given to you as an easy level up for the avatar. Next plz.

Chapter 2 is as easy as it normally is on any other mode. Use the middle area to recover HP and use the avatar and Gunther to kill enemies at the choke points, more specifically, Gunther on the right and the Avatar on the left. Felecia/Jakobs main role is to heal and pick off units from the middle when they can as they can dual strike and hit from a distance with zero worry. The only real threats on this map are Kaze and Rinkah, Kaze going down easily to Gunther and Felecia/Jakob and Rinkah going down easily to the Avatar. Use this map to get some levels on Jakob/Felecia and the Avatar.

Chapter 3 is where things can get slightly interesting. You can let Hans die with no worries, but the real question is, do you even dare to go across the bridge of doom to take out 5 extra enemies for more EXP? It's a risky move, but maybe it'll help you later on. Anyway, if you aren't taking the bridge up top, make your way downtown, walking fast as faces pass and your homebound. You'll be able to pick off some more enemies and come across a fort, which you can use for extra evasion, defense and health regeneration. The health regeneration should only be used on the Butler/Maid as they can't really heal themselves. Don't use it on Gunther or the Avatar because then you may miss out of some exp for your Butler/Maid. The real trick of this map is to be ready once you use the dragon vein. Kill the enemies across from it and then brace for impact as three pegasus knights spawn. You need to take them out with Gunther and/or the Butler/Maid as the avatar might whiff attacks with his sword. From here you have two options. Go upward and kill the 5 enemies for more EXP or just kill the boss and end the chapter. The boss can be rather painful if you aren't ready for his fast speeds and hard hitting shuriken, but other than that he goes down easy. The top 5 enemies are 3 archers and a paired up samurai and archer. Your best bet is to go back up to the choke point with a paired up Gunther and Avatar and kill the Samurai with Gunther and clean up with the Avatar or Maid/Butler on the fort up there.

Chapter 4 can be a bit of a doozy, mostly at the beginning and end, not the middle. You need to gun your way through some pretty dangerous faceless and get to Hinoka and Sakura before they get demolished by mass numbers of faceless. Faceless in Lunatic mode are mean as they usually have some high stats and annoying skills. If you just cannot beat them (which if you can't and you're at chapter 4 maybe lunatic isn't for you) you can always let Ryoma the kill-stealer get them. He will take away good exp from your units. grrrrrr. Anyway focus on getting to Hinoka and Sakura safely with the aid of Kaze and his Vulneary and Rinkah. You do not have your butler/maid or Gunther in this chapter so you need to think carefully about how you act here with no jagen or healer. Finally, the end of the chapter can get pretty rough. There's a group of 4 faceless you need to kill, each of which is pretty dangerous in this group as if they gang up on you, you'll likely die. The best way to deal with them is to not use the dragon vein and melt the mountain, but rather use the mountain terrain to your advantage as you'll get more evasion and defense as they can't moves as far to gang up on you.

Chapter 5 presents the first real challenge in a Lunatic run. The avatar turns into a super deadly killing machine, but can easily get owned by the wyrmslayers on this map and the huge amount of magic users. You should prioritize on baiting out wyrmslayers and magic units with Kaze first and then killing them quickly with the Avatar, Azura singing them and then killing a second unit with the avatar. Sakura can do fine at healing, but if she gets ganged up on, she's toast, same goes for Azura. Make the most of Rinkah and Kazes moves to pick off any units that could threaten the avatar, Sakura or Azura in the next turn. The real challenge comes as you near the boss. 4 mages will spawn, one from each corner of the map and they're all pretty tough, especially if you're still dealing with the other units. Make sure there is as little amount of enemies left as possible when these reinforcements get here otherwise you'll be in deep trouble. I recommend using the Avatar to kill one mage and then camping so that you can bait the other three in closer so you can strike them down as they get to you. The boss falls easily to the super buff avatar.

That's all you really need to know for these first five chapters. Make sure you spread out EXP amongst Butler/Maid and Avatar and you you'll be good for the oncoming chapters ahead. Wondering why I'm not going into a super high amount of detail? It's mostly because I'll be delving into characters growths, stats and more when we "officially" get them and I'll also be delving into enemy skills and more when we get there. Until then, this has been your basic guide to chapters 1-5.

Expect more either later today or tomorrow.

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I hope you don't mind if I add a bit here, Pyrrhon, but I feel like it will help out the guide and players in the same situation I am, which is currently planning Lunatic runs (specifically Conquest)

There are two things in addition to what you've said that are good to consider about your Avatar as well, at least from what I have read on various forums and the Fire Emblem Reddit.

1. Secondary Class:

It's a good idea to pick a good secondary class when creating. Your spouse will also get this class through marriage seals and any children you may have will have this class and Nohr Prince/Princess passed on. So even if you don't use it on your avatar, it might be good for other units.

From what I've been reading:

Ninja (Very high Avoid and Speed, Promotion uses swords for Yato and Levin if magic based, and hidden weapons are very good in general despite having low might.)

Cavalier (high movement, Yato and lance access, if you do + magic easy levin access),


Dark Mage (Insane magic if you do +magic and tomes hit res which is by far the better thing to hit against almost all enemies, AND gives dark knight promotion for Yato/Levin access and magic as well as having high movement.)

are probably the best classes to go with.

Reclassing out of Nohr Prince or Princess to your secondary after you get Dragon Fang is usually a good choice since the more specialized growths do wonders for your avatar.

2. Gender:

Also, while Female Avatar seems to be more popular than male for Lunatic runs, it is with good reason. Jakob is by far the better servant to get early because of being able to reclass into Paladin, whose base stats help in crushing the early game. Because Jakob is more physical based anyways, it's definitely a good idea to do this after you get your first dedicated healer.

Not to mention, Intelligent Systems made a bad decision. If you marry a male avatar to one of the females who supports a character that has a kid, you can potentially lock yourself out of a child. Female Avatar does not have this problem because of children being determined by the male parent rather than the female one outside of your child (Kana) and Azura's child (Shigure).

This isn't necessarily a problem, since some children are, well, bad....and others are rather...annoying (to say the least) to recruit on Lunatic, or are both. But if you are someone like me that has to have every unit alive and recruited at the end of every playthrough...then it matters.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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Edit: Since it apparently has not been said... coughfixedgrowthscough

Just putting it out there for people who are entirely opposed to DLC/Wireless-aided playthroughs: Ch5's objective is defeat boss. If you've played any FE6-10 title prior to this, well... Seize is better, but stationary bosses work for Dance/Sing grinding. Wait with Avatar. Sing with Azura. End turn. Make sure auto-cursor in enabled, too. Azura can reach level 18 before she starts gaining 1 xp per dance (only falling below 10 after level 15). Fifteen is the key level, however, since that nets you Inspiring Song, which definitely helps out early on, since you can actually reliably follow-up (or avoid, tbh).
Don't be afraid to reclass Azura out of Singer in favour of her flying classes (just try to minimize cost by waiting until lv21), since she has enough speed and strength to be decently threatening.

Adding "Dragon" to the recommended classes for Malig Knight, which gives two skills that help out with late-game Lunatic crowd control, alongside its mixed attacking options, and Wyvern Lord's Swordbreaker/RallyDefense contribution. Shame it's weak to bows, though.

Be aware of what classes you have in use, though. Pairing up correctly can make the difference between winning and losing; you might only be able to use one of the pair-up bonuses, but unless you have incredible bulk and avoid solo, you aren't taking out hoards of swarming enemies without a supporter. Especially when Lunatic AI really likes to spam dual attacks (even when they can't activate, or contribute in any way to the combat).

Finally, if you decide everything in this post is useless at least take this one line. If you are on conquest-L, get Shurikenbreaker, and tentatively use Dread Fighter's Lv35 skill. Both at the very least are helpful throughout the second half of the game (which coincidentally is where everything starts mattering)

Edited by Cobalt996
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Edit: Since it apparently has not been said... coughfixedgrowthscough

I've found out the fixed growth thing is actually not true. I've been playing through again and have had to play through another chapter where I've lost once and Arthur got a different level up. On his first he got HP, STR, SPD and DEF. On his second on my retry, he killed a different enemy and got HP, STR, SPD, SKL, and RES. So it isn't entirely fixed and idk what causes this change.

Edit: Will update with Chapter 6 and maybe 7 when I get back home.

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Conquest Lunatic: Chapters 6 & 7

This post will include Lunatic Conquest Chapter 6 and 7. It will be edited later to include chapters 8 and 9 as well.

Let's get right into it shall we?

Chapter 6 is definitely the easiest lunatic is going to get. You get Leo, Camilla, Elise and your butler/maid at your side. Not to mention Xander, but he doesn't do too much. This one is self-explanatory. Deal damage to Yukimura, Takumi and Hinoka with Camilla and Leo and pick them off with everything else. Sakura goes down easy, keep Xander away from Ryoma, gg.

Now the real juicy stuff, the part where the Lunatic starts to happen. Chapter 7.

Chapter 7 pits you up against multiple faceless (18 to be exact, with two pairing up with others) with just two units. The avatar and your butler/maid. I'm going to go in-depth on the choice of butler/maid now. First I'll list off their growth rates for levels in percentages, and the order these numbers will go in will be HP/STR/MAG/SKL/SPD/LCK/DEF/RES. Up first is the maid you get if you chose the male avatar, Felecia! She has growths of 40/20/45/45/55/65/20/45 and she comes with a personal skill that increases the avatars damage by 2 and decreases the avatars damage by 2 if they are paired up. She's definitely much better magic res and luck and speed wise, but some of these not by much. I'd recommend her for some levels more than the opposing Butler as you can get a magic damage shuriken that she does extremely well with. However, her low defense makes it so she won't be taking too many hits from a lot of enemies, including the faceless on this map. The Butler you get for choosing the female avatar is Jakob. His growths are 50/40/25/55/50/55/30/35. He's definitely the more balanced of the two and the tankier one in the beginning. His personal skill also increases the avatars avoid by 15 while decreasing her damage taken by 3. This is a very good skill to have early game, but not so much late game where the hit rates are much higher and you're going to be taking multiple hits for lots of damage. He definitely does better in the early game unlike Felecia, but I find he isn't really the best option in the late game unless you've really been using him and getting needed skills on him.

Anyway let's get into the map and the Faceless and their stats and skills. This map is comprised of three sections. An upper section with a chokepoint, a bottom section with a chokepoint and a middle section with a bridge. It's best to block off the two chokepoints and handle the bridge faceless first as there is 7 of them across from it. These Faceless should not be taken lightly either. The first two have 25 HP, 9 str/spd and 8/7 defense and res respectively. Not to mention they get the nasty skill, Grisly Wound. This will lower your HP by 20% after any combat with them, unless you kill them. This is why it's important to clear them out while having a healer nearby. Jakob is much much better for this than felecia, but felecia can still pull her weight if you use her right. There's a 3rd faceless over the bridge with grisly wound and two more with Grisly wound and Poison Strike. Poison Strike will lower your HP by 20% if the faceless initiates the combat. This means you can take up to 40% of your health if you don't kill it in one round. The final two are paired together meaning the main one will have 11 str/spd and 10/9 defense and res. They carry Grisly Wound and Seal Speed. Seal Speed lowers your speed by a whopping 6 points after any combat with said faceless unless you kill it. This makes it so you could get doubled fairly easily. Now you might be wondering how you're supposed to beat all of this if you only get two units. Well on turn 3 something will happen...

You'll get Silas the Cavalier and Elise the Troubadour. Silas wields lances and swords and his growths are 50/60/5/60/50/55/50/30 He definitely has some of the best growths so far and you'd be missing out if you didn't use him. He's also got a personal skill that, when paired up with an avatar with half hp, they deal +3 damage and receive -3 damage. He also starts at a pretty decent level with some neat base stats, good movement and great str/def. Next up is Elise. Elise is a Troubadour which is basically a healer, but with more movement. This means she can't attack, but this is alright. You really don't need to promote her until say, chapter 12, so this gives you plenty of time to level her up. Her personal skill gives adjacent allies +1 damage and -3 damage taken. Her growths are: 30/5/75/45/65/85/15/55 She is not going to be getting much HP, STR or Defense, but god damn she has some of the best growths for some of her stats in the game. 85% to level up luck is absolutely amazing, same goes for the 75% in magic and the 65% in speed. Although her growths are great, expect her usage to die down as she begins to lack in the needed HP and defense for later levels. Now with 4 units, things seem better, but still just as bleak. That's when turn 4 happens.

Elise brings along both of her retainers; Arthur and Effie. Arthur is a fighter, meaning he gets axes and has pretty good STR and decent SPD/DEF. Only problem with him is, axes don't have great hit rates and he has the worst luck in the game. His personal skill reduces crit avoid of enemies in two spaces by 15 while his is reduced by 5. His growths are: 70/65/0/70/50/10/50/20. 10 percent chance to get a better hit rate... He's not the best unit... You are going to want to use him however. He'll show his benefits later on, but he definitely will not make it to the endgame. Finally we have Effie. Effie is one of the best tanks you'll get early game and for good reason. She starts with the Knight class, a class known for having good hp, good STR and great DEF. This is especially useful for this chapter as the faceless are all physical hitters. Effie's personal skill increases her damage output by 3 if her STR is 5 points higher than the enemies. This is pretty easy to achiever too as her growths are: 55/80/0/50/55/60/55/30. Her growths are absolutely amazing, and she's definitely one of the only early game units that might just make it on your lunatic endgame team. Her lack of resistance and sometimes speed can be the downfall of her though, so you need to be wary of that. Now that you've got 6 units on your side, and you've likely thinned the crowd down to about 15 or so enemies, things can get really easy, or really messy from here.

It's best to use the two chokepoints above and below as so. Have a paired up Silas or Arthur take one side (preferably the top) and have lone wolf Effie take the bottom. Effie can easily handle the bottom on her own, so long as you heal her every now and again and a paired up Silas and Arthur can do the same if you heal them up. The bridge's last 4-5 enemies can be left to the avatar and Jakob/Felecia. The good thing about having Elise is she can easily move from the top chokepoint to the bottom one, so you don't need to have both healers there until all/most bridge units are gone. 3 of the faceless on the top side have Grisly Wound only while the paired up ones have Seal Speed, and all the ones on the bottom have Grisly Wound only, except for the boss. The boss is a really strong Faceless with 31 HP, 11 STR/SKL, 12 SPD, 13 DEF and 8 RES. He's also got the skills Grisly Wound, Savage Blow and Wary Fighter. Savage Blow will deal 20% damage to any units within 2 spaces after any combat the boss initiates. Wary Fighter is one of the most annoying skills in the game and you'll see it a lot. It prevents you from doubling the enemy in question and also prevents them from doubling you. This is a double-edged sword in most cases for this boss, but later in the game you'll find it to be one of the more painful skills to deal with.

This chapter is only really difficult towards the beginning, not as much near the end. If you've got everything planned out well enough, you won't have a hard time here at all. Just remember to keep everyone safe and use them to the best of their abilities. Keep in mind you can also buy some vulnearies and tonics for this level if you built a staff store instead of an armory. That's all for now. I'll update this post for chapter 8 soon.

Chapter 8 guide in here:

So with 6 units, your rag tag group of d00ds is looking pretty good. After the last chapter you get access to the lottery shop which can be your best or worst friend depending on your luck. You can get good weapons and staffs here, nice tomes and the jackpot prize is filled with stat boosters. Speaking of stat boosters, running through a bunch of castles can get you to a point where you can get some stat boosters eventually, so that's a plus. Anyway on to chapter 8.

You have the option of going to paralogue 1 or chapter 8. I'd wait to do Paralogue 1, but if you need the exp now, go do it. I'll be detailing it next. Anyway, chapter 8 is a pretty easy one if you know how to handle lots of troops extremely quickly. You sort of need to rush this chapter to get the big prize, but this should be easy to do if you play safely and do what I did.

This map is filled to the brim with magic users and fighters. The magic users, while not particularly strong, can put massive holes in your team due to them hitting you for your resistance stat and their 1-2 range attacks. Not to mention some of them come with Malefic Aura, A skill that increases all magic users damage output by 2 for any enemy within the aura's 2 space range. It's certainly a deadly skill, especially when all the enemies are in a group. Something I noticed about hard mode versus lunatic here is there is a group of 3 magic users in the bottom left corner. They start closer to you in hard mode, but don't move until you're in their range, but in Lunatic mode, they start farther away and just move when they feel like it. The fighters in this chapter are pretty strong too. Most, if not all, of them have Steel Axes. These are weapons with 12 MT which is a lot in the early game, and combined with their 11 STR, they have a huge 23 Atk. Luckily their hit rate and avoid rate is pretty low. They also come with the HP +5 skill which is self-explanatory and sometimes Quick Draw. Quick Draw is a dangerous skill as it increases the enemies damage output by 4 whenever they initiate the attack. This chapter also has you rushing to get to 3 villages before the enemy, which is easier said then done as you can tell. With just 6 troops, most which are weak to magic, it seems pretty hopeless. Then you get to turn 2 and things get much much easier on you.

Turn 2 will introduce you to Leo's retainers, the mighty Dark Mage Owai- I mean Odin, and the p flirtatious Archer Niles. Odin's use is pretty limited in this chapter as he starts at level 5, and only has one tome on him. He does come with a vulnerary and gives +3 resistance so he's ok in that regard. Not to mention he's got his personal skill which gives him +10 crit when using a custom weapon with a name 12 characters long. This skill is hilarious and pretty good as there are a lot of magic tomes with high crit rates. He also comes with Heartseeker which lowers an adjacent enemies avoid by 20. This is extremely helpful for Dark Mages and Arthur as they don't hit often. His growths are: 55/45/50/55/45/60/45/30. These aren't really the best growths for a magic user. In fact Odin would be more fitting as his heart sealed class, the samurai or a dark knight. We'll get into those later though. Up next is Niles.

Niles is an interesting character. You need to know this now, if you are playing on lunatic with a male avatar, you do not want to marry Niles, as much as you might like to. If you do, you'll miss out on the avatars kid and Niles kid, both of which can be pretty good. Anyway, Niles is an archer and a damn good one for this chapter. He easily doubles and kills all the mages and has 12 default resistance. This means he can tank whatever they throw at him and then he can kill them... If they're two spaces away of course. Archers are known for being shitty at close range and that's true for Niles as well. He has a really interesting personal skill too. Capture grants you the capture command, which if used to kill certain enemies, they can be taken prisoner and used to fight for Nohr. This is a pretty good skill for capturing bosses with good stats, or weapon proficiency. Niles also comes with Locktouch which allows him to unlock doors and chests, which will be helpful later on. Niles also grants +1 movement upon pair up so pair him up with Silas, Effie, Elise or Bulter/Maid and just go to town with that extra movement.

Now that we've gotten enemy introductions and new allies out of the way, it's time to talk about the map and the bosses. The map is laid out so that you start in the bottom right corner next to village 1 of 5. There are two lancers that can trigger villages on the map and one of them will trigger village 2 of 5 on turn 1, which is the village right above village 1. Out of this village will be 4 mages and 3 fighters. The fighters and mages will move if you get in their range so be careful. It's best to have Jakob or Felecia deal with the mages and then have them paired up with the avatar as your avatar takes out the remaining fighters. This should all be done as these two make their way up to the top side of the map to get to village 3 of 5 before the lancers. Lancer number 2 will trigger village 4 of 5 on turn 4 and can get to village 5 of 5 on turn 7 so you need to move quickly. Niles, Odin, Silas, Effie, Arthur and Elise should all go for village 5 as it is much safer if they're the ones in a group. Village 4 spawns about 3 fighters and 3 mages which can get pretty nasty, but the real nasty part comes from one of their allies, who I consider the mini-boss of this map.

It's Flora. Flora is a level 1 Maid with some nasty nasty stuff. In Lunatic mode she has a freeze staff with 4 uses, meaning if she hits you with it (which she likely will due to her S rank in staffs) you'll be frozen in place with -20 avoid. This is why it's good to have the group of 6 down below, because she'll only freeze one at a time. Make sure to stay out of her attack range and just save the village, while making it so you'll live the enemy onslaught. Flora is equipped with a Steel Dagger which gives her 20 Atk total, she has 16 SKL, 9 SPD and 8/15 Defense/Res respectively. She comes with the skills Resistance +2 and Demoiselle, which makes male allies within two spaces take -2 damage. This is another good reason to stay far away from her until you fight her. She also has a horrifying personal skill, Icy Blood. If she's hurt by a non-adjacent enemy, the attacker takes half the damage they dealt and gets -3 SKL and SPD. Fighting her with Effie, Arthur or Silas is your best bet. Now onto the real boss.

Kilma is a Sorceror, a promoted Dark Mage, and is level 3. He has 15 MAG, 10 SKL, 7 SPD and 9/12 DEF/RES respectively. He also has 30 HP and sits on a Gate tile, which gives him +3 defense, +30 Avoid and 20% of his health back at the start of his turn. He is equipped with Nosferatu which heals back half the damage he does in battle. This wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for his skill Vantage. Vantage allows him to move first if his health is anywhere under half which means he'll hit you first and heal. This is also hurts because he has a huge 25 Atk. He's not hard to beat, but you need to be careful anyway. He drops a Talisman which gives any character a permanent +2 in Resistance, so use it wisely. This map does have a dragon vein, but you should not use it. It melts the lake for one turn and this only gets in the way of trying to get to the 5th village in time. Once you've cleared out village 2 and 4's reinforcements and killed the lancers, you can take the mission as slow as you want from there. Don't make any rash decisions and just focus on staying alive.

Saving all three villages is worth your time too as it nets you 10000G which is a huge number in conquest seeing how limited gold is. That's all for now though. Next time, an update with Paralogue 1 and probably Chapter 9 soon after. I'll see you all then.

Hey look a Paralogue 1 guide :VVV

Paralogue 1 is the easiest mission whole game. I recommend doing chapter 8 first so you can train Odin and the unit you get here. The map is literally only faceless and only two or three even aggro at the start. Once you get Mozu, only two aggro. You can literally take this mission as slow as you want. Whittle the faceless down so Mozu and your weaker units can pick up kills and you're fine. That's it, that's the whole mission. Deal damage, heal, kill with weak unit. gg wp.

I suppose I have to go over Mozu though. Mozu is very special. She starts out as a Villager with the skill Aptitude and her personal skill Forager. Forager heals 20% of her health if she starts her turn in a mountain, woods, waste or field space. Aptitude adds 10% to each stat's odds of increasing at level up. Her growths are as follows applying aptitude to them: 50/60/15/70/75/75/55/40. These growths are absolutely insane and they only get better as you change her classes. If you have her marry someone, make sure to pass Aptitude. Find she isn't doing too well to start? Play the Before Awakening DLC and get her the Lodestar class. She does well with it.

Finally, chapter 9. Next post will contain chapter 10 and 10 only as it's an extremely ummm... "Popular" chapter.

So if you're like me, you hopefully were able to beat the Before Awakening level to turn Mozu into a Great Lord. If you were like me, then you also gave her a raider katana and had her grind some levels in Invasion 1 which is now available to you. Invasion 1 should be used to get some units to level 10, and Mozu to level 7+ You shouldn't use Mozu in chapter 9 btw, unless you're confident she'll live and kill enemies when you need her to. Anyway, onto the mission.

Chapter 9 is a weird one map design wise. You start by having to move into fort dragonfall, but you can get in from three different sides. All-in-all, the middle is definitely the best as it's the quickest allows you to net some important early kills. Right off the bat though, you have three spear fighters to worry about and two archers. They all go down really easy though as they don't have any great skills and you can bait out one to bait out the rest. After you kill those five, you should kill the paired up Samurai's next. They come with two skills. Vantage, which was explained in chapter 8, and Duelist's Blow. Duelist's Blow makes it so that if the enemy initiates the attack, they get +30 Avoid. That's a crap ton for Samurai too as they are already pretty dodgy. They still go down easy though. From here, you may question where you should go from this point on in the middle. Well, there's a simple solution, and it comes in the form of a recruitable character...

Just not Nyx. Nyx is a Dark Mage who's really just at the place for no reason. She isn't hard to recruit at all as she's away from the enemy and won't really move. If you want a Dark Mage, but haven't been using Odin, look no further. Meet Nyx, the fragile little Glass Cannon of the army coming in at level 9 with bulk of 20 HP, 4 Defense and 8 Resistance... to put it into perspective, my level 10 Odin at this point had 24 HP, 9 Defense and 10 Resistance... Of course, Nyx shines more in Magic and Speed than Odin does! She has a base magic of 12 and a base speed of 11 which is pretty good for the glass cannon that she is. Her growths are: 30/15/70/35/60/20/20/40. These are absolutely abysmal aside from magic, speed and maybe resistance. Nyx will not be doing much for you in a lunatic run unless you feed her loads of Dracoshields and Seraph Robes and get her a Nosferatu and Vantage as quick as possible. Her personal skill is pretty nice though. Countercurse makes it so that if she is hit by a magic attack, the attacker suffers half the damage she takes, which in this case, will be quite a lot. Remember that solution I mentioned to the later portion of the map that comes as a character? Here it is.

Azura is back and she's pretty darn good too. Why? Opening the chest right above her location gets her a Brass Naginata, Timing when you use the dragon vein above her will allow you to bring 4 enemies down to 1 HP and even let her kill the Samurai patrolling the halls. This map is also great for her because it is a seize map. This means that the boss will never move and you do not win until you seize. This means that you can grind Azura up to a level like 10, 20 or even 30 right here in this level if you have the patience. For this guides case, I'll be grinding her to level 15 to show her skills at that level. Her personal skill is Healing Descant which gives all units within two spaces of her 10% of their HP back. She has Luck +4 and at Level 10 she gets Inspiring Song which increases a units skill, speed and luck by 3 if they are sung for. Azura isn't really a fighter... at first, and it shows in her growths which are: 25/60/25/80/80/60/15/35. With her awful HP and Defensive growths, she can't stand up to much without supports and grinding and stat boosters. If you want though, when you get her to a high enough level you can reclass her into something like a Falcon Knight and get her lots of skills and then change her back to a dancer, because I'll be honest with you now, her best role is as a dancer and this may not show for most of Lunatic mode, but believe me, it is important to have her be a dancer by endgame.

As I said, Azura can use a dragon vein to lower 4 different enemies health to 1 and then can kill 1 easily. From there, the middle pathway your main force is in splits in two. Before you do anything else, look at the shrine maiden ahead of you. She has the first Enfeeble staff you'll be seeing in Lunatic. Enfeeble is a 1-7 range staff that lowers all of a units stats by 4 and they recover 1 point in each every turn. It's best to put yourself just in her range so she wastes all of it's uses and then you can maneuver yourself around the center room archers and fight the spear fighter and archer at the top, they're both really easy to beat. Afterwards, you're going to want to take Niles, pair him up with someone who has good resistance and have him go in range of the guy with the Shining Bow. This will allow Niles to tank the guys hit and then hit him back hard. From the position Niles will be in, you should be able to heal him with Elise or Felecia/Jakob. Keep this process going until shining bow guy is dead and Niles can live a steel bow hit whether it be through bulk or through dual guard. From here, make absolutely sure you kill the remaining archers in the center, otherwise they'll bother you later. After these guys are gone, make sure Niles is level 10 so you can get Locktouch and open up the upper chest which has a Rescue staff in it.


Rescue staffs are fucking scarce in Conquest and you need to know that you'll need all of the rescue uses you can get later on for Lunatic mode, so it is a good idea to not use this here or at all until chapter the endgame... And by endgame, I mean the final chapter. Now that that's out of the way, you have a wall you can break. It's best to break it with someone with a 2 ranged attack, that way you can create a chokepoint with Effie. She'll be able to kill a 1 HP spear fighter in there and damage the other two that happened to be paired up so they took no damage. These guys have seal defense too so keep a close eye on who can tank what after a 6 point defense drop. Finally, after moving into this room, you've got an archer and a samurai to deal with. Not so bad right? Wrong. 3 Archers will spawn in as reinforcements, as will 2 Samurai. They still go down easy though. Silas and friends can tank the Samurai while everyone else blows the archers away. After everything is taken care of, I'd recommend grinding Azura up to at least levels 10-15, 20+ if you have the patience for it. Afterwards go take on the boss.

The boss is relatively easy to beat. Last mission had you fighting a promoted level 3 Sorceror, while this one has you fighting a level 10 Spear Fighter. Don't underestimate this guy though. He's got 31 HP, 15 STR, 16 SKL, 13 SPD, 12 DEF and 7 RES and is sitting on a throne which gives him 3 extra defense, 30 Avoid and 20% of his health back on his turns. He has a Steel Nageyari which is a 1-2 range lance and it hurts due to his 25 Atk. It gives him -3 speed though which means he technically only has 10 speed. His skills are a little nasty though. He has Rally Defense, which can raise the defense of the center archers from before (the ones that you could kill with Niles), Seal Defense, which lowers a units defense by 6 points and they recover 1 point per turn and finally Strong Riposte which lets him deal +3 damage if you initiate an attack on him. He's not super hard, but do not underestimate how dangerous he can get in one turn. After you beat him, you get a Heart Seal which changes a units class based on personality. If you want to change Odin to a Samurai like he probably should be, now would be a good time (if he's level 10 of course) or maybe you want to save it for later. Seals are hard to come across in this game so It might be good to save it. I forgot to mention it, but you also pick up 3000 gold in this chapter which is nice as well.

Join me next time for the lengthy ass guide that will be the dreaded...

Chapter 10

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My recommendations for Chapter 7 if you chose Dark Mage as your secondary: (I have done it at this point, and will likely be staying a chapter or two ahead of the guide as I play, so feel free to take my input or ignore it).

It's okay to change to it as soon as you build a staff store. You won't really be missing much in terms of defense, and if you do +Magic, you shouldnt lose out on damage either. You can grab an E Rank Tome (Disrobing Gale) from Castle Visiting Rewards/Battle Rewards without much effort at all. The faceless also have less resistance than defense bases, so that's a good thing. Over all, I used pretty much the same strategy that the guide does since this chapter doesnt offer much variety because of chokepoints.

The guide is pretty much correct on the characters except for one which will be mentioned below.

A pairing I particularly like is Arthur x Effie because their pairup bonuses complement each other well, and the kid ends up great. Not only that, but Arthur's childs chapter is very important for getting money in the late game.

Other pairings will be mentioned as soon as both characters have joined the party.

Also regarding something you said about Silas

What you have about his personal skill is incorrect. It activates as long as both Silas and Avatar are on the battlefield and Avatar is below 50% HP. They don't have to be paired up, and only Silas gets the bonuses. This means leaving avatar at low health is occasionally a good idea.

It's understandable to make this mistake, because I thought the same thing in my first run.

Chapter 8

Guide is pretty much correct here. Dark Mage Avatar paired with the butler/maid or even unpaired and sat next to deals with the mages pretty easily at the top, and the fighters aren't that bad either. The rest of the chapter is dealt with with your other units, and Avatar can take hits from Kilma fairly well with Elise healing support. Flora is more of an annoyance than an actual threat since she doesn't move. Freeze staves are annoying in general.

Niles is definitely a character you want to use, and getting him to lvl 15 adventurer for pass is VERY important for a....certain...endgame chapter. Odin is fairly meh on his own, but his daughter, and in particular, the chapter in which you get his daughter, are quite good. The chapter offers Horse Spirit and a Reverse tome which help Dark Mage!Avatar a lot, and with a magic mom the kid puts in work.

Odin recomended pairing: Elise.

Magic mom for sorc child. Huge magic and speed. Get them paired fast to get those tomes.

Niles will be done when my preferred spouse for him is gotten.

Please, for the love of the divine dragons, BUILD A PRISON IN YOUR CASTLE AFTER THIS CHAPTER. IT IS IMPORTANT.

Paralogue 1

As the guide says, basically the easiest chapter in the game. Lodestar is better off given to Xander for Speedtaker imo, but giving Mozu it isn't a bad idea. Due to the lack of good archers outside of Niles/kids in Conquest, I would say to make her an archer because Conquest's flyer density is huge.

Chapter 9

I like this chapter quite a bit. Guide pretty much did it the same way I did. I used the paralel seal to make Jakob into a paladin, since the base stats it offers help ALOT with the next chapter.

Nyx x Niles is my preferred pairing here, because their kid will be squishy either way. Her magic makes the kid a goddess with the shining bow you incidentally get in her join chapter. Makes her a huge glass cannon on both the physical and the magical side.

Something I have to mention will be mentioned below.

Something I highly suggest doing for chapter 9 to the point of needing to be mentioned outside of the spoiler is to


You will regret it if you don't. The boss has rally defense, which will make chokepointing the early turns of Chapter 10 much, much easier, and will even help in the later turns. You may have to wait a few days until he joins your party through convincing in the prison, but it's worth it and will help for a while past 10.

Lunatic!Chapter 10 is probably my favorite defense map in the series, so I'm looking forward to writing on it.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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I've found out the fixed growth thing is actually not true. I've been playing through again and have had to play through another chapter where I've lost once and Arthur got a different level up. On his first he got HP, STR, SPD and DEF. On his second on my retry, he killed a different enemy and got HP, STR, SPD, SKL, and RES. So it isn't entirely fixed and idk what causes this change.

Edit: Will update with Chapter 6 and maybe 7 when I get back home.

Your guess is as good as mine, then; I had Conquest Lunatic 17 attempts with Keaton getting a level up on turn 2 to a variety of causes, and I've pushed him getting the level until near the end (by the boss) but still got the same growth for lv19. Sample size is likely around 30 or 40, due to forcing low% occurrence in the first few turns. Might just be a chance of getting a roll instead of fixed growths, or somesuch. Either way, it's fairly reliable, and has saved me before, which is why I noted it. (Def growth attacking an enemy who juuust 2HKOs you) Gotta use the knowledge somehow.

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The Conquest of Chapter 10

This chapter on Lunatic is a doozy and oh boy. It's gonna take a while to write this one (in fact about two Edit: three days : P). Without further ado though, here ya go guys.

So Chapter 10 is the first of many difficulty spikes if you aren't ready for it. It's filled with a lot of enemies, a lot of reinforcements and two mini-bosses with super dangerous skills. Oh and dangerous skills in general. Not only are these enemies tough, this is a defend chapter. You have to defend the 4 backmost tiles on the map from the enemies and let me tell you, it isn't easy. The map is set up like this. There are 5 ways to get to these tiles, through the west chokepoint, through the east chokepoint or through one of the southern chokepoints. The map is filled with water and this opens up a 5th way for your enemy to get to these tiles. By pegasus. They can fly over the water and just charge your 4 tiles with their high movement. There are also 4 villages to get to in this map, one near each important chokepoint. So how do you defend these chokepoints while fending off high amounts of enemies? It just so happens you have 2 ballistas and a fire orb at your disposal. These are high ranged weapons that can hit up to 5 enemies at once for some good damage. However, this is a point where you'll begin to notice a problem. You only have one archer, and the only two people capable of becoming archers aside from Niles are Mozu and Nyx, both of which are awful as archers.

You'll have to settle for having only one ballista and one fire orb user, but this isn't all too bad, considering the ballista in the top right isn't even needed. Now, in order to fully take advantage of what you've got, you need to know what comes from where. I'm talking about reinforcements. These reinforcements are a pain because they won't stop spawning until somewhere around turn 8 in a chapter where you have to defend for 11 turns. That means the enemies starting force of about 26 can quickly become 48 or so if you aren't killing them fast enough. Turtling in the back is not an option in this map. The enemies will get to you and will hit you hard. You need to know who you want where and when you need them there. So without further ado, let's go at this turn by turn.

Turn 1

This should be your set up turn. Have one person go to the top right village and get the Master Seal from it, and have a sword user (imo Great Lord Mozu if you've played the DLC). Go up to the top left. Next you'll need to have a sword user on the top right side to deal with incoming archers. You cannot let the archers on the right side of the map through, otherwise they will use the ballista and hit you hard. I recommend sending Silas up here along with a healer and make sure he has a vulnerary. Next, send Odin or Nyx to the fire orb and fire it at the spear fighters to the bottom left. Next have Niles use the ballista to hit the Oni Savages in the bottom right. Use Azura to hit them again if you need to. Next, have your avatar pair up with Jakob/Felecia so they can get into range of the two Savages you just hit. They should hopefully be able to kill with the Dragonstone. Finally, have Effie and Arthur pair up and get them to the point where they can two hit kill the wall in the bottom left. This should mark the end of the turn.

Turn 2

This is where things start to get crazy. Then again this whole chapter is crazy. Turn two you should have Effie break down the wall. Hopefully your Effie has gotten enough defense and strength to deal with these spear fighters in one turn. Remember, you only need to hit them with a fire orb or ballista to have Effie kill them in one round. Speaking of Effie, if she doesn't have a vulnerary you're going to have a bad time. At this point you can have Silas block the top right bridge so archers don't get through, and if you really don't need Elise up there, send her back down towards Effie. Your top left sword user should get the top left village at this point and it has gold. Lots and lots of gold. If your avatar Killed both savages last turn, you can use Jakob/Felecia to hit the other savage, then have azura dance for them so that the avatar can finish them off with their Dragonstone. This is important because you don't want the Ninja down there to be able to hit Azura. Niles should run to Azuras side so he can dual strike any pegasus knights that try to attack her. Odin/Nyx should use the fire orb on the bottom 4 units they can hit this turn. This should mark the end of the turn. At the end of this turn, 3 Pegasus Knights will spawn at the bottom. Then...

Turn 3

At the beginning of turn 3 you get 3 new units. Camilla's retainers: Sever- I mean Selena and Beruka and the OP character herself, the one that will help you all throughout Lunatic mode. Give it up for, Camilla! The two retainers aren't all too special, but Camilla will be useful throughout the entirety of the run. Let's go over these three in my order of worst to best. First up is Beruka. Beruka is a Wyvern Rider which, don't get me wrong, is a great class, but her stats are just... bad? She comes at level 9 with Strength +2 giving her a good 15 STR. She also has 14 Skill and Defense which is great. Unfortunately, her speed is not good... at all. She has 9 speed. 9. That is not a good number, for this chapter and pretty much all chapters after this. Her personal skill isn't all too great either. Opportunist gives her +4 Atk when fighting an enemy that can't fight back. This is doesn't happen often either so it isn't really good at all. Her growths aren't the greatest either. They come in at: 55/45/15/65/40/50/60/25. This is just awful. Her only redeeming qualities are HP, SKL, LCK and DEF and even those aren't that great. She definitely won't be making it to endgame. Next is not!Severa

Selena has a lot of potential because she starts out as a Mercenary and is already level 10. She has Strong Riposte which makes her do +3 damage on a counter and has Good Fortune which can restore 20% of her HP at the start of a turn and is dependent on your luck stat. Her stats aren't all too bad either. She has decent HP, STR, SKL, LCK and DEF and has amazing SPD. Her personal skill is also extremely great. Fierce Rival makes it so if a partner she is backing up/ is backed up by crits, she will crit right after no matter what... The miss chance remains normal though. Her growths are: 50/45/5/45/60/35/55/35. These growths might not seem too good, but they'll show how good they are when you promote her to a Hero or Bow Knight. Finally, Camilla.

Camilla is easily the greatest unit you'll get in this map and instantly becomes the MVP of this map. She is a prepromote which means she'll get very little exp, but that's alright. You need to do whatever it takes to beat this chapter... Whatever it takes. She is a Malig Knight with 8 Movement, meaning she can fly over the water and get to wherever you need her extremely quickly. She has Strength +2 and Lunge. Lunge makes it so you switch place with the enemy after attacking. It's extremely situational. Her personal skill is pretty good though. Rose's Thorns grants adjacent allies +3 to damage dealt and -1 to damage taken. Camilla, being a pre-promote, also has really high stats for this point in the game. She has 19 STR, 11 Mag, 15 SKL, 19 SPD, 12 LCK, 18 DEF and 15 RES. All of this coupled with her base 30 HP makes it so she'll be on the battlefield for nearly the entirety of the chapter and won't die easily. Her growths are pretty good too. 40/65/40/60/60/25/45/60 is absolutely amazing for a pre-promote and makes it so she will easily become one of the strongest members of the party by endgame. Now, back to our regularly scheduled chapter.

Turn 3 is a little weird. On this turn, you should have Camilla kill one of the bottom left Ninjas, then have Effie kill the remaining one. Then, you should have the Avatar heal up as they prepare to take on a hoard of enemies with the dragonstone. Make sure you kill the ninja near the avatar, I recommend having Niles shoot at him with the ballista then having the avatar kill him with the D-Stone. Next, You should move your top left sword-user onto the leftmost tile of the bridge and have Beruka pair up with them for the extra defense and strength. Finally, Selena should go to the top right to assist Silas in taking out all the archers and spear fighters. Silas should either hit the archer closest to him or should heal. Odin/Nyx need to use the Fire Orb on the two Savages on the right, otherwise your sword user might not kill them. Do with Elise whatever you need to, and finally have Azura dance for whoever may need an extra turn close to her. At the end of this turn, 3 spear fighters will spawn near the boss and three more archers will spawn at the far right.

Turn 4

From here, send Camilla to wherever she may be needed. If the right side is getting too packed, send her there. If she's needed on the left, go up to the village first and get her a dual club so she can fight the miniboss. Next, you should be having Niles and Odin/Nyx taking potshots at whoever they can hit, while Azura dances for whoever may need it, without putting herself in danger. The top left sword user and Beruka can easily defeat everyone in the top left, and can heal up easily with vulneraries. On the Top right, Selena should almost be at Silas's side. Silas should keep attacking or healing, whichever is needed most. Elise should be moving back up towards Silas if she's already healed up Effie, and Effie can just put herself in range of the oncoming spear fighters if needed. Just make sure you aren't careless in how you deal with them, as damage can pile up extremely quick if one you attack is left alive. The avatar should just keep prepping for the beatings on the bottom-right side. Do whatever you see fit next. 3 Pegasus knights spawn, one of them being paired up. By this point the next two turns should be pretty obvious with what you do, so I'll just detail the major stuff.

Turn 5

Keep pegasi away and keep units healthy. At the end of this turn, 8 savages spawn (some being paired up for a total of 6 units that come in) and are spread equally among the bottom right ship and the top left of the map.

Turn 6

This is the turn where things get crazy, only at the end though. Do as you would for turn 5, but make sure that everyone isn't in a bad position near the water. 5 pegasi spawn (some paired up) at the bottom, and the boss uses the Dragon Vein. This causes all of the water to go away meaning the enemies can rush you from any one point where the water once was. Get ready because on the next turn, shit gets crazy again.

Turn 7

At this point, if you haven't gotten all of the villages yet, it's going to be a lost cause as it just puts you at a higher risk of death. Make sure you've got most of the archers on the top right side dealt with, then you can move Silas and Selena away. Your top right person should still be safe as only axe users ever go up there. Effie should still be up and running with her healing items and more. The avatar and Camilla should be taking care of the right side by turn 8 however. Everyone else needs to be firing projectiles, dancing, healing or stoping enemies that charge through defenses. At this point, the mini bosses start to move so be really careful. Along with that, the final reinforcements spawn. 3 savages and a ninja on the top left. 3 ninjas (2 paired up) from the bottom left ship, 2 savages and a ninja from the bottom right ship and 3 archers (two paired up) from the right side of the map. Now, if you've already killed the minibosses before this happens, this should be so much easier to deal with, but if not you'll have a hard time. Just make sure most of the enemy force is dead before these guys spawn, otherwise you'll have to deal with them and these reinforcements.

Turn 8

Focus on keeping the right side secure as Effie basically keeps demolishing the left side alongside the top left sword user. Everyone else can easily take care of the right side. Make sure you don't get too low on HP with Effie and the top left people. You can honestly just ignore most of the reinforcements if you want to, but if they make it to the end you're done. Make sure the avatar, Camilla and others can deal with the bottom right. If you deal with them, you can obliterate the top right after and the map is basically cleared.

Turn 9

Murder the top right enemies, keep hitting the left side. Honestly, if you've made it this far and mostly everything is dealt with, you should easily win.

Turn 10/11

This basically marks the end of the map. If you've made it this far, congratulations, you've pretty much won. Keep your troops away from any extremely large groups of enemies and you'll be good. This map really is not hard by the end of it if you've dealt with say, 10 of the reinforcements that spawned on turn 7. I forgot to mention it, but the other village has a Dracoshield in it which can be great for any one character you have who's low on defense growths. Now onto the enemies skills, the mini-bosses and the boss.

When you see Spear fighters, one of them will usually have Seal Defense so have caution around them. The ninjas may usually have Poison Strike, Savages can potentially have Lunge and Archers can sometimes have Quick Draw. Finally, the Pegasi can come with Darting Blow which increases speed by +5 when the unit initiates an attack. That's all for the skills. Now the mini-bosses. First up is the mini-boss in the bottom left, Hinata. Hinata has high speed and pretty good ATK and has some pretty nasty skills. He has Movement +1, Darting Blow and Armored Blow. Armored Blow lowers damage taken by 10 when you initiate an attack. Finally his personal skill Triple Threat. It will lower your HP by half the damage you deal if it brings his hp to below 50%. Certainly threatening. Next is Oboro. Oboro has Seal Strength, Seal Defense, Movement +1 and her personal skill. Nohr Enmity. When she fights any Nohrian units, she does +3 damage. She can be pretty nasty, but falls super easily to Camilla. Finally the actual boss who you probably won't fight, but if you do fight him before turn 6 you can stop the water. It's Takumi!

Takumi has a skill that grants him 1-2 range for his bow, has 31 atk, has Quick Draw and Wary Fighter. He has 35 HP, 16 STR, 20 SKL, 15 LCK, 12 DEF and 7 RES. You should not try to fight him, but if you really are ballsy enough to do so, he drops an Elixir.

That concludes the dreaded chapter 10 and this long long guide. Next up is chapter 11. Take care until then guys.

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