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There is a new religion called the Quagsirism, within this religion, you will learn about all the great deeds that our almighty god Quagsire did, and how he cured Pokemon of terrible move-sets, how he was a friend to all and how he eventually met his demise...

A Reading from the book of Sire:

"Quagsire ate with and washed the feet of his loyal followers, Purugly, Giraffarig, Ludicolo, Diggersby, Pangoro, Zoroark and lastly, his best friend and most loyal follower Slowking. The eight of them sat together in harmony, as one by one they each had their feet washed, until finally Slowking spoke, "My lord, why must you do this" Quagsire just sat there in silence for a moment, before responding with, "Everything must come to a close, including me, for I am not immortal" At that all of his followers looked up at him with a look of deep inner sadness, he then said one last thing that shocked each of them to their core, "One of us has ratted me out to Officer Arcanine, and I am due to face death by Krook" They then looked at one another in anger, as they started yelling, "Who?!" "Why?!" and other questions."

That is the start of the end of our dearly loved Quagsire, but there is more in the book of Sire.

"He carried up his Pokeball which was weighing him down, pain and anguish upon his face. He finally reached the top of the hill, where he is due to face his death. Awaiting him atop the hill was a Krookodile, he just stared as the once so mighty lord began to weep. The Krookodile, got into a battle stance and let out a mighty roar and used Grass Knot. Quagsire fell to the ground, barely alive, and said with all the strength he could muster, "Forgive this Pokemon almighty farther, for he knows not what terrible moves he has." before falling and dying."

A prayer from the book of Sire:

"And Quagsire did battle with the fearsome Rock(and Ground) beast, known to all now as the Golem. He scalded it with his holy waters, but the beast hung on with its Sturdy defences. The Golem then attempted to suicide bomb the lord, however Quagsire was too Damp. And the Explosion did nothing. Amen."

Proof - http://prnt.sc/aw3kat

It is not just sadness that this Religion is about. It is also about love and life and helping all of Quagsires children. If you join us, you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. You will be introduced into the kingdom of the Sire, our Sire, everyones Sire. I hope I can answer any more of questions about this wonderful Religion.


Edited by RainbowHugs
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Around this time, I would usually make a Helix Fossil joke, but for some reason, I can't. Perhaps it is the power of Quagsire, or perhaps the Meme Lord has consumed the funniness of the Helix Fossil, but either way I must say...

What the bloody heck did I just read?

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1) Viri, this religion is no laughing matter, it is a way of life

2) Masquerain and Yoshi, you must let the power of Quagsire fill you up and allow it to consume your every thought, he is our god

3) Yes, Ice Cream Sand Witch, yes, yes he does

4) My dear child, Combat Medic... You have found the light and your true calling, to love Quagsire

5)I thank you for your comment, Cool Girl

6) TRHStatement, you are wrong, Arceus is a false god, worship of a false god will get you thrown out of the land of Sire

7) It is okay Derogatory, not everyone has time for the power of Quagsire, but for those who do, they will be rewarded greatly in his land of Sire

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Dobby, it appears as though you cannot accept the light of the lord and savior, Quagsire, as he once in the book of Sire

"Those who cannot properly see, will never truly understand, for I am the light of the world"

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