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Let Me Properly Introduce Myself


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Hello, thought I'd just formally introduce myself since I kinda just float around this forum and haven't really made myself all that known.

Hello, everyone! I'm SonOfRed, my server name is GaryWuzHere, and my real name is Nathan. I got the user name SonOfRed because of the game Pokemmo and I thought that was super cool name. It ended up becoming a thing because I started a league that was kind of a stand-in for the E4 when the game didn't have them in yet. I held the spot as champion for a while, but eventually the game became pretty overburdened and the economy was severly devalued after so many people played for so long. So I quit that. Well one day, I was browsing r/pokemon and came across a post about a fan game that was really well written and really gritty, so I thought why not. The game was Pokemon Reborn and I downloaded it around when chapter six came out, Poison in vein or sisters... something, I can't really remember. Well anyway, I played the game and loved it, haven't really played much because of my own personal endeavors, but the game was just really good. At the time I was in my awkward teenage years at 17.

I never really knew what to do with my life once I got to college, I never had any drives. That all ended once I started getting to know more about how the game was built. Reborn motivated me and inspired me to make my own fan game, to write my own story and actually see it come to fruition. So I got RPGMakerXP and learned how to start making my own game. The game never got any far, and with the amount of time I put in with the amount of work actually completed was crushing to say the least. I worked on it for about 2 years by myself, I got 3 towns and was about to put in the first gym leader when I decided to give up and pursue original game making.

Of course, I knew that making original games alone would be really hard to do alone as well, hell it'd be even harder. I'm now in college working on an original story telling game, but I'm taking it slow. I do very little work, I write more story than anything, but I make sure to stay focused on school work. My main goal is to find some super awesome people, become friends and slowly build a team together to work on the game with real developer and professional like intensity.

All this in mind I'm so glad I've found this community. It molded me as a person in a way. I hope that someday I can go back to that old fan game I started and post it here on the community someday. For now though, I'm just glad I came across this place and for those still reading, thanks for hearing me out. Once I finish my original game I want to put it here so that I can show the community that inspired me what it means to me.

Here are some of the things I made for my last game, it's just a couple of shiny edits and original trainers in 3rd gen graphics, but I hope you enjoy them. If anyone wants to use them feel free to ask.

Trainer Sprites




Here's the unfinished demo if anyone wanted to play it. ENTER BUILDINGS IN THE THIRD TOWN AT YOUR OWN RISK

Once again, thanks for reading this and I'm happy to be apart of this community.

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Yep, welcome to the community! And your awesome skills is why I got you to help me! :) Speaking of which, did you read the script for the storyline and how are those sprites coming along? (Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this!)

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Welcome to Reborn!

I've spoken to you a few times and you seem pretty awesome! You did an excellent job on that intro as well!

Your sprites are pretty cool as well!

Hope to see you around :D

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Welcome to Reborn!

I've spoken to you a few times and you seem pretty awesome! You did an excellent job on that intro as well!

Your sprites are pretty cool as well!

Hope to see you around :D

Thanks man, I can't telll if you're refering to the intro of my game or my post. Either way they're riddled with spelling errors haha.

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Question: Do you think you'll get back to making that game you're working on.

Honestly, I have no idea. I may just take ideas from it and put in other games I'm helping with, maybe someday when it seems right.

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I took a glance at the game myself, and I gotta say, it's a good looking game so far. I also enjoyed the intro, and got a good laugh out of that for the night. I love how the player gets to actually speak... Until Will basically tries shutting them up in every way possible. There could probably be a few fixes here and there, but so far, it looks pretty nice.

One word of advice though is to not use the name of the character to start the dialogue in every sentence. This was pretty evident in the beginning when the player was talking to him/herself and it had his name that began every sentence they spoke. Since they are the only one there, their name could only just be said once, and we would still know who's speaking.

But yeah, like I said, there could be a few things fixable, but this is actually some really nice progress, and I'm honored to have you in the Reconciliation Team (Even though you are one of the only actual members of the team so far. XD)

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