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Don't you just hate it


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I'm not really posting this to look for pity or pep talks, but don't you just hate it when you can feel depression creep up on you?

It's like getting the cold, you know that you're about to get it and it just sucks. And just like a cold I want to stop it before it even starts, but not having a group of friends in this new town I'm in just gets to me. Man this just bites. I even know what's causing it, but they are things I can't really control for the time being. Don't get me wrong, I accept that this is gonna happen, and I've never gotten to the point where I hurt myself or others. I just wanted a place to vent a little about it, maybe have other people vent about it here too, because I know one sure-fire way of curing depression is just the presence of other people. Do if anyone wants to vent along with me, feel free. I know most of the times it helps to just wipe your emotions and reboot yourself. I mean the human brain is one big computer, and sometimes it needs a soft reset.

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Hey man, first off don't worry about making something about yourself. Just because one person doesn't feel 100% doesn't mean everyoe else has to force themselves to seem 100%. Like I said I'm not looking for pity or advice on how to fix depression haha. I already know how to fix and deal with it, but it is a process that takes time. I hate to hear that some people have lonliness to deal with. It is something that sucks when you want to hang out with people. sometimes solitude is nice though, but when you start to feel kinda numb, and feeling emotions is kinda tiresome and drains you, then you know you're starting to slip into depression. Depression is the lack of emotions after all. I'm glad you posted that, because at the very least once you make yourself known, and take a step towards helping yourself, then you can deal with depression and loniless alot better.

I've always been taught and firmly belive that happiness is nothing you can find, or nothing that just happens to a person. It's a skill, much like playing sports or drawing, and like any other skill it takes practice to be able to use it well. Your drawings may look bad at first, or your shot may be off when you start, but when you practice(and practicing with other people is a plus) you can master being happy, and see the world with a better perspective. Keep inmind though, that even the best artist, and the most skilled ball player can have off days. Whether it be writers block or cramps. It doesn't mean they are any less talented. Just keep practicing and remember that no depression, or writers block, or cramps, last forever.

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