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"I, myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla."


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'ello, good folks, I'm about to squash Samson to smithereens, but before that, imma take a long hard look at my team, my life, and what to do to it. i haven't played much lately, and part of it has def been 'cause i haven't known what to do with my team, it's just an unholy mess of introducing new talent that i don't know if i'll use 'cause type clashes like a five hours episode of pauls drag race where everybody is constantly lip-syncing for their life.

my usual strategy, as you prolly can see, follows as whack-a-mole. Hit hard, fast and then look away from the screen while the enemy attacks, but it's served me well. A few of my mons have also outlived their usefulness - Emolga now pisses itself in front of even watertypes, Ariados is lucky if it an set up a sticky web.

So the "before" goes

Ariados - Saenathra


Sticky Web

Cross Poison


Sucker Punch

Emolga - Tesla



Electro Ball



Blaziken - Alectryon


Blaze Kick

High Jump Kick

Fire Pledge (ok but it's really good to have a special attack that doesn't cause him damage + 100% accuracy for just going through the routes shhh)

Bulk Up

Misdreavus - Naughty


Dark Pulse

Power Gem

Shadow Ball

Perish Song

Meowstic M - Aegis


Light Screen


Sucker Punch (had Misty Terrain, gave 'im sucker punch for Radomus but he's getting booted anyway)

Nidoking - Nimrod


Earth Power

Sludge Bomb


Rock Smash

and in rotation

Vanilluxe - Nilf


Ice Beam

Mirror Shot

Mirror Coat

as you can see, two Pokémon more or less purely for set up, which I almost never do anyway 'cause lazy, no full coverage with 6 mons (Vanilluxe needed for dragon and ground) and here's the real kicker – i didn't know what evs was when i started playing so Blaziken has 4 in attack and 1 in hp. and Misdreavus has some real shit in speed too but ssh i love her). i need something i can surf on too, 'cause poor nidoking needs his stabs

so here's the casting couch

Gardevoir - Pluto (already trained up)



Moon Blast

Calm Mind

Misty Terrain

Noivern - Bat Noir (semi-done)

Sky Attack (for Samson)



welp. Super fang?? i'd say tailwind but i don't really need speed

Flygon (all trained, I was thinking of making 'im special but then changed my mind so idk) - Dune


Dragon Claw




Aurorus (holy fuck @ dat def typing, but it's cute) - Atlas

Ice Beam

Light Screen

Ancient Power

idk Nature Power?

Dragalge - Violence

Dragon Pulse

Sludge Bomb

Water Pulse / SURF? :D

no clue but i think there's more water hms coming up?

also eevee, piplup, cyndaquil n chesthairpin, phantump, escavalier, rotom, spritomb, sharpedo, joltik if i get the upgrades anytime soon then polygon 2. i don't really want to replace gardevoir, but i just got a clefairy with real nice stats in all but special attack

imma be honest i have no idea what to do or what i'm looking for. general advise? if you could help me take those pieces and put them together into something that doesn't suck i'd love u long time. i can't go back and breed/catch more rn though (i think?), but there's some others rotting in my pc. the more halloween-y a pokémon look the more i want it, but no synergy, will-o-wisp or fire blast on gourgeist is nagl


no actually first, spoil me here: does samson raise the lvl cap?

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First damning criticism: I DON'T SEE A MAGNEZONE YOU HEATHEN

Second dastardly flaw: What is that hideous abomination known as Ariados doing on your team? (Somewhat redeemed considering you recognize your sin and are hopefully working on its removal)

All right, now it's my turn to riddle your efforts with holes, hoo boy.

First of all, I'm the idio- I mean, perfectionist who raised up an armada of perfectly IVed and EVed trophy mons even in Reborn, so I might be excused for my earlier disdain. Samson is tough, yes, but having yourself a good and strong Psychic or Fairy type is usually a good idea. Gardevoir is a valuable addition, though be warned that some of his mons have Dark or Poison coverage and a casually raised Gardevoir may not be able to deal with bulky mons like Conkeldurr or very fast mons like Hawlucha or Mienshao, the former of which I don't remember if he had (it's either him or Ciel who has the birbwrestler) but Meowstic maybe can help. A fast flying type certainly puts in a lot of work. Get yourself a Noivern (outspeeds everything and has Hurricane and Boomburst which can take advantage of the circus field. Noivern is also better than. flygon. Really.) Or a POWERFUL STARAPTOR.

If you want a fast bug and electric type, get Galvantula. There is an event for a Joltik in the North Adventuring Woods, but you need to clear all the webs and logs (do it. Get Heracross in the Southern bit too, if you were too lazy to do it earlier) Galvantula also condenses the roles of Ariados and Emolga, with Compound Eyes Thunder doing a hefty and accurate chunk, and Sticky Web also helping you out.

Aside from that, you're fine. Besides, you have KFCburd which can always get a few Speed Boosts and kill off weakened threats.

EDIT: Surf and Sucker Punch are better options on Nidoking. If you aren't too lazy to chain-breed, Toxic Spikes are excellent on Dragalge. (It gets it from Omanyte, which gets it from garbodor) and you may want to try out a good Grass type. Exeggutor is an option, so is Amoonguss. Both can pull their weight against Samson as well (Sleep time, kids!)

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see, I was gonna make an notice somewhere, along the nice of "fuck off Viri I'm not putting that slow piece of junk on my team i'd rather have meganium on it and besides i don't know where i'd level it up anyway, but I thought no, he's right, if i keep calling him out like i'm gonna have to no homo this convo and that's so uncool.

and this is what i get for a first reply? i have so much regret right now that i could feed every starving child in india with it and still have enough to pay wealth tax. i could use it to hire workers on twice the minimum wage, and have them build a temple, where every strained glass window would have "expect nothing" embodied.

yeah... since i have two flying types and two physics types already trained (there's already a noivern up there, look), samson's bitch ass is mine to reap, but after i'm done with him i want a team, so i'm trying to put these rocky horror show rejects together. galvantula is a good idea thou! i do have a joltik (also mentioned but i understand that you saw the first two mons and then... gave up on me? haha. i don't think i can go back for heracross thou, didn't know it was catchable 'cause it rejected my balls).

yeah, once i feel like rock smash and strength have outlived their area they're out of my life like unwanted children. gonna look into the grassmons, i never used grass types not breloom so... i just gotta get over their unfortunate faces first. my team picking process is shallow as hell. ariados

& thank you, i appreciate it. really. sincerely. the more i add to this the more sarcastic it comes off in my head so imma stop shooting myself in my feet now.


That's the plan, booyah. thank you.

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Did I mention I like your wit? Anyways, you're right that I missed the Joltik, BC frankly I was too horrified by the gijinka sprites, and also due to the fact that if I don't see a Magnezone in my cursory first glance it remains a cursory first glance.

Anyway, not much else to say. Getting Heracross ain't easy BC it's such a godly Pokémon. Here's a hint: you obviously can't catch the ones that clear webs and logs for you; think Reborn is gonna hand you a good Mon without a horrible puzzle? Maybe if you clear all the webs and logs and get into the deepest part of the woods your efforts might be rewarded at last...

And yeah, I saw you have a Noivern, which is why I recommended it. And FYI, temples in India don't have stained glass windows. Usually the South Indian ones don't have windows at all; they're open air halls and corridors BC the heat here will roast your tongue before you can say '43°C'

EDIT: find the method out yourself if you're really interested to have a Magnezone. The path to having the power of the Lord and Savior is not handed to you without inquiry.

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You did! And I made an inappropriate joke about it – no, but I'm glad you're reinforcing it, I'm teetering on the line between being "funny" and just plain insulting people. And you're pretty entertaining yourself, even if I have a hard time believing you're 18 because you sound like you're 28, working as a librarian in a museum and have already released a book about, idk, following the life of an elk pack that subtly reflect on our oppressive school system, got praised by critics but no one that hasn't studied ancient egyptian runes understood the actual brilliance of it. it'll get picked up and studied by scholars all over the world 20 years after your death and they will argue if the correct english translation would be actual uncle or just adult person. elk.

and i knooow, i stumbled over solasis or whatever the hell its name is. and still didn't find the squirtle despite searching forever. I'm beginning to fear those doors too - none of them seem to be in a place i'm eager to go back to.

you're actually making me semi-consider magnezone. i hate slow mons (sorry ariados bb you were great), but my entire team is pretty damn fragile now. anyway, can i get a Viri seal of approval?

and anyone else too, if there's anybody here i haven't scared away yet.

i do need more ground coverage too. earthquake will completely ruin near my entire fucking team now, and the only Pokémons that counter ground are also weak to it. suggestions of what can be replaced?

Blaziken - Alectryon

Blaze Kick

High Jump Kick

Fire Pledge

Bulk Up

Misdreavus - Fantasma

Dark Pulse

Power Gem

Shadow Ball

Perish Song

Nidoking - Nimrod

Earth Power

Sludge Bomb


Rock Smash

Gardevoir - Pluto


Moon Blast

Calm Mind

Misty Terrain

Noivern - Bat Noir

Sky Attack



Dragon Pulse

Galvantula - Tiraraina

Sucker Punch/HP Grass

Signal Beam


Sticky Web

HP: 26

Att: 6

Def: 27

Sp. Att: 10

Sp. Def: 3

Spd: 5

also joltik's evs... ↑ is it even worth it? i seriously have no idea how much of a difference these actually make, but that speed and special attack... if i have to fight terra soon, maybe a grass or water mon would be better? grass especially, for coverage against water, if i replace galvantula. or... ludicolo? i wish i had a lilligant but i never found either that or shroomish. i don't have the eggs mon that i can't spell and a Pokémon with poison as its secondary typing would neglect the ground coverage.

ooor. Leavanny?

500 in total stats, pretty evenly divided, but with 103 in attack (aside from blaziken, all my other mons are special attackers), and 92 speed. Bug + Grass, so double resistance to ground. Swords Dance, Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade, X-Scissors? Not taking damage from weather is nice too in this goddamn game.

on the other hand the defensive typing is the worst thing i have ever seen. double weakness to fire AND flying. and then poison, rock, bug and ice. gl setting up swords dance. wrinkly dollar bill for your thoughts?

i'm the physical manifestation of decision anxiety.

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I don't quite understand you. You have a noivern and a Mismagius that both levitate, so you aren't exactly weak to ground. Mismagius is pretty fragile, yes, but only on the physical side; its special bulk is average. Noivern also has acceptable bulk for a fast Mon. I think you're using the words 'ground coverage' to mean 'ground resistance' because otherwise your statement makes no sense to a humble mortal such as I.

As for those Joltik IVs...*cringes as if a dead rat had been brought in by an otherwise faithful dog*...I would've expected you to have soft reset about 30 or so times until you got a female one with good stock IVs in speed and/or spAtk, then bred it excessively with some other bug or your Ditto until you got a godly one with near perfect IVs in every stat, and then I'd have expected you to scrounge up a heart scale and change its nature to Modest or Timid, and THEN raise it up with 252 EVs in the aforementioned key stats.

I know that even if you wanted to, you're not going to be able to do that until you beat ep15 and get back to the City, so ditch that scrubby spider and use a grass type.

If you didn't catch an exeggcute on the island in the lake, or if you don't have a leaf stone, that's really sucky, because Exeggutor is a nice and powerful mixed attacker which has no problems tanking EQs. Tangrowth can also do the same, if you happened to catch a Tangela in the woods adjacent to the vine-destroyed city wards. (It needs to know Ancient Power to evolve, but don't worry it learns it naturally.)

If you don't have either of them, then...eh, Ludicolo is a good bet. It is quite bulky, especially with Rain Dish (and Leftovers, but I completely understand if you do not have a team of five Lv.91+ zigzagoons, meowths or phanpys to have that 1% chance of getting the lefties with Pickup) or, alternatively, can become quite the dancing demon with Swift Swim and Rain Dance. Unlike Leavanny, (which is not so much a grass type as an ass type) Ludicolo is bulky enough to be able to set up a Rain Dance fairly easily, and can then proceed to spam Surf Dance, Giga Drain Dance or Leech Seed Dance to demolish most of Terra's squad if you play right. Give it a Damp Rock if you want the Death Dance to last longer.

This leaves you without an electric type, so you can always teach Mismagius Charge Beam, at least until you beat Terra and get back to the City. Then you can be graced with the Lord Magnezone's power... If you prove yourself worthy of it.

EDIT: It's a caribou, or reindeer if you will. NOT AN ELK. Know your deer species properly!

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do you ever do something even through your entire brain is screaming "nooo"? such as, argue lexicology with someone that calls themselves "Viridescent"?

I have two Pokémon that resists ground, and neither have any attack super-effective against it. The only Pokémon with an attack super effective against it would get KO'd from one earthquake. So with coverage, I mean a super-effective attacker that survives it, I guess.

Leavanny actually has slightly better physical bulk than Ludicolo, with 75/80/70 against 80/70/100, it'd do better against earthquake. and possibly earth power too 'cause my lotad has 0 in sp. def ivs. "not as much a grass type as an ass type" might be the funniest thing I've read on this site thou.

and i swear to god i'm not being a disaster on purpose here but... i kinda joined team magma. and got sunny day from them, so i assume rain dance is what you get from aqua? welp.

once e16 gets released imma go catch a good magnemine, ev train it and name it canescent in your honor. or possibly kanyescent, also in your honor. even if it's a fucking travesty it doesn't get levitate.

anyway, suddenly Charlotte is next up so I'm most def not training a grass type against her. Going with Tyrantrum 'cause it was already at a semi-high level, and then praying that she doesn't have any attacks of the variety of the million things this thing is weak against.


Stealth Rock

Dragon Claw

Head Smash

It has Rock Head and a wide lens (borrowed from Noivern), so that's no recoil for 150 stab damage. on a pokemon nidoking outspeeds but w/e

i admit i looked it up like "what the fuck no that's a goddamn elk", but– no, you're right. dishonor on me dishonor on my reindeer.

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Ah, I see. If you really wanted something to hit ground types and take a hit from them, Grass types are usually your best bet. You could also try Swanna, which is also an able HM serf with Surf, Defog and Fly (which you can't yet use, but even so) although Swanna will not enjoy the Rock Slides and Stone Edges that Ground types like. If you have it, teach Grass Knot to Mismagius for now, until you can get back to the city and gather some better Grass types.

I'm outraged that you joined the infidels of the Magma gang, when Water and Rain are so clearly the superior option. Enjoy fighting Charlotte with Sunny Day- hers, not yours. (Though the Ludicolo line learns Rain Dance naturally, I'm sure. Anyway, that horrible one with zero SpDef should stay in the dirty ditch where you found it.) If you want to try another Rain Dancer, run back to Routes 3 and 4, and catch yourself a Heatproof Bronzor (Bronzong can also appear rarely. I caught myself a level 70s Bronzong ready for use just outside Calcenon. Of course, I didn't use it; I bred it about seventeen times until I got a nicer Bronzong) which can learn Rain Dance naturally as well.

Tyrantrum is one of the best things to use against Charlotte, though. Stealth Rock will help you greatly, and Earthquake and Head Smash will obliterate everything. It's a damn shame that you can't get to the city and breed it with a Horses to teach it Dragon Dance. If you have the Rock Polish TM, teach it to it temporarily over Dragon Claw and hope to outspeeds and flatten her team. If not, good luck, because most of her mons have coverage, be it Solar Beam or Focus Blast or Hammer Arm or something, and even without them, Sun-boosted + Field-boosted + STAB boosted fire moves from her mons will do a chunk even to that thing, forget the x4 resistance, because it probably has subpar IVs and EVs and because it is also slower than my grandmother.

Noivern will also help you against Charlotte simply because it is fast and resists Fire, Grass and Fighting, and I hope it is high levelled enough to learn Dragon Pulse and Boomburst (Hurricane won't help in the sun because solar rays apparently make winds miss.) The best thing, however, is to fight fire with fire. If you have that Arcanine, it'll be your best friend at the moment, especially if it has Flash Fire. If and when you beat Charlotte, she gives you the TM Flamethrower. Teach it to Noivern and do all three of us a favour.

Although, once you get back to the city, you can and should get yourself the other weather TM by beating the skulking leader of the other gang - in your case, the Aqua gang - in the drug hole to the extreme right of Seventh Street. He'll thank you for whooping his butt twice, and give you Rain Dance.

Oh, and I am honoured by your myriad compliments, even if there is a poison dart hidden in the raisin tart. And damn right, be ashamed of yourself for confusing an elk with a caribou. It's the eighth deadly sin.

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Nope no natural rain dance. Also fuck, she'll use the super heated field? I thought she'd use the burning one, which gets put out by Hurricane.

darn. and yeah 7 in sp. def ev, i'm fucked

and nope, BUT! I have a strategy for the speed, which is, re-teach noivern tailwind. It won't last more than five turns, but hopefully that's enough for tyrantrum to wreck enouhh havoc for flygon and nidoking to be able to clean up with earthquake/earth power afterwards.

I have a Growlithe with flash fire, and, i can't make this shit up


r u crying yet

and, ah, yes, the moral lessons of Pokémon: beat people up and they'll give you stuff. tested and proven.

I'll find myself a grass type after I'm done with Charlotte. if the tailwind strategy doesn't work i'll go catch a spheal with thick fat (and... decent evs?? ahah as if), so it can blizzard the field. i know there's mamoswine too, but i already have two ground mons, walrein has better sp. att and can learn surf, in case she has something that flies

fuck she's gonna have a talonflame doesn't she.

edit: typhosion (flash fire): eruption, extrasensory, rollout, flamethrower/brick break?

edit2: NEW PLAN! I can teach my prankster meowstic m trick room, and then if i get the time, set up a light screen

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Walrein isn't gonna take Hammer Arms and Focus Blasts. It will also not like Thunderbolt or Giga Drain.

That should be enough of a hint.

And why do you do this to me. Poor growlithe. Just...just put it down. It doesn't deserve to live such a cruel life.

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holy fuck you're fast

Okay that actually makes me glad 'cause i don't know if i could take training more pokémon, just gonna get meowstic and tyr up to snuff so we brutally murder this 15 year old. holy fuck how does she have all these attacks?? typhosion is next up if operation: trick room is a miss

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Har har har.

Enjoy the Fate of those with badly raised and incomplete teams when they face Charlotte.

In fact, consider yourself lucky that you're not facing an older version of her. Charlotte in some of the previous episodes was a demon from hell.

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Har har har.

Enjoy the Fate of those with badly raised and incomplete teams when they face Charlotte.

In fact, consider yourself lucky that you're not facing an older version of her. Charlotte in some of the previous episodes was a demon from hell.

Only to be +/- completely swept by my Jolly Flygon's EQ...(Properly bred and raised, ofc.)

Well, Prankster Rain Dance and Light screen can be quite the boon, or perhaps you should check out the 'field effects'-section on the site to develop your strategy further...

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Rats. I was gonna mess with you more. Oh well.

And yes, a properly raised Ground or Dragon type, especially one with a SE move,should be fine against Charlotte. That Heatproof Bronzong I told you of can get Rain Dance as well as Trick Room, js, and is also slower enough to use Gyro Ball well inside of TR. To be frank, I just used my Greninja, Noivern and Mamoswine to finish her off. It was mostly just the latter two with Dpulse and EQ though. Perfectly bred and raised Jolly Mamoswine is able to outspeed almost everything and kill with EQ.

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Properly bred and raised.

Here's a story to bring a tear to your eye: I was gonna go to the shrink, and change my sassy Pokémon to timid. And I just couldn't do it, I mean, jesus. That's like, what they did to gay kids in the 60's, not my mons!

My Flygon has a negative attack nature, welp. And my Nidoking is probably the reason any respectable day care doesn't let Nidoqueen breed. I could go on but I don't want you to disown me 'cause you know you take some freakish pride in being a soccer mon mom while i'm standing here with my inbred and probably drooling mutts.

But ooh, Meowstic can learn rain dance?

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What, you mean you won't do it...for the sake of...ETHICS? What is this...this WEAKNESS!?

I didn't expect you to think that those pixelated bits of data have souls, or if they're really Timid or Sassy or have any personality really. It's just a label affixed to nothing more than a statistical attribute, and change it we must for a more favourable output.

Well, whatever. Now that you've told me you're flatly against any improvement even remotely competitive, I just lost all interest. (Sobs) Enjoy your play through with your ethically raised cripples and cretins, I'll just go over here and torment another fetus cat clone until it becomes the perfect genetic being and hope that it won't massacre its creators again...

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no nonono i do want to learn this stuff! look i even put a power.. thing on Titan, who's about to get a new name i swear


see he's not that bad.

also i make a literal living out of making mutilated creatures in 3d. like, that's my job, what my cv says. come back to me bby we can make this work

so out of curiosity, what's the rest of your team? greninja, mamoswine, noivern... imma assume that whatever you're breeding is not a skitty.

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I was just kidding, relax!

And yeah, I'll admit that Tyrantrum is workable. (In fact I myself used an Arcanine with a mere 20 attack IVs for a long time until I bred a new one.)

But for now, my original team was Greninja, Noivern, Mamoswine, Roserade, Arcanine and, of course, Magnezone. I also frequently rotated Toxicroak and Gardevoir for most of the game.

Of course, eventually I bred myself nearly every single competitively viable Mon, since I had nothing else to do until the next episode.

EDIT: BEHOLD, My Trophy Box #1:


And yes, they are all perfectly bred and raised, with the ideal/best available movesets. I even hatched over 200 eggs to get that HP Fire Magnezone with the highest IV total that gives a fire type hidden power. That's nightmarish, because we only have one Ditto.

Oh yeah, if you are wondering why there are two Heracrosses, one is Jolly with Guts+Toxic Orb, the other is Adamant with Moxie and the Heracronite, waiting, just waiting, for the time when we finally get a way to use Megas. Huehuehue...



This is the First Squadron of my mighty 200-strong Magnet Army. They are all shinies, and none of them have the right IVs or the right Hidden Power, so they have all been dumped into the box. Their perfect cousin, however, is in the trophy box above. Oh, and the Magnezone leading this squadron is the very first one, the one with useless IVs, that I caught and used as the first breeding stock.

Ah, back then I had no life...

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i'm stunned.

like it could have to do with severe sleep deprivation, but I was honestly just staring at the screen for a full minute trying to comprehend this, or put it into some kind of perspective.

in the end i realized that me and homegal get together several times a week to watch re-watch buffy, so with that angle i could ingest this. but... you're on a pc. can't you just, download that pokémon essential extension thing and edit their ivs? or would that ruin it?

I'd also forgotten about Roserade! hmm... well, won't have the time to play any this week anyway, and she's poison anyway.

hattori is a fucking great name for a greninja. and i have to appreciate the way you lined them up. that shiny is nagl thou, c'mon, they could have made it golden!

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Why,thanks, good to see my life's wasted time appreciated. And yeah, I only nickname my ultimate products, the ones with everything perfect. Only they are treated as individuals worthy of being recognized as more than a breed stock or a tool. Once again I sound inhuman.

Anyways, it's true that these mons represent the best that Reborn can offer. Notice that I didn't bother raising some of the better mons because they cannot have their ideal movesets yet; Hippopotas, Riolu, Joltik, Venipede, and others are just waiting in one of my 'Breed Pool' boxes until the time comes to give them access to the moves they deserve.

But... you're on a pc. can't you just, download that pokémon essential extension thing and edit their ivs?

That revolts me. It's as if someone else chews my favourite food for me and forces the sludge down my throat.

Besides, that would only fetch me an idle trophy without all the fond memories of raging at ditto 200 times. As you say, that ruins the fun, and the increased pleasure from seeing the fruit of your labour.

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oh c'mon Viri, that would have been a perfectly fine sentence without the "breed stock". you're relishing this; steel trainer, so cold, so cool, anime glasses shine, revolver. i mean in real life, you have breeding bulls that you artificially impregnate cows with, and if there's anything wrong with the calf, the bull gets a strike, three strikes and off to slaughter. you just... kill all the calves instead, welp okay

or, you know, probably not anywhere cows are holy, but here they're most certainly not we eat them like icecream.

And none for Flygon or Gallade, bye. but ooh, rilou! Didn't know you'd get one. looking forward an excuse to kick off Blaziken tbh, as good as he can be.

that's a rather... colorful metaphor. i'm trying very hard to come up with something funny or intelligent to say, but i have slept six hours the last 60; words aren't happening. all i can say is, you have an odd way of involving the word "pleasure" in sentences i would not associate it with.

holy shit @ your increase in post count

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How absurd. Whatever gave you that notion? *hastily throws away revolver and coat*

And yeah, cows are more or less a divine embodiment of sorts, and some State Governments are so fanatic about them that beef is outlawed and cow slaughter deemed a crime in their territories. When you realise the even McDonald's, which is huge here, features no beef in its menus, you'll be more more aware of the situation.

I call it absolute hypocrisy, to be frank. These pseudo-intellectuals are nothing more than street hoodlums out for political gain and strong-arming. The scriptures that they cite certainly state that the cow is holy, but so is any life form. Needless killing is of course discouraged, as every faith would. If you're going to consume flesh, by all means do so, as it is after all a law of nature, and if you want to avoid beef but pig out on mutton or poultry, that is also fine, but it's not within the jurisdiction of a so called secular and democratic government or its 'representatives' to decree what can and cannot be eaten by others. This isn't a theocracy. Then again, plenty of things are more or less dystopian around here, so we'll let it slide.

And boy, you're not getting a Riolu just yet. Carry on with the run, and let me know when you face Blake, if you haven't already.

Edit: get more sleep!

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The whole meat industry is dooming us. I mean, I eat meat - sometimes - but I do think the entire humanity needs to stop asap if we wanna keep this planet. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill, yadda yadda.

so i'm trying to go vegan but you know, meat, it's sooo good, haha. i was looking for reasons to even before i got into all this conspiracy shit, and people told me like "well how about it's the end of humanity" and I'm just like; "... yeah fair enough, but what else?" and you're right - the world is slowly and all the more terrifyingly starting to look like nineteen eighty-four and yet all the headlines says are "immigrants are killing us! lose 10 pounds in a week!" shit's mad, and I don't even know where to start on it.

wow, viri's an anarchist. i don't know - should there be no line? i mean, obviously human meat should be off the menu, but - personally i don't see an ethic problem with eating cats or dogs - i don't think I would, but still - however endangered animals there needs to laws against, same with animals that cause too much destruction, or torture for the animals to justify it - like geese, for example, naturally less "beneficial" to eat than chicken, so they get force-fed. monkeys? idk. i could probs eat a monkey. see the absence of pam-monkeys on my team? yeah.

yeah i'm doing some kind of accidental world tour of sleeping on people's couches or beds for work... i'll be home soon and then imma sleep 16 hours straight and then continue playing, i haven't even opened the game since i opened it just to screenshot tyrantrum. i've consumed enough caffeine to kill 3 mid-sized dogs just the last 24 hours; literally. I have statics. diagrams. graphs. numbers and shit, you'd like it

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I'm not saying that one ought to be allowed to eat whatever they want. I'm a vegetarian myself (on spiritual and philosophical grounds as well as because I am an animal rights chappie) and I don't say that the government is wrong in barring people from eating all kinds of animals and birds, especially endangered ones. But I do say that not allowing people to eat something on religious grounds is against the spirit of a country that calls itself secular, and that's not being anarchist. Like I said, I'm not going to explain all the nonsensical stuff within my country's framework because I don't want to ruin a nice sunny afternoon, so we'll let it slide.

Anyways, get home and sleep soundly. I'm still waiting for you to verbally wreck me on the art thread.

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