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Team Suggestions~


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Hey guys, this is an in game team so idrc about natures (unless its absolute garbage) or ev/iv's. This team was built with a little bit of strategic-ness, but mostly it's just pokemon I like xD

I am currently just before the Noel battle after Tanzan mountain base btw, so all my pokemon are ~lvl 55


Fire Dog Arcanine (Jolly Nature) [Flash Fire]

Crunch, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Outrage


perishsonger Mismagius (Brave Nature) [Levitate]

Psybeam, Pain Split, Perish Song, Shadow Ball


caedus Jolteon (Calm Nature) [Volt Absorb]

Discharge, Agility, Thunder Wave, Quick Attack


yeezy Shiny Noivern (Bashful Nature) [infiltrator]

Bite, Wing Attack, Roost, Air Slash


bob Exploud (Lax Nature) [scrappy]

Hyper Voice, Strength, Synchronoise, Crunch


grenigga (Naive Nature) [Protean]

Water Pulse, Extrasensory, Smack Down, Quick Attack


Also as a side note, I hate breeding, if it could be avoided I would prefer it.

Thanks for your help!!

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You just posted a team. No preamble, no requirement, seemingly no problem which you want our help for. So all I can do is say 'Oh, ah, I see.'

You also said that you don't care about natures, as is evidenced by a Mismagius with +attack and -speed. And you also said you don't care about breeding for IVs, moves or even EV raising. What else can I say?

You can use a Darmanitan if you want, maybe. Or a magneton. Your moves are standard, your mons will learn some of their better moves at higher levels, Arcanine might appreciate Close Combat or Extreme Speed (you can teach it to it for a heart scale I guess) But other than that, if your team is doing well for you, well that's fantastic, and again I have nothing to say if it does it' job. After all, you didn't mention having trouble with it anywhere.

So, then, decent team, although as a habitual breeder I can't agree with it, (but then you did say you don't want my opinion on that) and I can at best encourage you to carry on. All the best.

Edited by Viridescent
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Arcanine with a negative nature in special attack(Jolly nature +speed -special attack) might be better off with FlareBlitz than Heatwave or Flamethrower as both are special moves(but you evolved Growlithe prematurely before it learns FlareBlitz which is at level 40-ish so probably out of question for FlareBlitz since Arcanine cannot learn Flareblitz by any means aside from preevolve move), otherwise, follow what Viri said about the movepool of your Arcanine. Agility and Thunder Wave on Jolteon basically end up with same result, which is either cripple opponents speed or amp up own speed, drop either of them(Agility preferably) for hidden power(you can check hidden power at hidden power guru at Apophyll academy)for better type coverage

Edited by TimTim
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Some excellent mons you might want to add to your team at this point could be Magneton, Nidoking or Durant. Nidoking reliably OHKOs Wigglytuff with Sludge Wave, which also poisons the grassy field. You can exploit this with mons of your own that wouldn't be affected by the field, like your Mismagius.

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Isn't Greninja a fast pokemon already? I'd get rid of Quick Attack and get a move more interesting for Protean. On the other hand, I have no idea on how to use that thing, so normal may be a type you want to become into. The same goes to Jolteon's Agility and Quick Attack: you should get a Shadow Ball or Hidden Power (if the TMs are available), Signal Beam (if move tutors are a thing)... Also you've got nothing to kill fairies. Get some Steel Wing on Noivern (again, no idea if the TM is gettable), some Iron Tail in Arcanine, some Gunk Shot in Greninja (again, no idea if there are move tutors in this game)...

If you are considering switching a team member for another, I would recommend you get Driblur from the random egg the cop gives you in exchange of a Growlithe. If it's too late any ground type'll do some good coverage. Maybe. Don't take my word for it.

In conclusion, I know nothing. Sorry :D

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You'll probably want to get rid of Quick attack on Greninja and Jolteon and I agree with Zargerth in saying that your Noivern is pretty useless right now(Sorry it had to be said!). If your Mismagmius is focused on Perish song maybe Mean look? I find that Scrafty is always a good addition. Maybe try a Excadrill or a Krookodile.

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