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[Answered] Spoiler if you arent level 75 - what do I do?


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I'm at the part where I need to beat this insane pulse swalot and I decided I need to add another electric type to my team, so I've elected to get a magnezone, my problem is though that I can't leave the god damn agate circus again and I don't know how else to get a decent electric pokemon at this stage..my team is just not equipped to fight this specific monster it's ridiculous LOL a day after I felt great about beating 2 gym leaders in one try each I get stopped in my tracks by a swalot....unbelievable

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Well if you want a Perish Songer, the only one you can get at that point of the game (I think) is Absol at Route 4. You're gonna need an Ill-Fated Doll for it though.

EDIT: As for Destiny Bond, the easiest to obtain is Qwilfish, at Ametrine mountain. You're gonna need a Good Rod for it.

Edited by Despair Syndrome
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Magnezone is a God, yes, but Magneton also stops Pulse Swalot in its tracks. If you have any steel type at all, that works too, since Pulse Swalot can't touch them for anything if I remember aright.

If you lack even a magnemite now, there's no way to go back to shade's place and catch one until you complete ep15, sadly. The best available option for you might be Bronzong or Bisharp.

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Can you buy an ill fated doll at the circus? i remember seeing it somewhere but I can't remember if it was the circus. I also caught a level 62 pawniard and have that in the PC

I'm trying out hitting it with hypnosis, then trick room, then psychic until my gardevoir dies, then I switch to ampharos (which is the third turn of trick room) and i'll hit it with thunder but it'll die after the poison wave hits him, from then on I have two pokemon using explosion and two that attack it first to hit. It all goes to crap when he uses recover or if thunder misses though lol

Just caught a lumineon though so if that doesnt work I guess i'll be spending all night training that to level 66 for it to learn soak.

Edited by zfbhoy
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I'll fated doll can be bought in Seventh Street aka the drug hole. Not the circus :(

I suggest you try out a Bronzong. It is immune to all the Poison nonsense, can hit the thing with strong enough Psychic attacks and is a better user of Trick Room overall. It also learns explosion BTW.

Bisharp can also work because it is simply that strong.

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Where can I get a bronzong at this point? I guess I'll train the bisharp up although his move pool isn't very appealing considering the swalot is that bulky. I obviously don't have the best idea though so what move pool would you suggest? I feel like the lumineon soak tactic would work quite easily too?

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Spolier locked this in case some readers are spoilt

There is a route east to Calcenon City, can't recall its number, route 3?4?(but Calcenon City is where you fought Charlotte) that houses wild Bronzor and Bronzong

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Ok thanks for all your help, appreciate it. You guys didn't come here for nothing, hows this for karma, my strategy essentially worked and backfired the crap outta me. I put it to sleep, used trick room, did about 1/4th damage with psychic and died, switched to ampharos, used thunder and paralyzed it..oh? trick room in effect...paralyzed pokemon goes first, took out my main damage makers, result..W for swalot. Hahahaha can't help but laugh at that, gonna try a few more times then head to get a bronzong.

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Yea I saw that Nidoking was amazing for this, unfortunately I didn't go after a lot of those pokemon I came across, for me it was a Nidorina I think? Came across it in the cage but never caught in

Anywaysssss I just beat the crap outta it in 5 turns. Hypnosis, trick room, psychic (gardevoir faints now) ampharos comes out and one thunder took it out, not sure if it wouldn't have died anyway but I was pretty sure it would after the first psychic lowered it's special defense. god damn i never tactically planned out a battle as much as that one haha

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Yea I saw that Nidoking was amazing for this, unfortunately I didn't go after a lot of those pokemon I came across, for me it was a Nidorina I think?

Actually, you could have gotten him as a prize in the casino and the wasteland. But congrats, it seems you don't need him anymore (besides pokedex filling shenanigans) atm.

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You can leave the circus through a glitch. You just need surf, dive and waterfall. Oh and a tremendous amount of patience. Once you have left it is easy to go back and forth through the entrance to Agate though

Also some extra tactics:

If you have something that knows soak. That would take away the poison type and the waste would kill the swalot over time.

Edited by Genesis
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Spolier locked this in case some readers are spoilt

There is a route east to Calcenon City, can't recall its number, route 3?4?(but Calcenon City is where you fought Charlotte) that houses wild Bronzor and Bronzong

Just for clarification, Bronzong can be found along Route 3.

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what may also help is catch something with blizzard and freeze the water. stops swalots recovery because 1/8 per turn is broken

i´ve used an avalugg for it...you dont even need to train it, because it lives 1 hit thanks to sturdy ability

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There is a way of going to Reborn city if you have 12 badges and waterfall. You need to enter Celestine mountain from Amy and Tania's house, then go to Celestine mountain BF 2 and there is an access to Route 1 in there. Take strength, as you'll need it. Then you can get Magnemite and use the same route to go back to Agate Circus. You'll get a life orb in the process btw.

These are the instructions. You shouldn't get lost.

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