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[Discussion] Favorite OCs


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So after recently watching a rant about self-gratification and masturbation material I decided that I wanted to talk about some of my accomplishments

Okay, no, that's a lie. I would have talked about them anyways :P

These accomplishments I refer to, as you may have guessed by the title, some of my favorite OCs that I've written. And this thread is here for people to bask in self-gratification and talk about those characters that they just feel proud to have written. You don't even have to have done anything with them, they can just be a character sheet or some notes for an unfinished story. Sometimes the best part of characters is just writing them

It always brings a smile to my face to look over some of the material I've written for a character I can be proud of, and I felt like having a place where all of us writer-type peoples can brag a little would be a good thing

Following from that, this isn't a place to critique characters. This thread exists purely for bragging purposes. So even if you think someone shouldn't be quite so proud of a character, this isn't the place to tell them that

And thus, without further ado (or maybe a lot more ado, TBH IDK if there was any ado in the first place), some of my favorite OCs

Artitha, the Loch Ness Saberface

So on a whim I decided to turn the Loch Ness Monster into a Saberface. Which resulted in Artitha, a reflection trying to become her own person. She was originally just written for Fate/Empty Vessel but considering that apparently won't ever start I decided to write a story about her. And the more I write the more attached I become to what was supposed to be little more than a joke. Perhaps it's just because finding one's identity is something I can relate to. But somehow an excuse to be silly has become a very serious design that I want to build on and shape into something more

Temperance Lucas

A very old character from before I started writing here on Reborn. Honestly I wouldn't even remember her if I didn't find a copy of her sheet lying on one of my flash drives. I'm honestly not totally sure why, but the sheet was extremely well-written and the character well thought out. TBH it was probably just to compensate for faceclaims being required by the RP's host :P But whatever the reason she's a very well designed character and I wish the RP hadn't died twenty posts in. I've already got plans to port her to a new story, because much yes. Also bonus points for the faceclaim I found being an Oreimo character owo

Lilith Perditia/Layla

The Goddess of Power and Fear in ANKL. Layla is by far the most OP thing I've ever thrown together. She knows how powerful she is, and she's terrified of misusing that power. Even when she doesn't actually know who she is, she still has a sense that she's a danger to those around her. She lives in fear of herself and those who might try to abuse what she can do. And yet, despite all this, she somehow finds the strength to keep living. In a messed up world where giving up is always an option, Layla insists on pushing through her fears of hurting others in the hope that she might be able to help just one person. Out of all the goddesses she's the one who feels most likely to blossom as a character and I can't help but be a little proud of her


And finally (at least as far as this list goes) we have Lord, who was conceived recently as the First God and ruler of the Plane of Pride in my RP The Tenth God. Coincidentally, I made her to be a character I could be proud of. She's different from most of my other characters, and even the other gods in TTG, in that I didn't even bother trying to make her balanced as a character. I didn't intentionally work to give her flaws or anything. I simply put together the character that I thought would have the most confidence in herself and let a person form. and her confidence in herself has translated to me having confidence in her. It;s a strange relationship that I can;t really say I've ever had with any of my OCs before, and it makes me excited to write more of her. And if nothing else, I'm proud that I was able to try something new

But enough about me (I could probably list some ten more OCs of mine if I wanted), I'm equally interested in hearing about what OCs you have to be proud of. Maybe some of them will be male, unlike all of mine XD (I actually have a male character I'm quite proud of, but he's major spoilers for a thing so he can't show up here, RIP)

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Excuse me while I write an essay for about... 5 to 6 characters.

Honestly probably more than that. There's a lot of my OCs that there's little parts of them that I love a loooooooot. FUnnily enough a lot of mine will end up being female as well though. I... just identify with Female characters more than male ones and writing them is even easier for me. I'm... weird as shit that's for sure. But eh... It'll take me awhile to work up my own post for this. I'll probably get it up in due time though.

For now, I'll leave this one here.

Elaine Morningsglory(( Graterras: Dream on Another Shore)): A really odd character to be honest. She's not one I probably ever would've thought of writing. On a whim and because in Graterras most stories are about people that aren't traditional heros, I decided to make a Tale about a painter. Just,,, a normal person who paints. I don't think I've ever had quite as close a connection to a character. She struggles with a lot of what I do. She, like me, is an artist. We both paint pictures, albeit, she literally does I do it with words instead. But also in our other struggles. She struggles to find a way to fit into a hostile world around her, a way I've always felt in my life when trying to well, fit in. She, struggle with what it means to create art in a world where 1000's of other are doing the same thing you are but at a more rapid pace ((and possibly, a more soulless one, selling their morals and doing work just for money rather than the art of it or because they enjoy.))

But most of all her struggles with love and what it means. Love in all it's forms, friendship, relationships, familial. We see her struggles and her triumphs with them. Maybe in small flashes but we see them all the same. She's a character that while she certainly isn't me, she echos a lot of my sentiments in what that cosmic force love is, and what it means. And, she'll always have a special place in my heart for that reason.

and here...we... go...

Ivo and Astor((Heartless Souls: Requiem of Ages Past)): These two are included together because they are intertwined. At least in my mind they are more complete together than they are apart. But it's meant to be that way. On their own they are probably a bit bland as characters but they are my favorite characters when they are together. Their dynamic is jsut... so catalyzing and interesting. To me anyway. I was a little less then subtle in this fact though. There's a reason Ivo is very heavily represented by the colour white and Astor the colour black. There's a few more things like this but they are not things I can talk about now as it would spoil stuff for Requiem. Either way, I love their interactions with each other. Probably cause it's influenced in part from one between me and a very close friend of mine. I hope that I make that very clear and that it makes them feel a lot more real as a result. ((I should stress that their relationship will probably never be romantic. It's not where I want to go with it. So, don't get your hopes up if your''re reading Requiem. It... could still happen... but I don't foresee it. However I enver know where I will wander at times.))

Snow Ashford ((Graterras in general)): Probably the pinnacle of the Ice Queen trope honestly... since she literally is one. I really need to write her full story, the one of her deeds to become an Avatar of a Goddess. She's a powerful character and one that's a great lesson in determination ((let jokes commence.)), and perseverance. Snow is one that on the forums I don't think i ever could make shine with her roles in the things she's been in. They've been mostly bit parts thus far so I never really got to show of fthe parts of her that make her awesome as hell. She is one of my fav characters though.

Emberly "Drake" Everburn: ((ANKL and Ymora's Revival and that one Fire Emblem RP.)): Look... I love Emberly. She's honestly a character I'm proud of because she's 100% the opposite of things I play in RPs, or write really. She's a feisty airhead and I loooooooove her. She overlaps with a current character I'm writing in Tempest from the Heartless Souls RP, but she stands on her own a lot better. She's jsut a fun character for me because she feels so fresh and so new.

Odin Thunderbrew((Graterras Original)): Good ol' Dad Dwarf. I loved this fella. He had such a feel good vibe to him. Honestly felt good tying him to the party and giving them a motivation. I'll be honest... ((since I'm not going to reuse the same start if I make another Graterras RP.)) that I was going to kill him off at some point to tug on some heartstrings and even more reinforce the desire for the players to get that bastard of a big bad. The Gentleman probably won't make this list since he's vastly still a mystery even to me, but yea. Odin was just such a fun Father figure. It made him... rather interesting to write.

I can probably think of a few more I'd like to write about but... I think this is good for now.

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I originally dismissed this but I guess I felt like putting thought to paper on this one.

Personally, I don't really feel anything in particular for my characters. There are usually several storylines going on in my head at once, and I'm more in-the-moment when I write. My favorite character tends to be the one I'm writing about at that moment - And I guess the biggest reason for that is how I write.

Every character I write follows a simple trick - They embody a flaw of mine, a strenght of mine, and a characteristic which I idealize - Something I strive for. That immediately makes these characters interesting and appealing in my head because I can relate to them, and whenever I'm writing about any of them, I'm fully in that character.

That said, I'm not particularly attached to any of them, neither do I find any of them memorable. I like some concepts and occasionaly reuse them - "Matthew Corwil" being a thing that shows up often in my actual work, but that really working as more of a calling card than an archetype, as "Matthew Corwil" has had many different personalities - but I usually tend to write off my characters and forget about them the moment a new storyline comes to mind.

But I nonetheless find it interesting seeing people discuss what particular character they've written and how it has affected them. It's always a good reminder that the lines of fantasy and reality are blurred by imagination alone, and that things that aren't real can still affect us in good or bad ways.

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Well I only have made one OC so far in my entire life. Hank Nghiem.

First off Hank Nghiem is a play on my own name as Hank is a common nick name, and Nghiem in its native language is royalty while my real nickname means peasant.

I developed Hank Nghiem at the in fifth grade when I drew a picture of myself in chibi holding a bouquet of flowers and chocolates for my mother on mother's day. She eventually told me to keep it and put it into my sketch folder, but as a trouble maker little boy I decided to alter the drawing and make him look like James Bond super agent spy. As I left elementary Hank came along with me changing to a high school student as my ideals became a bit more realistic, but than I joined the anime club. Hank went from one anime into another going from Gundam pilot to Death Meister to Heroic Servent acting as my personal inserted character in my short fanfiction stories. To this day he's my primary character representation and persona.

Edited by Hank_Nghiem
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  • 1 month later...

So I've been creating alot of characters for a possible upcoming story (which is Pokémon related) and one of them has become quite the favorite out of the bunch.

Alyssa Prarie is a young woman who enjoys battling quite much. She is a Whimsicott gijinka, but is not to be underestimated. She's tough as nails and won't give up any fight what so ever. Raised in the "wild" (a common used word for poor gijinkas who live in forests, caves and the like), her mother was an league challenger, but was forced to quit when their leader died. Alyssa's mother taught her daughter the basic battling tecniques, so she would be able to defend herself. As she grew up, battling became her one and only hobby: making her unpopular around the neighbourhood.

She joins a group of league challengers and is the only one who enjoys battling. She's also the groups biggest joker, as she loves to make jokes and do pranks on other people. Having no respect for personal space, people often dislike her as a person.

Alyssa hates water type gijinkas and taking baths. Her father was not very nice to her mother, leaving Alyssa full of vengance and hatred. This is another reason she joined the league challenge: Her father is a member of the water type gym and she wants to challange him.

She dislike taking baths and showers. This became a problem once she travelled with a group of other people. She was forced to take some showers every now and then, or else she would be kicked out of the group.

She goes through quite the change while travelling, but not for the better. However, this cannot be described too much since it will spoil some parts of the story.

(This character is still quite unfinished, but she's still my favorite OC. The story is also still just a simple idea, so who knows if it'll ever become something. However, I still need to finish a different story before I begin on this one, as it is very stressful to write on two stories at the same time. Alyssa is based of a real Whimsicott I used during my playthrough of Dark Rising 1.)

The reason this OC is my favorite is because she the best written character I've ever had in a story (albeit from a story that does not exist yet). We get to know her personality, her childhood, her family, fears, and hobby. She's one of my few characters that is fleshed out quite well and I'm hoping that is how she'll come out in this story; as a relatable character.

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Well, I never knew this was even a thread. But it's revived now, so I might as well give it a go. I'll start with the characters that might be more familiar to some of the people around here.

Zweiss (The Awakened) - The big baddy of the RP I ran for a while. Some of you know him, but none of you really got to know him, which is probably one of the things I regret most about the death of that RP. There was so much invested in his character, but we never got far enough in for him to really shine. The part you guys saw was pretty much a 1-sided, hardly fleshed-out character, while all his redeeming qualities and major roles in the story were never seen. Definitely one of my favorite OCs, though probably also the one I had the hardest time portraying the way I wanted to.

Hades (The Awakened) - Another character from the Awakened, and Hades easily takes the cake for the most fun I've ever had RPing a character. The lab scientist and first documented case of the Awakened, driven from madness to insanity by his immense power. The chaos and unpredictability of every situation involving him was so fun, and seeing Keaton's (Ark's character) reactions was great. Hades was a character that was intentionally designed to be overpowered, and it was a heck of a lot of fun playing him.

Sylva (Aervana) - Anyone here who knows Sylva knows her only from Fate/Reborn. She was originally a planned character for Aervana, the first RP I ran here. She was actually going to be one of the most important NPCs to the plot, and I really wish we'd gotten far enough to meet her. Her role in F/R is definitely a watered-down version of her real character. All the sadness of her backstory and her moments of wisdom get skimmed by outside of her natural setting. I'm pretty happy with the "thousands of years old immensely powerful and wise but often childish little girl" though.

Gillem (Aervana) - I put Gillem in italics as an honorable mention. I never actually fleshed him out a whole lot, though I did have his part in the story planned out. Despite that, I do have somewhat of an attachment to him for whatever reason, and I'm pretty happy with how he turned out as a character in general. I feel like he turned out pretty close to my ideal image of him, which is pretty cool.

Another character that nobody here would know, but a few might kind of recognize in a vague way is Sora the Divine. She's a part of the world that was planned for the Magistrate Council, which as some of you may or may not remember, was a world I tried to build with the community, to some degree of success and failure. I've still planned out much more of the world myself, and may post something that takes place in it here in the future, who knows. Anyway, Sora is a member of the Magistrate Council, a group of the most powerful mages and representatives of the elements of magic. Sora, as her full title suggests, is the Magistrate of the Divine, and definitely the character I find most interesting out of those I've come up with for that world. She strong willed, respected, and won't take smack from anybody, but she has a soft side too. She's known for her dedication, taking on the workload of a Magistrate while simultaneously running the largest orphanage in the capital city. She's got some other secrets too, but those will remain secrets for now, just in case.

There are also characters nobody here would know, as I've never written about them yet. These characters are actually much dearer to me than those above, as I feel like they just have a higher quality of work put into them. They're the characters I've been working on for the last year-ish while fleshing out the world for a light novel I've been planning to start writing. I don't even have names for some of them yet, but they're stories, thoughts, and emotions have all been thoroughly thought out. That's part of why picking a name for them is so hard. I want something that really fits them. That being said, I can share a few names, namely Saya and Zenfay, two of the main "party," if you will. I don't really want to go into detail about them though, as I do plan on eventually posting the chapters up on Reborn and want to avoid spoilers for any who may want to read it. However, two of my favorite OCs to date are from this world, but don't have names yet. I can share some face pictures I drew though. Some of you may have seen these when I posted in them in the Art thread, but whatever. I'm really happy with how these two turned out. They're pretty much exactly as I saw them in my mind.



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Alright, Flux you're gonna be super thrilled with my list of characters. If you'll remember I rode both of those RPs into the grave with you.

Lucius "Lux" Jet, alias Photon (The Awakened)- easily one of my favorite characters in here that never had the chance to get fleshed out. I had a character arc planned with Flux about his brother (Sentinel), whose only power is an inability to die. If I remember correctly Hades was supposed to kill him, as only Hades had the power to do so. Photon could take in and expel light, making him more powerful in broad daylight or in a spotlight than most Awakened, but nearly powerless in the dark. He was going to go antihero at some point, but he was young enough at the beginning that it made sense for him to be idealistic. I would have loved to write his fall.

Roland Charleson (Aervana)- the classic "ranger" archetype. He was a badass in every sense of the word, but noble to a fault. His story was one of a noble who just walked away from it all to wander and help people when he was able to. I remember him doing a load of damage to that big monster in the area with all the pillars, which was a really fun fight. Aervana was always one of my favorites and I was sad to see it go.

Jacob Robertson (Ymora)- Oh gosh... Thinking about Ymora brings back some bad memories just because of what was going on IRL at the time. But Jacob was always a cool character. Teo, Chalchi, Arete and Spitfyre were just super awesome Pokemon that I'd be happy to carry into another RP. But that's for the sequel I have planned for Luminous Dawn, so shhhhhhhhhh

Jason Hooper (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- I love Jason because he's every bit the Pokemon lover I am. He's a bit of a self-insert, having my two favorite Pokemon as his starters, so I'm attached to him in that sense. Also, he's the protagonist in the RP I always wanted to join. After all, that was my inspiration for Luminous Dawn.

Bianca (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- I never expected to have so much fun writing Bianca. She's the only girl I've RP'd on her and I have to say that her bubbly yet commanding personality makes it really just a great time to put her to paper.

Leon (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- ???

Vier (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- ???

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Ohey, I just realized, I can write about Sharp now

Sharp is another character from ANKL. He's a trans guy living in a world where men are literally treated worse than dirt. It's terrifying enough to feel as though your sex and gender are misaligned, it's even more terrifying when coming out means becoming the trash. And yet Sharp manages to remain true to himself. Sure he's not the most confident person, but who would be when your very existence is a threat to your livelihood? He's been given everything, and yet he would give it up if only to be a little closer to being himself. In a world that forces you to conform or suffer, he still chooses to swim against the current. I'm proud of him not only because he's a good character, but because he's a brave person

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Alright, Flux you're gonna be super thrilled with my list of characters. If you'll remember I rode both of those RPs into the grave with you.

Lucius "Lux" Jet, alias Photon (The Awakened)- easily one of my favorite characters in here that never had the chance to get fleshed out. I had a character arc planned with Flux about his brother (Sentinel), whose only power is an inability to die. If I remember correctly Hades was supposed to kill him, as only Hades had the power to do so. Photon could take in and expel light, making him more powerful in broad daylight or in a spotlight than most Awakened, but nearly powerless in the dark. He was going to go antihero at some point, but he was young enough at the beginning that it made sense for him to be idealistic. I would have loved to write his fall.

Roland Charleson (Aervana)- the classic "ranger" archetype. He was a badass in every sense of the word, but noble to a fault. His story was one of a noble who just walked away from it all to wander and help people when he was able to. I remember him doing a load of damage to that big monster in the area with all the pillars, which was a really fun fight. Aervana was always one of my favorites and I was sad to see it go.

Jacob Robertson (Ymora)- Oh gosh... Thinking about Ymora brings back some bad memories just because of what was going on IRL at the time. But Jacob was always a cool character. Teo, Chalchi, Arete and Spitfyre were just super awesome Pokemon that I'd be happy to carry into another RP. But that's for the sequel I have planned for Luminous Dawn, so shhhhhhhhhh

Jason Hooper (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- I love Jason because he's every bit the Pokemon lover I am. He's a bit of a self-insert, having my two favorite Pokemon as his starters, so I'm attached to him in that sense. Also, he's the protagonist in the RP I always wanted to join. After all, that was my inspiration for Luminous Dawn.

Bianca (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- I never expected to have so much fun writing Bianca. She's the only girl I've RP'd on her and I have to say that her bubbly yet commanding personality makes it really just a great time to put her to paper.

Leon (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- ???

Vier (Pokemon: Luminous Dawn)- ???

RIP Roland and Lux. Q_Q

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Well, been in a rather shitty mood lately, but let's see if I can't find a few for this. Surely there hve to be at least some of my children I find worthy of my pride...

Anver Dunn (The Awakened RP)

- Ah, old Anver Dunn. Good man, good man. I enjoyed playing him, quite a bit, and I had laid out more than a bit of ground work for his character development and the path he would take in the story. And those Thermal Abilities of his were probably the most fun I've ever had using a superpowered character in an RP- both for the sheer versatility of what he could potentially do and how he could use it as an effective means of combat. There's just something that charmed me about the idea of a bloke being able to superheat the air in your lungs if you looked at him funny. But even more than his powers, I liked Anver... because, well, he was just Anver.

Perhaps there wasn't any deep, psychological struggle going on that served as commentary on the state of our society or the human condition, but regardless, Anver Dunn was a man I can, and still do have alot of respect for. He was a corporate business man who broke the stereotypical mold of his occupation- money never came first to Anver, Ethics did, people did. If the cost of turning a profit was having to stoop low and dirty ones hands in shameful practices, Anver was the type who would rather keep his honor and reputation. And he was damn good family man to boot... those two qualities actually came to a clash when they were captured by extremist and he was forced to pull off a hit job for them in order to ensure their safety- I'm certain that even if Jory hadn't had Lux try to negotiate with him, Anver's better side would've won out in the end... though, to be fair, he seriously did come up with quite a few ways he could take down the target, but still, in the end, he wouldn't have pulled the trigger.

Instead of bending to the demands of those who clearly had leverage over him, he showed the backbone that has always made Anver Dunn Anver Dunn. he decided he was going to defy the demands of corrupt and spiteful men and and keep not just his family, but his honor as well- he was going to bust into their location and springing them himself. He not only gave the finger to men holding his loved ones hostage, but decided he was going to go after them and fucking massacre each and every last one of those little terrorist bastards if they so much as harmed a her on his wife or children.

Hell, if the RP lasted longer, I'm sure I could've shown off his more wrathful side too. But I'm glad I at least had the opportunity to show his integrity. I think the world could use a few more blokes like Anver, to be honest.

I'll have more later. This is actually kinda fun...

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  • Support Squad

Darius from PSS. First guy I ever wrote, first guy to stand up to the mind-breaking nightmare created by a god and Host who both intended to break him. He got away with it too. He was pretty standard by all rights. Dead relative, call for justice, seeking to bring his relatives murderer to justice. Still, he was not a bad start by any means.

Claude from Ymora. God bless Claude, he went through so many iterations in my head. I figured it'd be so easy to fall into an edgelord trap so initially I just wanted him to be a "nice guy" comic relief character. Then I realised comedic relief is hard in an RP because everyone else is so serious and it makes being there for the right set-ups for the jokes difficult. Still got some innuendos in there but I digress.

Doux, Claudes bruh. He may be a pokemon but fuck it, he counts. Doux was the opposite of Claude in that he was so consistent. Cute, chill and slightly mischievous. ELFUUUUUUUUN.

Varrick from Graterras Clash of Fates. Short lived but I packed more genuine writing into one scene with this guy than half my other characters. Sure he got barbecued but hey, YOLO. Or he did at least.

Jerry from Jerry's Tale. Still working with this guy, trying to figure out exactly where I want his story to go and how. He's a good guy though and I'm gonna feel bad for putting him through some scary shit.

Maybe a few more but I won't talk about them yet because they're not quite done. No point talking about an OC who won't technically exist as I'd talk about them.

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Mareek Akira Sisto (Pokemon Academy... later reused in a gender-bent older form in Luminous Dawn)

- A mareek... this kid, I could go on for ages and ages about him. Even now, he remains the apple of my eye, the character I am the most proud to have ever written. Like honestly, the only one who really comes anywhere close to how much I like him is Anver, and by comparison... Dunn doesn't hold a candle to Sisto. Perhaps Mayanna, from Ymora Academy could've someday rivaled him, if the RP had lived long enough.

Anver Dunn may have been a man of means and integrity, but Mareek... he was something far much more than Dunn could ever be. Mareek, at least to me, felt like an actual human being who could exists. He had all the complexities, the intricacies and contradictions that a true person has, even if I was the only one fully aware of the extend of said traits because I was the one controlling and profiling him from square one.

The reason I liked Mareek so much, was because I could relate exactly to him 99.999% of the time, and the best part was that he wasn't even a self insert; We shared the same personality type, but that was it, aside from that, he had his own history, his own traits, skills, talents, completely different from what I had, not to mention he was pale with red hair- I'm freaking black. But despite that, I still related to him better than I have anyone else before- be they character of fiction of person of flesh and blood. We shared alot of the same problems, the same internal struggles, the same doubts... that was the beauty of it for me- we were so different, yet so alike: The kid was Kindred Spirit, not a self-insert.

He is by far the one character to this day that I've gone the most out of my way to try to get right. I don't fucking know how many hours I spent researching psychological matters such as Abandonment, Anti-Social Behavioural Patterns, etc, just so that 1) I wouldn't fuck up on the concepts I'm trying to use and make a mockery of it for people actually going through such things, and 2) I could send him in the right direction and actually know what was going on in his head.

For a bit of background, Mareek's early life was a rather... interesting one, let's say. There's too much for me to summarize every detail here, but the important stuff is that His old man was once a juvenile crook with some loose ends and his older brother was basically the closest thing Mareek knew to a male role model he knew from the time he was four or five until he was eight, more than enough time for him to become far closer to his sibling than the very man who helped create him. When his older brother left home after a particularly heated argument with their father and secretly joined team rocket in order to support himself on the streets, that bond still lasted...

right up until Galen killed their old man during the Silph Co. Invasion. That was the last bit of news mareek ever heard about him, the last thing he had known. That his brother had killed their old man and up and disappeared without so much as a good-bye. With his only male role model now a murderer and apparently no longer possessed of any desire to have anything to do with Mareek (as far as he perceived his absence as meaning) and his father who, in all honestly, he didn't know that well to begin with because of the hours the man constantly worked... well, there was a lot of shit going on during this time period.

The payoff of it all though, was Mareek developing a nice case of Abandonment Anxiety- manifesting itself in the form of Attachment Avoidance; He basically put a wall between himself and others, a hardened facade he used to face the world with. He had deeply ingrained issues with trust after the situation with his brother, and needless to say, all of this went to be the major pillars of his character, and they were damn strong pillars because these traits were played to a fucking tee during the RP, I made sure to do everything by the letter. Now of course, I know what you're likely sayin'

"God damn, this kid must've been a fucking edgelord..."

Well, to that I say...


"What!? How, you just fucking described a total Cloud Strife-"

Aha, but you see, that is the part I am perhaps most proud about Mareek. Yes, there was edge to him, needless to say- it was an obvious given with the backstory and his own problems with attachment, came with the territory, if one will. But that's the thing, this kid had personality traits beyond the mistrust and teenage angst, some of which, I didn't even know about until I was writing them down in the post and was like "Hmm... well, screw it, that works better than what I hoped for; it's a canon Character trait now." He wasn't just a brooding loner, he was a twenty-sided di. Mistrustful though he was, it wasn't impossible to make friends... very hard perhaps, and at times he could be an arrogant dick, both partially out of Abandonment Anxiety and the fact that in some cases, he really did feel he knew better about the subject than the other person... but it wasn't impossible. As the RP went on, I discovered just what I had created as slowly but surely, he ended bonding with more than a few of the main cast PCs. The ones he could empathize with first, the shy or introverted ones, namely those like Lana or Zeph's Character (I'm so freaking sorry right now zeph, I can't remember the girl's name for the life of me... forgive me), then later on with those who possessed the type of strength he wished he had but knew he lacked, characters like Henry or Jacob, the former of which was a weird frenemy situation where they were kinda like nemesis, but weren't totally incapable of cooperating loosely if needed- kinda like they respected each other to a degree, but neither was all that fond of the other. Jacob meanwhile was his Rival for the spot of strongest of the freshman class: Jory, just so you know, that relationship between them was hands down the most god damn fun I've ever had writing a rivalry of any sort in an RP setting- 10/10 would definitely engage in again someday... infact, that's a big part of why I entertained the idea of being your co-host for LD.

And that brings us to another thing, strength. Just as Mareek ended up eventually growing a bit closer to those bearing strength he lacked, he manifested his own brand of the stuff throughout the story- I never went into PA with the intention of having him be one of the best of his class or trying to win "All" the fights, I just figured, since his mother had been a trainer, and a damn strict one at that, it make sense if he wasn't a total newb... during that first battle with Slade, Exlink's PC at the time, the kid actually amazed me with how calm and meticulous he was, infact he even fucking underestimated Slade (which proved to be a bad idea in the end, resulting in a draw where it could've been a victory for him if he had taken more care. Interestingly enough though, he and slade ended up as Roomates after that. Mareek saw him as kinda derpy at first, but eventually that fedora sporting red head started to grow a bit on him as the plot progressed). Needless to say, from that first fight onward, it was strange... simply from the elements of his personality type (INTJ) combined with his mother's tutelage and his own latent creativity, he arose to become a candidate for the best fighter of his class. I never went into a fight seeking to lose, I just went in wanting to write something entertaining, that I could be proud of regardless of outcome... and lo and behold, guess the effort really paid off.

But he also had strength he had no idea about or didn't acknowledge. Despite his fear of his own self and feelings that he was a coward for being able to put up a facade to face the world but crumbling the minute he looked inwardly at his own failings, he was alot more courageous than I think he gave himself credit for. This was a kid who quite literally wanted to hunt fucking terrorist as the head of International Police someday, thinking only of the good for the world he felt a reformed IP could do, and nothing of the personal risk to himself from such a job (He was honestly a bit obsessed about it, honestly, but regardless...). Then there's times in the actual story as well when he charged into something with little thought of the danger for himself, caring only about the person or mon he saw in trouble. Like seriously, coward though he was, he was a better type of coward than most cowards- his fear kept him away from trying to get close to people, hindered his development socially, but it couldn't stop him from doing what he felt was right in the end, didn't even make him blink. Hell, in fact, I think it probably pushed him further to act.

Now then, in the end, I planned for him to eventually learn forgiveness after meeting his brother after all the years apart from each other and seeing his side of the story and that he wasn't quite the monster he had made him out to be after he left... but the RP didn't get that far. That's what makes me the saddest to be honest...

And now here I go again, trying to achieve that Happy ending in PLD. I'll admit, I was apprehensive when jory approached me with the plans for the story and asked me to help run it, but well, I figured, if I could have another shot and finishing that tale of brothers I began... though, as it is now, I'm abit worried about whether I can do it, whether I've done enough ground work or will need more, but... eh, LD is still in it's beginning stages... plus I have time off right now while Jory's messing with you guys.

Erce, The Iron Angel- Ol Erce. She's a scyther, but fuck it, she's still a character I fucking loved. You can't have Classic Mareek without Erce around as well. They had similar personalities in a few ways, Erce was no none sense and to the point. She was like an Adult among a bunch of little kids- and I mean that... chronologically, she was probably somewhere between her late twenties to mid thirties, and she was a hell of a lot more mature than most of the starting partners present in the RP. She was both Mareek's protector and his moral compass, in case it was ever needed when he came to a hard decision (such as an encounter with his brother), and that was because she was basically nothing until Mareek's older brother gave her to him as a gift on his birthday (long story... involves stealing from Giovanni and the Game Corner, but old Gi was cool with it when he heard his brother's reason and didn't have Galen like, knocked off for stealing from the mob). and in truth, Erce imprinted on Mareek the image of the child she had lost (Yes, even the scyther has a backstory. His entire god damn team had backstories that made them who they are.). My only regret... is I never got to use the Metal Coat. I'm sorry Erce, you would've made a fucking magnificent Scizor.

Nemo, the Atoning Little Soldier- Nemo, ma boy. You changed so much in just a few months with Mareek's guidance. Honestly, I think you two really needed each other, more than either could've known. Both of you were like fucking steroids for the others confidence and self-esteem; Mareek helped you discover the power of raw determination and you were like a little buddy to him. Like, not gonna lie, little bloke, out of the 3 OGs of the Sisto Squad, you had the most developmental impact, even more than erce, which was fucking amazing to me because she had years of bonding more than you. I don't think I could've been any prouder when you completed your journey from lonely little orphan crying because some bitch of a swellow stole his club, to a feisty little fighter wasn't gonna back down or take jack shit from the world anymore. I salute you, good cubone. Hopefully, in your new place at Marcella's side in LD, you can help me finish the story of two brothers... or a brother and sister, as it is now.

Anyways, you were fucking badass, and I loved every minute of writing you, even during the fall to darkness and rise to redemption after the death of java.

Java, the Space Duck- Java, you glorious bastard. That's all I can say. You practically ran shit in the Sisto Squad, I don't think Mareek would've done anywhere near as great a job in the beginning without your help. And even more than just being a manager, you were someone he could talk to and who could actually speak back in human language. Everyone on the team took your death hard bro, but I know Mareek was definitely the one who felt your lose the hardest. You two were the best of friends, right up until the bloody end... I mean, damn man. I fucking cried when I wrote all that. Just as you had grown on Mareek and the others, you had grown on me too, space duck, I found myself mourning you just as they did, even though I knew full well you'd rise again from the ashes of your fate, even if it would take quite some time... you meant that much to me as a character. Just like Nemo, I salute you. Without your influence, I know that Mareek would've been a lot worse off in his development.

Rest In Peace, you glorious bastard of a space duck. May flights of Pidoves sing thee to thy rest.

That's all for now.

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I could name the RP characters but since most of the ones I liked were based off of OCs of a novel or novel idea, I may as well go into the originals. I'll start with the character Henry Baldwin was based off of

Jeremy "Typhoon" (Can't remember his last name off the top of my head):

Typhoon was a very interesting concept. When making characters, I generally was able to label them good or evil in terms of the story or at least which side they were on. I asked myself what would someone be like if they stood in the very middle. And thus this swordsman came to birth. His original concept was quite different than the final result after who knows how many bloody revisions because this guy was hard to figure out.

His appearance and weapon style are very interesting. He actually wears black drapes to cover himself along with black wraps all across his face. The reason he's so keen on this is to hide all the burn marks across his body. His weapon or weapons of choice are two swords. One is a Katana he merely just took from his victim which he wields in his left hand. His right handed weapon, his main weapon, his far more interesting. It's a straight edged sword however the tip of the blade is flat. It's a very inconvenient considering he can't stab anyone with it so most people refer to it as a worthless weapon. It's called Cal and it's said to be an unbreakable sword.

I refer to him as Typhoon generally as I generally give all characters a nickname, or travel name as they're referred to. Typhoon's was actually based on the fact this guy can create a lot of chaos and destruction which led to giving him interesting powers. For an elementalist (people who can use elemental magic without staffs), you 'd be surprised he's a very weak Wind wielder, but it works to his advantage. It lets him move very fast and even "hop" or "grind" in the air. His other power is the ability to turn any part of his body into a plant. He generally uses this to turn his arm into bark to absorb a sword strike.

At first glance, he has the personality of an asshole. He's very arrogant and often taunts and teases his enemies to charge right at him. Sometimes even 20 men. He certainly wields the skills to back that cockiness up. He pretty much does whatever he can to get on people's nerves usually with remarks about their failures and even using nicknames such as bird brain. People who've seen Henry could probably recognize this and how little he values humans. Once you go beyond the surface, you realize he's quite a caring character. Through that arrogant attitude, he sometimes gives good advice and often helps the main characters. He even is considered a father figure to one of the cast.

There is one key difference that really separates Henry Baldwin from Typhoon. Henry is afraid of others being really hurt and scarred in which he irritates others so that they try to prove him wrong and don't repeat his mistakes. The reason he did that is because he felt pathetic and worthless during the Phenac City raid. He pushed his skills too far and it almost costed him two of his best friends' lives. Typhoon is afraid of getting close to others as he'll only hurt them so he merely accepted his destiny he's supposed to be alone in this world.

I can't reveal too much about this one as he has a very, very complicated story. Even the other characters ask him things in which he only gives small bits of information. One of the earliest bits you learn is that he grew up on a farm as a child in which he was very book smart. He and his father had conflicts as he was supposed to inherit the farm, but Jeremy wanted to grow up as an engineer being very interested in technology. That kind of contradicts his current lifestyle since he lives in a forest and only uses steel blades. He also has quite the reputation being an assassin who takes on suicide mission and completes them with ease...until he vanished. Most people presumed him dead.

Since I mentioned him I suppose I should mention Citrine's counterpart:

Sophia "Wolfy" Wolfgrey

Oh boy this character. She came out of a very weird concept. I asked myself how someone who lived far away from society their whole life would act and this character was created. She really pulls out the best of Jeremy despite usually being a commic relief type character. I think it's her personality that truly won me over. And I usually hate characters like this. Wolfy's character design is really quite simple. Grey hair, blue eyes, and pretty much only wears armor. Oddly enough it's male armor which kind of works out for her character.

Wolfy's personality is best described as "a man trapped inside a female body." She's very outgoing and just says whatever is on her mind. Usually that ends up being some type of innuendo. She's also not afraid to get into a fight with somebody and will probably beat the crap out of them as she's very, very strong. I suppose my favorite thing is that she despises typical girl things such as makeup, shopping, and anything tight around her body. She also loves food and will do almost anything you want if you bribe her with some.

She also will probably give you the impression that she's one very big idiot from all her craziness and dumb things she says or does. That's actually very deceiving. She's actually very bright and gifted which surprises a lot of people. She is very gifted with machinery and figured out high level mechanics in merely a couple months. Why does she act like a big happy idiot then? She lived in a forest her whole life, generally as a wolf (she has morphing abilities). Most people she met were terrified of her especially considering they though she'd maul them at any point. This led her to being very lonely in which she eventually adopted and accepted being a big happy idiot. Nobody fears an overly optimistic idiot and often makes others feel better about themselves. If other people weren't miserable, she wouldn't be miserable even if the whole thing was fake.

When it comes to abilities and powers, she does have that wolf form, but she never uses it and ends up losing it. Her blood does give her supernatural strength and very keen precision in which she is actually a sniper and really good at close combat. She sometimes uses other types of weapons, but those are the two main ones she sticks with and they work surprisingly well for her.

And since I still have time, I may as well do the one I based my username off of:


No seriously, I didn't make a Mary Sue naming it after my username, it's actually the other way around. I didn't know what to call myself and that name had a funny ring to it, but I liked the character so I went with it. This one was made a very, very long time ago. For a story that old and poorly designed, I'm legitimately considering doing a rewrite of it as the storyframe isn't that bad, just needs a ton of polishing and updating to fit in the world better. Anyways, this is about the character.

The first thing you might notice is that there's nothing else in the name but Commander. That's not a mistake. He's actually a 17 year old boy from earth trapped in what could basically be described is a fantasy world (that's a story for another day what it really is). He was sent there by some black alien humanoid thing saying "Commander" was his official name now. Turns out he managed to completely forget his name. He even tried looking for any identification and it wasn't there. What's even more interesting is as time goes on, his memories of his life on earth grow hazier and hazier each passing day.

He actually ends up finding a guild as I'd describe and they take this whole thing as a complete joke seeing as this kid was a loony idiot and a complete weenie. The best way to describe him is a stereotypical hero who is never afraid to charge into danger. This is countered by his absurd luck usually getting him out of some sticky situations. Like an enemy accidentally missing him and killing another enemy kind of luck. He's not that dumb of a character but often acts on impulse without thinking too deeply.

What makes him interesting is seeing him grow into his name, Commander, and really shows what defines a person and a leader. He even questions why he's the leader when there are people far more qualified than he'd ever be since they all have more brains and brawn. The joke is so that they can have a guranteed victory due to his luck, but in reality it's his willingness to fight that raised everyone's spirits and united them.

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