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[Answered] First time EV training - is this correct?


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Hey everyone, so I recently caught that pesky beldum and switched its nature to Adamant, which is high attack and low special attack correct? I also bought the power band that decreases speed and increases attack. Also, i looked at effort values and it said swampert gives 3 every time I beat it, so essentially I should receive 15 EV per swampert battle correct? In the grand hall right now there is a person with a swampert so if I'm doing this correctly I'm going to be killing that thing all day.

Anyways if this is horribly wrong please let me know so I can correct myself. Just needed confirmation of whether i'm doing it wrong or right

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Okay so:

-Adamant is correct being a +atk/-special atk* nature

-Power Band gives you 4 atk evs every time you gain experience from battle and the speed reduction is only until you remove the item

-Swampert gives 3 atk evs and a power band gives 4 atk evs every time you gain experience from KO'ing Swampert. Assuming the wielder of the band ko's a Swampert, you would get 7 evs per Swampert (3 + 4) while wearing a power band. The Maximum evs you can have per stat that is basically 252 evs with a pokemon only being able to have 510 evs across all stats

-A power item adds 4 evs of a specific stat each time you gain experience point in battle (ko'ing a pokemon)

Maybe reading through this may help - http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Effort_values

Edit: Forgive me for that adamant blunder! ;-;

Edited by Pandalex12
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Thank you but, am I doing it correctly? I read all that and info on which pokemon has what EVs and stuff to gain but since it's my first time I don't know if it's working or if what I'm doing should be working...also im switching my metang out and then killing the swampert with another so it is receiving exp only from swampert, I read somewhere that it works that way so I'm just looking for what I need to do if I'm doing it wrong. It says 63/8 for the attack stat on the EV page and 0 for everything else at level 29.

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Seems to be about right, what puzzled me was when you said "3 every time I beat it, so essentially I should receive 15 EV per swampert battle correct?". Can you tell me how you got this number instead of 7?

I thought that the power band which increases attack and lowers speed multiplies it by 5. Sorry I know it's confusing.

Ok so level 30 metang has 70/8 in terms of attack EV, I read something about limits on the EVs so stopping is recommended at a certain number, so how do I figure out when to stop? Sorry again if this is confusing and you don't know what I'm talking about, still trying to get a grip on the concept despite reading it. Once I figure it out I should be good

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Nah, like Panada just mentioned, it just gives 4 EVs depending on what Power Item the mon is holding.

Anyways, Panada also mentioned the limit for EVs. 252 is the limit for EVs per stat and 510 EVs in general for a mon. For Metang, you would ideally wanna go with 252 Attack / 4 SpD / 252 Spe. Also, be careful so Metang doesn't receive any unwanted EVs other than Attack, Special Defense, and Speed since you're fighting Charizard, Gardevoir, and Sceptile after it.

Also, if you need to see where you can fight wild Mons for EVs, which is quicker than fighting trainers imo, check out the Pokemon Reborn EV Training Guide V2 (Updated for Episode 15).

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Ohhhh okay okay I get it. So once my metang has 252 in the left column, stop trying to increase it? It is only receiving the exp from swampert, so as long as I continue only receiving swampert exp it'll work right? When it's time to increase the special defense I'll have to go find a pokemon that rewards special defense EVs correct?

I'll definitely look at the guide, I think I understand what to do now though

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Well, once you reach the limit, you'll stop gaining EVs automatically so yea. Just move onto the next stat that you want to EV train til you reach the max for it as well.

Regarding what you should do next, just focus on Speed for now since that is another stat to max to 252 EVs. Once you do that, you can just get the 4 SpD EVs easily and won't have to worry about putting too many EVs in Special Defense.

And sure thing, just check the bottom section for the best spots since that'll allow you to fight low level mons that give the EVs that you want. Also, if you do manage to get more than 4 SpD EVs, there are Friendship Berries in the Department Store that can reduce EVs by 10. If you don't have enough stickers to reach the floor, check out the NEW sticker guide (Episode 14+).

Also sorry Panada :]

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Ok I think I got the idea of it, question though, why should I up my eventual metagross' speed instead of another stat?

Thanks for your help, I think I have access to 5 or 6 floors, I know I got access to mid-tier items and then received another department sticker after that

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Well, considering this is for a in-game team rather than a competitive team, you can put the EVs from Speed into something else if you really want to. I only suggested that EV spread rather than the bulky spread mainly because no Assault Vest in the game yet and it is ideal to let Metagross be as powerful and fast as possible. Metagross has great natural bulk with 80 HP / 130 Defense / 90 Special Defense so you don't even really have invest into any of that aside HP, but that's for the bulky spread.

Do note that the Gym Leaders and other noteworthy trainers will have competitive movesets, including EV spreads so having the ideal EV spread is the best.

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What does an Assault vest do? Also you're right in regards to the gym leaders, I just thought that Metagross had low speed and since these power bands keep it low whilst raising my attack I thought it'd be worth it to have a very defensive and offensive one. Is it better to have defense and HP or Attack and speed?

Ok my attack ev maxed out right now at 252, I can fight the sceptile over and over in the grand hall as one of the trainers has it. Should be able to max out my speed that way

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What does an Assault vest do? Also you're right in regards to the gym leaders, I just thought that Metagross had low speed and since these power bands keep it low whilst raising my attack I thought it'd be worth it to have a very defensive and offensive one. Is it better to have defense and HP or Attack and speed?

Ok my attack ev maxed out right now at 252, I can fight the sceptile over and over in the grand hall as one of the trainers has it. Should be able to max out my speed that way

Assault Vest forces you to only use attacks, but gives you a 1.5x boost to your Special Defense. Helpful to those Pokemon who aren't too frail and don't need to use use status moves.

I'd personally put the other 252 EVs in HP, as base 70 speed isn't that great compared to other Pokemon, and the HP will help Metagross survive more hits. But you can do what you want to do, it's in-game after all!

The Power Band will only temporarily make you lose Speed, once you take that item off, your Speed will be back to normal.

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Yeah I just read the power band description on another screen and it cleared it up, I think I completely understand the whole way this system works now, I was just doing speed but I also noticed his base speed was very low so I actually may go for special defense or HP. What do you guys think would be better? Do all the ev trained categories increase by the same amount? For example if my attack stat gets raised by 60 points by ev training, would my HP or speed increase by 60 if I max out that ev?

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The calculation for HP is different than for other stats so I'm not sure for this one, but it's the same for all other stats.

Also, some tips to make EV training faster : don't bother with fighting just one pokemon in a whole team, it takes too much time. For attack EV, the best is probably to fight Goldeen in the secret pool in Peridot using the old rod. And if you want to train another stat, let's take HP for this example, just give your Metang the power weight that gives HP EV then keep fighting Goldeen. That way each time you kill a Goldeen, you get 1 EV attack and 4 EV HP, so no unwanted EV. There are Finneon that give HP in the pool too. Train HP first to slightly increase attack too, then finish attack EV. I trained a lot of pokemons that way and trust me, it's much faster.

For the choice of the last stat to train, well 70 base stat isn't great, but with EV training you will still be able to outspeed many pokemons, and when you're outspeed you'll still be bulky enough without EV to stand a few hits. While if you increase your bulk, well, you'll be able to take a few hits more, but if all your ennemies are faster than you and so attack you, your bulk boost won't help you much.

I would say it depends on your team. Personnaly I prefer fast hitters, but if you already have some, a bulky mon can save you when facing a opponent faster than your fastest mons and that can OHKO you. And against gym leaders this will probably happen

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I ended up maxing out the Attack and Speed with some special defense added, I looked at my team and I decided I needed more of a fast really strong one rather than another strong mediocre speed one. I'm looking at so many of my pokemon in the PC though and all their natures suck lol

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After the 8th badge you'll be able to change the nature of your pokemon in exchange for a heartscale. If you have a Metang, it means you're going to face or have already beaten Radomus, so don't worry about natures, it won't be a problem soon.

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