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FAQin' Promotions

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Oh lookie, to help out with the increased server traffic, and because there still manage to be times when we have no mods/admins on, and because we need a new forum mod, and because these people have been helping out a lot late and/or been consistent positive/mature influences in the community, we're promoting a few of them!

Congratulations to Kiozo and Xiphera, our new server mods. If you remember the announcement a few weeks ago, Kio has been helping us improve the rules for Reborn, and comes with plenty of past experience authing PO. Xiphera on the other hand is active at all hours of the day- even the ones he doesn't necessarily want to be... and will be a great help in keeping everything under control~

For the forum, Maelstrom will be helping to keep everything clean- and for those of you who don't know, in all technicality, Mael is actualy the co-founder of Reborn back in its 2007 incarnation, so I think we can trust him to do a good job. Now, as we know, he is serving overseas, so his time is limited- he's gonna see what he can do for us though. In order to help him out, the server admins will naturally have forum mod powers as well.

And on the note of Server Admins, we're adding Hark to that list! Hark is currently the longest-standing mod, and on top of running the league and everything else he does, has been working very hard for us lately, and certainly deserves the position.

Oh lookie, woooooo~

^ it's 1 AM and that is the full extent of my excitement, so here, have 37 and 1/5th more exclamation points to make up for it! (< not counting that one)


In other news, the results are in from the questions everyone submitted, and they take the form in our fancy new FAQ! It's pretty extensive, covering topics about PO itself, the site, server and league, and both staff and new members alike are encouraged to refer new/inquiring minds to it. There's a fancy-pantsy link system in place, so if you play the URL right, you can instantly refer a person to a specific question. For instance, http://www.poke-plac....html#chatspeak jumps right to the section about what is chatspeak! Since just about every person who uses it, apparently doesn't know... Anyway! It's great, makes life easy for new and old members alike.

And now 53 more exclamation points.


(PS I'm gonna be gone all weekend, so behave, okay? <3)

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Congrats to Batl and Xiphera, and may they do a great job, same to Mael! Yay for Hark~!<3

As for the FAQ, I'm glad something was finally added to help substantiate those edgy new members that don't know exactly what's up. Thanks, Ame.

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