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Reborn's Official Supreme Chancellor of Hugs.


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As some of you may have heard, I am the new leader of hugs, or to be official: Reborn's Official Supreme Chancellor of Hugs.

If you are ever in need of a person to hug, then look no further than me, I may be annoying and grouchy at times, but I am always open for a hug, you may ask one of many satisfied customers of my hugs (I think), Ame, Cool Girl, Scarlet, Pancake, they will all tell you that my hugs are amazing. But be warned, the power of a hug goes beyond just a friendship, it dives into a whole new level of love, the "Hugship" now when you are within the Hugship, your bonds will never be broken, your love shall remain intact and forever.

I as the Reborn's Official Supreme Chancellor of Hugs, promise to support you with all your hugging needs and if you ever want to hug another person, don't just hug them, ask me if you have permission, or you have to get a certified card from me and put it on your signature. That is all, good day to you all

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I can personally attest that Rainbow-made hugs are among the highest calibur of hugs you will find here on Reborn. I hope everyone treats the new standing Supreme Chancellor of Hugs with as much respect as she deserves for her hard work and hugging.

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