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Magnezone EV training question


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So after a few tries I finally caught the perfect magnemite with a quiet nature (+ special attack, - speed) with the ability analytic. I already decided that I will boost the special attack ev to 252, but I was wondering what other stat would be a good idea to boost. I know spdef EVs are a little bit harder to come by and an opportunity has come up where I can get them pretty quickly so I was wondering if I should do 252 sp attack, 252 sp defense, and 6 HP maybe. Do you guys think I would be better off improving his special defense or his HP? As the base special defense is 90, and the base defense is 115 I thought it'd be a better a advantage to have more special defense over hp because the base hp is 70.

Edited by zfbhoy
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If it were me I would go for HP since that lets you tank physical and special hits slightly better albeit not as good as just focusing on defense or special def.

It's because the base HP is low that I'd pick HP though; EVs add stats regardless of base stats (unless you're a shedninja which then it's just a waste).

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I figured I'd just boost it's special defense, my reasoning behind that was because it's resistant to so many types besides fire, fighting and ground and if the defense is higher it should keep more hp from super effective moves regardless right? My only question is if I should do 252 spD or 126 spD and 126 D or go for 252 spD because his defense is naturally higher than special defense. Is there a point to doing maybe 189 spD and 63 D?

Edited by zfbhoy
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189 and 63 is wasted as it's not divisible by 4 (for lvl 100s).

At lvl 50, 8 evs = 1 stat

At lvl 25 16 evs = 1 stat if I'm correct

I see what you're saying but HP is important as well going by the logic that even if you take a resisted hit, you may not have the hp to survive.

HP is also a defensive stat so it is important to consider. And you have to consider whether or not your opponents will run mixed attack sets as well - not that I'm saying you're wrong.

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So 252 EVs give +63 in any given stat, correct? Still learning how to do this lol

Yeah I understand there are many different ways to go about this, I guess I mean 164 and 188 lol, didn't know it divided by different numbers as the levels progress but it makes a lot of sense. So I essentially would be receiving a +41 stat in spD, 22 in D, and 63 in spA ...right ?

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How can there be any discussion about Magnezone without me?

All right, for Reborn purposes, wherein you do not have access to most TMs and unless you are me, who spends time hatching hundreds of eggs to get HP fire and perfect IVs on his genderless pokes, the best moves your Magnezone can have are Discharge (learns naturally), Flash Cannon (also learns Naturally), Charge Beam (TM from Julia, good for boosting SpAtk) and the last move can be your choice of Thunder Wave, Magnet Rise, Hidden Power (If by chance it is Fire, Ice or Grass) and TriAttack.

The best spread for your Magnezone would to max out SpAtk and put in 128 HP and 128 Speed. But this isn't competitive, so maxing out HP might just be more worthwhile.

I'd change the nature from Quiet to Modest also. You need every point of speed you can get, and Magnezone isn't using its attack stat for anything.

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