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I Have No Soul!


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Hank Nghiem here, and my Weakness Policy, Endure Shedinja

Yes I have no soul. Would you like a Custap Berry, Wobbuffet give them a Custap Berry. Don't worry I heard its really good for bonding you to your destiny.

Anyways I'm new to the Pokémon Reborn forums, but not the game I'm all caught up, and I have many, many boxes full of Pokémon all level 70 and above, all shiny, all EV trained, and all good natures. >.> (IV training) I'm on to you! Of the 600 something I've caught 572 so making my way to a live pokedex.

It just recently occurred to me I should really get into this community since I always seem to recommend this game first and foremost to my friends. In addition I spend many, many hours on it each day increasing my roster by catching any shiny and training them in various ways with varying movesets. Also I nickname all of them, but I will be the first to admit some of these names are horrible: Krabby the Kinglar very original.

Anyways I hope to be around joining in on conversations.

Biggest regret: Thinking an Adament Nature Froakie was a really good idea. Benched him a long time ago going to do some therapy and berry picking with him some day.

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Hello and welcome to Reborn, Hank. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here. Like berries? Good. Spent a lot of time breeding and raising perfect mons in Reborn? Excellent, that's two of us. No soul? Perfect, you'll fit just right in.

Give the Community Rules on the left a good read, and do drop in on the Showdown Server for a few chats.

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Hey there! Nice to see you finally arriving here on the forum. Welcome! From the sounds of it, you have a lot of experience with Reborn.

If you fancy a chat, a lot of us frequent the Showdown Server. You can find a link in the top left.

See you around!

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Hello Hank. Welcome to Reborn. If you want a new soul I think someone has a form you can fill, but I forgot who. Just ask around and I guess someone will eventually give you one. You should get your new soul in six to eight weeks.

Well, jokes aside, welcome to Reborn! I hope you like the forum!

By the way, I'm looking for someone with a Froakie to trade. Take a look to the trading thread if you want, and should I have something you still don't, just ask for it.


Edited by Lugruf
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I spot a ghost.

You are allowed.





Please don;t give me a warning or something for this message.

Anywho, let's ignore my innability to format properly in regards to fonts sizes and colours.

Let's talk about ghosts.

Ghosts ghosts ghosts ghosts.

You stay away from him , d'you hear?

He's mine.

On the other hand, welcome to the forums.

You can consider yourself special because I'm too lazy to greet a lot of people.

So you'd better stick around.


And ever.

............and ever.

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Welcome to Reborn, friend!

You seem like a cool person (anyone who like Ghost types, or in your case - Shedinja, is a cool person)

You seem to be at the top of the Pokemon Reborn food chain judging from your introduction.

Congrats! You should be proud of yourself. ; )

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'Allo Soulless! Hank? Um... I don't see any souls named Hank around here...

Welcome to Reborn, I suppose; might want to get that whole soulless thing looked at, since there're too many like that here already; you'll fit in right between Soulless and Soulless, though.

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Tfw seeing ghost pokemon avatars. Lovely~

Welcome to the reborn forum Hank! I guess you know the rules and such.

Hope you can join talking with people around here with reborn related and other things. You are welcomed!

Enjoy yourself while it goes~

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Welcome to Reborn, Hank! I like your puns, and your style. Shedinja is pretty cool. ^.^
Hope you have fun here! I'm sure you will because you have no soul already. x.x

Feel free to take a cookie to your left; but not the cake.


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You say you have no soul? I would have asked to buy your soul if you had one...damn oh well you will fit in well around here as others have said already....although I do have a lot of souls I have....'procured' although the price is steep to get one of them other than that...Welcome to the Reborn and enjoy your stay it's eternal...now im gonna go looking through these souls individually and see if I have yours if I do...the price will go up!

But yeah again, Welcome and forget sanity and soul around here, one of them you sell one of them you wont use both of them I will take if I find!

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