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Shiny Icons Sprite Project


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Since Reborn lacks shiny icons sprites due to custom shinies, I would like to propose a community project of sorts to take care of that problem. If you want to help, all you need to do is:

NOTE: Please try not to choose evolutionary lines with megas, at least until all others without megas are done. Some lines with megas might have their shinies changed in E16 and it would be wiser to prioritize those that won't.

  • Choose a pokemon and/or pokemon line and check if someone else is working on it. If no one is, post your pick on this thread. This way we don't get people working on the same icons. Also remember to verify if someone had already completed them on the Generation lists.
  • Open up the Icons folder, which should be inside the Graphics folder inside your Pokemon Reborn folder. Search for icon(your choice's pokedex number).png and open said image on your favorite image editor.
  • Open up the Battlers folder, which should be inside the Graphics folder inside your Pokemon Reborn folder. Search for (your choice's pokedex number)s.png and open said image on your favorite image editor.
  • Use the shiny sprite specific for Reborn as a reference/guide to replace the colors on the original icon. Use the colorpicker tool in your image editor to copy the colors from the custom shiny battlesprite and use them to replace those in the icon.
  • If you are confused on were each color should go, Open up the Battlers folder, which should be inside the Graphics folder inside your Pokemon Reborn folder. Search for (your choice's pokedex number).png and use said image to compare on which colors on the icon should the shiny colors replace.
  • If the shiny is more than a simple color replacement, do the small modifications required, if any. Sometimes it might happen that you'd need to lighten the shiny colors a bit to fit into the more subdued tone that the icons use. Sadly, that will be up to the eye of the beholder. Be careful!
  • Finish up your work, save it as icon(your choice's pokedex number)s.png and either edit your original post with your finished work here or send them to me. Remember to save it with transparency/alpha channel enabled.
  • Pick another pokemon icon, the shinification never ends!

I'll be updating the list with individual links and once everything is done, with a download link for the whole project. This way it can be used as mod, while also making it easier for Ame to evaluate it/accept it.

Generation I

  Reveal hidden contents

Generation II

  Reveal hidden contents

Generation III

  Reveal hidden contents

Generation IV

  Reveal hidden contents

Generation V

  Reveal hidden contents

Generation VI

  Reveal hidden contents

P.S. Sorry Lostelle, I stole the formatting from your Pokemon Location Guide. ^_^

Edited by Oth
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Pretty cool community project going on. Wish ya'll the best of luck with this.

The only thing I have to say is to be aware of Episode 16. Unless Ame & co. changed their minds, some of the sprites for shiny megas and presumably their pre-evolutions will be altered. So I guess you can either wait til Episode 16 is finished before doing those sprites or just fix them once the Episode comes out.

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  On 4/15/2016 at 1:51 AM, Viridescent said:

All the best! I'd like to pitch in when I can, but that'll likely be only about a month later.

It's alright, there should be more than enough for you to do then ^_^

Unless I get even more support than expected.

  On 4/15/2016 at 2:24 AM, Simon said:

Unless Ame & co. changed their minds, some of the sprites for shiny megas and presumably their pre-evolutions will be altered. So I guess you can either wait til Episode 16 is finished before doing those sprites or just fix them once the Episode comes out.

Yeah, I'm waiting for her answer on that. In any case, having to re-do some of them after having the rest done would be a piece of cake.

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I'll be taking Butterfree & Nidoqueen lines+Mew.

  On 4/15/2016 at 12:54 PM, Despair Syndrome said:
Wish you luck on this, hopefully it doesn't die out.

It won't. At worst, it will just take longer to complete.

  On 4/17/2016 at 9:47 PM, smeargletail said:

here you go

Thanks, added to the OP.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/26/2016 at 10:34 PM, Nova said:

U6p9xic.pngaxc607w.pngJust contributing with my baby Volcarona ;)

Great, thanks!

  On 4/26/2016 at 9:16 PM, webobo said:

hi there guys, i started long ago but i stoped due to studies but hre is what i've done so far


Nice! Do you happen to have those with a transparent background/individually?

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  On 5/1/2016 at 6:32 PM, Oth said:

Great, thanks!

Nice! Do you happen to have those with a transparent background/individually?

sorry i don't.

at the end of the mounth, i will have time to finish it

edit: you can also find some in my signature

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  On 5/2/2016 at 6:15 PM, Oth said:

All the shinies?

The funny thing is I was also waiting until this month finished so I could tackle whatever hadn't been done at that time :P

just try the new xy ones, they are better

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  On 5/3/2016 at 11:55 PM, Oth said:

The thing is from what I had gathered, Ame & co didn't want the newer icons in (well at least those that had the old style available at least).

if this is going to be a mod, then let's have two versions

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  • 2 months later...

Hey! Is this project still being continued? Great work so far. Something that should actually be in the official games, too.

Edit. Oops, I guess I posted in a topic too old. Sorry.

Edited by Chilibunny
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