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Need advice on Ditto



Since I'm through with E15 I want to start breeding Pokemon, so the first step would be getting a good Ditto. What is the overall consensus for Reborn, should I reset for one with overall good IVs (I was thinking 25 and above) or one with as much 31 IVs as possible?

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It depends on your preference and the mons you mostly want to breed, an iv of 31 is ideal for stats that matter to you for what role the mons of your team play(for example if you like special sweepers, a softreset for special attack iv 31 modest/timid ditto etc), otherwise 20-ish iv in the in-game setting will suffice.

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I would say go for the relatively high IV's for the stats you will be focussing in the run. The odds of getting 31's is really really small: 3 iv's of 31 for the stats you want is 1 chance in 29791, however getting 3 stats of 27 or higher is only 1 in 238. If you have any deviating stats necesaairy for one of your pkmn you can simply roll those independantly or breed them to it. You don't need an everstone to get the right nature in this game so you have room for an extra power item.

Edited by FairFamily
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Go for the 25, and if you have the patients go for 31 perfect all.

The ideal is to create multiple stronger generations. Get your ditto with good IVs, and let it hold a destiny knot to transfer those good IVs as much as possible to the child, and mate with whatever Pokemon you are breeding for with the proper nature and ever stone.

Steps to Getting that perfect Pokemon:

Check the first babies you create from the ditto and the Pokemon, if the child has move good IVs than its genetic mother (the Pokemon you are breeding for) than switch the mom for the child, and keep doing this over and over again till you reach around a perfect 5 IV child or as good as you see fit. When you have two of these very well bred children swap the ditto out as the ditto is there simply to give good IVs. Make sure the IVs of those two children cover each other.

Example Good IV:

Child 1 has ATK, DEF, SPD, SPE, HP

Child 2 has SPATK, DEF, SPD, SPE, HP

as you can see the child 1 has ATK and child 2 has SPATK so given around some eggs you'll get one with both.

This requires a bit of patients, so keep that in mind. I went over a very brief understanding of breeding, so you might want to check a guide online for more detailed steps and further information. Good luck breeding that ultimate Favorite Pokemon.

Edited by Hank_Nghiem
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