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[Answered] Pickup level 71 five pokemon in party.



I've been doing this for about a week, and still haven't gotten a single Leftovers, I have a crap load of other items. I would really like munchlax to be somewhere, but I guess Leftovers was somehow making the game too easy? So yeah, I'm stuck with pickup's 10% chance for a random item after battle. I really wished there was another way that wasn't trying to drive me insane.

Revive X 21

Ultra Potion X 74

Ether X 23

PP Up X 20

Full Restore X 19

Ability Capsule X 12

Max Repel X 35

Big Nugget X 3

Heart Scale 39

Is what I have currently, frankly, I'm kind of tired of using pickup to try to get a leftovers for 1% at a 10% pickup activation after each battle.

P.S. If there's somewhere else I can use these useless heart scales, I'd love to know.

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Heart Scales can be used by the move relearner/ Tutor
That is an impressive collection of items!
I never really looked into pickup myself, because i use the first 6 pokemon i see usually, but
Nice item collection.
Pray to Rngesus, they will listen. in 2-3 years xD

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Really, all you can do is keep trying. Leftovers are the rarest item to find at your current level, so it makes sense that you haven't found any yet. Just stay determined and you'll eventually get some, I believe in you!

Also, Heart Scales have many, many uses in Reborn. Perhaps they might be useful to you if you give them to a certain doctor?

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That's an impressive amount of item's the rng has granted you, so be positive about it. besides the big nugget is the same same level of rarity as leftovers, and given you have 3 of them, you'll eventually get leftovers.

Also there' going to be an elite eight?

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I would be willing to sacrifice everything I have, for three effing leftovers, I have 10 more PP ups now along with the other items. I already know about the doctor, as my steel team is already E.V. trained. Seriously, I'd record a video with my set-up, but reborn itself actually really hates Steel types.

P.S. I would rather wipe my ass with these big nuggets, why? I have well over 350K on me.

P.P.S anyone know of a move that switches pokemon that isn't baton Pass, that keeps buffs such as double team?

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As already mentioned by others, you just need to keep trying at it if you really want it or wait til the Leftovers become obtainable through purchase at the Department Store.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 3:05 AM, Simon said:

As already mentioned by others, you just need to keep trying at it if you really want it or wait til the Leftovers become obtainable through purchase at the Department Store.

Damn forum bugs, what floor would that be on? And I can easily afford it, should have just kept the munchlax though.

P.S. I've been trying for a week, do you get how angry I am? :D

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Well, before Ame changed the Stickers event back near Episode 12/13, Floor 10 had the Competitive Goods. So I'm assuming with the new changes that'll be either Floor 11 if it somehow applies to Utility Items or on the Penthouse now.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 4:21 AM, Simon said:

Well, before Ame changed the Stickers event back near Episode 12/13, Floor 10 had the Competitive Goods. So I'm assuming with the new changes that'll be either Floor 11 if it somehow applies to Utility Items or on the Penthouse now.

Well, considering Munchlax was removed BECAUSE Leftovers was easy to get, and if it's anything like the TM Toxic, which is a very powerful setup move, and my probopass should have been able to get, Ame may never put it in, as it would tear the game apart, no matter the challenge. Best way to make the game challenging? Remove key moves pokemon should be able to learn to hold them back, while giving them to the AI to pokemon who can't learn said moves outside of TM's. While at the same time, making it to where a physical attacking pokemon, super effective or not, capable of one shotting a super tank, in this case, my Steelix, who IS E.V. trained in HP/Def. XD

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Here I come to save the day!

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You might want to consider leveling one or two of them up to 91 for better items (my level 100 Gourgeist already got me a couple of Lucky Eggs, still no Leftovers though). The Sunday double battle is a good place for farming money to buy Rare Candies.

Edit: also, yes, episode jumping is kind of necessary if you really want those Leftovers. Maybe, just maybe, in E16 we'll get a reliable way of obtaining one considering we can already farm Life Orbs off Absols (plus we have quite a few Sheer Force Pokémon available) and we have the Toxic Orb while being able to legally obtain Gliscor as soon as E16 is released.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 6:53 AM, Lugruf said:

Here I come to save the day!

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I already spoke about munchlax being removed, and 1% this way is very easy to get items from, as I DO have several metal coats from magnemites.

I'd rather not take the risk of having it go right, changing back to 15, and having things go weird just for an item after 120 hours of work. A good last resort though.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 7:24 AM, CMV said:

You might want to consider leveling one or two of them up to 91 for better items (my level 100 Gourgeist already got me a couple of Lucky Eggs, still no Leftovers though). The Sunday double battle is a good place for farming money to buy Rare Candies.

Edit: also, yes, episode jumping is kind of necessary if you really want those Leftovers. Maybe, just maybe, in E16 we'll get a reliable way of obtaining one considering we can already farm Life Orbs off Absols (plus we have quite a few Sheer Force Pokémon available) and we have the Toxic Orb while being able to legally obtain Gliscor as soon as E16 is released.

From what I've noticed, it goes in order, so I MAY have to level them all to 81 in order to get a higher chance of leftovers, rather than these god damned big nuggets...I have five of those now, btw.

Forgot to ask, where in the hell do I buy the Rare Candies at? Also, you really only need one lucky egg, and only if that pokemon is the active one.

I'd rather pray to the Helix Fossil, RNG has been known to bend me over, I'd rather manipulate luck manually.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 2:52 AM, Chubb said:

I think Red's confusing Reborn with Rejuvenation, which will have an Elite 8. Reborn will have the standard Elite 4.

:S i play to many fan games its all a big blur....

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  On 4/20/2016 at 11:45 AM, Sohn der Höhe said:

You can farm Life-Orbs off Absol? I thought it was a one-time event, even if you have multiple dolls.

Also, what double battle are you talking about?

I thought that event was repeatable, sorry. I meant the double battle in the Great Hall (top right corner), I managed to max out my pokédollars while training up a few mons there.

  On 4/20/2016 at 2:52 PM, Xain said:

From what I've noticed, it goes in order, so I MAY have to level them all to 81 in order to get a higher chance of leftovers, rather than these god damned big nuggets...I have five of those now, btw.

Forgot to ask, where in the hell do I buy the Rare Candies at? Also, you really only need one lucky egg, and only if that pokemon is the active one.

I'd rather pray to the Helix Fossil, RNG has been known to bend me over, I'd rather manipulate luck manually.

Candy store in Obsidia, south of the Day Care.

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I need someone to confirm something for me, I have access to floors 9 and 10, I'd like to know what is in the shops of both of the floors, left to right, I'll provide a format for you.

9th floor:

Left: | Right:





10th floor:

Left: | Right:





Please and thank you in advance.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 6:08 PM, Simon said:

Check this thread instead: NEW sticker guide (Episode 14+)

It has the shops at the bottom page in the spoiler.

Well shit, I must have missed that, sorry, and thanks.

Alright, so 9 and 10 won't have leftovers, but considering utility is floor 11, there's a high chance of one being there.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 2:47 PM, Xain said:

I already spoke about munchlax being removed, and 1% this way is very easy to get items from, as I DO have several metal coats from magnemites.

I'd rather not take the risk of having it go right, changing back to 15, and having things go weird just for an item after 120 hours of work. A good last resort though.

It's actually much safer than what people think. I've done it like millions of times to trigger events, catch pokemon, get items, breed TMs... And my save file got corrupted only once. There's no risk at all as long as you keep a backup of the file.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 7:39 PM, Lugruf said:

It's actually much safer than what people think. I've done it like millions of times to trigger events, catch pokemon, get items, breed TMs... And my save file got corrupted only once. There's no risk at all as long as you keep a backup of the file.

Well, I don't really know how to do this, so maybe I can post my save file to you? Hmm, actually, is there a guide for this kinda stuff? I'm going a bit stir crazy here. I've gotten eight freakin big nuggets now.

EDIT: I'm fucking screaming right now, I JUST got a single leftover while I wasn't paying attention, all I saw was "le", and had to do a double take. Now? I just need two more...

Generally, you won't need more than three, at the very least two. I like sustaining against some asshat thinking a Pikachu can fight a Steelix. XD

I request in the next episode, we get to cut open Fern, and strangle him with his own entrails.

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  On 4/20/2016 at 6:22 PM, Xain said:

Well shit, I must have missed that, sorry, and thanks.

Alright, so 9 and 10 won't have leftovers, but considering utility is floor 11, there's a high chance of one being there.


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