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What should my next target be?


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So I am completely lost on what I should try to get next. My team is very diverse already but I want to add something else.

My team so far

Special: Typhlosion, Porygon-z, Kingdra

Attack: Staraptor, Tyrantrum, Kabutops, Feraligatr

Physical Tank: Sandslash, Dusclops

Special Tank: Dragalge

If you had this line up, what would you add and why? I was thinking another spec. tank, but Dragalge is just so strong in that regard. I was also thinking of Mismagius, but I obtained the Gastly before the Misdreavous event was changed so now I can't seem to find it anywhere.

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A Florges maybe? It does boast a good base special defense of 154 and passable speed and you won't repeat the type that you already had, plus it has heal and can deal good damage with 112 base special attack. Wish-Protect-Moonblast for movesets as a special tanky sweeper, plus it has got a couple of grass type moves for coverage that you don't seem to have in your current roaster.

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You don't have anything faster than base 100 speed. Try a Crobat, Noivern or Jolteon for some fast cleaning-up. Mamoswine, Crawdaunt and Arcanine also have strong Priority moves like Ice Shard, Aqua Jet and Extreme Speed respectively.

You could also try Galvantula with Sticky Web or Magnezone with Thunder Wave for speed control.

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If you want speed control but also want to keep the slow Pokemon you could try Trick Room. Dragalge will profit heavily from Trick Room support and there are a number of good setters. Chandelure and Reuniclus, to name two. I also play Porygon2, but Porygon-Z might work just as well. Trick Room is ridiculously fun to play too.

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