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Hey guys!

I'm Jodie, and I love Pokemon games. Well, the older ones, anyway... The main series games have been rather lacklustre lately in my opinion. Since B/W onwards, the plot/storyline has just been not very immersive. I feel like there's just been too much handholding in Gen V onwards. :( What I loved about my favorite game (Crystal/Soulsilver) was that you had to explore almost everything yourself and the game didn't constantly force-feed you cutscenes to tell you what to do next (and not, say, cutscenes that involve the actual plot). I eventually moved from my love for the main games to the mystery dungeon spin-off series (which are really darn good w.r.t. the plot, like really) because at least the difficulty level was higher than the newer main games that feel so bland now. (I'm still--barely--holding out hope for Pokemon Sun and Moon, please oh please be good.)

So! To be very honest, I disliked Pokemon fan made games with a passion; for some reason, they just didn't feel authentic. I played a little of Pokemon Insurgence, thought it was okay, went onto forums to see reviews, and saw that someone mentioned Pokemon Reborn as the best. So of course, I googled it and downloaded it and fell in love with it and for some reason I just found it so so so amazing. Right from the start I was hooked even though I was so certain that I would never really like any fan made games. Like, right from the start. When I walked from the bombed train station to Opal Ward. The music was incredible, and interactions with the NPCs just felt so ... real. It was amazing.

Anyway! I'm still at Lapis Ward (grinding under the grand stairway of the subway(??) so that I can go rescue Victoria) but so far it's been an incredible journey. I'm loving every bit of it. I've never had the chance/need to use more than 5 of my party members (with the 6th being a HM slave) and now I have several other Pokemon around the same levels in the box I can take out any time to continue with my journey. I love love love love that. Thank you Ame! <3

And I've been lurking and stalking the forums like a rabid fan girl for the past few days so I figured hey, why not register so that I can subscribe to some of the forum threads I'm interested in? So uh I thought I'd introduce myself here. HELLO! :D

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Welcome! If you're enjoying the difficulty curve and story of Reborn, you've got to check out Pokemon Rejuvenation. It shares its forums with Reborn and is located under the Fan-Game Exposé here on the forums. The game isn't as lengthy, but presents just as rough a challenge (and is tougher, in my personal opinion). Hope you enjoy your time here!

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Thank you! Those are adorable!

Welcome! If you're enjoying the difficulty curve and story of Reborn, you've got to check out Pokemon Rejuvenation. It shares its forums with Reborn and is located under the Fan-Game Exposé here on the forums. The game isn't as lengthy, but presents just as rough a challenge (and is tougher, in my personal opinion). Hope you enjoy your time here!

I've already visited the fan game expose section (sorry for the missing diacritic) and I've downloaded Pokemon Rejuvenation, Regal, Desolation, Isolation, and Se7en! Thanks for the rec; for the short while I've played Rejuvenation it's been a really promising start! The prologue-ish beginning gave me serious creeps ... I'm currently level grinding a few Pokemon that I've caught though!

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Hey there, Jodie! It's great to see that you're enjoying Reborn. Welcome to the forums! If you fancy a chat with some of us, there's always people around on our Showdown server. There's a link in the top left if you're interested.

See you around!

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Welcome to Reborn Jodie, it's great to see that Reborn was able to show you that you could find love for a fan made game.

If you ever find yourself in the Forbidden Lands I recommend either: Selling your soul to me OR Run like a chicken to escape the swarms and hordes of otherworldly things you will see there

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Hi there Jodie! Welcome to Reborn!

It is great that you've found a fan game that you can enjoy! I good thing about them is that they are all so different that you can like some even if others don't interest you.

While you're here if you could check out the Community Rules to the left as well, that'd be great!

Hope to see you around!

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welcome here, to this cluster of the marvelous and the misfit
welcome, or as we say today: blaze it

look at you go; a storyline cognoscenti

hidden motivations n dark secrets gets you oiled?

if it's plot that you want; here's to plenty

you just be careful not to get spoiled

eat your heart out mon amie, but stay on qui vive
one thread, one hour showdown, post some more
"you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"
see this fucking site dont have no exit door

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