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[creative anniversary thread title here]


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I almost didn't make this, but a totally Innocent Boy told me I should.
Anyway, because I'm highly creative and would never pick up ideas from other people around here, I'm making an Anniversary Thread.
...How do you mean everyone and their grandmothers have done this before? Oops.
I, ahem, most definitely did not get this idea from your grandma. Tell her I'm sorry.

But now that I'm here and typing this, might as well continue. I mean I spent what, three valuable minutes of my comparatively short existence on this so far?
So here's the thing:

It's my very first anniversary here on Reborn today. (Shhh it's 1:35am in my timezone.)
When I started playing the game last March, I didn't expect to like it.
I didn't expect that I'd genuinely enjoy it, or that I'd even finish it at all.
Subsequently, I also didn't expect to join this community, let alone stick around.
Y'see, I'm the kind of person who finds it really difficult to get comfortable in new environments. I came here because I couldn't stand that I had nobody to discuss the game with, and I didn't think that I'd ever want to do anything else here.
Before I came here, I hadn't joined an online community in almost seven years.
So why would this place be any different than all the other failed attempts?

To be honest, I don't know. I don't know what made me try harder with Reborn than with all those other sites.
Maybe I just met the right people at the right time. But oh well - here we are. You've been stuck with me for a year now. So it's time for me to say a thing or two.
I've already said the first, I guess. Moving on to the other.

Another thing that I'm totally not stealing from everyone else. 100% original, never seen before.
...Ok yeah you're right. It's the part where I get sappy and tell people that I love them.
I'm not putting this in any particular order. And if you're not on there, you're very free to assume that you're a rad person, too. 'Cause I say so.

Ice: Well ok, despite my claims that this isn't in any special order, there's one person who I definitely gotta put first.
Honestly, thinking back to how we met is never gonna be not funny to me. I was terrified of talking to you, I 100% thought I'd annoy you through my mere presence.
And then you kept messaging me. And we talked, talked, talked, and then talked some more.
And it turned out you're not scary at all - you're actually really great.
For as quiet as you appear to be at first, I've discovered that you're an incredibly humorous*, loving, caring and patient person once you get out of your shell. You're enthusiastic and creative, and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I could list a hundred more things. We could be here all day. I love you.

Even if you keep making characters whose stories break my heart. You can't stop me from making me imagine them in happy situations. Ever.

It feels like I've known you for ages, and I think that's a good sign for things to come.
(*If you take this as a cue to make even a single zero pun I'll ban you to the couch. Alone.)

Lost Lore: I need to remove that 'no particular order' line, I'm 2 names in and already made 2 exceptions. Oops?
So, how do I put this? ...Y'know what, I don't care how fucking corny this is gonna sound.

Losty, you're great. As in, legit my favourite person on Reborn with the exception of Ice.
You probably noticed as much, considering I never pass up a chance to talk to you, to the point where I oftentimes worry I may be a wee bit too clingy.

A truth needs to be told: Even with people I like, socializing usually exhausts me. You, though? You're one of those people I could be around for hours. You're always good company, no matter the conversation topic. It's just as fun to discuss things with you in a serious manner as it is to joke around.

Seeing you be harsh with yourself ever so often kind of breaks my heart, because in my opinion you're a kind, creative, intelligent, witty and lovable person.
And I've grown to care about you a damn lot. I'm really glad I met you, so if I may take today's occasion to confess one thing, it's that I hope I can get to know you better in the future. ...Y'know, a hypothetical future in which I'm not forever too scared to ask about anything personal.

To me, Reborn wouldn't be Reborn without you.

Dan: First of all HOW DO YOU EVEN PUT UP WITH ME? Second: No, really, how?
Ahem, now that I got that outta the way... Dan, you've got the patience of a saint, and you're a better person than 90% of us even deserve. I know you're not gonna believe this, but that's not gonna stop me from saying it over and over again.
You're another one of those people for the "I'll never get over our first conversation" list. Remember how you asked me about my forum name and I panicked because I thought you were gonna give me a warning for something?
I'm entirely convinced you did that on purpose. Because you're a nerd.
And also cute and a great listener and fun to talk to.
If I had to vote one Reborn user to be our Precious Cinnamon Roll, Too Good For This World, Too Pure, it'd be you. And if you wanna fight me on that, well, guess we'll have to meet up :3

Also I'm sorry I grew inconsistent in my quest to spam you with cat pics.

Ody: Hey, look, it's the first person who ever messaged me on here! I have no idea what made you so determined to keep putting up with my bullshit, but I sure as hell don't have a problem with it. To be honest I can't comprehend how you put up with me and my awful mood swings and terrible communication skills, but maybe you're more patient than you sometimes think you are c:
...Actually, you most definitely are, considering you actually tried to teach me something about battling. You brave, brave soul.
And maybe if I manage to make it to Greece this Summer you can have a hug or two, and I promise I won't push you into poisonous clouds or stab you with tree branches.
Though... Maybe I'll be smacking you with a pillow because you deserve punishment for all those Hunger Games. That'll do, right?

Inno: Two words: Precious son. I haven't known you for all that long, but you sur managed to worm your way into my heart very quickly. First of all, no matter how often I pretend to complain about it, your humor is great and I actually secretly enjoy your puns. Keep 'em coming. Second, you're the least innocent Innocent Boy I've ever met, and no you cannot convince me that you fixed innocence.exe, you filthy liar.

You're awesome. You're a very good listener, and also great at encouraging people. Or, at least, it seems to work with me. Point is, you're someone I find it easy to open up to, and I'm glad to see you trust me just the same.

You're certainly a very unique person, and I'm happy to know I can consider you my friend.

Bibs: Remember when I was scared to talk to you because I thought you were entirely too cool and popular to even consider paying any attention to me? ...You probably do, because you thought it was hilarious and because we talked about it the other day.

Look, thing is, you actually are pretty darn cool. And obviously popular, don't even deny it. But you did pay attention to me, and how the hell are you still talking to me, what, bibs please, I'm a fuckin' loser c'mon- shhh exaggerating for comedic effect, don't shoot me.

You're someone who always knows a way to get a laugh out of me. Maybe you should start charging me for cheering me up ever so often, you could make some hefty profit outta that.

I only got to know you relatively recently and thanks to the Hunger Games, but you've grown on me quickly. Dunno how to say it other than by saying that you'r really all around good company. And I sure hope you can forgive me for all those quotes taken out of context and all the typos I won't let you forget. Let me know if I'm ever stepping out of line, yes?

Wendel: You're the first person who ever PMed me on the server, and if I gotta be honest, I don't know why you did, but I'm glad.

I know we got off to a bit of a rough start, and we certainly do have our occasional misunderstandings, but rest assured that it doesn't make me like you any less. You can be fun and energetic when you're in the mood for it, and I admire your way of voicing your opinion. And your ability to devour every material known to man, apparently, but I'm not qualified to question the science behind that, or wendeling, for that matter.

I'll just have to hope that some day a bit of food will go unnoticed. Please don't let me starve?

Matry: Not only do you have A+ art skills, you also have some wicked patience with me, considering how truly damn awful I am at getting back at PM conversations. And no, I can't stop feeling bad about that.

You're really great to talk to; despite my failing communication skills you're one of the most interesting conversation partners I've had on this site so far, and you're just an all-around nice and humorous person on top of that.

Trust me, reading your messages is not as boring as you sometimes claim parts of them would be, and damn I really need to get back to finally finishing that response I started weeks ago. Have we yet established firmly enough that I'm a terrible person?

But hey, for all the terrible me, there's all that awesome you.

jasmiinininja: Another person suffering from my poor communication skills. I really have a horrible track record when it comes to this whole PM thing, I'm so truly sorry. We didn't get to talk as much as we could have, mostly because of message delay on my end, but from the experience I've made so far you're an incredibly humorous conversation partner and very enjoyable to talk to.

Also a great artist, but you probably know how I feel about your art, considering the massive amounts of gushing I've dumped on you so far.

DW: What's with all these people adopting themselves into my virtual family? I swear I started out with three entirely fictional kids, and now I'm stuck pretending I can be a responsible mother to Inno and you. Though, let's be real, chances are parenting won't save you :3

...Jokes aside, you're one energetic, talkative lil' oddball, and that's how I like you.

RainbowHugs / JudyHops: Man I really hope you read this, because I can't tell you this often enough: You're a wonderful person. Regardless of how you think about yourself, the Rainbow I have gotten to know is a friendly and supportive person who loves to make others happy and who deserves all the happiness in the world. There's so much good in you, and I think we can all see that very clearly. I know you will see better days, and am proud to see you still hanging on.

Wish our timezones weren't so far apart, it makes it so difficult to talk to you for more than an hour or two.

NasDav / Grima: Strangely enough, despite how often we wind up in the same conversations in the lobby, we haven't been talking much in private until very recently. But you're definitely someone who I consider part of that one group of Rebornians I can reasonably claim to belong to. If Reborn has done one thing for me, then it is that it's given me a new appreciation for people who have no problem being honest and straightforward - and you're definitely outspoken c:

All our conversations so far have been interesting to me, despite how much more awkward and hesitant I am. Or, in short: I enjoy talking to you, hope that's mutual.

There's a whole bunch of people who I only started talking to very recently, but are very much deserving of a mention.

Viri, Alice, Scarlet, I can't claim that I know you very well yet, but I've talked to you more than just a couple of times in passing, so I'd feel weird squishing you in the "honorable mentions" list.

(I especially want to make note of how patient Alice and Scarlet were when I talked about that one thing earier this month, and their general willingness to let me ramble a bit about things that I really needed to talk about to someone. Thank you for lending me an ear. You're fun to talk to, I'm just some awkward person who can't word sometimes.)

(Also hey, Viri, reading you talk about things you're passionate about (like bugs and puns) is very enjoyable. I keep learning things from you. PS: Magnezone is gr8.)

Now, there really are a lot of people who I simply can't claim to know well enough to go into detail, but that doesn't mean I don't consider you noteworthy, or that I don't like you.

There is a very small handful of people on this site who I can't see myself getting along with, but chances are that if you're worried about being one of them, you aren't.

Especially those of you who hang out on the server a lot, and very especially the folks who are around for all those Hunger Games.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to expect from this thread to be completely honest. I kind of just really wanted an excuse to praise my friends, so please forgive me if there's not much substance to all this besides that.

I don't feel 100% comfortable making a thread because I don't think I deserve attention for having been around for a year, but I guess since so many people do this kind of thing, you can probably forgive me for adding one more to the pile.

...Hey - at least it's not an AMA. Well I mean... y'know... [cheap joke about my name here]

That'll be all.

Edited by Ama
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Happy anniversary Ama! I haven't been around long enough to get to properly know you, but you seem like a nice person, so that good I think! I'll be brutally honest though, I used to get you and Amethyst mixed up a lot, and I mean, a lot, a lot. But now I've gotten off of my smoke stack and can tell the two of you apart! Hope you have another great year on Reborn, and I'll see you around!

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I'm surprised I got a mention here!

Viri, Alice, Scarlet, I can't claim that I know you very well yet, but I've talked to you more than just a couple of times in passing, so I'd feel weird squishing you in the "honorable mentions" list.
(I especially want to make note of how patient Alice and Scarlet were when I talked about that one thing earier this month, and their general willingness to let me ramble a bit about things that I really needed to talk about to someone. Thank you for lending me an ear. You're fun to talk to, I'm just some awkward person who can't word sometimes.)

You were one of the original people recommended to me when I came back to Reborn for certain things; and although you didn't stick around; I feel that I still ended up meeting and talking a good bit to a really decent person. I know it might be a bit hard for us to sit down and talk now since my temporary return to the server has since ceased ( plus, I think neither of us are good at starting conversations one to one ^^; ) but this is a good opportunity as any to let you know that I still immensely appreciate you choosing to open up and ramble to me about stuff and that I truly do mean this - if you ever want to talk to me, just drop me an IM on Skype. It won't be a bother at all, that much I promise. Trust me. Really! or I'll bring myself to IM you myself one of these days

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I almost didn't make this, but a totally Innocent Boy told me I should.

This guy sounds like a loser.

Heh, anyway, I gotta say, you're probably one of my closest friends around Reborn. I know I can go to you if I ever need to talk to someone, and I gotta thank you for that. I hope this year around Reborn has been a nice one, and hope this one is gonna be another good one! Happy Reborn Anniversary, MAma!

I'm super innocent, don't lie like that.

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Happy anniversary Ama!

I have seen you around especially in server with my friendo, ody.

You may not thinking you don't deserve attention, but you have been here and done good enough!

Have a another good year of reborn.

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...Hey - at least it's not an AMA. Well I mean... y'know... [cheap joke about my name here]

I am actually going to end you for that one

I, ahem, most definitely did not get this idea from your grandma.

and that one

how the hell are you still talking to me, what, bibs please, I'm a fuckin' loser c'mon

and that one

And I sure hope you can forgive me for all those quotes taken out of context and all the typos I won't let you forget.



but to be fair im actually pretty flattered for being on this list I figured if you talked to me then you must talk to half of the community in the same way

and if I end you then there wont be anymore ama family troubles in the hunger games :[

and to be fair I really enjoy talking to you too for exactly the same reason. what is consistency, amirite?

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Remember what I said yesterday about my thoughts usually consisting of "saearafsfrgf"? If they weren't actually like that before, they most certainly are after reading this.

I feel like it's kind of obvious that I enjoy talking to you, too? But it's past time for me to come out and say as much rather than implying it, so yes, that's what I'm doing now. Even then, just "enjoy talking to you" doesn't quite cover it- just being around you is very enjoyable for me. Kind of odd for me to come out and say about someone, but, well, there's no doubt in my mind.

Though I have to wonder how you're not tired of me having no self confidence + mood swings galore. I would get tired of me very quick.

But you haven't. And I really, really appreciate that.

...Okay before I lose what little coherency I have left (no I'm not gushing shut up): You are absolutely wonderful, and don't you dare say you don't deserve attention. One year, one month, however long you would have been here, you do deserve this. In my mind, at least.

Happy Reborn Anniversary, Ama~

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"You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"
This thing is the bane of my existence I swear

[whispers] I'm terrible at responding but I'll try not to fail too hard ok

I tend to think of myself as someone who isn't particularly notable among the big number of regulars here, so I'm legitimately surprised when people who I don't talk to on a daily basis have a distinct impression of me, let alone enough of an impression for it to be positive.

I really appreciate the kind words <3

and the ice cream sandwich. delicious~

Just you wait, all of you. One day you're gonna regret putting my family into the games.

You want me to win a couple more times?

Really though, I consider myself very lucky to have met so many amazing people here.
Reborn is very different from what I am (or was) used to, and in the beginning I was doubtful if I would really fit in here.
I was admittedly very intimidated by the fact that there's a certain wariness towards newer members, but despite that, I've managed to find a place to feel comfortable in.

Don't get your hopes up, you won't get rid of me all that fast c:

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