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Apparently I'm a Big Kid Now.


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Two years (and apparently two weeks) ago, I joined this interesting place.

That would make me a two year old member, which probably isn't terribly exciting to those of you that are considered royalty here, but the thing is, a lot can happen in two years, and you can meet a ton of people in that span if you let yourself be a part of something as big as this place.

Unlike other threads, I'm not going to dwell on individuals. One, dwelling on individuals has become cliche at this point. Two, the community as a collective was ultimately what drew me in and not the individual. Three, Some of you guys genuinely dislike me and you don't want to hear me complain about that further than this. (I don't hate you guys though - you have your reasons.) Four, There's too many of you to give credit for, and Five being that I don't want to forget anyone. All of you are the reason this place has it's unique aura, mystique, and effect on my life.

Instead, I want to share with you guys some hopes going forward. A wise poster once said something along the lines of this place not aging too well with you and that older members become distant, especially as their inner circle of friends inevitably leave. Distance - at least for now - is not something I want.

I want to mend fences.

My presence here hasn't always been orderly, bi-partisan, and frankly, acceptable to some. I was blessed to have an opportunity to serve as an auth and help foster this community for a time, and often I turned around and used my ability to steer this community to be divisive and I resultingly raised questions about my motives. I was for the longest time opaque and deceitful as a community member - and that may have had an effect on my ability to lead in the past. I often feel like I did as much hurt as I did help Reborn, even though that may or may not be the case.

In other words, I want to return to a more collectivist state of mind - one that puts the community first and not just his allies. For one, I am dreadfully ambitious and in my pursuit of helping this place press forward into the future, I would love to be in some shape or form back on the auth team - but I'm also one that didn't come for accolades or the individual friendships.

I came because I love Pokemon and I love talking to folks - especially helping someone out. I don't care who that person may be - I want that opportunity to be there. Hopefully, I can make more friends, fix relationships I tore to shreds from before, and not be as polarizing, deceitful, and divisive as I was. This place encourages a lot of growing up.

I want to broaden my talking points.

Those of you that do know me see me in one of either two places - and lately just one of those places. The Trainer's Journal, and the Pokemon Fan Club.

There are various other things to get involved in - such as the Reborn game itself (that I really need to make progress on), - as well as general video gaming, saying hello to new folks, and maybe writing stories. There's also this place called 'the server' that I used to be cool in but now avoid partially because of an irrational fear of stirring the pot up.

I've enjoyed my forays into meaningful discourse on politics, ethics, religion, and other world issues, but this place is equally an escape from the world in that we could talk about the more relaxing and less factional issues out there as well.

I want to be helpful.

When I was an auth, I did a fairly good job of being there for others - especially in the beginning. Some of the most meaningful discourses I've been able to have when it comes to helping an individual out have come through this community - because you guys are just like everyone else. People that struggle with issues unique to themselves.

I hope to be able to lend a hand to those who may feel like nobody else wants to listen to them.

Anyways, thank you guys for stealing two years of my life that I wont get back - and here's to a couple more.

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Congrats on 2 years Hunter :D

You're a super cool guy, and while we agree on almost nothing, I still have a lot of respect for you.

Those are all good aims you have with helping people and mending fences- so good on you for that.

Here's to many more years :D

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fu-wha? I've been around longer than you? I always thought you had a couple months on me. Weird.

I don't hate you. The worst I think you've ever done to me is, uh, maybe leaving Ymora? Even then that wasn't actually slighting me per se, especially considering I now have nothing to do with the project. So, uh, yeah. Not on the naughty list, however much that might matter. So 'gratz

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Congratulations on 2 years. c:
We haven't really been quite agreeing on a lot of things, just as you said before. But I think that's alright, because I ended up learning a lot of things about you. Of course, you know by now that I don't hate you.

Though maybe you can reply to my messages a bit more frequently.

Happy 2 years, Hunter! ^.^

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...just this once, I'm going to allow myself to break the golden rule and give the trombonist some attention. Here's hoping I don't die from doing so.

Hunter. Oh dear lord, where do I start? We've definitely had our fair share of arguments, which more often than not involve me screwing up in some way and you forgiving me for my lack of insight. Sometimes we talk everyday for hours at a time, other times it's weeks before we speak again. In case it wasn't abundantly clear from the oodles of laughter that we both shared in PMs, I found the days of our server marriage to be some of my best memories on Reborn. You also put up with my e-hugs on the server, despite really disliking hugs.

Thank you for being such a fantastic friend. I'm immensely glad I've gotten to know you, and am still of the firm opinion that you should "drive to New Orleans on a whim" one day. Happy 2 years, and here's to many more!

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*Obligatory message stating that I don't talk to you enough*

With that out of the way, I think you already know where I stand with you so I won't bother going into detail about that. We agree on a lot of things, we also disagree on enough things to make it fun hanging around with you. As much as I miss the days of sitting around a campfire, just one in an amazing group of people, I also think we've come a long way since then and it's been a good progression. I look forward to you "broadening your talking points" as you put it and getting back on that lovely old place called the server. Well, I would if it meant I would see you there anyway, but it doesn't 'cause I'm not gonna be there. Still, it'd be good for you so get back into it.

It's been a good two years, a lot of drama, a whole lot more friendship. I wouldn't take it back for anything.

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Congratulations on your second anniversary, Hunter. I consider you a friend, though we haven't had as much interaction as I would've liked, for I find it very enjoyable to discuss various topics with you. Besides, someone who sincerely likes bad puns is a person who's got their heart in the right place: firmly between the lungs!

I wish you many more great years ahead. All the very best, in all your endeavours.

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Happy 2 years, Hunter, likewise we haven't spoken much, but one thing i know is that, whatever happened in the past stay in the past, we all should look forward to more great years in Reborn.

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Congrats on 2 years Hunter :D

You're a super cool guy, and while we agree on almost nothing, I still have a lot of respect for you.

Those are all good aims you have with helping people and mending fences- so good on you for that.

Here's to many more years :D

I'm glad to have the respect of a repeat adversary. The first step to improving working conditions in any situation is to look past the disagreement when passing judgement on those giving the dissenting opinion. That much already warrants respect in turn - and I'm thankful for you, your rare agreements and many disagreements, and your service to the community.

-....wait, how many is many? Ha. I guess I would like the challenge of holding up with the best of the others...

Well, congrats on two years. I don't really know you, only know of you, but regardless, I wish you the best in your endeavours for your future here. Good luck.

There's one thing I hope you understand. Don't believe everything you read in the papers. Thanks for the congratulations - and let's fix that hearsay-only knowledge sometime yeah? You seem pretty decent yourself.

Congrats on 2 years :D

Thanks, D-dub. #BigWheels

fu-wha? I've been around longer than you? I always thought you had a couple months on me. Weird.

I don't hate you. The worst I think you've ever done to me is, uh, maybe leaving Ymora? Even then that wasn't actually slighting me per se, especially considering I now have nothing to do with the project. So, uh, yeah. Not on the naughty list, however much that might matter. So 'gratz

I'm older than a lot of you fools - just haven't been around nearly as long. As for Ymora, I-...I had to take a step back and think through some things. Cowardice was fairly considerable during those times, so thanks for having faith in me, Dobby. Every bit counts.

Congratulations on 2 years. c:

We haven't really been quite agreeing on a lot of things, just as you said before. But I think that's alright, because I ended up learning a lot of things about you. Of course, you know by now that I don't hate you.

Though maybe you can reply to my messages a bit more frequently.

Happy 2 years, Hunter! ^.^

I never came here to make friends, so I'm thankful that you gave me that blessing despite our common disputes. I enjoy argument only because it's almost like being put in someone else's shoes for me. I can see their struggles by the passion, vivacity, and sheer amount of information they throw at me. I gain a lot of understanding at one time, but I need to know when to pick my battles instead of being a fiend for reactions. Thanks for your patience. I'll do better - I hope.

hi you're cool thanks for sticking around so long

Hey Troy. You're a cool guy. Thanks for picking me for that one contest thing, and thanks for service.

I don't hate you, I just hate that ugly avatar of yours. =3

WHO'S FAULT IS THAT, SIR. YOU GOT SOMETHING BETTER? HUH? -.....Yes, Yes you do. Thanks for not being quick to judge, and your service - to both this site and our country - and save a stool for me sometime.

...just this once, I'm going to allow myself to break the golden rule and give the trombonist some attention. Here's hoping I don't die from doing so.

Hunter. Oh dear lord, where do I start? We've definitely had our fair share of arguments, which more often than not involve me screwing up in some way and you forgiving me for my lack of insight. Sometimes we talk everyday for hours at a time, other times it's weeks before we speak again. In case it wasn't abundantly clear from the oodles of laughter that we both shared in PMs, I found the days of our server marriage to be some of my best memories on Reborn. You also put up with my e-hugs on the server, despite really disliking hugs.

Thank you for being such a fantastic friend. I'm immensely glad I've gotten to know you, and am still of the firm opinion that you should "drive to New Orleans on a whim" one day. Happy 2 years, and here's to many more!


...but seriously lady. At least SHIA didn't blame herself for most of the strife, because you've both dealt with someone who treats dispute like it's crack cocaine. The bad news is that I can't promise you to play nice and agreeable - and the good news is, that it's not always your fault all the time.

I'm usually around - some of ya'll just need to yell at me sometimes. You Skype friends don't have much of an excuse. In return.......Yeah, I need to work on that too.

Nawlins honestly does sound like fun. Let's make that happen. Sometime. Thank you for chancing it with me - I -can- promise that you won't regret it.

I don't really know you but Congrats on 2 years I wish you best of luck for the future here.

Yeah - I'm probably going to need it. Thanks friend - don't be a stranger!

*Obligatory message stating that I don't talk to you enough*

With that out of the way, I think you already know where I stand with you so I won't bother going into detail about that. We agree on a lot of things, we also disagree on enough things to make it fun hanging around with you. As much as I miss the days of sitting around a campfire, just one in an amazing group of people, I also think we've come a long way since then and it's been a good progression. I look forward to you "broadening your talking points" as you put it and getting back on that lovely old place called the server. Well, I would if it meant I would see you there anyway, but it doesn't 'cause I'm not gonna be there. Still, it'd be good for you so get back into it.

It's been a good two years, a lot of drama, a whole lot more friendship. I wouldn't take it back for anything.

Dude, poke your head out of one of those kangaroo pouches or something. Jesus, Tom. : )

Right? People think that you have to have the same view on things in order for the world to turn these days. Maybe so - but that's probably not going to happen while I'm living and breathing.

I look forward to seeing you around too - thanks for being there at the very beginning.

Congratulations on your second anniversary, Hunter. I consider you a friend, though we haven't had as much interaction as I would've liked, for I find it very enjoyable to discuss various topics with you. Besides, someone who sincerely likes bad puns is a person who's got their heart in the right place: firmly between the lungs!

I wish you many more great years ahead. All the very best, in all your endeavours.

having a heart in the right place....sounds vital. Cheers, and many thanks.

Well, congratulations for two years I guess

That's about the best I can give you in a thread like this

Hey, I'd actually been meaning to talk to you - but thanks for the congratulations. "That's about all I can say about that." - Forrest Gump

Happy 2 years, Hunter, likewise we haven't spoken much, but one thing i know is that, whatever happened in the past stay in the past, we all should look forward to more great years in Reborn.

If only it were that simple, my friend. Hit me up sometime yeah? Thank you.

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Oh, hey.

Uhm, gratz on the two years.

I don't know what you did in the past but really. I think you shouldn't beat yourself up for it. Idk.

I...hope we can grow closer, really. That'd be nice.


Well, that's all from me! Stay cool and don't forget to be awesome, dear!

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