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When you rely on hax, you need improvement. (Team Help)


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Recently, I have been running into battles in the game that had me rely on getting hax to win and that tells me that I need to do something to improve my team. None of my pokemon are having too much trouble except for maybe Servine but that because it is an NFE pokemon and will be resolved soon. Another thing to note is that this is a post-Aya gym battle team incase it helps. Also, I did hatch the Egg from the police event and it was a Tentacool. I know some of the things I should clearly do such as teach Diggersby EQ and other things but I would like as much advice as I can get. Anyways, here is the team:

Swanna Lvl.44

Keen Eye

Brave Nature

No Item

-Bubble Beam

-Air Slash

-Feather Dance


Reason for being on Team:

At first I was gonna replace it as soon as possible but after using it for a while it has proven to be one of my best pokemon on my team. In other words, I have grown attached to it.

Servine Lvl.44


Lax Nature

Rose Incense

-Wring Out

-Leech Seed

-Giga Drain

-Leaf Blade

Reason for being on Team:

The reason for choosing this starter specifically is because I wanted to try a pokemon that I haven't used before and I felt like Blaziken would make the game too easy. As for why it is a Servine, it is so I can get leaf storm as early as possible and if it was a Snivy it would be fainting in every other battle. My plan is to raise it above the level cap and use a Rare Candy to make it Level 52.

Venomoth Lvl.43

Tinted Lens

Adamant Nature

Twisted Spoon

-Signal Beam



-Sleep Powder

Reason for being on Team:

At first it was on my team so that I had something else besides a Servine and Ducklett to fight the PULSE Tangrowth Battle but now it is because of its typing, Psybeam and Sleep Powder. To be honest Venomoth is kind of a situational pokemon in my team and I am either planning on teaching it Quiver Dance or just replacing it.

Diggersby Lvl.45

Huge Power

Naive Nature

No Item




Double Kick

Reason for being on Team:

I decided to add Diggersby to round out my team a bit and because the "Gym" I was about to battle was a Poison Gym. I think that all Diggersby really needs is an improvement in moveset and it will be wrecking house.

Scrafty Lvl.45


Jolly Nature

Black Belt

-Hi Jump Kick



-Drain Punch

Reason for being on Team:

I chose to add Scrafty for a similar reason that I added Diggersby and that was to round out my team and beat the Ghost Gym. Scrafty has also proven to be a really good pokemon on my team. However, a moveset improvement would also be good on Scrafty.

Zigzagoon Lvl.18


Sassy Nature

No Item




-Rock Smash

Reason for being on Team:

It is an HM Slave with Pickup as a bonus and can be used as a Sacrifice. That's all.

I hope that I have provided enough info for you guys to help improve my team, I am looking forward to your guy's suggestions. Thanks in advance.

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Some of those natures are really painful to see. But since you're just at Aya, you can't change them yet.
You can get Ralts now, so you now can have Gallade/Gardevoir. For the next gym, you might want to overlevel Diggersby to lvl 56, when it learns Earthquake (makes Serra pissed, tho).
You can grab yourself a Magnemite, two gyms until you can evolve it into Magnezone.
Fire types will help you very soon, so you might want to consider getting one. Arcanine is one, but is difficult to train.

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Okay i see a Swanna and i'm happy about it since i love that mon. Put Rain Dance on it, since rises the accuracy of Hurricane (when you'll get it) and boosts Water moves.

Another mon you could try to add is Dragalge, not very useful for 2 of the incoming Gyms but walls well the others. Also for Scrafty' set my suggestion is the almighty Dragon Dance.

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I know the feeling but sometimes hax have to be in favor to win. Some matchups just aren't in your favor sometimes, but still too much hax and you need to modify your team.

On the team, get rid of the zigzagoon, this game is not that heavy on the hm's and you have an extra slot on your team. Also let diggersby learn quick attack for some stab priority.

I also see a huge weakness to flying , so maybe drop out the venomoth for magnezone. I haven't played magnezone but I hear good things about it.

For fire types , if you're absorbed with a grass-water-fire core I would recommend arcanine. It lacks a little bit damage in my opinion for how suicidal it is, but it is one of your best options now. Make sure it stays a growlith until it learns flare blitz.

Also you could use something gimmicky like destiny bond/perish song for against boss pkmn (like a certain garchomp may have reminded you) , may I advise you a misdrevus/mismagius, it was a solid addition to my team and fullfilled it's role as anti-boss pkmn well.

Edited by FairFamily
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This is kind of an interesting scenario. Venomoth will drag for a little bit but once it gets quiver dance then it will become a beast (when its not being one shotted by a certain few leaders. Cough *charlotte *cough).

Sudowoodo, yes not kidding, might help with a bit of coverage you lack, but with so many rock types, the choice is really up to you. Magnezone is considered the go to mon, but I'm the one guy who really doesn't care for it. Typhlosion or Pyroar might be something you want to pick up. Ampharos is a good bulky electric if you really need it. I could also suggest addiding a Ghost type like Cofagrigus or Dusclops as a replacement for Zigzagoon as fodder. Rotom will be available down the line, but it's only really going to shine for the last two gyms.

Oh wait I remember another good addition for a team like this: Aggron. You have a lot of frail mons so a bulky mon like this would help out. Tyrantrum is also available down the line. I honestly think Aggron is your best option since you can get it (or will very, very soon) and it'd help out for all the gyms your weak to.

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