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Brainstorming Topic - The Flower Field


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Here we are guys. Today, the 25th of April, a new field was showcased by Amethyst.

A blooming and ever-growing place known as the Flower Field!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, here is the link to understand everything about it : The Flower Field

You must be asking yourself "What the purpose of this topic?".

Then let me tell you something.

There are to ways to deal with Fields in our dear Reborn Region. On way is, of course, destroy it, kill it with fire, or simply replacing it with the field you create (Mostly the Mist or the Grassy Terrain). This is quite a brutal way, though effective, and must be respected.

And then there is the smart way : abusing it and using it at our own advantage with Pokemons specifically trained for this!

That's what I want to discuss with you. That's why I create this topic : for anyone, any player, to expose their ideas about their trump cards/team comps/whatever. In other words, to brainstorm.

Time for us to harvest the ideas form our brains and to comment these ideas! Let your mind speak.

And of course, don't talk about Fire! I know it's the answer of all the problems, but let's see first if anything else can succeed!

Well, let's go!

PS : I don't really know if I'm allowed to do this, and moreover, to post this at this place. Anyways, I think it will please some people to speak about this field freely!

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Looks like the big battle will be double (because the battle had effects affecting only double battles) so two grass type pokemon can get at +4 using rototiller first turn and put the field in the third stage. Then just smash everything in front of you with overpowered grass type stabs.

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I wonder how Ame's supposed to fit this in the library. I mean, it was pretty full already, now add technically five fields to that (plus Dragons Den)...
But yeah, looks like Florges is qoing to be OP on this field. Exeggutor is going to have nice plays, too (both abilities profit), so the typical rose family (Roserade) could get hindered. This field would be perfect for Mega Beedrill, although Scizor gets greatly strengthened, too.

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There's one point I can't really understand about the Flower Field : are the stage increasing over time too, or only when a Stage augmenting move is performed?

Nonetheless, I think Sawsbuck can potentially be pretty strong too, If used correctly

I mean, he can have access to Chlorophyll, he has good Grass-type attacks (like Horn Leech, and Petal Blizzard through Nature Power), a good Bug attack (Megahorn), some ways to increase the Stage level, through Nature Power (Growth), and the more gimmick, but not less useful Rain dance (which could be useful, not only to prevent the field being destroyed, and also reducing further the fire weakness).

Said Rain dance could be induced if you switch first with a Politoed for exemple. But it would be risky.

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I think one of the best mons to use against this field will be, without a doubt, Drought Ninetails for its ability to nullify the rain that might prevent the field's destruction. Another mon that's nice against this field is a defensive Sap Sipper Azumarril, as it resists Bug and would then be immune to Grass, which alleviates many of the problems that the field can cause.

Bennett will bennett-fit greatly from this field and he has a lot of ways of preserving and heightening it, such as I mentioned earlier, Damp Rock Prankster Illumise which will be excellent for field preservation purposes. Any and all Swarm abusers can and will destroy foes on this field, with an extra special shout-out for Volcarona, since it is the only bug capable of potentially taking a respectable hit from a Fire type.

For a potential Laura battle, Dual Screens Meganium is a huge benefactor of this field, as then with Leaf Guard being triggered, it can easily eat hits with the buffed pure Grass typing while not worrying about the annoying impacts of status. I'm kinda surprised Grass Pelt isn't auto-triggered by this field, but it's understandable as it is the exclusive ability of Gogoat and quite forgettable. Growth Victreebel is also extraordinarily deadly on this field with easy set up via Growth and Chlorophyll access. Really any Grass type that appreciates boosting quickly enjoys this field for obvious reasons.

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First abusing it with full grass types because it will not be fun and will probably not be the smart way since this will be an elite four match and good luck fighting Heather with all these grass types. So I will excempt this. I will also assume that the opponent is using grass types as well and wants to keep up the field as well (so basically a Laura fight)

Now on to the strategy:

So first I see possibilities mega-lopunny , it can get cut with stab which means that mega-Lopunny can do high damage, control the field and hit those grass pkmn super effictively. Secondly mega-Lopunny can hit everything that resist cut with high jump kick and everything that negates it with scrappy. So grass types will only eat super effective hits all day long.

I also see possibilities in technician/cut combo by either broloom or (mega)-scizor.

Abusing swarm is an option with Heracross,Leavanny,escavalier,scizor or durant. Leavanny also gets the grass types boosts and It can also set up sticky web to counter the chlorophyl boosts.

Ingrain + infestation is a nice combo for grass types since it heals 1/4 health per turn and deals 1/4 health amage at stage 4.

If you are a trick room player consider azumarril with camouflage and soak (sap sipper is optional).Conversion porygon2 coul also be an option or camouflage florges.

In doubles trevenant can do some cool stuff with harvest and forest curse.

So on to a team for singles:

Mega-Lopunny with (fake out or power-up punch),return,cut and high jump kick.
Escavalier with swarm and mega horn, I take it over the scizor because chlorophyl will negate any speed advantage.

Cradilly with ingrain and infestation, recover and stockpile.

Florges with camouflage, synthesis, flower shield and psychic (for those grass poison types)

Ditto (to steal those enemy stat boosts due to all the effects they get from the field)

+ anything you like preferably talonflame or something to check coverage.

You lead with Lopunny, mega evolve and keep the field in check. When a pkmn falls you check if the opponent set up. If yes summon ditto, else you choose something else.

So now for a team for doubles:

Mega-Loppuny with rototiller (YES Lopunny learns this, gotta love Lopunny),return,cut and high jump kick. Max speed investment

Breloom choice scarf with technician and cut,force palm, rock slide and bullet seed. Do invest only 196 ev's in speed and adament nature.

Florges with camouflage, synthesis, flower shield and psychic (for those grass poison types)

Parasect with rage powder, wide guard, synthesis and x-scissor.

Cradilly with ingrain and infestation, recover and ancient power.

+ anything you like preferably talonflame or something to check coverage.

Ok you lead with breloom and loppuny. Loppuny opens with rototiller and breloom with cut. Since Loppuny is faster (that's why breloom has the weird ev spread), it will set up a rototiller and the breloom will cut something of choice and most likely kill it. Then lopunny does field control while breloom will cut down anything with super effective cuts. If one of the two goes down switch in parasect to protect the bootest mon a few turns more. If the opponent opens with max speed jumpluf switch out your breloom for your cradilly and use ancient power on it.

Edit forgot trevenant.

Edited by FairFamily
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If only Leavanny could have Chloropyll and Swarm at the same time...

But I feel like anything with swarm will wreck this field. With Swords dance agility, Scolipede is an amazing option. Its in an impressive speed tier of 112 and has the all-powerful Megahorn. This thing does a flat 92% damage to fully defensive ferrothorn at full field power with a chance to OHKO (Yes I remembered to boost ferro's defenses as well). If you swords dance, you could even OHKO a non-defensive Primal Groudon and Defensive Weezing.

Seriously Ame, we may need a nerf cause *3 swarm and *2 STAB is a LOT. But I suppose its balanced since anyone besides the Gym Leader using it would just Burn this field to the ground.

While doing my calcs I noticed Skarmory (if we ever get it) Is an excellent defensive mon as always. Not even the mighty Scolipede will dent it. It will double resist any bug or grass moves. Rain Dance Support will weaken fire and a lightning rod companion like Mega Sceptile (or in game for now something like Jolteon) would stave off Thunders. Meanwhile this thing can set up spikes, phaze out the opponent with whirlwind, have flying STAB support with its pretty decent attack stat and....Yeah we are SOOO not getting this thing soon.

Only thing I dislike about this field is that, like so many others, we probably do not have the ability to create it naturally, It's a shame fun stuff like the Mountain, Cave, and even Chess Field can never be used outside of their arenas. But hopefully if we ever get online play we can have the option to battle on those fields at the start of the match.

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IOnly thing I dislike about this field is that, like so many others, we probably do not have the ability to create it naturally, It's a shame fun stuff like the Mountain, Cave, and even Chess Field can never be used outside of their arenas. But hopefully if we ever get online play we can have the option to battle on those fields at the start of the match.

Maybe do something funky with Leech Seed (combined with Rototiller)?

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Only thing I dislike about this field is that, like so many others, we probably do not have the ability to create it naturally, It's a shame fun stuff like the Mountain, Cave, and even Chess Field can never be used outside of their arenas. But hopefully if we ever get online play we can have the option to battle on those fields at the start of the match.

Imagine if we fought the Redemption League or something similar with these field effects...

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