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Hearthstone Whispers of the Old Gods release thread


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Since the new expanison is releasing tomorrow i thought why not revive hearthstone talk on reborn. What do you think of the expansion and feel free to put some of your deck lists for this expansion in this thread.

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well, I'm happy about the Standard format, since I don't play very often, I was always behind on "meta" cards and didn't stand a chance (all those Dr. Booms and Secret paladins etc.)

now with standard and those 50 pre-ordered packs (got 2 Legendaries - Shaman and Mage) - I can finally have fun again while playing instead of total frustration.

I actually got rank 17 today... while all the other times I couldn't bare to go further than 23 or so, because it was just frustrating with me lacking so many cards...

(yeah, I pre-ordered so I could basically play again)

I mostly played the new Zoo-Warlock with the "Darkshire Councilman" - Damn this thing is brutal if you don't stop it early. (it's 3 Mana 1/5 - When you summon a minion gain +1 attack)

with the forbidden Ritual - that uses all your mana and summons that many 1/1 tentacles you can have a strong 5/5 on turn 4 + 4 additional 1/1 minions which is 9 Damage on the board on turn 4!

I also played C'Thun Druid for my current quests, it's great if you get your C'Thun buffers early on, to get a 4/10 Amberweaver out by turn 4 (Amberweaver: 4 Mana 4/5 - when C'Thun has at least 10/10 gain +5health)

this thing can become a solid wall - if you bring an Argus Defender or that Shield-girl, who give taunt to adjacanet minions - you have a better druid of the Claw in bear form :P

for other decks I'm missing to many cards, but I think I try to play some other classes tomorrow, maybe try out Shaman and Mage with those Legendaries.

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Shaman's Legend is kinda awful ((strong word but he's very meh... like a solid meh.)) outside of Control Decks or this hybrid Evolve Deck I'm running/ Though, I'm seriously considering dropping him though since he never does anything but be a body and there's better ones than him.

I'm playing a Mid-Range style Shammy that uses Evolve ((which isn't a Dr.1 try playing on turn one... see what happens. it's not even one throught the game. It's a pretty good card but it's not as good as people think it is... saying the guy who is playing the deck.))

Looooook... I'm jsut glad Shaman is feeling viable again. It's great.

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I'm having a lot of fun with this expansion two favorites so far would be agro paldin murlock and warlock zoo. I want to find a working mill deck in standard but with healbot, the blade flurry nerf and the doomguard gone its really hard. I would say the best c'thun deck as of now is most likely druid due to there being ramp.

edit I disenchanted practically every epic and legendary i got in order to get at least 2 of all the commons and rares I found playable because I felt a lot of core cards in the set were that rarity and with the leftovers got 2 of the new paladin murlock and the rougue epics but I don't know if a second blade of c'thun is needed in that deck so I'm holding off on that

Edited by nepeta100
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Hmmm, I dunno Druid is defintiely a strong contender but I don't know if ramping into C'thun. Besides quite a few classes bring stuff to C'thun decks. I still don't know about a lot of them cause we need to see the very explosive meta settle.

I'll note though, that Mid-Range decks feels VERY strong. Especially against C'thun based decks. Because while their minions are on curve, until they hit either Twin Emp((probably going to put in a Black Knight to soften that blow and besides... he's a good Evolve target since he goes up to a 7 mana minion which are pretty good most of the time.)), or C'thun... honestly... C'thun decks are just solidly meh. It's easy at least so far for me playing my Shammy to out-value you them with my creature effects ((or evolving my super cheap Things from Below and Nerubian Prophets with either Evolve or Master of Evolution since they still count as 6 mana cost for the effect..)) and just get ahead of them. Then since most of them don't have room to run good board-clears I can just smack the hell out of their face or evolve a board of totems into a board of 2 mana minions. ((of course there's a chance to pull Doomsayers... uuuugh.)) but still XD. I feel like Mid-range decks are going to be super strong in this meta.

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I faced a mill rogue c'thun today that was such a weird game I would have thought a deck like that would be too crowded to actually work but if actually turns out to work I would be esthetic because I would love to see a mill deck be actually completive for once in a card game that isn't banned

edit I also played a dragon priest deck and a c'thun priest deck the same day recently I could definitely tell the difference between the two do you feel like the expansion added any new tools to that other than the new priest deathrattle or the new neutral dragons

Edited by nepeta100
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