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Need help to finish a playthrough


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Hello! So. I've yet to finish Reborn [in my last playthrough I got to Serra, which is my farthest] and need some help. I've been brainstorming ideas for a team, but can't find a solid 6 that fits together. All I know is this:

Gardevoir [Trace]

Modest Nature

252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
-Calm Mind
-Misty Terrain

Misty terrain is there to negate other field effects, really.

Arcanine [intimidate]

Adamant Nature

252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def

-Close Combat

-Flare Blitz


Magnezone [Analytic] [sorry, adaptability was a typo]

Modest Nature

252 SpA / 168 HP / 88 Spe


-Flash Cannon

-Charge Beam

-Magnet Rise

These pokemon are the only absolute necessities that will Always be in the party, because I'm too sentimental and, well, Magnezone.. Abilities and moves of them I'm okay to change plans with. Additionally, I'm keeping in mind a fire/water/grass core, with Arcanine filling the fire, though again that core isn't a necessity.

Additionally, I haven't gotten my head around the rotating teams idea, such as when to do it, and how to do it effectively. Any advice in that regard would be appreciated.

Finally, I will be using some temporary pokemon in Espurr/Meowstic [until I get Ralts] and Kricketot/Kricketune, at the least, because of the early access to them. Any permanent pokemon obtained earlier on will be great, though. Thankyou!

Pokemon I'm heavily considering [Thankyou very much Viridescent!]:

Dragalge [Adaptability]

Modest Nature

252 SpA / 252 HP / 4 SpD

-Dragon Pulse

-Sludge Wave


-Toxic Spikes

Crawdaunt [Adaptability]

Adamant Nature

252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP


-Aqua jet

-Knock Off

-Swords Dance

Chesnaught [bulletproof]

Adamant Nature

252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 HP

-Wood Hammer

-Hammer Arm

-Leech Seed

-Spiky Shield

Staraptor [intimidate]

Jolly Nature

252 Spe / 252 Atk / 4 Def

-Brave Bird




Noivern [infiltrator]

Modest Nature

252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP



-Dragon Pulse


Kingdra [sniper]

Modest Nature

252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD

-Hydro Pump

-Dragon Pulse


-Icy Wind

Edited by Octoling
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Isn't Magnezone's ability either Analytic, Magnet Pull, or Sturdy? (Should probs put sturdy on it since that gives it a lot of staying power and no random OHKO)

Sadly, I can't offer any tips or pokemon since my team is pretty much full of eeveelutions and 1 starter :S

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Isn't Magnezone's ability either Analytic, Magnet Pull, or Sturdy? (Should probs put sturdy on it since that gives it a lot of staying power and no random OHKO)

Sadly, I can't offer any tips or pokemon since my team is pretty much full of eeveelutions and 1 starter :S

Sorry, that was a typo. I did mean analytic. And I figure that since Magnezone's job is to take hits, sturdy would have little effect except for ground moves.

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I see Magnezone. You have my approval.

Only thing is, Magnezone doesn't get Adaptability, I think you mean Analytic. And yes, Analytic is the most beneficial ability on Magnezone in Reborn. Also, Volt Switch is not yet available as a TM, so You'll do better with Charge Beam, which can allow Magnezone to boost easily. If you bother about breeding for IVs and natures and EV training, then use a Modest nature on Magnezone and Gardevoir and an Adamant one on Arcanine. Maximize their offensive stats, and maximize speed on Arcanine and Gardevoir. Magnezone will be better off with HP investment and 88 Speed at least.

Dragon moves on non-dragons are rather bad, really, so drop Outrage on Arcanine for Crunch or even Thunder Fang. Coverage is useful, even if you have other mons of the same type, since you may not always be able to switch out.

Gardevoir can make better use of Trace to copy useful abilities like Water Absorb in specific situations. Its other two abilities are definitely worse, anyway.

As for team suggestions:

Dragalge: an excellent special tank, that can use Adaptability Dragon Pulse and Sludge Wave and can also make good use of Surf for both coverage and overworked utility. It also completes the Fairy/Dragon/Steel core with Gardevoir and Magnezone. Skrelp can be found by fishing as soon as you reach Azurine Island. Use a Modest or Calm nature with investment in Special Attack or Spdef and HP. If you can be bothered to chain breed, Dragalge can make excellent use of Toxic Spikes, which it can get from omanyte, which in turn gets it from trubbish.

Crawdaunt: Exceedingly strong with Adamant Adaptability-boosted Crabhammer and Knock Off. Breeding with Golduck or Seel can give it strong priority in Aqua Jet. It even learns Swords Dance naturally, so it'll be destroying everything in its path if it can set up. Corphish can be found on Apophyll beach via Rock Smash.

Grass types are harder to manage in Reborn, since the good ones are rare or difficult to get early on, and many don't get their best moves through level up. However, your best bet might be Chesnaught. Gives you a good physical tank with reliable recovery in Synthetis/Leech Seed and can use Bulk Up with Wood Hammer and Hammer Arm quite effectively. With an Impsih nature, it can also take a more defensive route with Spikes and spiky shield, though you have to chain breed Spikes onto it from Delibird, which must get it from Greninja. You do get a Chespin egg as an event later in the game, and it may have a good chance to come with Spikes as an egg moves, so that'll save you trouble. Until then, Tangrowth is probably your best bet as a defensive grass type with good synergy on your team.

Of course, Reborn needs more than six Pokémon to get through comfortably, so consider other powerful mons like Mamoswine, Kingdra, Tyrantrum, Toxicroak, Bisharp, Staraptor, Noivern and Roserade along the way.

Edited by Viridescent
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Golem and Pangoro were fantastic for my first run through, especially because Feraligatr, Rapidash, and Ampharos stopped carrying their weight around level 40 :,). Sturdy golem gives survivability against extremely difficult challenges and will be excellent against certain flying or general sweepers you might come across. Pangoro's dark and fighting typing make him amazing through the later midgame, and I was always trying to keep him underleveled because he would just be perfect for every fight. Other than that, Gogoat is fun to use as a grass type, even though he arrives a little late. I'm not too sure about water types honestly as I'm trying to find one that I'm actually excited about or that I found useful. I hope this helps out, and in the end I believe determination is much more important to completing the game than anything else.

Oh one last thing, I'd highly recommend carrying a status inducing move on one of your pokemon. Please, make sure you have at least one, whether poison, burn, sleep, or paralysis.

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I don't if you've chosen a starter, but if you haven't Venusaur would be a really good choice due to its Bulk and Sleep Powder. Roserade is one of the better options if you have though. Crobat is another good addition to the team as it's almost always going to outspeed anything on the field which is why confuse ray is very useful in doubles.

You'll probably want a tanky water, but given Lanturn and Walrein are available so late, Blastoise is probably the best option in that department. I've also seen Empoleon perform quite well. If you get really lucky, the mystery egg will net you Tentacruel or Jellicent who you should use right away.

Now for the final slot (unless you added Crobat) I suppose a rock/ground type is going to be the best defensive option here. If you want to go with a Sand Team you'll want to ignore everything I said and pick up Hippowdon. Dugtrio is a good option (I would suggest Aggron, but somebody is already using Magnet thingy) and Sudowoodo is not a bad option either given its Sturdy Counter will get rid of dangerous threats. If you're not up to either of those, Cradily or Archeops are some nifty choices.

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I would suggest Aggron, but somebody is already using Magnet thingy


I agree, though, I hadn't considered if they had already chosen a starter. In that case, getting hold of a Venusaur or a Greninja would be a good idea. Empoleon is also good, because MetalBirb best birb, but unfortunately we don't yet have Flash Cannon or Ice Beam as a TM yet, and its movepool by level is kinda meh.

I also suggest trying out something with support moves. Tyrantrum gets SR naturally and is an excellent user of it, with great level up moves like Head Smash, Dclaw and EQ to abuse with Rock Head. Greninja and Chesnaught can both be Spikers, and Roserade and Dragalge can be Tspikers or users of Toxic. You can use Sleep Powder on your Roserade or Venusaur, too, but you need to breed with Exeggutor I think. Exeggutor can also pass Extrasensory and Leaf Storm to Budew.

Edited by Viridescent
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Could I make a case for Diggersby? You get it pretty early, access to EQ, Quick attack and Strength, overall pretty powerful. Plus, unlike Azumarril, you don't have to be lucky to get it. (Although Azu is a flatout monster. Solaris ain't got shit on him)
Mamo is great, too, but you'll have to breed Icicle Crash from a Beartic (level 37, iirc) for optimal results.
For Roserade, you'll have to do some serious breeding to get the best results.
You might want to consider Archeop, too. That thing is very strong (Healing items work around Defeatist), although EQ requires episode hopping. If you do the Spinel museum sidequest in time, you can get it before facing Serra, iirc. Flygon is noticeably weaker, but has a stronger EQ and learns proper coverage through level-up. (Superpower/EQ/Rock Slide/Dragon Claw e.g.) You can get it around the same time.
Crobat can be nice, too, plus you can choose between a physical or a special set (I prefer the former). Besides Acrobatics gets boosted in some future fields for you.
I'm not sure how well Cofagrigus does after Serra (a particular boss completely counters it), but it is a fine tank, in particular to physical behemoths. This game made me really like him, seeing how easily it can shrug off hits, cripple the opponent, and then just beat it to pulp.

Prankster mons can always be helpful, especially Murkrow (Rain Dance, Perish Song...), so kepping one for emergencies can be recommended.

Out of your suggestions, Noivern, Staraptor and Crawdaunt seem the better options to me. (Noivern gets Super Fang, too. Could be handy)

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