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The Remnants of Atlantis (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Water-type Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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Well, it's been a while since I've done a monotype run of Pokemon Reborn Hardcore, so I figured I might as well start up again with a type I did for Pokemon Rejuvenation: the Water type! I would have done this sooner, but I heard that there's a pretty rough early-game hell for mono-water users (the lack of water-types, buffed Julia and Florina, the PULSE Tangrowth, etc.) that Commander slightly alleviated by adding more Water-types in Version 2.1, such as Psyduck and Corey's Quilfish. So, yeah, now that it's finally here, let's get started!

Here's the Pokemon that our trainer this time, Kitara, has so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 55

carracosta.gifLord Cover (Male) - Lv. 55

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 55

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 55

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 56

ludicolo-f.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 55

Here's the Pokemon in Kitara's PC:

goldeen-f.gifQueenie (Female) - Lv. 19

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 27

lumineon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 38

dewgong.gifCiel (Female) - Lv. 43

golduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 40

sharpedo.gifJaws (Male) - Lv. 43

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 50

crawdaunt.gifM.C. Hammer (Male) - Lv. 50

octillery-f.gifBig Bertha (Female) - Lv. 51

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 55

quagsire-f.gifDerpi (Female) - Lv. 55

Here's the bosses Kitara has to face so far:

electrode.gifJulia (Defeated!)

cradily.gifFlorina (Defeated, Miraculously Enough!​)

crobat.gifCorey (Defeated!​)

volbeat.gifShelly (Defeated!​)

chandelure.gifShade (Defeated!​)

medicham-mega.gifKiki (Defeated​!)

garchomp.gifSolaris (Defeated!​)

dragalge.gifAya (Defeated​!)

froslass.gifSerra (Defeated​!)

clefable.gifNoel (Defeated!​)

Spr_3r_000.pngEl (Undefeated​)

Spr_3r_000.pngRadomus (Undefeated​)

Spr_3r_000.pngLuna (Undefeated​)

Spr_3r_000.pngSampson (Undefeated​)

Spr_3r_000.pngCharlotte (Undefeated​)

Spr_3r_000.pngM3G4 T3RR4 (Und3f34t3d​)

Spr_3r_000.pngSeel Ciel (Undefeated​)

Well, wish me luck... 'cause I'm probably a little rusty.

EDIT: Whoops, almost forgot this run's theme song!

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Update #1: Commander Takes the Helm Again

Well, the tutorial battles against Cain and Victoria were... honestly, I couldn't tell you. I gave my save file to Commander so he could edit a few things for me (just simple stuff like narrowing down the mystery egg and such), but he did the first two battles for me. I assume they were pretty uneventful, since he not only beat them, but Memekip was level 7 while Cain was level 6. So... yeah. Anyway, onward to the Peridot Ward!

The team so far:

mudkip.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 7

oshawott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 6

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Kitara is Finnish word for guitar.

...I meant Katara, from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Welp, too late now... (-_-")

dearlord i hope you get through throw those pesky grass types with easy :S cuz i dont want mudkip to die

Don't worry, I'm not doing a Nuzlocke. If he faints, I'll still be able to use him!

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If you really must know what happened, I spammed Water Gun with Mudkip against Cain's Nidoran, but it fainted in which Oshawott got the kill. (I swear that Oshawott is going to be called Soka). Mudkip pretty much destroyed Victoria's Tepig with water gun which would explain the weird leveling. One thing I don't understand with the request he gave me was wanting Panpour instead of Wingull. When comparing Julia and Florinia for a water mono, Julia is the lesser of two evils.

I only know this because I did consider doing a water mono. Good luck, no I mean good luck because the beginning is definitely the hardest part.

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If you really must know what happened, I spammed Water Gun with Mudkip against Cain's Nidoran, but it fainted in which Oshawott got the kill. (I swear that Oshawott is going to be called Soka). Mudkip pretty much destroyed Victoria's Tepig with water gun which would explain the weird leveling. One thing I don't understand with the request he gave me was wanting Panpour instead of Wingull. When comparing Julia and Florinia for a water mono, Julia is the lesser of two evils.

I only know this because I did consider doing a water mono. Good luck, no I mean good luck because the beginning is definitely the hardest part.

B-but muh scald burns... Anyway, thanks for the recap!

Update #2: Your Best Friend

Well, the irony of Fern was that I usually had trouble getting past his Lombre, and almost always got wiped out by his Servine, but on TEH URN I managed to take him out with relatively no trouble. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Memekip, and Fern led with his Lombre. Lombre set up a growl and fired off a absorb and a bubble, but was hit with six mud-slaps, lowering its accuracy to pretty much nothing. Memekip then began using tackle on Lombre, dodging bubbles left and right while Fern used up his two potions. Eventually Lombre managed to land two astonishes and an absorb, causing Memekip to faint, but it was left with only a sliver of health. Kitara sent out one of our newest team members, Bibs the Bidoof next, and she set up a defense curl while dodging an absorb to KO Lombre with a rollout! Fern's Servine came out next, but thanks to moody boosts Bibs was able to tank a vine whip and a wrap to 2HKO it with rollout. All that remained was Fern's ace, Roselia, but the poor thing went down to a mighty rollout before it could even attack! With Fern defeated, it's time to take on the Mosswater Factory!

The team so far:

mudkip.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 13

oshawott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 13

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 16

goldeen-f.gifQueenie (Female) - Lv. 13

finneon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 13

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 13

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Update #3: Mosswater Meltdown

Well, Aster and Eclipse weren't all that bad. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Ruto the Finneon, Fern led with Roselia, Aster led with Electabuzz, and Eclipse led with Magmar. Ruto tanked a feint attack and a swift to set up a rain dance, and Roselia unleashed a mega drain on Electabuzz. Ruto then did quite a bit of damage with a water gun while Roselia paralyzed Magmar with a stun spore, but Magmar KO'd Ruto with a feint attack while Electabuzz dented Roselia with a shock wave. Cress the Panpour came out next, but while he did quite a bit of damage to Magmar with a water gun, Electabuzz KO'd Roselia with a swift and Magmar took out Cress with a feint attack. Kitara sent out Cain next, and while Eclipse healed Magmar and Aster had Electabuzz use fire punch on Fern's newly-sent-out Lombre, Cain did considerable damage to Magmar with a water gun and Lombre did chip damage to Electabuzz with an absorb. Lombre did more chip damage with an astonish on Electabuzz while tanking a second fire punch the next turn, and Cain managed to take out Magmar with a mighty water gun!

All that was left was Aster's Electabuzz, and Cain damaged it with a razor shell while it fired off a swift and Lombre used absorb. Aster tried healing it the next turn, but Cain and Lombre teamed up do damage it more with a water gun/absorb combo! Poor Lombre then fainted to a fire punch, but Cain was able to do damage and lower Electabuzz's defense with a razor shell, allowing Fern's Servine to come out, tank a swift, and end the Electabuzz alongside Cain with a razor shell/vine whip combo! With Aster and Eclipse defeated and the Mosswater factory in ruins, it's time to take on Julia!

...I'm not looking forward to this...

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 16

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 19

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 16

goldeen-f.gifQueenie (Female) - Lv. 16

finneon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 17

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 15

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Here lies Lord Chespin: He tried to beat Julia with a water type. It didn't end so well.

(Hand bursts out of grave) I AIN'T DEAD YET, B####ES! WOOOOOOOOOO

(Cough) Um, anyway...

Update #4: Rolling Out

Well, Julia took substantially less time than I expected, but I think I might have gotten lucky. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Memekip, and Julia led with Magnemite. Magnemite was actually pretty easy: Memekip tanked a sonic boom, popped its air balloon with a water gun, and ended it with a mud shot!

Up next came Julia's hardest Pokemon for me to deal with: her Heliolisk. Seriously, I had nothing that resisted its hidden power, and it could wipe the floor with most of my team with a parabolic charge. Fortunately, Bibs (who Kitara swapped Memekip out for) was able to survive a hidden power to deliver a tackle and (more importantly) get an evasiveness boost from Moody! She then dodged a second attack and did massive damage with another tackle, and dodged one last attack to KO it with a third tackle!

Julia sent out her Emolga next... and then the sweep happened. Bibs managed to avoid a charge beam and began using rollout (appropriate music can be found here), and he managed to not only dodge another charge beam, but (thanks to moody) outsped it and ended it with two more rollouts! Julia's Voltorb and Chinchou fell to two rollouts each, leaving only her ace, Electrode!

Unfortunately, Electrode was where things started to get hairy. Kitara sent out Ruto, then quickly swapped her out for Queenie to get a free lightningrod boost, but Queenie's subsequent water pulse was shrugged off thanks to a charge. Queenie then got slammed by a sonic boom, but was able to confuse it with a supersonic and got off a horn attack before fainting to a sonic boom. Kitara decided to send out Memekip next, and he took advantage of Electrode's confusion to land a few mud shots, seriously lowering it speed and mmaking Julia use up her last super potion (she used her first on Emolga). Sadly, Electrode managed to get off a magnet rise, causing Memekip to miss a mud shot and thus only do chip damage with two tackles before fainting to a few sonic booms. While Kitara was able to keep him alive a little bit longer with a super potion, he fainted to a few more supersonics, although not before healing Bibs. Cain came out next, but he only got off a single fury cutter before falling to a charge beam. Ruto also fell to a charge beam, but she was able to set up a rain dance first, so that was nice. Bibs came out, and did massive damage with a headbutt, but Electrode held on and took her out with a charge beam as well. All that Kitara had left was Cress, and he did some damage with a water gun before Electrode fired off one last charge beam... but incredibly, it missed! This let Cress end it with one last water gun, ending the fight! And so, we head onward to the Obsidia Ward, ready to finish off one of our only two weaknesses!

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 17

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 19

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 19

goldeen-f.gifQueenie (Female) - Lv. 16

finneon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 17

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 18

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Oh god that was a close fight.

Tell me about it. It was going alright until Electrode came out... I digress, however.

Update #5: Our Beloved Smother

Well, Victoria wasn't too bad, at least compared to Fern. Kitara led with Cain, and Victoria led with her Scraggy. Scraggy damaged Cain with two low kicks, then lowered his accuracy with two sand-attacks, causing Cain to miss his fourth fury cutter. Scraggy had less than half of its health by this time, though, so Victoria quickly healed it with a potion while Cain missed a razor shell. The next two razor shells connected, lowering Scraggy's defense with each hit, but Scraggy knocked Cain down to half health with a low kick and a feint attack. Cain then missed a fury cutter, allowing Victoria to heal it again, but he was able to land a razor shell the next turn, ending it!

Up next came Victoria's Kirlia, so Kitara sent out Queenie. Kirlia was rather uneventful; it did some damage to Queenie with a confusion and a disarming voice, but she lived and ended it with three horn attacks!

Victoria sent out her Makuhita after this, and Kitara sent out Ruto. Ruto managed to do quite a bit of damage with two gusts, but was slammed by a knock off and took considerable damage from a force palm, in addition to getting paralyzed by said force palm. Sadly, Makuhita then outsped and KO'd her, but Cress (who came out next) was able to end it with two water guns after tanking a force palm!

Victoria decided to send out her Pignite next, and Kitara kept Cress on the field. Unfortunately, he took quite a bit of damage from an arm thrust and didn't do much damage in return with a water gun, so Kitara swapped out to Cain, who took the fall for Cress and fainted to a flame charge. Memekip came out and set up a bide, then tanked a smog and an arm thrust to KO the Pignite with his stored rage!

All that remained was Victoria's Poliwag, so Kitara swapped out to Bibs. She tanked two bubblebeams and ended the fight with two headbutts, allowing us to move forward to the slums! Onward!

The team so far:

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Update #6: The Dragonborn, Stallord, Mike Tyson, and Big Boss All Walk Into a Slum...

Well, I beat the Scraggy Gang on my first try, but it was one heckuva close battle. Kitara led with Cress and Skyla, and the Gang led with Dragonborn and Stallord. Cress and Skyla teamed up to fire off a water gun/bubble beam combo twice, while Cress tanked a headbutt and Skyla tanked a drain punch; unfortunately, Cress fell to a brick break, so Kitara sent out Cain.

Cain finished what Cress started and ended Dragonborn with a fury cutter, but was badly poisoned by Stallord after it set up an iron defense and Skyla hit it with a bubble beam.Up next came Tyson the Scraggy, and he set up bulk up while Cain and Skyla ended Stallord with a bubble beam/fury cutter hybrid! This resulted in the boss of the Scraggy- Big Boss- coming out. While Cain as able to do massive damage to Tyson with a fury cutter and Skyla dented Big Boss with a bubble beam, Cain ended up fainting to two brick breaks from Big Boss and Skyla fell to a ice punch and fire punch.

Kitara sent out Memekip and Ruto next, and while Memekip tanked a brick break and Ruto tanked an ice punch, Ruto set up rain dance, allowing Memekip to KO Tyson! All that remained was Big Boss, and while Ruto used rain dance again thanks to my stupid sloppy fingers, Memekip fell to a payback. This led to Bibs coming out, and he used headbutt on Big Boss before Ruto fell to a brick break. Fortunately, she managed to get an evasion buff from Moody, and was able to dodge most attacks that Big Boss threw at her (and survived a payback) to end Big Boss with a handful of headbutts! With that done with, it's time to move onward to the Coral Ward!

I am looking forward to seeing the new scene Commander added...

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 20

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 21

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 21

ducklett.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 21

finneon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 20

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 20

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Update #7: You Want to Dewott With Me?

Well, Cain wasn't all that bad; I managed to beat him on my first try (not like that, you pervert). Kitara led with Memekip, and Cain led with Grimer. Grimer did some damage to Memekip with a shadow sneak, but Memekip was able to do massive damage with two mud shots, forcing Grimer to use minimize and Cain to heal it with a potion while Memekip used water gun. Memekip missed a mud shot and got slammed by an acid spray; however, he managed to land two more mud shots while Cain used his last Potion, causing Grimer to faint!

Up next came Cain's newly-evolved Dewott, so Kitara swapped out to Bibs. Bibs was able to do considerable damage with a headbutt, but missed a second headbutt; luckily, the first headbutt must have given Dewott brain damage, because it used focus energy twice. Bibs was able to outspeed and KO Dewott with three more headbutts, causing a flinch and dodging an air slash in the process!

Cain decided to stop messing around and sent out his ace, Nidorino. Kitara sent out Memekip again, and he dodged a poison tail to KO it with two mud shots! Well, that was anticlimactic...

Cain decided to send out his Venonat next, so Kitara sent out Skyla. Skyla tanked a confusion and a big bite to end it with two aerial aces! Again, nothing special...

All that Cain had left was his Gastly, so Kitara sent out Cress. He tanked two night shades and was able to take it out with two bites, ending the fight! Onward to the PULSE Tangrowth!

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 22

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 21

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 21

ducklett.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 21

finneon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 21

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 21

P.S.: Commander, that new scene was incredible and I literally died laughing. I'm a spoopy skeleton now.

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Cain is...the type of character I rarely write for and for very good reason (there's a reason why I said it fried a few brain cells creating that dialogue). I was very reluctant to do this change for so long because I didn't want to touch the story. The best way to describe the feeling is a stranger writing a passage in someone's book they've been working very hard on.

Also, RIP Solaris's "I will delete you with only one Pokemon." The variations of this as "I will delete you with my Pokemon" and "I will delete you with all my Pokemon" just don't have enough of that cockiness to actually put fear and tension on.

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I wish you good luck with the PULSE.

Hey, thanks!

Cain is...the type of character I rarely write for and for very good reason (there's a reason why I said it fried a few brain cells creating that dialogue). I was very reluctant to do this change for so long because I didn't want to touch the story. The best way to describe the feeling is a stranger writing a passage in someone's book they've been working very hard on.

Also, RIP Solaris's "I will delete you with only one Pokemon." The variations of this as "I will delete you with my Pokemon" and "I will delete you with all my Pokemon" just don't have enough of that cockiness to actually put fear and tension on.

Well, I think you handled the changes very well! I really like the line "they won't even get a single scratch on them"; it still keeps the cockiness level pretty high. Anyhoo...

Update #8: Down the Mega Drain

Well, the PULSE Tangrowth battle was pretty darn intense. Seriously, it could pretty much restore itself to full health any time it wanted with Mega Drain! On TEH URN, Kitara led with Cress, and ZEL led with the Tangrowth. Cress managed to miraculously burn it with a scald the first time he used it, and tanked an acid spray to do some damage with a bite; unfortunately, he fainted to a second acid spray. Up next came Memekip, and he did chip damage with two mud bombs, even managing to lower the Tangrowth's accuracy. Sadly, he got slammed with two mega drains, meaning there was a net gain of health for the Tangrowth after he fainted. Bibs came out next, and she managed to flinch the tangrwoth with a headbutt twice, stalling for burns; unfortunately, just as it was in KO range, ZEL used their super potion. Fortunately, rather thank attack, the Tangrowth used growth, allowing Bibs to flinch hax it and KO it with burn damage! With that done with, it's time to take on the Onyx Trainer's School!

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 22

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 22

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 23

ducklett.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 22

finneon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 22

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 22

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Update #9: The Battle of Onyx Trainer School

UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Fern was INSANE. I seriously tried to give myself every advantage I could, and he still wiped the floor with me for at least 25 attempts! Anyway, when TEH URN finally came, Kitara led with one of our newer team members, Racist the Lombre, and Fern led with his Ludicolo. Racist did some damage with a nature power-turned tri attack, and tanked a bullet seed; he then got off a giga drain and survived a four-hit bullet seed with just 1 HP remaining! Fern quickly used his super potion on it, but Racist was able to do damage to it with two giga drains. Sadly, despite the amount of HP he recovered, he was still unable to survive another bullet seed, but Skyla was able to swoop in, land an aerial ace while Fern healed Ludicolo again, tank a tri attack and a water pulse, and end the Ludicolo with two aerial aces!

Up next came Fern's Grovyle, so Kitara sent out Cain. Miraculously, rather than KO Cain with a leaf blade, Fern used a fury cutter and a pursuit, allowing Cain to KO it with two fury cutters!

Fern sent out what was normally his toughest Pokemon to deal with- his Servine. Miraculously, though, Servine used a growth and missed a leaf tornado, allowing Cain to KO it with two fury cutters!

Fern decided to stop messing around and sent out his ace: Roselia. Cain was able to survive a mega drain and do serious damage to Roselia with a fury cutter, but got poisoned and fell to another mega drain. Bibs the Bibarel came out next, and was able to finish what Cain started with a hyper fang!

Finally, all that remained was Fern's Ferroseed. Kitara kept Bibs on the field, and he did chip damage with two rollouts before fainting to two seed bombs. GroundonSlayr tthe Psyduck came out next, and he did massive damage with a cross chop, but also fell to a seed bomb. Ciel the Seel tanked a seed bomb and fired off an icy wind, but wasn't able to do much damage; luckily, she was able to set up a perish song before fainting, allowing Skyla to come out, tank two seed bombs and a gyro ball, and stall out the perish timer until it fainted! With that b@$%@!& out of the way, it's time to take on his much nicer but just as tough sister!

...and hopefully, things get easier after that...

The team so far:

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 25

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 25

ducklett.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 24

psyduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 25

seel.gifCiel (Female) - Lv. 25

lombre.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 25

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Update 10: World War Florina

My God. I thought Fern was bad. I though Julia was bad. I even thought Solaris was bad. But Florina? No. Nothing I've ever fought before even came close to being as bad as Florina was for my mono-water team. I spent at minimum 100 tries on her, and it finally paid off. I feel numb. When TEH URN finally rose from the field of shattered urns, Kitara led with Cain, and Florina led with Cacturne. Cacturne set up a layer of spikes, but Cain was able to KO it with two mighty fury cutters!

Up next came Florina's Breloom, so Kitara swapped out to Skyla. Skyla tanked a drain punch (out of all of the options, this was the best one for me; it's telling how bad your situation is when your best option is to get punched in the face by a mushroom man), and managed to OHKO it with an air slash, leading to the part where the real fight began...

Florina sent out her Tropius, and this is where things got brutal. Kitara sent out Cress, and he tried to burn it with a scald; sadly, he failed, and was promptly OHKO'd by a leaf blade. Fully expecting to lose the fight, Kitara sent out Bibs, and she did some damage with a hyper fang while getting poisoned; however, while Tropius used leaf blade, Bibs was able to get healed of his poison with an antidote, and got off another hyper fang while Tropius used dragon dance and ate its sitrus berry. Tropius tanked a hyper fang and flew up into the air, but Bibs had gained so many evasion boosts that he was able to dodge the fly and set up a defense curl, then counter with a rollout for the KO!

Florina decided to send out her Grotle next, and Bibs took some damage from a rollout while missing a seed bomb twice. Both Pokemon missed their moves the next turn, so all that really happened was that Bibs got more moody boosts. Grotle actually managed to land a sand tomb while Bibs missed because of the evasion and accuracy debuffs from moody, but Bibs just got healed by a super potion and tanked a seed bomb. Unfortunately, Bibs disobeyed me due to overleveling, giving Grotle a chance to set up stealth rock. She then disobeyed me two more times while dodging a seed bomb and a sand tomb. I actually remember yelling at her, "BIBS YOU STUPID BIBAREL DO YOU WANT TO DIE". Luckily, he broke free of sand tomb and was able to get healed while dodging a seed bomb, then did chip damage with a hyper fang and dodged another sand tomb. He continued to do chip damage with hyper fangs while dodging attacks, but then Grotle managed to set up a synthesis and land a seed bomb, and Bibs disobeyed Kitara again; fortunately, he had gotten a few attack boosts, so she was able to do significant damage to Grotle with a few hyper fangs while dodging attacks. Sadly, she disobeyed me and Florina was able to fully heal Grotle with both of her super potions. However, despite Grotle landing a sand tomb and forcing Kitara to heal Bibs, after a few more attack boosts and turns of dodging attacks, Bibs was finally able to KO the Grotle!

Bibs stayed on the field while Florina sent out her toughest Pokemon for me to normally handle: her Gourgeist. Bibs tanked a two-hit bullet seed but whiffed a rollout, and was healed by a super potion while dodging two bullet seeds. He then managed to land a rollout, dodge a bullet seed, and end the Gourgeist with three rollouts!

All that remained was Florina's Cradily, and normally, it would have wiped out what remained of my team. Amazingly, though, not only was Bibs able to outspeed Cradily, but she was also able to OHKO it with a mighty rollout! And so, with Florina miraculously defeated, it's time to move onwards to the Jasper and Beryl Wards!

The team so far:

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 25

bibarel-f.gifBibs (Female) - Lv. 27

ducklett.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 25

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 25

seel.gifCiel (Female) - Lv. 25

lombre.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 25

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One thing I don't understand with the request he gave me was wanting Panpour instead of Wingull. When comparing Julia and Florinia for a water mono, Julia is the lesser of two evils.

I called it. I freaking called it way before it happened. Anyways, congrats on winning that battle and hope none of the other fights are as bad. Shelly might be a bit tricky but by that time, you'll have an army. Also, I'm pretty sure you missed the Psyduck event in the arcade. 5000 Poke and it would've been yours. I do know I intentionally put a timeframe on it.

Edit: Nevermind, I see you got it.

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I called it. I freaking called it way before it happened. Anyways, congrats on winning that battle and hope none of the other fights are as bad. Shelly might be a bit tricky but by that time, you'll have an army. Also, I'm pretty sure you missed the Psyduck event in the arcade. 5000 Poke and it would've been yours. I do know I intentionally put a timeframe on it.

Edit: Nevermind, I see you got it.

Yeah, yeah, you were right and I was wrong. Anyway, thanks for your congratulations, and I like the Psyduck event. Poor Gym Guy.

Update #11: Whack-A-Taka

Well, Taka was hard- not Florina hard, mind you, but I'd say definitely Fern hard. Most of my troubles came from that dang Tangrowth, as I had no way of reliably dealing with it and kept getting wiped out by it. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Racist, and Taka led with his Lileep. Racist whacked the Lileep with three giga drains while it set up an ingrain, but got hit with a mega drain and an ancientpower. Taka tried to undo Racist's hard work with a super potion, but Racist managed to survive and knock it down to the red with two giga drains! Unfortunately, not only did Taka heal it again, but Lilieep confused Racist, causing her to injure herself twice and allowing Lileep to heal itself beck to full health and do some damage with an ancientpower. Fortunately, after the second turn of self-hurting, Racist was able to tank another ancientpower and fight through confusion to land three more giga drains, ending the Lileep!

Up next came Taka's Gligar, so Kitara sent out GroudonSlayr the Psyduck, who tanked a quick attack and did insane damage to Gligar with a water pulse! Taka kind of panicked and swapped out to Klefki, who unfortunately was able to set up dual screens before fainting to GroudonSlayr's relentless barrage of water pulses. Gligar came back out after this, and fell to a single water pulse- which was to be expected, as it only had a tiny sliver of health.

Of course, the Tangrowth came out next, and I braced for the worst. Kitara sent out Cress in an attempt to get a scald burn, but he failed to do so and fainted to a giga drain. Memkip came out and managed to lower Tangrowth's accuracy with a mud bomb, but he fell to a giga drain as well. Skyla, who was usually my only hope against the Tangrowth, came out and managed to land a flinch with an air slash, but then Taka swapped out to his Chatot. Kitara quickly swapped Skyla out for Racist, who barely survived a chatter and was able to do some damage with a nature power-turned-wood hammer before falling to recoil damage. GroudonSlayr came out after this, and managed to almost take it out with a water pulse, but was put to sleep with a sing and fell to a hyper voice. Luckily, Cain was able to come out and KO the Chatot with a water pulse after tanking a hyper voice, leaving only the Tangrowth!

Cain stayed on the field and got off a water pulse before fainting to a sludge bomb, giving Skyla a free switch-in. She then landed an air slash, managing to get a flinch, tanked a sludge bomb after surviving a sludge bomb. Then, a miracle happened: she managed to land two flinches in a row, allowing her to muscle past Tangrowth and end the fight! With Taka defeated, it's time to enter the Beryl Ward and defeat the final Tangrowth!

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 27

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 27

psyduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 27

ducklett.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 27

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 27

lombre.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 27

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Well, the Taka and ZEL double battle was tougher than the solo Taka battle, but not nearly as bad as the Florina battle. Once I took out all of ZEL's Pokemon, things were a lot more manageable. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Memekip and GroudonSlayr, ZEL led with Glaceon, and Taka led with Lileep. Memekip survived an ice fang and retaliated with a rock slide while GroudonSlayr slammed Glaceon with a cross chop; their power combined (along with a lucky critical hit) was able to take out Glaceon! Lileep confused GroudonSlayr with a confuse ray, but that didn't really matter to me.

ZEL sent out their Jolteon next, and it took out GroudonSlayr almost instantly with a charge beam. Luckily, I foresaw such an event, and had GroudonSlayr spend her last turn healing Memekip with a super potion. Memekip was able to injure it with a mud bomb, and tanked an ancientpower from Lileep. Sadly, the ancientpower gave Lileep a buff to all of its stats, so that was rough. Cress came out next, and he managed to dodge a charge beam and dent Lileep with a bite while Memekip landed another lucky critical hit and KO'd Jolteon! Lileep then did crazy damage to Memekip with a mega drain, but hey, what'cha gonna do.

ZEL's Espeon came up next, and while it took out Memekip with a swift, Cress was able to damage it with a bite. Unfortunately, Cress was slammed pretty hard by a mega drain, and was left with only 4 HP. Kitara sent out Cain, and swapped Cress out for our newest team member- Catherine the shiny Frillish. She tanked a psybeam and a mega drain while Cain did impressive damage to Espeon with a fury cutter. Sadly, she fainted to a second psybeam/mega drain combo, even with a super potion, but her sacrifice bought enough time for Cain to KO Espeon with another fury cutter!

All that remained on ZEL's team was their Umbreon. Cress came back out and got healed while tanking a quick attack and a confuse ray, and Cain managed to seriously wound the Umbreon with a fury cutter. While Cress got healed with a potion the next turn and was hurt by a mega drain from Lileep, Cain was able to KO Umbreon with a fury cutter, leaving only Taka!

Lileep was a pain in the butt to take out, even in a two-on-one fight. Cain did great damage with a fury cutter and Cress got healed twice with a super potion while tanking an ancientpower, but just as Cain was about to land the finishing blow he missed, allowing Lileep to land a mega drain. Cain got healed with a super potion and landed a fury cutter, but Lileep healed itself again by hitting Cress with a mega drain. Cress then took some more damage from an ancientpower, but was able to team up with Cain to damage Lileep with a fury cutter/bite combo. Unfortunately, while Kitara healed Cress, Taka healed Lileep, causing Cain to miss the KO with a fury cutter. Luckily, Cain was able to correct that with a second fury cutter, ending the Lileep!

Taka's Gligar, on the other hand, was a joke. It fell to a scald and a fury cutter before it could even attack! Moving on...

The PULSE Tangrowth came out next, and it was probably the toughest single Pokemon on ZEL/Taka's team. Cress managed to burn it with a scald while Cain hacked away at it with a fury cutter, but it took out Cress and healed off the damage with a giga drain. Luckily, the next turn Tangrowth just used a growth, allowing Cain and Skyla (who came out next) to KO Tangrowth with two fury cutters and two air slashes!

Even though he had failed to protect the keystone of his mission (the PULSE Tangrowth), Taka still sent out his Chatot next. It confused Skyla with a chatter, causing her to injure herself, but Cain was able to land a razor shell, lowering its defense. Skyla was then healed with Kitara's last super potion, and Cain took out the Chatot with a razor shell while Chatot targeted Skyla!

All that remained was Taka's Klefki. Klefki managed to paralyze Cain while he got off a razor shell, but while Cain missed a razor shell, Skyla was able to land one last air slash before she fell to a foul play. Cain then tanked two foul plays to end the Klefki with two water pulses, ending the fight! And so, with Corey revealed as a member of Team Meteor, it's time to bring him to justice!

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 28

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 30

psyduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 29

ducklett.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 29

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 30

frillish-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 28

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #13: Rotten to the Corey

Well, Corey was pretty darn tough, but still not Florina tough. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Catherine, and Corey led with his Quilfish. Catherine shrugged off an icy wind and a venoshock (as well as poison for a turn, thanks to her pecha berry) and damaged Quilfish severely with two night shades. She then damaged it with another night shade while Corey healed it with his super potion, and got healed by a super potion while tanking a signal beam. Quilfish seriously injured her with a venoshock, but she lived and knocked it down to the red with a night shade; unfortunately, this gave the Quilfish a special attack boost thanks to its petaya berry, and allowed it to KO Catherine with two venoshocks, even after she got healed by a super potion. Ruto came out next, and she set up a rain dance, tanked a venoshock, and confused it with a water pulse, causing it to hurt itself and knock itself out! Ruto then fainted thanks to poison damage, but eh, whatcha gonnna do.

Corey sent out his Nidoqueen next, and GroudonSlayr came out to counter it. Thanks to the rain, he was able to outspeed and confuse it with a water pulse, causing it to injure itself and pave the way for GroudonSlayr to end it with another water pulse!

Up next came Corey's Scolipede. Normally, this thing could wreck me if I gave it half the chance, but on this run GroudonSlayr managed to take it out with a single psybeam! That was awfully lucky...

After this came one of Corey's more annoying Pokemon: Swalot. Seriously, that think was crazy bulky, even if it didn't hit that hard. GroudonSlayr survived a venoshock and managed to confuse it with two psybeams, causing Swalot to injure itself in confusion. Sadly, Corey wised up and swapped out to Skuntank, causing GroudonSlayr to flub a psybeam and faint to poison damage. Memekip came out to avenge him, and tanked a flamethrower and a night slash to seriously injure Skuntank with a mud bomb. However, I realized Memekip wouldn't last another turn and swapped out to Cress, who took the fall and fell to a night slash and flamethrower while healing Memekip. Memekip then survived an acid spray and took out Skuntank with one last mud bomb!

Swalot came back out, and Kitara swapped Memekip out for Cain due to his lowered special defense. Cain was able to tank a shadow ball and end Swalot with two water pulses, ending it and leaving only Corey's Crobat!

Cain fell almost instantly to a venoshock from Crobat, so Memekip came out shortly afterwards. He dodged an air slash and got healed by a super potion, then went on to do admirable damage with a rock slide while tanking a venoshock. He was then healed by a super potion again while shrugging off an air slash, and tanked a venoshock while doing even more damage with a rock slide. Crobat was able to heal itself with its sitrus berry, but Memekip also got healed by a super potion two times while spamming rock slide, allowing him to survive a few air slashes and a venoshock to KO Crobat with one final rock slide. And so, we get... nothing except the guilt that we most likely drove a man to suicide. Yaaaaaaaaaaay.

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 33

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 32

golduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 34

lumineon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 32

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 32

frillish-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 32

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #14: Crystal Crusher

Well, Aster and Eclipse weren't all that bad! On TEH URN, Kitara led with our newest team member- Heather the Quilfish- while Victoria led with her Emboar and Aster and Eclipse led with Solrock and Lunatone. Heather set up toxic spikes while Emboar severely dented Lunatone with an arm thrust, and Solrock fired off a rock slide (which didn't KO anybody) and Lunatone injured Heather with a moonblast. Aster healed Lunatone with a super potion, but Heather was able to set up a second layer of toxic spikes while Emboar knocked it down to its pre-super potion amount of health and both Pokemon tanked a heat wave. Heather then took out Lunatone with a brine while Solrock set up a rock polish and Emboar dented it with a fire punch!

Up next came Aster's Rhyhorn, and while Emboar managed to end Solorck with a sucker punch, Heather got overleveled and loafed around before fainting to a dragon rush. I fell to a Rhyhorn. I feel stupid.

Memekip came out next, and Eclipse sent out Milotic. Emboar began to dent it with an arm thrust, but got badly poisoned by a toxic and took heavy damage from a bulldoze from Rhyhorn while Memekip got off a water gun. Eclipse then tried healing her Milotic while Emboar used fire punch (of all things) on Rhyhorn. Rhyhorn still fainted to a water gun from Memekip, but not before it took out Emboar with a take down.

All Aster had left was his ace, Electabuzz, and Victoria sent out her Scraggy. Electabuzz scratched both Pokemon with a swift while Scraggy got badly poisoned with a toxic, but Memekip was able to do considerable damage with a rock slide while Scraggy dented Electabuzz with a payback. Milotic tried to set up another aqua ring while Electabuzz fired off a second swift, but Scraggy took it out with a payback; Memekip missed a rock slide, though.

Eclipse sent out her ace and last Pokemon, Magmar, and it did scratch damage to Scraggy with a feint attack. Memekip was knocked down to a sliver of health with a water pulse, but Scraggy was able to KO Milotic with a payback! With the only foe remaining being Magmar, Kitara swapped out to Cress, who tanked a flame burst while Scraggy did some damage with a high jump kick before fainting to toxic damage. Victoria's Hariyama came out next, but it didn't even get a chance to attack, as Cress ended the Magmar with a scald! With that over with, it's time to go check up on Shelly!

The team so far:

marshtomp.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 37

dewott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 35

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 36

lumineon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 35

panpour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 35

frillish-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 35

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Update #15: Falcon PAWNCH!

Well, Victoria wasn't really all that bad. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Heather, and Victoria led with Scraggy. Heather managed to set up two layers of toxic spikes, but fell to a high jump kick and a payback. Luckily, her defeat allowed Ruto to come it, tank a payback, set up a rain dance, and do massive damage to the Scraggy with a water pulse. She still fainted to a high jump kick, but by this point Scraggy was so weak that Skyla (now a mighty Swanna!) was able to swoop in and end Scraggy with an air slash!

Victoria's Gallade came up next, so Kitara swapped out to GroudonSlayr. He did some damage with a zen headbutt, but Gallade retaliated for massive damage with a psycho cut. Luckily, she was able to do more damage with a water pulse, but still fell to a brick break. Memekip (now a fully-evolved Swampert!) came out next, and he used protect to survive... Gallade getting healed by a super potion. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Um, sorry. Anyway, it got off a shadow sneak on Memekip, but he lived and ended it with a mighty muddy water!

Victoria's Poliwrath came out next, and Skyla came back out. She tanked a waterfall and ended Poliwrath with two air slashes!

Moving on, Victoria's Hariyama came out, and Skyla managed to do massive damage to it with an air slash, stopping it from setting up a belly drum. Victoria panicked and swapped out Hariyama for her ace, Emboar, but it got decimated by an air slash. Although Emboar almost KO'd Skyla with a sucker punch, it failed to land the KO, and Skyla ended it with an air slash!

All that remained was Victoria's Hariyama; since Skyla was weakened, Kitara swapped out to Cain, who was now a Samurott! He did considerable damage with a razor shell and tanked a knock off, then KO'd Hariyama with a second razor shell! With Victoria finally defeated, it's time to beat up a little girl take on Shelly!

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 35

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 35

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 35

lumineon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 35

golduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 35

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 35

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