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The Remnants of Atlantis (A Pokemon Reborn Hardcore Water-type Monotype Run)

Lord Chespin

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Part of me is wondering why you named it Heather, but yeah, there wasn't anything super important on Qwilfish which is why I turned it into a wild battle. If it's too good, I'll push it back until after Shelly, but its moveset is bad until the move relearner so I don't feel it is since Roselia and Garbodor are also toxic spike users.

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Part of me is wondering why you named it Heather, but yeah, there wasn't anything super important on Qwilfish which is why I turned it into a wild battle. If it's too good, I'll push it back until after Shelly, but its moveset is bad until the move relearner so I don't feel it is since Roselia and Garbodor are also toxic spike users.

I named it Heather because that's the daughter of its former owner. If it were a boy, I would have named it Corey. Also, thanks for the Quilfish; its moves are just enough to get by and toxic spikes support is invaluable.


Update #16: Daughters of Chaos If you get this reference, you win a cookie

Well, Shelly was tough, but I think she was easier than Corey, probably because I had the rain in my favor. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Heather and GroudonSlayr, and Shelly led with Masquerain and Illumise. Heather set up a layer of toxic spikes and survived an energy ball while GroudonSlayr damaged Illumise with a water pulse, and Illumise did some damage to everyone with a water pulse. Heather set up another layer of toxic spikes and GroudonSlayr dented Illumise further with a water pulse, but both of them fainted to a scald and a struggle bug. Skyla and Memekip came out next, and while poor Memekip got confused by Illumise and injured himself, Skyla was at least able to injure Masquerain with an air slash, making it flinch. Shelly used her first ultra potion to heal Masquerain, but Sklya was able to knock it down back to its pre-potion health with an air slash; both Skyla and Memekip then tanked a struggle bug, and Memekip managed to KO both Illumise and Masquerain with a rock slide!

Up next came Shelly's Armaldo and Heather, her Yanmega. Armaldo managed to land a bulldoze on Memekip, but it really only hurt him as both Heather and Skyla flew above it. Skyla then seriously injured Armaldo with a bubble beam while Memekip injured both Pokemon with a rock slide! Shelly decided to use her ultra potion on Armaldo, but Heather, rather than take out Memekip with a giga drain, opted to instead take out Skyla with an air cutter while she healed Memekip; this let Memekip retaliate with a rock slide, ending Heather and weakening Armaldo!

Shelly sent out her Vespiquen next, and Kitara sent out Cain. Cain got the drop on Armaldo and picked it off with an aqua jet; unfortunately, Memekip missed a rock slide and got hit pretty hard with an attack order. But hey, at least Armaldo's down, right?

This led to Shelly sending out her ace, Bugsy the Volbeat. Memekip got healed by an ultra potion, and while both Cain and Memekip got hurt by a struggle bug, Memekip tanked an attack order and Cain damaged Vespiquen with a razor shell. Bugsy and Cain repeated the same attacks (struggle bug and razor shell, respecively) the next turn, but miraculously, Vespiquen chose to poison Cain rather than KO either Cain or Memekip with an attack order! This let Memekip end Vespiquen and dent Bugsy with a rock slide, leaving only Bugsy! Poor Memekip fainted the next turn to a struggle bug, but Cain was able to end Bugsy with one last razor shell, ending the fight! Now, let's go report Corey's death!

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 36

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 36

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 35

frillish-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 35

golduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 35

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 35

Edited by Lord Chespin
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This is good data...very good data indeed. Shelly is surprisingly one of the most competent trainers in Hardcore so I needed something to counteract the broken permarain. Radomus and her went from very bottom to the top and it's hilarious.

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Update #17: DIE FERN DIE

Hoooooooooooooooooolyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy S#@%. Fern was BRUTAL. Seriously, if I so much as looked at him funny, he would decimate my entire team. I'm just glad he was finally defeated. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Cain, and Fern led with Ludicolo. Ludicolo used giga drain and rain dance, and was even healed by a super potion, but Cain was able to keep up the offensive pressure with a slew of fury cutters, taking the racist duck pineapple down!

Up next came Fern's Sceptile, and Kitara swapped out to Heather. Heather tanked a leaf storm and set up a stockpile, then got healed by a berry ice cream and tanked two leaf blades before using stockpile a second time. Sceptile kept hacking away with leaf blades, but Heather was able to do insane damage with two pin missiles, taking out Sceptile despite Fern healing it with a potion!

Fern then decided to flip his "F### you" switch up to 11 and swapped out to his hardest Pokemon for me to deal with: his ace, Roserade. Heather stayed out and managed to survive and extrasensory, allowing her to fire off a in missile. However, Roserade was able to heal off the damage with a giga drain while Heather was healed with a berry ice cream, and Roserade knocked her back down to the red with another extrasensory, prompting Kitara to heal her with a berry ice cream. Roserade then healed itself with another giga drain, and seriously damaged Heather with another extrasensory; to make matters worse, Heather missed a pin missile. After healing her again, I got smart and had her use stockpile again, boosting her defenses. This let her survive a flurry of giga drains, and after getting healed, she managed to land four pin missiles and making Roserade use up all of its PP for giga drain before finally fainting! Skyla came out, and unleashed a mighty air slash after tanking an extrasensory, ending Roserade!

Fern sent out his Serperior next, and Kitara swapped out for Ciel. Ciel took heavy damage from a seed bomb, but lived and got off an icy wind before getting healed with a berry ice cream. Serperior then used outrage, which Ciel shrugged off. Ciel then slowed Serperior down to the point where it couldn't outspeed her, and then KO'd it with a mighty aurora beam!

All that remained was Fern's Ferrothorn, and honestly, it was kind of anticlimactic. Kitara just had Ciel set up a perish song, then swapped her out for Ruto, who tanked a gyro ball and set up an aqua ring and an attract. Ferrothornn tried to set up two curses, but it still fainted when its perish counter ran out, ending the fight! Time to get the key from Cain!

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 38

lumineon-f.gifRuto (Female) - Lv. 38

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 38

dewgong.gifCiel (Female) - Lv. 39

golduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 38

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 39

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Update #18: The Keymaster

Well, Cain wasn't nearly as bad as Fern; I beat him on my first try, and I made a lot of mistakes to boot. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Catherine, and Cain led with his Samurott. Catherine was able to do some damage with a field-boosted ominous wind, but she still fainted to two aerial aces. Cain the Samurott came out next, and decided to prove he was the better Samurott by spamming fury cutter. Cain's Samurott set up a swords dance and even managed to lower Cain's defense with a razor shell, but Cain was able to knock it down to the red with his relentless barrage; the actual Cain realized that Samurott was going to faint and used up his super potions, but fury cutter's exponentially increasing damage led to Cain's Samurott fainting!

Cain decided to send out his ace, Nidoking, next, and Kitara sent out Ciel. Ciel got slammed by a thunderbolt, but was not only able to live, but ended the Nidoking with two field boosted icy winds! Guess you could say she... aced that battle! ...I'll see myself out.

Cain, running out of options, sent out his Muk next, and Kitara swapped out to GroudonSlayr. He did some damage with a zen headbutt, but missed a second one and got rocked by two poison jabs, and then got poisoned and fainted from poison damage. Luckily, Memekip was able to come out, tank a shadow sneak, and fire off three field-boosted rock slides, the second of which made Muk flinch and the third of which KO'd it!

Cain sent out his Venomoth next, and Kitara sent out Skyla. Venomoth used signal beam (quick question for Commander: why not silver wind? That does more damage thanks to the field.), but Skyla tanked it and OHKO'd the Venomoth with a mighty field-boosted air slash!

All that Cain had left was his Haunter, and so Kitara sent out Memekip. Memekip was confused by a confuse ray, but still managed to land a rock slide. The Haunter then set up a destiny bond, but it failed because Memekip injured itself in confusion. Luckily, after taking a shadow ball upside the head the next turn, he managed to snap out of confusion and seriously hurt Haunter with a second rock slide; despite this, he still fainted the next turn to a shadow ball. Luckily, the Haunter broke its arm (well, metaphorically, 'cause it has no arms) punching out Memekip, as Cain the Samurott was able to swoop in and end it with an aqua jet! And so we get the key to the wasteland... or not, since Cain bails on us after seeing Heather. Dude, it would have taken all of five seconds to give us the key! No? Okay...

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 40

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 39

frillish-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 39

dewgong.gifCiel (Female) - Lv. 39

golduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 39

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 39

Edited by Lord Chespin
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I have a very good explanation why Venomoth has Signal Beam instead of Silver Wind: I forgot. But in all seriousness Signal beam has more chances of being used over Silver Wind as then it'd just spam Psychic or Sludge Bomb due to Stab stuff. I'll have to test it out at some point to see how well it works.

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I have a very good explanation why Venomoth has Signal Beam instead of Silver Wind: I forgot. But in all seriousness Signal beam has more chances of being used over Silver Wind as then it'd just spam Psychic or Sludge Bomb due to Stab stuff. I'll have to test it out at some point to see how well it works.

Eh, I've forgotten stuff all the time, so don't worry. Hope everything works out!

Update #19: All's Well That Ends Maxwell

Well, Maxwell wasn't all that bad. On TEH URN, Kitara led with GroudonSlayr, and Maxwell led with his Mightyena. GroudonSlayr tanked a foul play and did some damage with a cross chop. Surprisingly, Maxwell then swapped out Mightyena for his Crobat; however, GroudonSlayr was able to not only confuse it on the switch with a water pulse, but also take it out with a more water pulse and two psybeams after Crobat injured itself twice (Maxwell healed it with a berry ice cream, but it still didn't get an attack off)!

Maxwell sent his Charizard out next, and so Kitara swapped out to Memekip. While Charizard was able to do some considerable damage with a dragon pulse and an ancientpower, Memekip was still able to end it with a mighty rock slide!

Up next came Maxwell's Ninetails, so Kitara swapped out to Skyla. Skyla tanked a sun-boosted flamethrower and set up a tailwind, then got off an air slash before falling to a solarbeam. Catherine came out next, tanked a will-o-wisp, and negated Ninetail's drought with a rain dance, allowing her to KO it with a brine!

Catherine stayed on the field while Mawell sent out his Houndoom; this proved to be a mistake when Houndoom took her down with a single feint attack. Luckily, Cain was able to tank a feint attack and demolish it with a water pulse and an aqua jet!

Mightyena came back out, and while it did manage to knock Cain down to 6 HP with a foul play and two poison fangs, Cain was still able to take it out with three fury cutters! Moving on...

All that was left was Maxwell's ace, Mega Camerupt. Cain, despite being overleveled, was able to do massive damage to it with a mighty water pulse, but fainted to an earth power. Memekip, however, was able to come out and end it with a muddy water, ending the fight and sealing the fate of the Magma Gang! With the Aqua Gang victorious, it's time to take on Shade!

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 40

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 39

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 40

dewgong.gifCiel (Female) - Lv. 40

golduck.gifGroudonSlayr (Male) - Lv. 40

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 40

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Update #20: Ghost Fight

Well, Shade was pretty hard, being a pseudo-electric gym, but once I managed to get a Sharpedo he wasn't quite so bad. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Ciel, and Shade led with Rotom. Rotom took out Ciel instantly with a discharge, but that was my plan all along: get Shade to turn the power back on so his Rotom's shadow balls wouldn't get boosted, then swap to Memekip so he couldn't shut the field back down. After Memekip came out, he got confused by a confuse ray, but still managed to lower Rotom's accuracy with a muddy water. Rotom then missed a shadow ball twice, and got its accuracy lowered even further by two more muddy waters, so Shade had to bail it out with an ultra potion. This let Memekip land a critical hit, and knock it back down to the red with a second muddy water. Shade, starting to panic, used up his last ultra potion, and so Memekip was able to hit it with a muddy water and lower its accuracy even further. Rotom whiffed three more shadow balls, allowing Memekip to end it at his leisure with three rock slides!

Shade decided to send out his Golurk next, and so Memekip stayed on the field. He took some damage from a shadow punch, but was able to deal massive damage in retaliation with a muddy water. To my surprise, Shade decided to play his trump card and sent out Corey the Ex-Poison Gym Leader Mega Gengar, which was hit hard by a muddy water. Amazingly, it didn't even do much damage; it fired off a dazzling gleam, but Memekip survived it and KO'd it with a muddy water!

Glourk came back out, so Kitara swapped out to Jaws the Sharpedo, our newest team member. He took out Golurk with just a single crunch, getting a speed boost in the process! And so, half his Pokemon gone, Shade entered panic mode.

Shade sent out his Dusknoir, and while Jaws did massive damage to it with a crunch, Jaws took massive damage in return thanks to a brick break... but miraculously, he lived with only one HP! Dusknoir, of course, fell to a second crunch, leaving only two Pokemon left.

Shade's Aegislash came out next, and although Jaws was able to do massive damage to it with a crunch (in its shield form, no less!), he fell to a brick break. Kitara sent out Cain, and thanks to Aegislash's abysmal defenses in sword form, it fell to a single aqua jet!

All that remained was Shade's ace, Chandelure. Rather than use hidden power or energy ball, he decided have it use flamethrower, allowing Cain to end it with a mighty razor shell and an aqua jet! With Shade defeated, the door in the Railnet opens... allowing all of our friends to get kidnapped. Yay.

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 41

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 40

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 40

dewgong.gifCiel (Female) - Lv. 40

sharpedo.gifJaws (Male) - Lv. 40

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 40

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Shade's AI...needs to be changed. Like I seriously need to adjust it to 90 or something to help him out because it's not just you. Will work on it after the CoM second round of testing begins.

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Shade's AI...needs to be changed. Like I seriously need to adjust it to 90 or something to help him out because it's not just you. Will work on it after the CoM second round of testing begins.

Wait, you can change the AI for specific bosses? Huh. I guess you learn something new every day.

Update #21: Legend of ZEL

Well, i managed to beat ZEL on my first try, but it was a bit of a close battle. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Catherine, and ZEL led with their Glaceon. Glaceon set up a barrier and did some damage with a shadow ball, but Catherine was able to set up a rain dance and spam brine until Glaceon fell, taking ZEL's ultra potions with it!

ZEL decided to send out his Jolteon next, and so Kitara sent out Memekip. Jolteon wasn't that bad; sure, Memekip missed a muddy water and got hit by two hyper voices, but his second muddy water lowered Jolteon's accuracy and made it miss a hyper voice, allowing Memekip to take it out with a third muddy water!

ZEL sent out their Flareon next, and Kitara swapped out to Cain. Flareon was fairly anticlimactic; it did considerable damage with a retaliate, but fell to a water pulse and an aqua jet!

ZEL then decided to stop messing around and sent out the keystone of their mission: the PULSE Muk! Kitara swapped out to Skyla to lure the Muk into using discharge, then swapped out to Memekip, who absorbed the discharge and lowered the Muk's accuracy with a muddy water. He then did more damage with two rock slides, but fainted to a mud bomb and a water pulse; Skyla came out next, but she didn't do much damage with an air slash (even though she dodged a discharge), so she just set up a tailwind before fainting. Fortunately, Cathering was able to dodge a mud bomb and end the Muk with a brine!

Up next came ZEL's Umbreon... and let me tell you, this is where the battle ground to a halt. Kitara sent out Cain, but he only got off a single fury cutter before getting confused and injuring himself twice, allowing Umbreon to take him down with two fury cutters. Ciel came out next, but despite being alive for a little less than 3 minutes, she wasn't able to do much; she knocked Umbreon's health down to about halfway with a relentless barrage of aurora beams, but Umbreon just healed back the damage with a moonlight and KO'd her with confusion damage and feint attacks. Jaws came out after this, and confused Umbreon with a swagger; it injured itself, then got off a feint attack while tanking an ice fang. Infuriatingly, it healed itself again with a moonlight while Jaws whiffed an ice fang, and snapped out of confusion to land a feint attack, leaving Jaws with only 30 HP. Luckily, Jaws was able to land another swagger, causing Umbreon to injure itself four times, taking itself out after an ice fang!

All that remained was ZEL's Espeon... and it was actually pretty anticlimactic! It fell to a single crunch from Jaws, ending the fight! With the Azurine lake kinda, sorta, not-really-saved, it's time to head on out to Apophyll Academy!

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 43

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 43

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 43

dewgong.gifCiel (Female) - Lv. 42

sharpedo.gifJaws (Male) - Lv. 43

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 42

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Update #22: Spit Hot Fyah

Well, Cal wasn't all that bad; I managed to beat him on my first try, but I guess that's to be expected with a mono-water team. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Heather, and Cal led with his Infernape. Infernape fired off a close combat, but Heather just laughed off the damage and set up a layer of toxic spikes. Infernape decided to switch tactics and used two fire punches, doing more damage, but Heather was able to stomach both of them and set up a second layer of toxic spikes before landing a critical-hit aqua tail, ending Infernape!

Up next came Cal's Mega Charizard X, so Kitara swapped out to Memekip. Memekip survived a fire fang and did considerable damage with a rock slide, prompting Cal to pull a surprise switch out to his Delphox. Delphox got slammed by a rock slide on the switch, and got healed by an ultra potion while Memekip lowered everyone's accuracy with a muddy water. Kitara swapped out to Jaws, but to my surprise, Cal swapped out to his Typhlosion, which outsped him and KO'd him with a solarbeam. Luckily, it wasn't fast enough to outspeed Cress, who took it down with a single scald!

Charizard came back out, so Kitara swapped out to Memekip. Although he got hit by a wing attack and fire fang, he survived with 52 HP, and (after missing one rock slide) managed to KO Charizard with a second rock slide!

Delphox came out a second time as well, and so Kitara swapped out for Catherine. Cal used his other ultra potion on Delphox, which then got off a psyshock... but Catherine lived and took out Delphox with two ominous winds!

Cal decided to stop messing around, and sent out his ace, Magmortar. Cress swooped in and did some damage with a scald, but failed to KO it and was OHKO'd in return by a thunderbolt. Luckily, SKyla was able to come in and finish what Cress started by taking out Magmortar with an air slash!

All that remained was Cal's Blaziken, so Skyla stayed on the field. Skyla tanked a fire punch and a high jump kick and unleashed an air slash and a bubble beam, ending Blaziken and finishing the fight! Time to go tell Kiki that we're ready for our badge!

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 44

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 44

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 45

sharpedo.gifJaws (Male) - Lv. 43

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #23: Pyrrhic Victoria

Well, weirdly enough, Victoria wasn't that hard, except for her Mega Gallade; seriously, that thing can sweep teams if you don't get on it fast. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Skyla, and Victoria led with her Scrafty. Scrafty did some damage with a crunch, but fell pretty fast to two air slashes, so I guess that's that.

Victoria decided to play her royal flush early and sent out her ace, Emboar, so Kitara swapped out to Memekip. Memekip tanked two sucker punches and managed to KO it with two muddy waters! Kind of anitclimactic, but eh.

Victoria's Heracross came out next, and Cress managed to KO it with a single acrobatics! Again, anticlimactic, but what'cha gonna do.

Victoria, running out of options, sent out her Hariyama, so Kitara swapped out to Cain. Cain managed to confuse it with a water pulse, causing it to injure itself in confusion. Cain then managed to knock it down to the red with a water pulse, but not only did Hariyama land a force palm, it managed to paralyze Cain! He survived a knock off and did some damage with a water pulse, but then Victoria then used up her two chocolate ice creams, healing Hariyama back up to the green. While Cain was able to confuse it again and knock it down to the red with two water pulses, he was immobilized by paralysis before he could land the finishing blow... but Hariyama then landed the finishing blow on itself, injuring itself in confusion!

Victoria's biggest threat, Mega Gallade, came out next, but I was ready for it: I had Kitara send out Skyla, and while Gallade (sure enough) set up a swords dance, Skyla was able to set up a tailwind, allowing her to get off an air slash before falling and letting Cress take it down with an acrobatics!

All that remained was Victoria's Poliwrath, and Kitara sent out Catherine. While the fight against it wasn't too much to write home about (it just used two ice punches and fell to three ominous winds), something weird happened: Catherine managed to get a boost on all three ominous winds! I wonder what the odds of that were? Well, here's hoping that we haven't used up all of our good luck on Victoria!

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 44

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 45

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 45

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 45

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #24: Zen Mode

Well, overall, Kiki wasn't the hardest gym leader, although her Medicham was a little dicey. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Catherine, and Kiki led with her Machamp. Machamp did considerable damage to Catherine with a stone edge while she fired off an ominous wind, and even though she healed herself with a recover she still got knocked down to half health with another stone edge. Luckily, while she fainted the next turn to a second stone edge, she was able to land a critical-hit brine, forcing Kiki to heal it with an ultra potion while Skyla came in and took it out with two air slashes!

Kiki's Scrafty came out next, and while it did some damage to Skyla with a high jump kick, Skyla was able to live and retaliate with an air slash, lowering its accuracy! Not wanting to risk missing a high jump kick, Kiki swapped out for her Toxicroak, which was slammed by an air slash on the switch. It was able to get off a sucker punch before it fell, but it still fell nonetheless to an air slash!

Kiki's Scrafty came out again, but Memekip was able to come in and take it out with a mighty field-boosted muddy water! Well, I guess that's what happens when you send out a Pokemon with only half health and don't heal it...

Kiki's Hitmonlee came out next, and Memekip slammed it with a muddy water while tanking a strength. Kiki tried healing it, but Memekip just knocked it down to the red again with a muddy water. With nothing left to lose, Hitmonlee used high jump kick... and missed, taking itself out!

Kiki's pseudo-ace, Lucario, came out next, but surprisingly, it wasn't all that bad! It just used two hidden powers and fainted to two water pulses from Cain. Kind of anticlimactic, eh?

Fortunately, Kiki's real ace, Medicham, was a lot tougher. Cress came out and managed to do some damage with a scald, but failed to land a burn and got KO'd by a drain punch, undoing his progress. Luckily, Heather was able to come out next, and thanks to her swift swim and the natural rain, was able to outspeed Medicham, tank a strength, and do massive damage with two rain-boosted aqua tails, ending the fight! And so, we get... nothing but a glimpse into Kiki's shattered psyche. Joy.

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 45

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 45

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 45

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 45

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #25: Washed Away

Well, Aster and Eclipse were actually fairly anticlimactic. Kitara led with Racist (now a Ludicolo!) and Catherine, while Aster and Eclipse led with their Solrock and Lunatone. Poor Solrock fell instantly to a hydro pump from Racist, and Lunatone set up a cosmic power while Catherine set up a rain dance. This let Racist KO Eclipse's ace, Magmortar, with a single hydro pump and Catherine injure Lunatone with a brine while tanking a psychic, at the cost of both of them becoming overleveled. Rhypherior came out next, but the poor thing didn't even get off a single attack; it just fainted to a single hydro pump while Catherine KO'd Lunatone with a brine!

Aster's ace, Electivire, and Eclipse's Milotic came out next, and these where the only Pokemon that posed even a remote threat. Racist loafed around, and paid dearly for it when he got paralyzed by Electivire; Milotic, meanwhile, slightly dented everyone with a blizzard while Catherine injred Electivire with a shadow ball. Poor Catherine fell the next turn to a thunder punch, but Racist, despite getting confused by Milotic, was able to do massive damage to it with Racist, causing it to KO itself from burn damage! This left only Electivire, and so Kitara sent out Memekip, who missed a muddy water but tanked a cross chop for Racist, allowing him to do massive damage against Electivire with a giga drain! Racist then survived a thunder punch, and Memekip ended Electivire with a mighty muddy water! Onward to Taka!

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 45

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 45

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 45

ludicolo-f.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 45

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 45

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Update #26: Taka-ing a Great Deal

Well, Taka was harder than Aster and Eclipse, but he still wasn't too bad. On TEH URN, Kitara led with one of our newest team members- Derpi the Quagsire- and Aster led with his Klefki. Quagsire did chip damage to Derpi with a foul play, but she just countered with a mighty earthquake, ending the keychain!

Up next came Taka's most troublesome Pokemon: Cradily. Kitara swapped out to Racist, who fixed the field with a nature power-turned-discharge, but was confused. Due to a formatting bug that makes it twice as likely for you to get injured by confusion if you use nature power, I had Racist play it safe and deal some damage with a giga drain while she tanked an ancientpower. She then managed to snap out of confusion, allowing her to take out Cradily with a mighty nature power-turned-gear grind!

Taka's Gliscor came out next, so Kitara swapped out to Cress. Cress did massive damage with a scald and tanked an ancrobatics with only 35 HP left! Rather than swap out to something that could handle Cress, Taka tried healing it with an ultra potion, but Cress just KO'd it with a scald!

Taka's Aerodactyl came after this, and so Kitara swapped out to Cain. Cain did some considerable damage to Aerodactyl with an aqua jet, but Aerodactyl lowered his defense with a crunch. However, just when I thought he might faint to it, he managed to land a surprise KO thanks to a critical-hit aqua jet! That was kinda lucky...

Taka, running out of options, sent out his Floatzel next, so Kitara swapped out to Derpi. Derpi set up an amnesia while Floatzel fired off a dig, then did some damage with an earthquake when it surfaced. Taka tried healing Floatzel, but Derpi just did more damage to it with an earthquake, and she tanked an ice punch to KO Floatzel with a second earthquake!

All that remained was Taka's ace, Chatot. Chatot managed to confuse Derpi with a chatter while Derpi got healed, but Derpi was able to tank a second chatter and end Chatot with a mighty field-boosted muddy water! Time to save Apophyl!

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 45

quagsire-f.gifDerpi (Female) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 45

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 45

ludicolo-f.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 45

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 45

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Derpi tanked an earthquake from Chatot? That must have been some boomburst!

GL on the next fight, he's always got it in for you. Nice to see some of these still going. :)

Edit: Boooo, I stole the top post of the page... >_>

Edited by Quickslip
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Update #27: The Flames of Disaster

Well, Solaris was pretty difficult (as to be expected), but to be perfectly honest he wasn't nearly as bad as Florina. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Cress, and Solaris led with his Scizor. While Scizor was able to do massive damage to Cress with an x-scissor, he survived, and did massive damage with two field-boosted scalds, ending the Scizor! Unfortunately, that was the weakest Pokemon on his team. The tough part was only about to come.

Solaris sent out his ace, Garchomp, next, and Kitara swapped out for Derpi. Derpi fainted to an earthquake and a dragon rush, but she managed to land a yawn, causing Garchomp to fall asleep and letting M.C. Hammer the Crawdaunt come in for free, set up a swords dance, and do massive damage with a knock off! Unfortunately, Solaris used his first full restore on Garchomp, and M.C. Hammer fainted to a dragon rush, but not before he managed to land a crunch and lower Garchomp's defense! Up next came Cain, who did massive damage with an aqua tail while Solaris used another full restore; sadly, he missed a crucial aqua tail the next turn and was rocked by an earthquake, but he was able to go out swinging with an aqua jet before he fell to rough skin damage. Out next came Racist, who did some damage with a hydro pump while Garchomp got healed a third time, then set up a misty terrain with mist while Garchomp only knocked her down to half health with an earthquake. Garchomp then miraculously missed a dragon rush and got slammed by a nature power-turned-moonblast, prompting Solaris to panic and swap out Garchomp for his Mandibuzz. Unfortunately for Solaris, it got hit hard by a moonblast on the switch, and fainted to a second moonblast before it could even attack!

Solaris' Excadrill came out next, and although Racist was able to dent it with a giga drain, it managed to KO her with a single x-scissor. Luckily, while Excadrill set up a swords dance, Memekip was able to come out and end it with a single muddy water!

Out next came Solaris' Gyrados, so Kitara swapped out to a barely-holding-on Cress. He managed to outspeed it and got off a scald... which, amazingly, burned it! Even though he fainted to an outrage, this burn allowed Memekip to come back in and fire off a rock slide while the Gyrados hurt itself in confusion, leaving it to fall from burn damage!

Now, at this point, I knew Memekip wouldn't last the whole battle, so when Solaris' Garchomp came back out, I used a max revive I found while mining for water stones to revive Derpi. When Memekip promptly fell to two earthquakes, this let Derpi come in, tank an earthquake, and KO it with an earthquake of her own!

All that remained was Solaris' Tyranitar, so I had Kitara heal Derpi with a berry ice cream while she shrugged off a rock slide. The two then traded earthquakes, leaving Tyranitar with about two-thirds of its health and Derpi with 38 HP. I healed her again, but Tyranitar used superpower. To my horror, I realized that since Derpi had unaware as her ability, she would still take full damage from Tyranitar's attacks, even though it lowered its own stats! What followed next was a frantic game of healing Derpi to stay ahead of the damage Tyranitar was doing. I even had to use a hyper potion at one point! Luckily, Tyranitar eventually ran out of PP for superpower and just used earthquake and rock slide, allowing Derpi to KO it with two more earthquakes! And so, with Solaris defeated, we earn... nothing, although Kiki dies, Cal and Victoria's heart are broken, and everybody hates Cal now. B-but we're on track to the good ending, so that's something, r-right?!

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 45

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 45

quagsire-f.gifDerpi (Female) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 45

ludicolo-f.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 45

crawdaunt.gifM.C. Hammer (Male) - Lv. 45

Edited by Lord Chespin
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Derpi tanked an earthquake from Chatot? That must have been some boomburst!

GL on the next fight, he's always got it in for you. Nice to see some of these still going. :)

Edit: Boooo, I stole the top post of the page... >_>

Typo fixed. Also, thanks, and don't worry about the top page. I had a feeling somebody was going to take it eventually.

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Update #28: The Gatekeeper

Well, Cain took a couple tries, but he wasn't that bad. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Cress, and he led with Venomoth. Venomoth wasn't all that bad at all; it missed a sleep powder and took massive damage from an acrobatics, then fell to a second acrobatics despite getting healed by a chocolate ice cream!

Up next came Cain's Samurott, so Kitara swapped out to Derpi. Derpi did massive damage with an earthquake while Samurott was burrowing underground with a dig, then tanked a dig and set up a yawn. Samurott didn't even fall asleep, though, as it tried to use a dig again and got slammed by a second earthquake, ending it!

Up next came Cain's ace, Nidoking, and this is where things got kind of tough. Kitara sent out Memekip, and Memekip tanked an earthquake to do massive damage with a muddy water. Although Nidoking could have easily taken out Memekip and put me in a tight spot if it kept up the offensive pressure, Cain chose instead to heal it with a chocolate ice cream, allowing Memekip to knock it down to the red with a muddy water! Cain realized his mistake too late and tried to have Nidoking take out Memekip with an ice beam, but Memekip held on with 9 HP left and took it down with a third muddy water!

Cain, starting to run out of options, sent out his Gengar, and Kitara sent out Catherine. Catherine survived a shadow ball to fire off a shadow ball of her own, but fell to a second shadow ball. Luckily, Gengar was left so weak that Cain the Samurott was able to swoop in and end it with an aqua jet!

Cain sent out his Muk next... and this is where stuff started to get tricky. Kitara sent out Derpi, and she tanked a shadow sneak to do crazy damage to it with an earthquake. However, Cain then decided to get smart and swapped out for his Weezing, which levitated over an earthquake. Derpi tried using muddy water, but missed a second one and fell to two sludge bombs and a flmethrower. M.C. Hammer came out and set up a swords dance, but fell to two sludge bombs before he could even attack. Luckily, Cain was able to come in, tank a flamethrower and a sludge bomb, and end Weezing with three scalds! From there, all Kitara had to do was have Cain the Samurott tank a shadow sneak and end Muk with an aqua tail! And so, with Cain defeated, it's time to take on the Poison Gym Leader for real!

The team so far:

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 45

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 45

quagsire-f.gifDerpi (Female) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 45

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 45

crawdaunt.gifM.C. Hammer (Male) - Lv. 45

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Update #29: I Remember Why I Hate Grass-Types

URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Fern was so, so brutal. It took me way more tries than I'd like to admit, and in the end I had to use up a lot of rare items just to beat him! Anyway, on TEH URN, Kitara led with M.C. Hammer, and Fern led with his dreaded Ferrothorn. It miraculously missed a power whip, allowing M.C. Hammer to set up two swords dances and tank a second field-boosted power whip thanks to his focus sash. He then ended the Ferrothorn with a mighty knock off, taking himself out in the process but ending the first major hurdle on Fern's team!

Up next came Fern's Krookodile, and I accidentally sent out Skyla. She did admirable damage with a bubble beam, but fell to a thunder fang. Luckily, Cress was able to swoop in and burn it with a scald while Fern healed it, causing it to faint from burn damage!

Fern decided to stop messing around and sent out his Mega Sceptile next, so Kitara sent out Racist. She managed to survive a dragon claw and a leaf blade to end Sceptile with two nature power-turned-gunk shots! Kinda anticlimactic, but don't worry: s#@% hits the fan pretty soon.

Fern's Scizor came out next, and Kitara sent out Cress again. He burned it with a scald and tanked two bug bites, then spent a turn reviving Skyla with a max revive while Fern Healed Scizor with a chocolate ice cream. Luckily, it still went down to a scald, leading to Fern's most brutal and difficult-to-deal with Pokemon...

Fern cranked up the "F***-You" switch to 11 and promptly sent out his Serperior, and so Kitara sent out Heather. Heather miraculously dodged a leaf storm and set up toxic spikes, which thanks to the field badly poisoned Serperior! She then tanked a leaf storm and set up a stockpile, but sadly fainted to a critical-hit giga drain after getting healed by a berry ice cream. Memekip came out next and protected himself to rack up toxic damage, then swapped out for Racist, who took a giga drain meant for him and fainted. Memekip came back out and protected himself against a leaf storm, then tapped out to Cress, who fell to a leaf storm. Luckily, this left Serperior so weak that all Memekip had to do was stall for one last turn, and it fell to toxic damage!

All that remained was Fern's Roserade, and so Kitara swapped out to Skyla. She survived a giga drain and set up a tailwind, and then a third miracle happened: she landed a critical hit and a flinch on Roserade at the same time, allowing her to finish it the next turn! With Fern finally ended, it's time to get our Poison-type badge for real this time!

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 45

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 45

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 45

ludicolo-f.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 45

crawdaunt.gifM.C. Hammer (Male) - Lv. 45

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Update #30: I'm Watching, Wasowski. Always Watching...

Well, Aya wasn't nearly as bad as Fern was, but she was still a little challenging. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Catherine and M.C. Hammer, and Aya led with Tentacruel and Nidoqueen. Tentacruel used muddy water (which didn't hurt Catherine thanks to water absorb), and Nidoqueen used earth power on Catherine, but M.C. Hammer was able to seriously injure Tentacruel with a knock off and Catherine was able to put a huge dent in Nidoqueen with a brine! Aya then pulled a risky move and healed both of her Pokemon with her two ultra potions while Catherine knocked Nidoqueen back down to the red and M.C. Hammer set up a swords dance. Sadly, both Tentacruel and Nidoqueen used a sludge wave, taking out M.C. Hammer; however, Catherine lived, and was able to KO Nidoqueen with a brine!

Cress came out to avenge M.C. Hammer, and he healed Catherine with a berry ice cream while Catherine tanked a sludge wave (which also hit and poisoned Cress) and a shadow ball to fire off a shadow ball on Gengar, leaving it with just a sliver of health! Kitara tried healing Catherine with a berry ice cream, but she just fell to a shadow ball. Cress, meanwhile, also fell to a sludge wave, but not before he took out Gengar with a mighty scald!

Up next came Aya's Mega Venusaur, so Kitara sent out Memekip and Skyla. Skyla managed to do massive damage to Mega Venusaur with an air slash, making it flinch! Memekip then heavily dented Tentacruel and Venusaur with a rock slide, leaving Venusaur to be weak enough to get KO'd by a second air slash! Tentacruel, meanwhile, did some damage with two muddy waters, but still didn't do much.

Aya's Drapion came out next, and sadly, Skyla grew overleveled and failed to obey me, missing an air slash. To make matters worse, Tentacruel poisoned Memekip with a sludge wave, and Skyla got confused by Drapion. It wasn't all bad, though; Memekip managed to take out Tentacruel with a rock slide, leaving only Drapion and Aya's ace!

Aya's ace, Dragalge, came out next, and while Skyla sacrificed herself to heal Memekip, Drapion took her out with a poison tail. Fortunately, this allowed Memekip to survive a sludge wave and injure both Drapion and Dragalge with a rock slide! Cain came out to help Memekip finish the job, and he and Memekip spent a turn healing Memekip and curing his poison. This let Drapion nick Memekip with a poison tail and Dragalge injure him further with a dragon pulse, but Memekip was able to get fully healed and make Dragalge flinch with a rock slide! Cain then ended Drapion while Memekip chiseled away at Dragalge with a rock slide, and both of them survived a sludge wave before teaming up to take out Dragalge with a rock slide/aqua tail combo! With Aya down, we finally get the Venom Badge! Time to go meet Cain at the Railnet and save those kids!

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 45

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 45

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 45

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 45

simipour.gifCress (Male) - Lv. 45

crawdaunt.gifM.C. Hammer (Male) - Lv. 45

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Update #31: ...You Dirty Wife Killer.

Well, I managed to beat Sirius on my first try, but it wasn't the best try in the world. On TEH URN, Kitara led with M.C. Hammer, Cain led with his Nidoking, and Sirius led with his Hitmontop and his Chandelure. Poor M.C. Hammer fainted instantly to an energy ball, but Cain's Nidoking was at least able to injure Chandelure with a shadow ball while tanking a high jump kick. Cain the Samurott came out, and he managed to do some serious damage to Chandelure with an aqua jet; however, Nidoking decided to hit Hitmontop with a brick break rather than take out Chandelure, and got hit pretty hard with a shadow ball while Cain got slammed with a high jump kick. Sirius healed his Chandelure the next turn, but Nidoking and Cain were able to KO it with a mighty shadow ball/aqua tail hybrid that took it out from full health! Nidoking then fainted to a high jump kick, but hey, he at least went down swinging.

Sirius sent out his Manetric next, and Cain sent out his own Samurott. Cain did chip damage to Manectric with an aqua jet, then tanked a flame burst while Samurott injured Hitmontop withh a razor shell and Hitmontop used... fake out (I'm not joking). Unfortunately, Cain fell to a thunderbolt the next turn, but Hitmontop missed a high jump kick and took massive damage while Cain's Samurott set up a dig. Memekip came out next, and he managed to tank a snarl while Cain's Samurott did massive damage with a dig and Sigmund healed Hitmontop. Memekip then did chip damage to Manectric with a muddy water, but missed Hitmontop. Manectric got tired of waiting around and fried Cain's Samurott with a thunderbolt, but it fell to a muddy water that Memekip unleashed after tanking a high jump kick!

Sirius sent out his ace, Seviper, after Manectric fell, and Cain sent out his Gengar. Gengar did some damage to Hitmontop with a sludge bomb, but still fainted to a single night slash. Memekip sadly fell to a high jump kick, so Derpi came out to avenge him while Cain sent out his Venomoth. Venomoth took out Hitmontop with a psychic while tanking a night slash, and Derpi managed to put a big ol' dent in Seviper with an earthquake!

The next turn, after sending out his Honchkrow, Sirius pulled a surprise move and swapped out his Seviper for his Probopass. Cain's Venomoth did pitiful damage to it with a psychic, but after it fainted to a brave bird from Honchkrow, Derpi was able to seriously injure it with a muddy water! The next turn, poor Derpi missed a muddy water and was hit with a foul play, but Cain's Muk was able to take it out with a poison jab at the cost of being paralyzed by a thunder wave from Probopass.

All that remained was Sirius' Seviper and Probopass. While Muk fired off a shadow sneak on Probopass, Probopass hit Muk with a thundershock, and Seviper scratched Derpi with a poison fang, Derpi decided to waste the joint and wiped out both of Sirius' Pokemon with an earthquake! With Sirius on the retreat and the kids saved, it's time to get them to safety!

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 47

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 47

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 47

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 48

quagsire-f.gifDerpi (Female) - Lv. 48

crawdaunt.gifM.C. Hammer (Male) - Lv. 47

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Update #32: Crawly Creep

Hey look, I'm not dead! Just, uh, kinda sidetracked by replaying Pokemon Rejuvenation. Anyway, I managed to beat Bennett; it took me much, much more time than I ever thought it would take, but I beat him nonetheless. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Memekip, and he led with his nominal ace, Larvesta. Larvesta managed to take off a third of Memekip's health with a bug bite, but it fell to a single rock slide.

Up next came Bennett's Butterfree, and so I sent out one of our newest team members, Big Bertha the Octillery! Big Bertha tanked a giga drain, and did some damage with an ice beam; she managed to get an attack boost from moody, but her special attack fell, and since she only had special moves... yeah. Luckily Bennett spent his turn using healing Butterfree, allowing Big Bertha to get off a free ice beam... but due to the lowered special attack, it didn't even knock off half of its health. Kitara quickly healed Big Bertha the next turn, but luck started to work for me with a special defense boost from Moody, allowing Big Bertha to tank a giga drain without even losing half of her health! Unfortunately, Butterfree then set up a quiver dance, but luck was on my side, as it got frozen by an ice beam, allowing Big Bertha to tag out to Memekip, who ended it with a rock slide! ...That was way too much effort to take down a simple Butterfree...

Anyway, up next came Bennett's Heracross. While it could potentially sweep teams thanks to Moxie, it still fell to a single air slash from Skyla. Moving on...

Bennett's Scyther came out next, and Kitara swapped out for Memekip again. He tanked a bug bite and took out Scyther with a mighty rock slide! And that, my friends, is why Scyther is so underused in comparison to Scizor.

Up next came Bennett's Vivillon, and I have to admit, I made a stupid mistake. I sent out our other newest team member, Lord Cover the Carracosta, and he tanked a signal beam to set up a shell smash instead of just taking it down with a rock slide. I guess hindsight is 20/20. Fortunately, Catherine was able to come out and do damage to Vivillon with two shadow balls (negating Bennett's attempt to heal it with a berry ice cream), but she ended up getting confused from a signal beam and injured herself. Luckily, she survived another signal beam with just 3 HP left, and ended it with another shadow ball!

All that remained was Bennett's Venomoth, and so Kitara swapped out to Cain. Venomoth set up a quiver dance while Cain did some damage with an aqua tail, but then I underestimated how healthy Venomoth was and had him use aqua jet, causing him to not only miss a KO but take massive damage from a bug buzz. He was too weak to tank another bug buzz, so I swapped him out for Big Bertha, who instantly fainted to a bug buzz. Luckily, Catherine was able to stall for a turn and heal Memekip with a berry ice cream, letting him tank a bug buzz and end it with a mighty rock slide! With Bennett done with, it's time to take on his mother!

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 50

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 50

carracosta.gifLord Cover (Male) - Lv. 50

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 50

swanna.gifSkyla (Female) - Lv. 50

octillery-f.gifBig Bertha (Female) - Lv. 50

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Update #33: The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

Well, Serra took a couple tries, but I managed to beat her eventually. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Big Bertha, and Serra led with her Mega Abomasnow. Now, if it used wood hammer, that would pretty much mean the end of the run for me, but luckily it chose to use blizzard, which Big Bertha survived, allowing her to retaliate with a signal beam! This forced Serra to use her first ultra potion, and Big Bertha took it down fast with two more signal beams!

Up next came the Pokemon that took the most time to beat: Serra's Mamoswine. Since I knew from experience that Serra's field would punish misses from physical attackers, I had Kitara swap out to Catherine. She tanked an icicle crash and a rock slide to fire off a reflected brine and set up a rain dance, then got healed by a berry ice cream while Serra healed her Mamoswine. Mamoswine used up its evasion boosts and unleashed a mighty critical-hit blizzard; said blizzard must have been powered up by Serra's hax powers, as it froze Catherine. Kitara tried healing Catherine with two berry ice creams, but Mamoswine kept whacking away with blizzards, earth powers and icicle crashes, stalling out the rain.Thankfully, she eventually thawed out, tanked a blizzard and an icicle crash, did massive damage with a brine, and was able to stay alive long enough (thanks to another berry ice cream) to knock it down to the yellow after Catherine used up her last ultra potion; sadly, she fainted to a rock slide and a blizzard. However, her struggle was not in vain, as M.C. Hammer was able to swoop in, tank a blizzard, and end it with a crabhammer!

Serra's Vanilluxe came out next, so Kitara swapped out to Memekip. He protected himself from a signal beam, then tanked a second signal beam and a frost breath and ended the Vanilluxe with two rock slides, leaving him with 5 HP to spare!

Serra sent out her Glaceon next, and Kitara sent out Lord Cover. He tanked a shadow ball and set up a shall smash, then took out the Glaceon with a single rock slide! His pseudo-sweep continued to Serra's Cloyster, as it flinched to a rock slide and fell to a second one!

All that remained was Serra's Froslass. It outsped Lord Cover and took him out with a shadow ball, so Kitara sent out Memekip to stall for time an heal M.C. Hammer with a super potion while he fainted to a shadow ball. Froslass tried to set up a double team, but M.C. Hammer remained unfazed and took out Froslass with a mighty knock off! With Serra down, it's time to get medicine for Anna!

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 51

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 50

carracosta.gifLord Cover (Male) - Lv. 50

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 50

crawdaunt.gifM.C. Hammer (Male) - Lv. 50

octillery-f.gifBig Bertha (Female) - Lv. 51

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Update #34: Psychotherapy

Well, Sigmund took a couple tries, but once I got past his Eelektross and his Rotom-C he wasn't quite so bad. On TEH URN, Kitara led with Memekip, and Sigmund led with his Mega Ampharos. It slightly hurt Memekip with a hidden power, but Memekip kept whacking away with earthquakes, forcing Sigmund to use up all of his ultra potions and leading to Ampharos' demise once he ran out!

Up next came Sigmund's Eelektross, so Kitara swapped out to Racist. Racist did quite a bit of damage with a hydro pump, but got paralyzed by a discharge. Fortunately, she was able to stay alive long enough to do some more damage with a giga drain, but ultimately fell to two more discharges.Cain came out next, and he did serious damage with an aqua tail, but was left with 17 HP from a discharge; luckily, he was able to end it with an aqua jet!

Sigmund decided to stop messing around and sent out his most problematic Pokemon: his Rotom-C. Kitara swapped out to Catherine, and she managed to tank a shadow ball while setting up a rain dance, but fell to a leaf storm. Cain came out next as a sacrificial lamb, and fell to a leaf storm; however, this was what I wanted, as now Rotom-C's special attack was harshly lowered. This let Heather swoop in, tank a discharge, and end the Rotom with two poison jabs!

Sigmund's Luxray came up next, and so I kept Heather on the field. She did massive damage with an aqua tail, but fainted to a single thunder fang. Fortunately, Derpi came out next, and she survived a facade to end the Luxray with an earthquake!

Sigmund's ace, Electivire, came out next, but it was kind of pathetic. It only used a fire punch, which barely dented Memekip (whom I swapped Derpi out for). In retaliation, Memekip was able to end it with a single earthquake!

All that was left was Sigmund's Lanturn. It managed to survive an earthquake, but it wasn't able to do much with a scald, and it fell to a second earthquake, ending the fight! With Sigmund blasted across the cove and Saphira kidnapped, it's time to save her! ...Not that she really needs saving, but eh.

The team so far:

swampert.gifMemekip (Male) - Lv. 51

samurott.gifCain (Male) - Lv. 50

quagsire-f.gifDerpi (Female) - Lv. 51

qwilfish.gifHeather (Female) - Lv. 51

jellicent-f.gifCatherine (Female) - Lv. 50

ludicolo-f.gifRacist (Female) - Lv. 51

Edited by Lord Chespin
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