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[CW/Feedback: Poetry] Siegfried and the Dragon, and Heroes


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Siegfried and the Dragon

Siegfried fought the dragon

The glow of flame and the roar of fury could be heard

Fafnir was the great fire-snake's name

Shaped bone of beast and forged blood of earth clashed

The glow of flame and the roar of fury could be heard

As Balmung bit back at the hell-lizard('s) sinew

Shaped bone of beast and forged blood of earth clashed

And the Nibelung prince's blade found its mark

As Balmung bit back at the hell-lizard sinew

The mighty jaws clamped at the hero in desperation

And the Nibelung prince's blade found its mark

Buried deep in the torrid scourge's heart

The mighty jaws clamped at the hero in desperation

When the loathesome beast finally fell

Buried deep in the torrid scourge's heart

The cursed soul within was finally freed

When the loathesome beast fell

after Siegfried fought the dragon

The cursed soul within was finally freed

after Siegfried fought the dragon


People always like to talk about

how far it is we've come as humans

They compare society now to how it was two centuries ago

and say how barbaric we were.

But how far have we come, really?

When Hrothgar asked Beowulf to save his people from Grendel,

Beowulf didn't ask,

“How much will you pay me?”

Herakles fought the Hydra

Not because it was for glory

Or because it would make him rich.

Who are our heroes now?

We worship people we know are liars,

drug addicts,


even murderers

It's not to say that there's no value in being

an athlete,

a politician,

an actor

But are they really worth the attention they get?

People say that we're enlightened now, but

compare the old idols

to the new ones

ask them why

they became heroes

It might not be fair.

After all, the old heroes didn't actually exist

but something doesn't need to exist

to be looked up to

to touch our hearts

Who are we letting into our hearts now?

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I don't understand jack about poetry, mostly because, well, my English pronounciation is kinda butchered, so it's hard for me to tell if the words actually rhyme <.<

Still, that's an interesting choice for a theme, sometimes I wonder what makes people feel compelled to write poetry... It's fascinating.

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Like I said yesterday, both are quite good. I hope your presentation went well.

And as for what inspires people to write poetry, or prose, or draw, or sculpt, or compose music... It all leads to a larger question about what inspires people to create anything at all. I would say it is our inherent nature to create, to grow and to appreciate the world around us and conceive how it should be to suit our liking. This normative mentality is what grants us mastery over the world, for we have the will to do things for a larger motive than the basic urges to eat, sleep, hunt, mate, escape. It's indeed fascinating to step back and contemplate the things we are capable of doing, which we often take for granted.

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I don't understand jack about poetry, mostly because, well, my English pronounciation is kinda butchered, so it's hard for me to tell if the words actually rhyme <.<

Still, that's an interesting choice for a theme, sometimes I wonder what makes people feel compelled to write poetry... It's fascinating.

Most poetic forms don't rhyme. A pantoum is constructed of several repeating lines (the form of the first), and free verse (the second) is completely devoid of rules. It's basically motivated by the same thing that motivates all writing; in this case I feel the message is most effectively delivered by the short form of a poem rather than a windy essay.

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This poem is 3deep5me Acqui-chan does not understand desu!

<insert kawaii head tilt>

Okay jokes aside, I'll refrain from critique because honestly I am shit at poetry, especially free verse. There are a few things I feel you could have done to take advantage of thr form, like placing the enjambment before "actor" rather than before "an", but that's mostly subjective stylistic suggestions so...

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