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A Groundbreaking Run. (Hardcore Ground Monotype Nuzlocke) [DEFEATED]

Belka's Exile

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Prepare yourself for a GROUNDbreaking nuzlocke run. (Ok I'll stop with that.) Where I shall AVENGE my fallen comrades from my undocumented flying type version of this run. Julia the Slayer of Birds shall not stand long enough to do an acrobatic PIROUETTE off the handle and win like a medal. Now... let's get to business. I don't know where all of you get those SWEET COOL looking gifs of the pokemon from the 3D versions, so SPRITEWORK WILL HAVE TO DO! > :D


The Team so far. Glorious Laslow the Mudkip. Despair the Gible. And a currently unnamed Larvistar ( which will of course be changed soon...

Going to follow the rules of a regular Nuzlocke, only being allowed one pokemon per area catching, event pokemon (like Numel) are up for grabs in this, to fight the mighty Garchomp weilder (if I even get that far) if I die to him my Pokemon aren't dead but if I do manage to defeat him somehow (highly unlikely though what I'll try to do.), those who died during it are dead. And if there's anything else really important that happens I'll state it I guess. EDIT: Will keep pokemon that lose duo ground typing such as Tyranitar. Will be allowed to catch non ground for trading purposes only.

( Also peeps what would you prefer? Screenshots? Text? Random assortments of memes? Your choice if anyone responds to this I guess. )

First fight against Cain, spammed water gun on Mudkip against his Nidoran. Mudkip became Level 6 and learned Mud-Slap.

Healed up and prepares to do the same thing against Victoria. I always found it sorta odd that she had a Tepig, I mean sure yea it evolves into a fire-fighting type, but wouldn't a chimchar or torchic be better suited for her? Laslow easily defeats her and becomes Level 8. Luckily I managed to get out of the first building without being stuck, that happens occasionally though reloading always fix it. Not much to worry about.

And the Torkoal Torture Scene... I wouldn't mind getting a Torkoal, shame it is Rock and Fire instead of Ground. I always wondered about this scene, it implies that the Grand Hall peeps / New Government or whatever uses nefarious tactics and such to get what they want. But it's never implied again for the rest of the game. I'm not one to judge though, just an odd thought.

That's going to be it for this post, since I have to go to a party. Hope you guys will enjoy the... I need more ground puns.

Edited by Belka's Exile
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I continue forward, making sure to avoid that Hardcore Scientist... (Terrible Flashbacks)


And I get the Lucky Egg and the Exp. Share. I equip the EXP. Share to Larvistar and the Lucky Egg to Despair the Gible.

There's the girl with the snubull there, I always found it sorta cool with the whole level cap concept. Means you have to have multiple teams and such with variety to be able to defeat your opponents easily sometimes. Shame for us we don't have any coverage on say... Grass Types? Or Ice Types? So far the only hope is for Despair to become a Garchomp, go to a move learner, and get the glorious FIRE FANG. That is our mission young space cadets. Fought the Youngster that's the Guardian of the Staircase. Used Despair's Tackle, found out that she has Rough Skin, which is nice. But then I see his next Pokemon... Bellsprout. Welp, FIRST GRASS TYPE LET'S SEND OUT UMM... LASLOW?! Mud-slap them to hell! Got hit with a Vinewhip from 28 to 16, means I could survive one more if it isn't a crit... Let's take that chance.

They missed, MORE MUDSLAPS! >:D And I got hit, 4 HP Laslow! Got to switch. Go to Despair, healing them since I didn't when they fought the Sentret. Destroy them with Tackle. Time to go buy some potions before I forget. Sadly it isn't a Sunny Day so I can't purchase any ice cream. Also I never knew there was this guy selling Common Candies in the Grand Hall. Pretty nice actually. 7 potions are now mine...

Fighting against the second guardian, AND I FORGOT TO HEAL. GO ON LARVSTAR YOU ARE THE HERO WE DESERVE. And oh my... They start off with Sandstorm. This is going to be a great move I think, since we're all ground types, and I believe there's an ability some ground types have where their speed doubles in the sandstorm. She also has BITE, pretty nice. Easily defeat the Rat without incident. First thing I do I heal them up. Then I continue forward. Even though I can't capture the Pachirisu, it's good to get some EXP. Enemy Aipom brings Despair down to 8 HP, they're doing 8 Damage a hit, so I switch out to Laslow. Nothing else happens.

Send out Despair and now she's LEVEL 7 and gets DRAGON RAGE. YEEE BOIII or... YEE GURRLLL I guess. Despair now destroys anything in her way. Despair is 1 Hitting basically everything. She's my adorable little ball of death. Fighting the Pachi Terrorerers now. Dragon Rage annihilates them. And with that the Patchi is saved, even if I'm not going to get it. I think that it's for this part. If anything interesting happens I'll write it down.

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monotype, nuzlocke, hardcore... is this a new kind of bdsm?

three pokémon in dat grass type gym, one's a mudkip... in hardcore. maybe you should get yourself a gliscor? they aren't available in-game, so if you want one you're gonna have to hack anyway, cute as fuck, like, look at that booty, can also learn fire fang and ice fang and are hit neutrally by grass.

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monotype, nuzlocke, hardcore... is this a new kind of bdsm?

three pokémon in dat grass type gym, one's a mudkip... in hardcore. maybe you should get yourself a gliscor? they aren't available in-game, so if you want one you're gonna have to hack anyway, cute as fuck, like, look at that booty, can also learn fire fang and ice fang and are hit neutrally by grass.


I already had the Larvistar and Gible cheated in, any more and that'd seem a bit much. Plus for rules in the thread I'd have to restart from the beginning, so I'm going to keep on going. I think Gible's going to do pretty good, and by the Grass Gym I can get Numel, who starts off with Lava Plume, which is nice.

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I have a pot of 2,000 rupees for the first person who manages to complete a nuzlocke of Hardcore. I mean people can add to it if they want, but we think it's impossible through legitimate means. As long as you don't cheat or use legendaries, I think it's fair game.

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I have a pot of 2,000 rupees for the first person who manages to complete a nuzlocke of Hardcore. I mean people can add to it if they want, but we think it's impossible through legitimate means. As long as you don't cheat or use legendaries, I think it's fair game.

Well seeing how the last save file I've beaten Reborn on took over 80 hours, which was probably because I trained a full box of Pokemon to level 70, I doubt I'll be finishing it anytime soon. If I even get to the end? The Ice Type guy is probs going to rekt me. ( Also not sure if I'm even eligible for winning since the Larvistar and Gible are there? Not sure if that counts as cheating or not. :3)

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Got an ability capsule from the factory and used it on Larvistar to give her the ability Sand Veil, when I find another one will do the same thing on Gible. Sandstorm also I've learned doubles the special defense of Rock Types... Which is nice. Double Speed for Despair & Larvistar will help greatly. I head over to the name rater... I ask the specialist there for a name, first one I get shall be Larvistar's name. And it is.... ZANA. And the deed is done, Zana the Larvistar has been named. Now while looking up stuff I found that Tyranitar is a Rock DARK type, and loses their Duo Ground typiness. Would you peeps be fine keeping them at that point? Or would I have to keep them in their second form forever. I'd prefer the first, but not sure if it goes against the rules...

Despair has gone to Level 13... and learned... Sandstorm. 2 Pokemon with Sandstorm, huh. Fought a Finneon, and I just found out. Gible isn't weak to grass OR water types... Which means his only REAL weakness is ICE. That's going to be very helpful.

Levels as of Writing: Despair - 13. Laslow - 10. Zana - 12

We encounter Fern. I always sorta liked this guy, sure he's a backstabbing traitor and douche, but I always felt writers tend to put more emotion towards these characters. Unleashing held in anger and pushing it on the character. Call it what you will, but Fern is my personal favorite character in Pokemon Reborn.

Level 15 Lombre... maybe I'm a bit under leveled. I say as I one shot him with Dragon Rage. Level 16 Servine... 2 Hit KO and they only used WRAP. Lucky me. Now time for his ace... Roselia. 2 hit KO and they only used Poison Sting. Despair is the MVP here. I hope they never die (oh no I jinxed myself.) And at level 15 Despair has learned Take Down. And at Level 14 Zana has learned Chip Away. Very Very good... I honestly expected that fight to go on longer and be riskier, good thing it wasn't. The moment one of them die I'm going to cry. Except for maybe Laslow. He hasn't proved himself like Despair. Sorry bby.

Levels now: Despair - 15: Laslow - 10, Zana - 14

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I decimate the rest of the battles in the city. The only sorta trouble I had was with a Cleffa and Igglybuff. God damn pixies. Also as I'm writing this my nieces are asking me to capture the rare and elusive jigglypuff. I watch them gaze in wonder as I type down these words, oh the sparkles in their eyes. Sadly this may never come to fruition due to the fact that this is a monotype ground hardcore peppermint swirl sundae over at Baskin Robbins. Did you know that there are 31 flavors of Baskin Robbins ice cream? It's shown in the logo.


I just blew your mind right there didn't you? They love the adorable circular spherical menace that is jigglypuff. The pinkness, the roundness, it's like kirby with an adorable hair doo to them. They also love kirby. I remember when I was just a young rapscallion and they would watch me with my animal kirby plushee. I would let them play with it. It was awesome. Now I'm saying this all in a weird way so that they will not be able to fully understand this. This is because they are very young. Good job me. Good job.

Now let us advance to the real plot. We make our way to the... Building with the Meteor grunts. That's a cool name I guess for a team. And while I'm typing this they mention how my fingers make music as I type out on the keyboard, it makes me smile knowing they enjoy it. We encounter Julia Slayer of Birds. My arch rival and nemesis. Her personality reminds me greatly of my nieces. So very happy and such. Fern still gets no respect.

We finally enter it. After all that useless text at the start. It's flavour text I suppose. Gives spice and diversity. Perhaps that'd be a cool thing to have, a Nuzlocke where your family plays with you. Like that grandma on YouTube who plays Skyrim. Let's call it... Family Matters or something. Surely the copyright on that name should expire soon. Our ally Fern joins us for defeating the adversaries that are TEAM METEOR. I know I'm saying a lot of stuff over again, but meh. Together we joined forces, eradicated the enemy, and became stronger for it. And by that I mean Roselia got a crit on the Pooch, I dragon raged the Grimer, it hit me with Rough Skin so it fainted, and then I dragon raged the Grimer, and then Roselia absorbed the goo into their body and that was that.

Despair is now Level 16, Laslow Level 12. Going pretty good. Going to want to get Marshstomp so that I can get MUD SHOT. My niece just told me this excellent story. Her teacher had a snow globe which shattered due to her brother being jealous when they were young, and her grandmother glued every piece of glass back together. Took like several months and such. And by the end only a tiny piece at the bottom was gone. I'm pretty sure there's some moral to the story, which I can not see, that is very inspirational.

Destroyed Roggenrolla and Aron, Laslow Level 13.

Aron and Zubat eradicated.

Quoth... JRR Token... Hellwing... I will avenge you. I say as I cry a single tear and turn my hand into a fist as I look into the sunset.

I SAY WHAT'S UP DUDE as I decimate a Geodude. The enemy uses Magnitude... MAGNITUDE 9?! Gible gets nearly killed. 10 HP it looks like... Stay in there trooper! >:o I throw in Laslow the Mudkip to save Despair. Despair must survive. Rosalia destroys the other geodude with Mega Drain and that's it. Laslow Level 15. I think that's it for this post.

Levels: Despair the Gible - 17 Laslow the Mudkip - 15 Zara the Larvistar - 14

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We tread forward, my family members have ceased being near me. And what is this...? Laslow... A White Aura envelopes you?! YOU'RE EVOLVING MY CHILD. PERHAPS THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU YET! They have learned the GLORIOUS MUDSHOT. Hopefully Larvistar learns a Rock type move, the Emolga is the most serious threat right now. Looking on here they learn Rock Slide at level... 19. There's a chance they might be able to grind up that much. Let's hope! Despair levels up. 18. Gave the EXP share to Zana hoping she can get up there. Laslow's good at level 16. I'm genuinely surprised not one pokemon has fainted. I mean that's good! Like really good. Because imagine fighting with only like... 2 pokemon? Or just 1? It must feel terrible when you're like nearly defeated at a Nuzlocke run. To be honest I've never actually done a full of Nuzlocke run, I mean I've tried to but I've always broken the rules. But now since I'm being watched it makes it easier to not break rules. COMMITMENT!

Zana Level 15... Level 19 Despair and he wishes to learn the Sand Tomb... I remember this being the bane when I first went against the Flo... Get it? Like going against the Flow? Ha. Replaced Sand Attack for Sand Tomb. Good to have a STAB move, even if it is weak af. Zana Level 16. Who knows maybe we can get to her getting Rock Tomb. I remove the Lucky Egg from Despair since he's near the cap. Switch to Laslow as lead. Got the explosives, and we continue forward. Now here's Aster and Eclipse. An pair of names. Aster like Asteroid, and Eclipse like... Eclipse. Wouldn't it be better for Eclipse to be named Aster, and the real Aster to be named Roid? Or Roy...Meh, just random thoughts I guess.

Level 20 Magmar and Electabuzz. Laslow should defeat them easily. Electabuzz Fire Punch TKO Rosealia in 1 hit. Ember does some damage to Laslow. Shockwave destroys the Lombre. Faint Attack brings Laslow low... Heal him up. Repeat. Laslow might die. Switch to Despair. Magmar uses a Potion. Set up a Sandstorm, Fern is out of Pokemon. Dragon Rage, survive. Switch to Zana. Her speed's great and I use a Bite, for some reason thinking it was like Crunch to lower defense but good thing it flinched instead. Then I healed up Marshstomp. Spammed some Mudshots and managed to survive without any losses. I have to admit it was super close. Got really lucky... Hope this isn't like Julia's Battle. Laslow is now Level 18. Got out of Dodge and go to a Poke Center to Heal... Next Part... Julia: The Slayer of Birds.

Edited by Belka's Exile
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We begin the ELECTRIC GYM. QUOTH THE STARLY. JRR TOKEN THE CHARMANDER. HELLWINGS THE FETCHLING. I SHALL AVENGE YOU MY FALLEN CHILDREN! Start out with Laslow, let's see you get some use baby. Techie Cave Johnson reporting over here. Uses Rollout. FOOL. FOOL. PUNY HUMAN SCUM. Class 3 OMEGA VIRUS. SELF-REPLICATING, EXTREMELY XENOI forgot the rest of how that goes. Voltorb has been eradicated. I guess he had an ion me. :3 Same happens with second Voltorb. Bill, oh my... you've fallen from being the PC master. Shame. I never did find out if someone runs the PC system in Reborn. Perhaps that'll be something in the future in Episode 16. PERHAPS IN EPISODE 16 WE'LL GO INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE GRAND HALL.

Meh, that's just wild speculation at this point. I can't imagine doing a Solo Run in Pokemon Reborn. You get so much EXP and you'll have to pay a TON of money for Common Candies. Before doing this since I fear for my life I change the time / day to sunny so I can get some ice cream. Call it cheating if you want I guess, but there's no way I can survive without better healing items then 20. 16 Chocolate Ice Creams...

Defeat the rest of the trainers in the gym. Make sure I have enough potions. Luckily ground types can't be paralyzed. I enter the room. I feel the intense need to put on some Mario Party music. The air radiates with energy. Oppa Toby Style plays in the background instead of Mario Party... I walk up to Julia, and I punch her in her happy face. Sadly I don't do that, since it is impossible to. But that smile... She laughs at my demise. Only one of us will have our plans blow up in their face! AND THAT WILL BE YOU JULIA! >:o

The Fight begins...

Magnemite... I eradicate it instantly. And by that I use water gun to pop it's balloon. Then spamming it to make Julia use her potion. THEN MUDSHOT. Level 20 Laslow, need to make sure he doesn't level again this match. Switch to Despair against her Heliolisk. Set up a Sandstorm. THEN SAND TOMB. I missed. It used Rain Dance, and healed with it's Dry Skin... SANDSTORM AGAIN. SAND TOMB DOES A TON OF DAMAGE NEARLY KILLING IT. WOO!! I heal up Laslow. But oh my... SHE HAS A SECOND POTION. Sand Tomb her again, with Sandstorm and bonus damage it faints. Keep Despair in, Dragon Rage decimates the Emolga it still stands with like 6 HP probably. BUT SANDSTORM DECIDES TO GIVE UP, and she got a CRIT ON HER ACROBATICS. Heal up with Choc Ice Cream :D Emolga kills itself thanks to Despair's rough skin. It's actually been doing pretty good, should I keep rough skin or go for Sand Viel?

Would appreciate an answer.

Level 20 Gible... And Level 19 Larvitar, bit too late there with Rock Slide but beggars can't be choosers I suppose. Send out Zana against the Voltorb, wish to set up a Sandstorm for 2x speed then Rock Slide for flinching. It used explosion... And that's when I found out. Explosion when hyper charged becomes Electric Type. Chinchow... Send out Laslow, my best idea. They begin charging, want to destroy it first thing. MudSlap, Crit. Good. Lower accuracy. It uses Water Gun. Foolish. Take some turns to heal up. Using potions to save Choc for later date. Mud slap I must admit is pretty good now. Reborn has changed my position on it. The final opponent. ELECTRODE. I unleash all my energy into several final attacks. But... Magnet Rise. I hope it explodes. I need it to explode. If it explodes I win. I bide my time... waiting. Using potions to make it go longer, switching out. This is the end for Julia. It mocks me by only using SONIC BOOM. I use Rock Slide with Zana, does a good amount. I'm going to win Julia with 0 loses. This is going to be great... IT MISSES A SONIC BOOM AND I STRIKE. CRIT ON ROCK SLIDE. And the behemoth falls before me. I cry a bit. I have avenged my fallen warriors... My angels... I get Charge Beam. Useless really. Don't think any Ground type can learn it. I save my game. And I leave the building.

Next Time: We Head to the Obsidia Ward. Oh god grass types ahoy.

Levels : Despair - 20 Laslow - 20 Zana - 19

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Good luck, mate. You'll need all of it. I hope you get an Excadrill or at least a Steelix onyo that team to help you with the ice and Grass to an extent.

I have a question for you. You're doing a ground mono. You have a Larvitar. Will you evolve it into a Tyranitar, even though it loses its ground typing then?

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Good luck, mate. You'll need all of it. I hope you get an Excadrill or at least a Steelix onyo that team to help you with the ice and Grass to an extent.

I have a question for you. You're doing a ground mono. You have a Larvitar. Will you evolve it into a Tyranitar, even though it loses its ground typing then?

I asked peeps this same question earlier on, but no one answered. What I think I'll do, I'll keep it even if it becomes Tyranitar, if it has an evolution or anything with a ground type in it somewhere even if it loses it, it's viable to be used. It'll be like that bug type elite 4 with a Drapion, even if it isn't bug type and how peeps can get charmander for a flying monotype since it evolves into Charizard. But I'll be honest Zana will most likely die before she evolves into Tyranitar. If she survives, it'll be a miracle. Same to Despair. But I hope that they will. I plan to get Steelix as soon as possible, (i.e fighting giant steelix, if there's an earlier way to get a metal coat please someone tell me.) Excadrill would be nice, hope it's in the mystery egg. If not Rhyhorn is also a good option, and if somehow it's neither? Welp.

Edited by Belka's Exile
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Uhh...Sandstorm doesn't boost Sand Tomb at all unless you were talking about extra chip damage. Sandstorm only boosts the special defense of rock types by 30% unless they have an ability such as Sand Rush or Sand Force.

I'm surprised you got through that Julia fight without any loses, but considering you have to get through Vicky, Cain, Scraggy Gang, Pulse Growth, the academy so tortuous I had to nerf it, and Fern before you can even reach Florinia. If you manage to beat Florinia with that team, I'll be impressed. Unfortunately, D-rage spam won't be able to save you from Florinia as her team is bulky and strong.

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Uhh...Sandstorm doesn't boost Sand Tomb at all unless you were talking about extra chip damage. Sandstorm only boosts the special defense of rock types by 30% unless they have an ability such as Sand Rush or Sand Force.

I'm surprised you got through that Julia fight without any loses, but considering you have to get through Vicky, Cain, Scraggy Gang, Pulse Growth, the academy so tortuous I had to nerf it, and Fern before you can even reach Florinia. If you manage to beat Florinia with that team, I'll be impressed. Unfortunately, D-rage spam won't be able to save you from Florinia as her team is bulky and strong.

Yea, I meant the extra chip damage. And thank you very much for the info! It's still a good enough boost for Special Defense I believe. I managed to have a lucky run so far, the closest I was to losing someone was Despair, he had 6 HP when the Emolga got a Crit Acrobatics. Choc ice cream full healed him, pretty nice. I'm going to get Numel with his lava plume, so that should provide me enough to easily defeat Fern. And if not I could always use Gible since he only is super weak against Ice type. And he might even be a Gibite by that time!

Vicky I don't have anything to worry about, unless she has ice punch or something. Cain only real threat would be Dewott, and Marshstomp should be fine against that, Scraggy Gang mud-slap hax for high jump kick. Pulse Growth is going to be though. Like... Really Though. I'm expecting a lost there, perhaps sacrifice Laslow to get the accuracy down... Academy I think I'll be alright, Fern I'll try to destroy with Numel, and I'll try to do the same thing for Flo. I also expect a lost from her. I'm going to gamble at the lottery so I can get Nidoran, and I'll train that up, so Poison damage will be nice as well. Estimated Deaths? Atleast... 3.

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First things first, question for you guys. Do you count a pokemon fainting when fighting the grind trainers over at the Grand Hall and the Clown later in the circus as true deaths?

We continue forward... And I unleash some TIME MANIPULATION to make it a rainy day. Not sure if this counts as cheating but that's what I'm going to do. Need the amazing Numel. It's the pokemon that first allowed me to beat Florinia. I'll sacrifice any power to save Numel... Maybe not Despair. I go up to it in the rain, it looks at me, I look at it, and we go and leave together.



Hermes the Numel has joined me. Don't ask me why that name, it's an inside joke with some friends. (Though it is pretty obvious on why.)

A Bold Hermes, I have no ideas on how nature works but that sounds good. Has Focus Energy, Magnitude, Flame Burst, and Iron Head... Very Good... Very Good. Level 15 so I can train him up on some trainers by giving him the Experience Share.

We fight the guy on the stairway towards the Obsidia ward, jealous of my sick badge owning skills. Mud shot on Whimsur, 2 hit KO, they only used Howl. And then there's Sewaddle. God damn it has high Special Defense. I just keep on tackling it. Brought me down from 64 to 28... I swear if Laslow had died to a Sewaddle of all things, I wouldn't regret his death.

We talk to Florinia and we enter the Obsidia ward... That was when I realized. I hadn't gotten the Onix yet! I do the short sidequest for that with the help of a Youtube Walkthrough to get it started. The Onix is now named Tunnel Snake. Because Tunnel Snakes rule!

He has Curse, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, and Rage. Yea that's what I'm going to do when I lose someone. A Naughty nature if that means anything? Meh.

We return to the Obsidia, fighting the rest of the battles. Laslow is now Level 22 and has learned MUD BOMB. Nice. Replaced Mudslap for that. Seeing that there are no more battles... We head towards Victoria the Martial Artist.

She sends out a Scraggy, I don't have anything super effective so I just wing it with Laslow using Mud Bomb. Went down easily. Kirlia... Zana has bite so I send out her. She used MAGICAL LEAF. Brought Zana down to 7 HP. Send out Despair since that isn't super effective against him. Use Sand Tomb, she's going to die next turn due to Chip damage so I heal up. Makuhita's next, so I send out Laslow. They use Focus Energy so I use Mud Bomb trying to lower their accuracy. Luckily they miss. Next out is Poliwag, I keep Laslow out there. I get hit by hypnosis and it sets up Rain dance, has nothing super effective on me luckily so I can wait it out. Bubblebeam does 20 damage, luckily Laslow has 69 health, so I can survive easily. And as Poliwag died they set up a Rain Dance... hehe.. Next comes Pignite. It uses Sunny Day so a Rainbow occurs. Lucky me I guess. It uses Smog on me, and then dies. Victoria down without any deaths. Good job. Those Chocolate Ice Creams are very good. Numel levels up and I replace Focus Energy with Amnesia. Go back to heal to get rid of the Poison and then we continue forward. That's going to be it for this part.

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We continue forward, switching Despair the Gible back to the front of the line. Need to level her up since PULSE Tangrowth won't be super effective against her. Beat the pidgey easily, but the pidove got a crit on Air Cutter so I have to switch. Change to Zana and... oh my, odd they have a SUPER POTION?! I didn't even know regular trainers COULD have items. Oh well. Crit Rock Slide and the pidove is down. Heal up and we continue.

I find out that... Sand Tomb is actually pretty good. Sure the chip damage is barely anything but it's a nice move. I had Whirlpool on my Empoleon for bosses, very nice. When fighting bosses it's always good to have Toxic or a chip damaging move so that you can do some damage while still being able to heal up.

And we officially enter the Slums area...

Fought off the a Trainer with a Mankey, nothing happens really, but then he sends out Chingling, scared the hell out of me when it used Last Resort. Got to deal with this one quick. Dragon Rage them and then it uses Astonish, killing it due to Despair's rough skin. Run back to the Poke Center and heal up.

Hermes is Level 20 now. I look over and see the egg is... blue? I only remember it being an egg for a Drowzee. I know it isn't a ground type... But I'm going to get it just out of curiosity, won't use the pokemon for anything.

Moving forward beat the guy and we find... a Moon Stone. Great! Now we can evolve a certain future member of our team... At level 43 that is. Looking on the learnset and such. I don't understand why people usually want to evolve pokemon with stones early, I mean growlithe learns OUTRAGE, CRUNCH, and some other great moves, but people want to level him up at 35 for extreme speed! Level the growlithe to learn everything, evolve it, then go to the move relearner! Now enough ranting... We continue!

Level 21 Despair... We get the TM for Quash, pretty nice. We get the blue egg... a curiosity. Perhaps it's a hidden ground type? One can only hope I suppose.

We make it to the roof of the building and heal up with the magical power of the LIGHT SHARD. These and the green healing units I really like, I always hated having to wait a few seconds for Nurse Joy. Instantly healing is great. Going on nothing much happens.

We encounter the guy to progress the stolen pokemon sidequest. I have no idea what the pokemon is, and I know it isn't finished yet, so I don't mind doing this. The scraggy box thing makes me think of the Snow Poff in Undertale. I know that this came first but it's a nice little flavor text.

Hermes is Level 22 and learns Lava Plume. Great. Manage to get to the Light Shard before the Scraggy fight before Laslow died of poison. We move forward to the boss fight. I have Despair and Laslow since I remembered it was a Double Battle, that nearly caught me off guard. Thank you brain. Dragonborn and Stallord, pretty cool names. Didn't realize if they had names originally. Destroy Stallord first with Dragon Rage & Mudshot combo. Dragonborn uses Brick Break on Laslow, dealing a good amount of damage. Do the same thing on Tyson. Probably names after Mike Tyson. And Mike Tyson is DOWN FOR THE COUNT! It'll be easy now with 2 v 1. Or so I thought, until Big Boss came in. Uses Brick Break on Despair, managed to survive with like 3 HP, I switch out to Hermes. Heal up Laslow since he's starting to get low while Hermes uses Lava Plume. Switch out Hermes for Zana, luckily they both attacked Laslow. Rock Slide's actually pretty good at flinching like it saved me a lot during this, healed up on everyone while they flinched and then sent back out THE DREAM TEAM. Then I manage to take down Big Boss. All that's left is Dragonborn. I see that he has Dragon dance, luckily they haven't used it instead of using Drain punch and Headbutt the entire time. And he goes down easily. Another boss battle without any losses, aww yeeeaaa. Tunnel Snake levels up and I replace Rock Tomb for Stealth Rock.

We leave the Slums and head down to the Lapis Ward to heal up. Next part, Cain.

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We continue onward, getting the hidden Ultra Potion intended for the Skitty Side quest. Why help a young child when I can help myself? (This is a joke I wouldn't do that naturally >.<) Healed up at the PokeCenter and battle the fisherman with his Magikarps and Grimers, Dragon Rage annihilates all of them. Despair becomes Level 22. Heal up at the Center and we head towards Cain...

We have Laslow the Marshtomp up infront first, incase he sends out his Oshawott first. Short cutscene and WE BEGIN! >:o

Grimer goes down easily with Mudshot, but it got an Acid Spray on me, so I might want to change out soon. Next is Dewott, Dew dew dewottt, and however that song goes in Back to the Future. Uses Razor Shell and gets a Critical Hit on me. Luckily I survive with 20 Hp and heal up after landing a Mudshot. It uses Fury Cutter luckily, I now know that Razor Shell does like half health... Might have to sacrifice someone to this. Laslow... With 8 Choc ice creams left I doubt I'll be able to hold out for long. They use Air Cutter and I manage to get off a CRIT Mud bomb, making it faint. I send out Despair to fight against Nidorino, and Hermes is level 23 now. I use Sand Tomb while they use Focus Energy. Does a good bit of damage, one more and they'll be dead. It uses Horn attack making Despair lose half health, but luckily I kill it. Next is Venonant. I leave Despair there and heal her up. Bug bite does less than Half so I use Sand Tomb. It uses Confusion and that doesn't really do anything. I heal up again incase of Bug bite. Dragon Rage it and Venonant is down. Last is Gastly. It uses Curse and I kill it with Dragon Rage. Thanks for killing yourself Gaster. And with that we win with no loses again. Was super close with Laslow and Dewott I have to admit.

And with that Cain has lost and we head back to the Pokecenter to heal. We back to the Obsidia ward, fight one guy, Hermes gets to Level 24. Head up to the PULSE... Someone will die. And by someone I mean my computer will die due to the lag from all the vines. And we get TMX1 CUT, glad that HMs in this can be forgotten, really useful for runs like these with limited pokemon. Despair is the only one able to learn it sadly. We replace Sandstorm for Cut, since we already have it on Zana. Heal up at the lightshard and prepare for hell... ZEL... You have a very interesting backstory, it was nicely written, shame I'll have to murder your pokemon now.

And the Battle begins...

Dragon Rage does 1/3 of the health, it uses Acid Spray. Used Dragon Rage again, and it uses Knock Off... due to Despair's rough skin... IT DIES. And in 2 turns it's down...? Wow. That was... really anticlimatic I guess? Like I was expecting Despair to die, Laslow, maybe even Hermes! But... huh. I really have no idea on what to say for this matter. Guess I got really lucky? That is how it feels... I mean CAIN was a danger compared to the PULSE TANGROWTH! Anyway let's move on.

We run back to the Obsidia Pokecenter and heal up. Since that was pretty quick I'll continue writing this. Give the EXP share to Zana since Hermes is at level 24. I head over to the candy shop and go buy some chocolate ice cream, too lazy to change the time and date. We buy 4 more and head north. We beat Baxter and OH MY. DESPAIR IS EVOLVING?! I thought that she would evolve at 30 something, this is a pleasant surprise! And she wants to learn... Dual Chop. Nice. Replace Cut with that yo! 74 health... NICE. We continue forward, this girl has a... Bayleaf. This would be bad but Despair's still in front, forgot to switch her around. Good job me. Oh my that back sprite... looks so damn cool. And... Dual Chop is Dragon type? I didn't know that. Defeat Bayleaf with Dual Chop in 2 hits. Nice. Go back to heal. Switch out for Laslow in front. We'll continue next part since this is getting long now.

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We clear out the rest of the battles in town and head towards the "entrance". Fern greets me. "...an Exile." That sounds super cool. Not sure if I've said it before but my name in this is "an Exile". And I have to admit, he knows that I don't deserve to fight her. I don't want to fight her either. I'd like to have survival... He locks the gate and I have a choice. A choice to give up. "But it refuses."

We beat the battle and enter the Trainer School. My pokemon are basically all level 25... You know I wish they at least raised the level cap in hardcore. Give Tunnel Snake the EXP share since he's still ONLY LEVEL 16!! AND I get the Coin Case. TIME TO DO SOME GAMBLING!!!

I talk to the NPCs to get some extra coins and... huh? In Hardcore apparently you get some more coins. At the end I had exactly 1000 coins... I could have bought a Slugma... but 2 thousand more coins to go...

After all of that gambling... I finally get MISTA WILSON!!! He may be our only chance of survival against Fern & Florinia due to him being PURE POISON TYPE! >:o He gets to Ground type when he becomes Nidoking (which will happen when he reaches level 37).

Level 20 Nidoran... A Calm Nature, Focus Energy, Poison Sting, Double Kick, and Fury attack. Meh moves really. Hope that he learns something... Better.

We move forward, battling some more trainers. We're really wasting EXP at this point sadly. An increased level cap would have been very nice. Level 21, Mista Wilson learns Horn Attack... that's better at least? And also he's evolving. Cool!

Seeing that... A LOT OF POKEMON are bringing me down to 20 health... and they aren't even super effective... I'm starting to worry. I think I haven't been leveling up Tunnel Snake enough to be a physical wall. The rest of the team isn't really that bulky. Hermes levels up to Level 26, and learns Earth Power! Yayyy!! But now I gotta spend money on common candies ;-;

And Tunnel Snake learns... Gyro Ball. He has the worst ability though... WEAK ARMOR. Ugh. I wish I had a second ability capsule... And so I go to do that sidequest that gives me one! Yipee! Now Tunnel Snake has Rock Head. If I get another one soon I'll change it to Sturdy. We also complete the quiz barring us from continuing.

We put Despair to the front... And then we move on... And say hello to Fern once more.

He starts off with Ludicolo, and I just Dragon Rage him. Dragon Rage is just 2 hits for everything now, but that's fine. Better than nothing and what else I have. I take that down while he uses one super potion. I think he has one move. He then sends out Grovyle. It brings Despair down to 17 HEALTH. Good thing I brought it down to near death and Fern's going to heal this turn and so I do so also. Or that would have happened, but they used Quick attack with a Normal Gem, didn't do any damage really. Take down the Servine pretty easily, spamming Dragon Rage. Ferrosead is next so I send out Hermes. It goes down in one hit. Then comes Roselia. Keep Hermes in and I eradicate it. Fern has been defeated... Despair nearly died. I'm scared. I'm scared...

Next Part... Florinia. The Desert Rose.

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Oh god, don't remind me of the school. I get plenty of issues and complaints with Reborn Hardcore, but the Onyx school is probably the biggest culprit of too much experience. It starts to flaten out down the line but considering you have almost no other way to train Pokemon, it really helps (personally, I train up 2 reserves to prevent overleveling). So yes, the thing about Hardcore is that you rarely ever need to grind except if you want to train something else up and trust me, you will.

What happened with Onyx's Trainer School is that someone else was originally working on hardcore and designed it with level 28-30 trainers (or it felt like it) in which I tried patching that mess up. It's honestly a blessing that the issue is too much experience instead of a janked up brutal trainers (I almost wiped on them before the nerfs). But hey, you get extra money anyways just be glad it isn't the opposite issue and you have to spend hours grinding for each leader.

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Duh Duh Duh Duh.... The game loads up. Press Continue... And we enter HER arena. No time for formalities, and we begin with Hermes the Numel in front...

Expected Outcome: Failure.

She leads out with Cacturne. She uses Spikes, I use Lava Plume, get a burn. Brings it down to very low, next turn she heals up with Super Potion and I repeat. And SO DOES SHE, both Super Potions are gone.. Burn will kill Cacturne so I send out Tunnel Snake to block an attack. It used NEEDLE ARM AND GOT A CRIT. Tunnel Snake falls, R.I.P mate... Then comes Breloom, send out Despair, 2 Dragon Rage and Rough Skin from Breloom's Retaliate kills it. Despair on 3 HP... Next is Grotle, I send out Mista Wilson, to heal up... Mista Wilson may also die. Chocolate Ice Cream is a life saver... I see Mista Wilson will die next turn.... But I have to heal up Hermes. I'm sorry Mista Wilson. I'm sorry. And he buried in a Sand Tomb, at least he had a proper burial. 2 Dragon Rages and it's down. Next comes Tropius so I send out Hermes. CRIT Lava Plume, it uses it's Sitrus Berry and I heal up. It sends out Gourgiest. Does a 2 HIt bullet seed and nearly kills Hermes so I return to Despair. Destroy with Dragon Rage, but she gets a good amount of damage on me... Next is Tropius again, I decide to sacrifice Zana... and I heal up. And what the hell happens. The Sitrus Berry is used again, and... again... Apparently a glitch happened? And now it's back to full HP. And it lands a Leaf Blade on me. I use Lava Plume again and it survives, barely, and it uses Toxic... Now this is complete bull, that was just cheating. It falls due to a burn and I heal up. If this is what causes me to lose I swear... I SWEAR. Next out is Cradlily, and it kills Hermes... I send out Laslow. Heal up Despair. Laslow falls.

And so it comes to this... Cradlily and Despair the Gabite... But Gabite is Level 26, the level cap has killed me. 5 times in a row it does nothing. And I run out of healing items. And I die. I... I lost. I can't stand for this. The Tropius healing glitch, if that didn't happen I could have had survived. I, take a moment to breath.

Should I retry due to that glitch? If I don't get any response I'll do just that...

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What happened is that Tropius` ability is harvest, which allows it to reuse it's berry at a 50% proc rate, which as you can plainly read, fucked you over.

Does this allow it to use it 2 times per turn though? Because if so that still seems pretty cheap to me.

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