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A Hard Boiled EGGLOCKE What will Hatch what will Die (A Reborn EGGLOCKE)


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Welcome and salutations my friends now formalities are out of the way lets get informal duderinos....... ha ha im just gonna stop their.

Now as the title may have hinted you its an egglocke means its a slightly different nuzlocke some of you may know the rules and some may not those who dont will be Dying for the rules i believe just to know how i may torture myself

main rules will be same as nuzlocke but some added rules to without a further a do here are the rules soak dem up real gooood:

1:I can capture only the first pokemon per area if i fail to capture the particular mon i cant catch any other mons in said area.

2:As soon as the mon per area is caught i will have to replace it with an egg in my box this can up to 30 times as i have 1 box of eggs after emptied i cant use any other mon then the ones hatched thier is an exception of a 31st mon which is an egg replacing my starter also eggs from box picked must be in order also thier will be helper mon until my first egg reaches lvl 5 after that it becomes non existent.

3:If a mon faints its ded i cant use it no more ill bury it and cry in a corner.

4:I must nickname all pokemans.

5:If all the mons in my box faint its game over in case all my party mons die and i dont have a hatched egg i can pick an unhatched egg from the box but it must be trained from lvl 1 with normal rules intact.

6:if a match is optional to lose such as garchomp or arceus my mons will not count as dead and can still be used.

7:i am limited to 2 gift mons per area/ward/route till first 2 badges and will shift to 1 per area after 2nd badge.

8.I cannot and i mean cannot breed pokemon i am stuck with what i get.

Well now thats out of the way lets Begin in the adventure know as Pocket Monster Reborn EGGLOCKE man this title gets me hungry for some reason any way lets continue:

Episode 1:

ahh lovely just lovely i picked bulbasaur as my starter and now its gone and i have an egg and a remoraid to help me in my first fight neat and i take a step and OMG it hatched and its a mantyke and a gurl so i am naming it martha why martha BECAUSE IM BATMAN oh look my first battle approaches to the fight we go go go go


VS Pretty Boy CAIN

well this was rather an easy fight i swapped out martha from my lead in to remoraid and water gunned cain to death ha ha ha

with that fight over wait whats happening oh my martha the mantyke evolved in to martha the mantine excellent she is slightly less useless against the first gym

oh look its queen victoria here to bring upon the Victorian era ahh she healed martha and immediately challenged me atleast she had the courtesy to heal them first


VS Apprentice Victoria

Well again easy fight mantine bubbled her to death now she be foaming at mouth from my awesomeness DAWG

now i walk around oh look a pidgey throws ball gotcha now it magically swaped places with and egg groovy how i dont know but do you.Now i fite some trainers and mantine learned bubblebeam and confuse ray along the way along the way i bribe a homeless guy and get an espurr which i got join me by bribing him with some snax i stole whichis then replaced by an egg bless you wierd egg giving heroes.Then I go into shady alley ways and catch a trubish you know what this means Egg time thats all i can catch in perdidott to the railnet.

I spot a noibat and i catch it deal with it you all know the drill time for EGGGGSSSSS on way back i grab a Krickitott yay full party of eggs and a martha. Now i put on a track suit epic montage time play the tunes

and the eggs hatch soon afterwards and they are *drummroll*:

LULU the lilipup Female

Aroma the illumise female

Lizzie the Helioptile female

Snoop Dog the Oddish male

Punisher the Nidoran Male

and after that i start a bit of leveling for aroma i continue on my journey

From far away i see my next challenger with green hair and who is it a ass a pain a jerk an idiot swagmiester fullerene wait no its a fern



now a somewhat interesting battle in this fight i lead with punisher against his lotad just for a little switch training

and quickly switch to aroma and she kos lotad with silver wind.

now again i switch in punisher and he uses snivy i sent out aroma again and she makes short work here.

for his last budew i do the same process its nice having a bug around sometimes but this time when aroma comes out oh noes shes out of silver wind so.i do the next best thing confuse ray and tackle and budew doesn't get to attk and so we won good that jerk aint talking one of my darlings mons out

now fern acts like a jerk saying this is not his true power yeah sure sure and storms off well to the gym i suppose.there we meet julia now she is energetic and likes to make things go boom she is just my type( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but that aside she says shes busy arent they always and we go with her to the moss water factory da da da.

Now this place has been infested with evil team meteor really was team comet taken or something now we meet up with fern and his sister and their pairing me with fern why i wanted julia or florina she looks nice to or a grain of rice will be more helpful. Well so i pair with fern and we go taking out meteoers and then it happend punisher evolved and i quickly swapped up snoop at the top cause i want DIVERSITY. Then we ran into julia and florina finally they couldn't open a door and then Julia gave the best idea ever find bombs so we blow it up and not careing for the roof to fall on us and killing us brilliant and so for some reason me and fern agree and go look for bombs we fight a few more meteors and get the bombs yay and give them to julia instead of hiding it from her *face plam* now as she is about to do it florina opens up the door with her computer magic thank god and we enter the den of the meteor. As we enter our oponents show them selves to meteor Grunts standing along side a man i suppose is an Admin the man named Sirius black then it continues with the next battle against the grunts oh boy


VS Meteor Grunts Aster and Eclipse

now i lead this match with martha and use bubble beam on their magby and their elekid thundershocks and as my heart Skiped a beat martha survived and the hit and magby attacksd ferns budew instead perfect i quickly swap in Punisher and double kick they seem to be preoccupied with fern so perfect afterwards i manage to land a few double kicks on each of them and taken the win

now they discuss about we cant stop them to late you know the routine with these guys and i manage to get out as soon as the place blows up blocked out i dont really

care what and we all go our separate ways except julia who goes to the gym and me right behind her.now to challenge her i approach and challenge the gym trainers

and solve the puzzle by blowing by way through the doors and its time the battle you all being wanting for the finale of the first episode(quite eagerly if you haven't quit just yet) it is


VS Cheer Captain Julia

Epic Boss Music

The Battle

now she starts with helioptille and i lead with my Punisher now he was easy kill with double kick.

next up voltorb V Punisherr it misses with charge beam and double kick manages to knock off half its health it lands a sonic boom but punisher live and finishes

it but punisher takes some damage from after math.

2nd voltorb VS Aroma i manged to heal nidorino with super potion and confuse voltorb now fearing for aroma i switch to Snoop Dog and manage to get a sleep powder off

and absorb all its health to death

Emolga V Snoop Dog i know bad match up but i sleep powder and the field cancels it damn now its acrobatics pull serious damage no to Snoop so i switch

but accidently i throw in LULU which gets taken out noooooooo my first loss even with that i brave one and manage to poison sting it to death with punisher but get

nuzled damn

next Blitzel V martha blitzel used charge beam martha live on 1 health and i mirror coat amazing job by martha.

Final battle elctrode V Snoop Dog i sleep powder and acid it do death smoke weed everyday son everyday.

and i win the badge and get the tm for charge beam yayyyy

with that fight over i am given the rewards and Julia falls asleep smooth and i go to weep LULU's death *cries in corner*.

Well thats the end of it hope all of you enjoyed this adventure fulled with magic hope you enjoyed the next episode will come out i dont know in a while i guess.

and here is the screenshot of my team and losses.

also for those wondering i did not lose any mons to random trainers if i did i will always mention that.

Active Team








A tune for our star player this Episode

Thanks to Commander for programming in these eggs for me

Hope you guys enjoyed

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  • 2 weeks later...
Last time on Pocket Monster REBORN EGGLOCKE look up to the first post i cant be bothered to Recap:

well time for my journey to continue yay so here it is

Episode 2:

Well onward from where i last left i head outside the gym and wait who dat oh Victoria she congratulates us on the badge and says that obsidia ward nearby she

tells us that the ward is in trouble due to some plants haven't we all been though and she storms off now being the nice guy i am i go after her to the obsidia ward.

At the gate of Obsidia ward were blocked by guards and florinas their to they obviously let her in as she is a gym leader and she invites me along as

i may be great asset so yay one child of the family is useful at least. Now at the ward things are bad all hell lose but before i can help i need some candy to

the store now some kid wants ice cream and cant get one good thing i got one from a vendor on a sunny day and the nice guy i am i give it to the kid only to go buy

vanila ice cream from the machine right their and 1000 pokes for a vanilla one better be worth it in taste now wait its a pokemon i dont know what to be more mad at

the quality control or an ice cream pokemons existence so after wining the game their to get a swirlix a cotton candy pokemon i mean who was this hungry when

designing pokemon like really Game Freak yeah so i leave and wahhhh the pokemon got replaced with eggs and for some reason aroma gets boxed i wonder why now.

I continue to my lawyer to duely sue these guys but who do i run in to Queen Victoria of course gearing for a battle


VS Apprentice Victoria

i put lizzie up front for switch exp training so i will not add her parts as thier the first turn in which she is switched out afterwards:

Martha VS Ralts Bubblebeam made short work of it.

Martha VS Makuhita Wingattk made a short work of this guy though sustaining some damage.

Martha VS Pignite i used a potion to make martha healthy again confuse raying it afterwards and spammed wing attk like alot

after that anti climactic battle i continue on to THE SLUMS fighting hobos and shit you know cause reason and whats this a wild encounter its a pancham

easily catch him and whats this an egg now with having access to 3 of them what else can happen but Montage time hit the tunes:

And the hatches are:

Duster the Scaterbug

Noir the Purrloin

Vvevv the Eevee(hehehehe)

Now back to the slums in hand i venture through the rough terrain to find a TM for Quash which i cant think of 1 person atm who will use it and a moon stone guess whos gonna evolve soon humm and whats with these moving boxes haunted maybe looks like something died in this place a few hundred times so why not.As i go on i am blocked by a box i click it and pointless dialogue ensues of what is in the box(you have no idea how hard i am trying to not channel my inner brad pit from Se7en)

but ofcource i know whats inside i got the hint from seeing that little yellow rascall as he entered the box and now if i follow him its is obviously scraggy and a scrafty ready for a fight:



Punisher and Martha Vs Scraggy and Scraggy:i begin by confusing one scraggy and pecking the other this was a short work made done

Vs Scraggy number 3 this one was not gonna do much against martha + Punisher combo but did manage to weaken punisher who i switch out because scrafty come into

who else but snoop so just some sleep powder and wing attk the scrafty to death so done.

with that out of the way i make my way out of the slums and head right to Coral ward as the gards are blocking the other area and look i break into a house and

a skitty for an ultra potion and it gets exchanged with an egg yay.Now i head for the docks and meat up with Amaria she speaks of trying to save a poor

little oshowott stuck on the other side of the dock surrounded by poisonous water i mean how did it get there to begin with explain that plot hole ame.

and look cain comes along and saves oshowott with the help of his grimer and it seems oshowott decides to join him convenient for him it seems and you all

know what time it is:


VS Pretty Boy CAIN

Vvevee Vs Grimer so switch training time just remmber vvevv enters and swaped each VS as i will not repeat it

Martha Vs Grimer i bubblebeam and he disables so i wing attk him to death so easy match.

Punisher Vs Nidorino i use fury attk 2 times wihile he focus energy both hit 5 times and K.O

Martha Vs Venonat i bullbeamed it to death a 2 hko while confusion did nothing.

Snoop Dog Vs Oshowott easy win with Mega Drain

After the fight amaria invites us to help her out with the trouble Amaria and florina are experiencing so Ok.i follow her all the way to the garden and they give me cut to cut the trees and proceed forward.I teach lizzie Cut and procced to take out the blocking tree after thats done amaria and florina head forward and screem indicating there caught or dead well lets look at the damage and thier caught in a weird mecha tangroths vine now i have watched just enough hentai to know where this is going ahh well betters save them though or they will be the end of me if they do get out of it and i did shit.Here we meet a curios fellow or fellows

Zero,Eve,Lumi or they call themselves ZEL well ok Battle Time i guess:


Meteor Admin ZEL

Everyone Vs Pulse Tangrowth:

i lead with Snoop and use teeter dance though it gets a growth off afterwards i spam acid 2 time before it breaks out doesn't get an attk in the meanwhile but an acid from tangrowth is enough to cause me to swap in martha and start spamming mirror coat after bouncing back 2 mega drains i win well that was easy.

Afterward Zel leaves the Vines are gone and we rejoice amaria leaves and florina invites me to a battle at the gym wel to the Gym but along the way i find a bellsprout and accidentally kill it well no mon for me here to the gym along the way i pick up the sticker card from the Dep store this will come in handy INDEED.now seeing as the main entrance is conveniently blocked i enter through the side entrance which is closer to the gym room convenient no wait its fern and he says battling me will ruin the rep of the gym and his family i mean how and isnt refusing a challenger against the league laws or something so the door is locked and

he has send out the schools students to prevent my entrance well time to follow through on the teaching of video games eat doritos and kick ass and i dont have ANY DORITOS so i battle my way through the school and training up Vvevv and aroma along the way i eventually reach a quiz room and so to avoid any pain later solve them and continue well Ferns their blocking the road well i dont need to tell whats gonna happen so letsago:



Punisher Vs Lombre Poison stinged him to death

Snoop Dog Vs Servine Acid Ftw

Snoop Dog Vs Roselia Acid Ftw

so he wines and gets out of my face after i flip him off and whats this snoop evolved into Snoop Dog the Gloom but before that i make my way to the roof top garden and catch myslef a Pidove boom an Egg and the pichu which technically is an Event mon so qualifies for me catching it and boom thats an egg to now i ability capsule hustle onto nidorino and evolve it for the battle Now ENTER THE NIDOKING and now my match with florina begins:


VS Head Instructor Florinia

Boss Music

Aroma Vs Maractus:I silver wind it do death but take serious damage from Nature Power(sand tomb).

Martha Vs Ferroseed Confuse ray + Bubble beam it couldn't do squat to me.

Snoop Dog Vs Breloom Acid Ftw

Snoop Dog Vs Cacnea Acid Ftw

Martha Vs Cotonee Wing attk Ftw

Punisher Vs Cradilly :Double kicked it do death couldn't even touch me.

and with that i take the canopy badge and TM nature power a move that is not even grass type wait what.

Now with that Over the Episode comes to a conclusion i hope you enjoyed and stay tuend for next one with no deaths this time around i can call this a success.

I will hatch the unrelieved eggs next Episode and stay tuned

Active Team









Also Apologies for the Late Episode i had some things to do

Edited by NovaKnight
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