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Heatmor Triples


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This team is made for triples, and will most likely surprise those who don't expect a strong heatmor


Crobat (M) @ Heat Rock

Trait: Inner Focus

EVs: 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Sunny Day

- Brave Bird

- Tailwind

- Torment

Crobat is this team's supporter to increase speed and set up sunny weather to boost Heatmor's Fire move; Heat Wave.

It will use Tailwind to double the team's speed for a few rounds, and it's always worth it.

Torment will prevent the enemy to use the same move consecutive times, so Heatmor can survive his weaknesses.

Brave Bird to defeat those that don't resist it.


Heatmor (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Snatch

- Heat Wave

- Hidden Power [ice]

Heatmor is in the middle spot of this team, so it can hit all opponents with Heat Wave.

Being physically bulky will help him survive a few attacks.

It will use snatch, so Sableye can help him boost his Sp. Def and Sp. Attk with Calm Mind.

Substitute is to prevent Thunderwave, Toxic and be able to take a strong hit.

Hidden Power Ice to defeat dragon types and ground types.


Sableye (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Prankster

EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 SDef

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Fake Out

- Calm Mind

- Will-O-Wisp

- Moonlight

Sableye will use Fake Out to make an opponent flinch, so Heatmor can set up Substitute easier.

Will o Wisp to burn opponents, and to boost Heatmor's Fire moves when substitute is gone.

Moonlight will recover its HP with 2/3 in sunny weather, and Heatmor will use Snatch when it needs HP.

Calm Mind to boost Heatmor's Sp. stats.


Espeon (F) @ Light Clay

Trait: Magic Bounce

EVs: 252 HP / 160 SAtk / 96 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Helping Hand

- Light Screen

- Reflect

- Psyshock

Espeon will set up Screens to boost defences.

Psyshock to defeat weaker enemies, and Helping Hand to boost Heatmor's attacks.


Maractus (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Storm Drain

EVs: 252 HP / 92 SAtk / 164 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Leech Seed

- Giga Drain

- Cotton Guard

- Hidden Power [Rock]

Maractus will be the Storm Drainer of this team, so Heatmor is safe from Water type attacks, and to boost Sp. Attk.

Leech Seed to recover more HP, Cotton Guard to boost Def by alot.

Heatmor will use Snatch if necessary.

STAB Giga Drain to Recover HP from enemies weak to it.

Hidden Power Rock to take down fire types, if they don't defeat this first.


Crustle (M) @ Liechi Berry

Trait: Weak Armor

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Shell Smash

- X-Scissor

- Rock Slide

- Bulldoze

Dwebble will be the physical attacker, when Heatmor goes down, or a Blissey appears.

Shell Smash to boost speed and attack stats, of course.

Two good STAB Moves; Rock Slide to defeat enemies, X-Scissor to those weak to it.

Bulldoze to those weak to Ground type, and to slow down the enemies.


Crobat (M) @ Heat Rock

Trait: Inner Focus

EVs: 200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Sunny Day

- Brave Bird

- Tailwind

- Torment

Heatmor (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Snatch

- Heat Wave

- Hidden Power [ice]

Sableye (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Prankster

EVs: 252 HP / 96 Def / 160 SDef

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Fake Out

- Calm Mind

- Will-O-Wisp

- Moonlight

Espeon (F) @ Light Clay

Trait: Magic Bounce

EVs: 252 HP / 160 SAtk / 96 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Helping Hand

- Light Screen

- Reflect

- Psyshock

Maractus (F) @ Leftovers

Trait: Storm Drain

EVs: 252 HP / 92 SAtk / 164 SDef

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Leech Seed

- Giga Drain

- Cotton Guard

- Hidden Power [Rock]

Crustle (M) @ Liechi Berry

Trait: Weak Armor

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Shell Smash

- X-Scissor

- Rock Slide

- Bulldoze

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I changed Crustle's Bulldoze to Hidden Power Ice, changed nature too, +Attack, -Sp. Def

That should take care of those bulky Gliscors easier.

Considering Hidden Power Fighting on Heatmor instead of HP Ice

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  • 2 weeks later...

I replaced Espeon with Xatu, and that makes it Borderline as well :)

I changed it to Xatu, because it can use Tailwind, once Crobat's tailwind is down. And access to Roost is also nice, so Heatmor can snatch it.

Dual Screens as well, so Xatu is all about support, can't attack.

Changed Crobat's Torment to Nasty Plot, so it can be snatched, and because torment hasn't been used at all in battle.

Changed Maractus' Cotton Spore with Growth, so Heatmor can snatch it as well, if it needs it.

That's all, and this team has been quite succesfull, even against some upper tiers

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