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Figured I might as well write my first post on here. having been a member for a grand total of 2 minutes as of writing this post. Don't know if you guys wanna know anything about me or not so I'm just gonna say a few weird things. 9 hours into pokemon reborn. my team consists of currently Queen Kong (Monferno) Shok (Manectric) Dumbo (Donphan) Batwoman (Swoobat) Easter (Diggersby) and Snubs (Snubbul soon to be granbull). A pretty shit team. but enough about my shit team and all that. I wasn't invited here by anybody and found pokemon reborn completely by chance. I probably won't post much. I don't even know why I'm writing this post. Anyway I feel like I'm gonna enjoy my time here. lemme know the basics of stuff around here (besides the rules that I already read because why not ) anyway thats just some weird introduction that I wrote.

TL;DR. Hi. I'm frank (or Morgan. yeah. I'm probably gonna put a TL;DR on the bottom of all my rants since I enjoy ranting about pointless things)

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Hello Frank! Welcome to Reborn! Hope you have fun.

Nice nicknames.

Feel free to take a cookie to your left, but not the cake.


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haha, i bet one day youre gonna put a tl;dr for a tl;dr, you seem like the type of guy

uh, if anything, don't trip. thats all the advice i have for you. and simon is crazy too, if he says anything tell him your mom told you not to talk to strangers. :]

leave your sanity at the door, blahze blahze whoop de whoop, enjoy your stay. :]]]]

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Welcome to the club. You're not the only one who wondered into this party. I was just minding my own business and next thing I know, BAM! I wake up in Reborn city next to a burning train station with a shockingly loud gym leader yelling in my ear. Reborn can be quite an exciting place, both online and in game. Have fun Frank (or Morgan)

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Good news everyone! A new member is joining the forum. Hooray!

Ok, jokes aside, welcome to the forum. I hope you like it. About your team, I don't think it's bad at all. Mine was probably worse after 9 hours of game and I managed to finish the game without much problem.

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Frankfurt, huh? I almost got lost there once. For someone who lives in a big city I'm pretty awful at navigating them.

But stupid jokes about your names aside, welcome to Reborn!

I'll be the last person to tell you to change anything about your team, considering my own are pretty much built around the flawless, highly advanced concept of "idk I like this one, let's use it".

I dragged a Noctowl around for 13 badges, I'm sure you'll do fine :')

Anyway, enjoy your stay here!

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