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[Pokemon Desolation] Mono-run question


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I'm doing a mono-type run (not for reborn though) and I stumble in a situation where I don't know what to do.
I'm doing a mono-poison run and now it seems I can trade a lombre for a budew, however I can only find lotad.

So am I allowed to train it or do I have to wait until I can catch a lombre? Also does that mean I have to switch immediately to a poison type at the start of a battle if I'm allowed to train it?

Edited by FairFamily
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just catch the lotad its grass type its fair game the only place this will cause complications is a nuzlocke with only first mon capture rule in a mono type run if you catch 6 lotads and raise them its fair game

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I myself wouldn't mind to train that Lotad as usually I want to complete my monotype dex as soon as possible. However if you want to restrict yourself you can always wait for Lombre to be available just like what Chubb said (however suppose if that Lotad and its evolution is event-only pokemon in said games I think you are 'allowed' to train that Lotad imo)

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Thank you all for your responses and yes Chubb It is desolation. I eventually decided to train up the lotad but wouldn't use the traded budew, just so that my budew would get some friendship. Turns out that I did need it to defeat Connor.

Edited by FairFamily
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