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Very late Introduction


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Hello forum members, after months and months of being on the Showdown chat, I forgot that I actually made an account here back in 2015.

Anyways, for those you don't know me yet, I'm ReploidZero, for those who do know me you'll know I am an avid Nuzlocker despite having a pretty bad track record for Nuzlockes. Anyways it's 4:27 am as I am writing this, and I'm also unsure of what else to say here. Either way, I've met some cool folks and I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of Pokemon Reborn pays out.

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Welcome to the forum ReploidZero! I hope you like it.

I tried to play a nuzlocke once but RNG gets too much on my nerves when there's a chance of actually losing a pokemon so I left it.

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Ahhh, Reploid! I remember talking with you on the Showdown server about your Nuzlockes.

Welcome to the forums! You're more than welcome to catalog your Nuzlockes here. ^.^

Feel free to take a cookie to your left, but not the cake.


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'Allo Zero. Haven't seen you at all due to life, but I'll be sure to stop by sometime. Maybe you can give advice on Nuzlocking?

Generic "Don't forget to check out Reborn's Showdown" that is quite irrelevant.

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I never even realized I haven't seen you on the forums so far, oml.

Seen you on the server so much, though! I don't think we've ever talked much, but I've been readong along with your nuzlocke talk on more than one occasion c:

You seem like a cool person is all I can say.

Welcome to the forums, and don't worry, they're just as much a part of Hell as the server~

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Well, I've certainly received a warm welcoming so far! Some names like Shia and Viri I recognize immediately, while others I don't quite remember 100%. Either way, the welcome wagon was much appreciated and I think I'll enjoy my stay here. ^^

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Hi Zero, saying welcome would be odd coming from me since we had a few chat on server on several occasions, I am Hushie btw, good luck with your Nuzlockes, see you around on server :)

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