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Bane, Politics, Protests, And Bees


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To start off, I was half tempted to put this in the Wasteland for the sheer strangeness of the events that just occured, but figured that since this is a true story from my life, it deserved a journal post.

To begin with, we need some backstory. My campus is now building a new scince building, as the old one is horribly outdated and is fairly small for a mainly science based school. While this doesn't effect me as an English major, it is still interesting to see the work being done. The school tore up one of the parking lots that students can use, and had begun to start working on the project. In fact, today was the official ground breaking ceremony. The issue at hand, was that the school was required to invite the governor to the event.

Without going to deep into the politics that surrounds this individual, who I will not be naming though I will mention that he did run for president during this cycle, is not very well liked in my state. In fact, he had initiated budget cuts against higher education. So, there were protesters there. At this time, my ethnic literature class was going on, but after an unanimous vote, our class decided to go on a field trip to the site to either protest, or observe.

After arriving at the site, the class kind divided into smaller groups and milled about the protesters and supporters alike. A few of my classmates decided to join in on the chanting, but for some reason, I decided I needed to set myself apart from my classmates. Pulling out my phone, I typed in a few quick words and quickly received the perfect protest material...

The entire script to Bee Movie.

Yelling at the top of my lungs, I began to recite the vile plot line to this abomination of a movie. A few internet savvy classmates of mine began to laugh as I tried to keep a strait face as a explained how bees should not be able to fly. Before I could get too deep into the script, I finally snapped and broke down laughing. As I received cheers from some of the bystanders. Deciding I should shelve the meme, I than grabbed my note book and wrote "Bees!" in capital letters as a makeshift protest sign. This plan backfired however, when an actual protester stopped me and asked about my sign, thinking I was against the pesticides, which are hurting bees.

After receiving his business card and making a Bane mask with my headphones, my class headed back to the room, where we spent the rest of the class debating over the political system. I may not have caught any news stations eye, or actually made an impact, one thing was for sure...

Bees shouldn't be able to fly.

tl;dr... Instead of protesting politics today, I protested bees.

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