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Pokemon XY and XY&Z. Did the Pokemon Anime get better?

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After watching the recent episode of Pokemon XY&Z, I think the anime seems a bit more realistic. The anime used to be "meh" when I started watching it, which was around Ash,Iris, and Cilan travelling to islands or something, but when XY and XY&Z aired, I was hooked because the story is amazing, the battles are top notch, and the animation is just breathtaking. So far, Episode 25 of XYZ is the best pokemon episode ever made (imo). So what do you think of Pokemon XY and XY&Z?

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From what I've seen of it, Gen 6 has easily introduced the best series of the Pokemon anime to date. Blows the fuck out of the original series too, should one not have nostalgia goggles equipped. I heard the Japanese haven't taken too kindly to it, though - ratings are down over there.

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I started watching it, and I truly do like the episodes involving Team Flare and the Zygarde cores and all that because there is certainly an element of mystery there. To be honest though, just like what turned me off from it during the BW season, I can't stand the stupid filler episodes where nothing happens other than copy/paste "ash meets new trainer and new pokemon, helps them. team rocket. goodbye", so look up episode summaries or something if you don't wanna waste your time with episodes that ultimately don't do anything. XYZ is better than XY but only marginally so far.

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I never watched the anime very much to begin with, and I stopped watching altogether by the end of DPPt. I remember that dolt was actually decent in Sinnoh, with a respectable team of evolved Pokemon (Infernape, Torterra, Gliscor, POWERFUL STARAPTOR, etc), good ol' Brock was still there, and Piplup was hilarious (at least, I remember to have found it hilarious when I was, what, seven years younger?). Anyways, I remember him actually being a competent trainer and having a good enough story and stuff with all the Team Galactic hoopla, and I remember how he technically did beat that League whatever-it-was, but because he can never be shown winning a league and becoming a 'Pokemon Master' in order to continue the story (and keep milking that cash cow of a show they've got going), he was beaten in the last mat h by that chap with a Darkrai and a Latios.

I guess I just didn't watch much of the BW series, but I found what little I did watch to be annoying and dumbed down, so I just stopped. I have no idea how XY&Z is, but if it comes close to DPPt competency as a trainer, and if there is a decent plot as you guys say, then yeah, it might be a betterment. Should be better than BW anyways.

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The battles are surely better, but I'd say overall the anime has not become anything much different. This time Ash has a team full of glass cannons and a pikachu, still missing a 6th. What I really hate is the insertion of this ashfrog thing in the anime due to it being complete bs. In the same gen that they introduce the concept of mega evolution in that anime, they also introduce some special snowflake frog that puts mega evos to shame and makes them out to be more or less a joke. Especially given the moveset ash's greninja carries( cut..aerial ace, DT and water shuriken), it is complete bs to watch . Since XYZ, they're also shoving the frog down your throat because almost every episode is about it and ash , once in a while you might see the rest of the team. To think they're overdoing it to the extent where you even begin to miss the constant spotlight on a pikachu... wellp. But hey, the battles are cool if you exclude the bs. Team Flare probably makes for a better story too, but nothing super different than usual

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best to worst anime season

1:Sinnoh:one of the best rivals alongside villain teams and for the first time felt like ash knew what he was doing instead of being an idiot also some of the best Pokemon movies ever ashs best team to date and you know it .

2:XY(debatable as not finished):good story telling nice companions ash looks like he knows what he is doing again rivals well alain is nice as one somewhat the only reason this is number 2 not good enough rivals and a very solid team so far for ash.

3:Jhoto:a good adventure feels like expanding on the already decent 1st reign arc of the anime ash is somewhat grown mature and has the fight with Gary VS Ash for the first time ash had some nice mons thall make you nostalgic .

4:Kanto:the original is a classic lots of nostalgia but arguably alot of stretched out plot lines and no really established main rivals till the league atleast with ritchi being the main one and gary the one we wanted but i am not gonna count him as they never fought once put to the sidelines and the pokerap yes please the team for ash was bad lets be honest meh at best the most redeamable fact generally strong mons and a beastly Zard that didnt listen to him.

5:Hoenn:not the best season changed voice actors somewhat uninteresting filler freaking thunder armor BS again not a really major rival before league or after the 7th badge battle frontier redeemed it IMO in this case the team for ash was alright but nothing special.

6:Black and white:worst anime seasons ever boring characters boring plot lines team plasma and N duely wasted ash became an incompetent idiot again the rivals borderline annoying felt like they were treating us like we were 10 so yeah hate it ashs worst team to date period and i am not even gonna consider charizards return trying to fanservice us to like the season .

and i am considering orange islands(Kanto) battle frontier(Hoenn) connected to their respected reigns

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  On 5/6/2016 at 10:49 AM, NovaKnight said:

best to worst anime season

1:Sinnoh:one of the best rivals alongside villain teams and for the first time felt like ash knew what he was doing instead of being an idiot also some of the best Pokemon movies ever ashs best team to date and you know it .

2:XY(debatable as not finished):good story telling nice companions ash looks like he knows what he is doing again rivals well alain is nice as one somewhat the only reason this is number 2 not good enough rivals and a very solid team so far for ash.

3:Jhoto:a good adventure feels like expanding on the already decent 1st reign arc of the anime ash is somewhat grown mature and has the fight with Gary VS Ash for the first time ash had some nice mons thall make you nostalgic .

4:Kanto:the original is a classic lots of nostalgia but arguably alot of stretched out plot lines and no really established main rivals till the league atleast with ritchi being the main one and gary the one we wanted but i am not gonna count him as they never fought once put to the sidelines and the pokerap yes please the team for ash was bad lets be honest meh at best the most redeamable fact generally strong mons and a beastly Zard that didnt listen to him.

5:Hoenn:not the best season changed voice actors somewhat uninteresting filler freaking thunder armor BS again not a really major rival before league or after the 7th badge battle frontier redeemed it IMO in this case the team for ash was alright but nothing special.

6:Black and white:worst anime seasons ever boring characters boring plot lines team plasma and N duely wasted ash became an incompetent idiot again the rivals borderline annoying felt like they were treating us like we were 10 so yeah hate it ashs worst team to date period and i am not even gonna consider charizards return trying to fanservice us to like the season .

and i am considering orange islands(Kanto) battle frontier(Hoenn) connected to their respected reigns

I agree with everything on this list.

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While I'm not inclined to turn this into an argument, I must point out that the Talonflame he now has is without Gale Wings. Goodra, if I'm not mistaken, has been released. His Greninja has DT, Aerial Ace, Water Shuriken and...-cut- of all things. That's quite a sorry bunch. Hawlucha is awesome, I'll grant that.

His Sinnoh avatar had mons with useable moves on them: BB and CC on Satraotir, Blitz and some fighting move idrr on Infernape, and so on. I'm still inclined to believe he was at his strongest in Sinnoh, especially since he brought old staples like a Sceptile and a Megahorning, CCing Heracross for his league match, but likewise was made to lose to a random guy with a Darkrai because we can never actually have him winning anything. Anyways, why bother when we can agree than BW was horrible.

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If you've seen the recent episode, this is first time, possibly ever, that we actually get to see Diantha's Mega Gardevoir get phazed by something instead of blinking around. Funny as that Ash-Greninja's moveset is, it's power is not just for show.

The devs are taking the whole "do something awesome, then have Ash and the frog faint" approach though. This is the second time since Alain's battle, and I'm inclined to believe that we can see this with Sawyer as well.

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I don't like the fact that every single seasons/series(depending on what you call serialized anime in respect of regional differences) of pokemon, there have to be one or two pre-evos that never evolve throughout entire series because they are cutesy cute that way(If they think target demography is for the kids, anime company clearly doesnt know what kids are up to these days, they dont necessarily like cutesy stuffs rather cool looking badass designs), XYZ/DPPlat animes have things done right in this regards is that Ash teams on those two campaigns are almost consisted of fully evolved powerful mons and the campaigns are almost successful if it isnt for the sake of anime continuance BS letting Ash lost to some random trainer without any build-up. Speaking of XYZ anime, i need to pick up where i last left off on XYZ for Ash vs Diantha as i got bored with the filler episodes.#BringGoodraBack #EvolveAshSnivytoContrarySerperior

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  On 5/7/2016 at 6:45 AM, TimTim said:

I don't like the fact that every single seasons/series(depending on what you call serialized anime in respect of regional differences) of pokemon, there have to be one or two pre-evos that never evolve throughout entire series because they are cutesy cute that way(If they think target demography is for the kids, anime company clearly doesnt know what kids are up to these days, they dont necessarily like cutesy stuffs rather cool looking badass designs), XYZ/DPPlat animes have things done right in this regards is that Ash teams on those two campaigns are almost consisted of fully evolved powerful mons and the campaigns are almost successful if it isnt for the sake of anime continuance BS letting Ash lost to some random trainer without any build-up. Speaking of XYZ anime, i need to pick up where i last left off on XYZ for Ash vs Diantha as i got bored with the filler episodes.#BringGoodraBack #EvolveAshSnivytoContrarySerperior

Yes I was hoping Goodra would come back, but I'm thinking that he might bring in one of his old pokemon from previous regions.

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  On 5/7/2016 at 11:26 AM, ArmoredGuardian said:

Yes I was hoping Goodra would come back, but I'm thinking that he might bring in one of his old pokemon from previous regions.

Or maybe he doesn't NEED a 6th because his frog is so stupidly overpowered that it will solo the league with cut :ph34r:

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Ok ill like to address ash greninja because that seems to be the main talk to a limit the thing is it is bloody powerful but it ash takes damage as much as ash greninja takes out and it has been shown that if a hits taken by greninja ash takes the stress and damage from it the question is how much damange can both take as it can be seen ash nearly dosent have as much stamina or endurance as greninja so eventully if he pushes him self hard enough ash is gonna flat line so to say so if ashs greninja was against mons from ashs 4th gen team thy could push him to that limit so you get my point he may be the strongest char in anime in a sense but he will die if he doesnt sit down as ashs greninja can not stay in its alter form if ash isnt around

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  On 5/7/2016 at 11:37 AM, Masquerain said:

Or maybe he doesn't NEED a 6th because his frog is so stupidly overpowered that it will solo the league with cut :ph34r:

Pfffft. Please. The writers are just going one step at a time with this Ash-Greninja stuff. Greninja might learn Night Slash later on :D

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  On 5/6/2016 at 12:55 AM, BIGJRA said:

I started watching it, and I truly do like the episodes involving Team Flare and the Zygarde cores and all that because there is certainly an element of mystery there. To be honest though, just like what turned me off from it during the BW season, I can't stand the stupid filler episodes where nothing happens other than copy/paste "ash meets new trainer and new pokemon, helps them. team rocket. goodbye", so look up episode summaries or something if you don't wanna waste your time with episodes that ultimately don't do anything. XYZ is better than XY but only marginally so far.

This was actually the thing that I liked most during the XY series, there is far less filler than in previous series. If we go over what has happened this XYZ season so far:

- 4 Serena focused contest episodes and 1 And Eevee to Sylveon evolution episode and 1 Eevee focused "filler" episode".

- 2 Greninja evolution episodes, 1 Noivern evolution episodes and 1 Noivern training episode (could be considered filler?)

- 5 Team Flare and Zygrade focused episodes.

- 5 episodes focussed on Ash's rivals and battles.

- 1 Citron centered episode

And that leaves us with 7 episodes (or 5 based on how you categorize filler) in the past 24 episodes. This is a really good ratio for plot relevant to filler episodes if you think about it, and the closest Pokemon has ever been to being filler free.

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I guess the XY&Z anime has less fillers, cause 6 gen gave us the less pokemon!
If you look back to other seasons most filler episodes were about introducing new pokemon. Since we have probably covered them all by now in XY, there are less reasons to create new filler episodes.

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  On 5/20/2016 at 7:44 AM, pyrromanis said:

I guess the XY&Z anime has less fillers, cause 6 gen gave us the less pokemon!

If you look back to other seasons most filler episodes were about introducing new pokemon. Since we have probably covered them all by now in XY, there are less reasons to create new filler episodes.

Definitely, this was my main gripes with the D&P and Advanced Generation seasons. Especially Diamond and Pearl was bad at this. Sure it had some great League battles, but it took 160 episodes to get there...

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  On 5/20/2016 at 11:31 AM, Tartar said:

Definitely, this was my main gripes with the D&P and Advanced Generation seasons. Especially Diamond and Pearl was bad at this. Sure it had some great League battles, but it took 160 episodes to get there...

Don't forget kalos saga is at around 120 eps right now and it's still not even starting the league.. It may not get to 160 eps but it'll be close enough. Of course, the eps are more meaningful (subjectively anyway, for me the entire frog thing is utter bull- ) than previous seasons but the length is still there

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  On 5/20/2016 at 2:59 PM, Masquerain said:

Don't forget kalos saga is at around 120 eps right now and it's still not even starting the league.. It may not get to 160 eps but it'll be close enough. Of course, the eps are more meaningful (subjectively anyway, for me the entire frog thing is utter bull- ) than previous seasons but the length is still there

Frog thing?

Well, Ash will be getting has final gym badge in 2 episodes it seems, and if Serena's arc is any indication, it won't be long between his final badge and the start of the league. My main gripe so far is that the release of Sun and Moon is hastily approaching, and I'm afraid that they will rush the end of the XYZ-series. This means that we perhaps won't get enough time to finish the Team Flare and League arcs. If anything I'd like the series to be longer just because I'm that fond of the current characters.

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