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Pokemon XY and XY&Z. Did the Pokemon Anime get better?

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People are always going to be disappointed at seeing something they didn't like (including me, although it was mainly how he was defeated), but the hate will go away eventually, probably when the next episode comes out.

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yeah the disappointment would go away but it will still linger lol

anyway, the next episode is quite interesting

Lysander is showing his true color, and that face when he's going to execute is plan

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What would happen to Alain? will he breakdown when he learn what is Lysander doing? Or he would still continue to support Lysander since that guy have Chespie (and probably Mairin) as hostage

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To be honest the rant over the recent league episode is slightly unjustified

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Eh, Team Flare so far has been quite entertaining so I'll give the Flehhhhd Arc the benefit of a doubt here. The preview is fucking lit as all hell animation wise and from a narrative perspective it makes perfect sense. Hopefully we can see something amazing from this.

Here's the second preview, I think.
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From what I see, Alain's extremely conflicted here. He's having trouble grasping the situation here after all, the man, HIS MENTOR AND BOSS that he trusted and gathered all this mega evolution energy for believing the lie he had been told that it had been for Mairin's Chespin turns out to be a psychopath that abused a sacred being to the point where it went full Pulse-Tangrowth and started destroying Lumiose City with fucking plant roots. The facial expression's there show it amazingly and then there's the first trailer with the Tv Broadcast referring to Lysandre's Holo Caster broadcast in the games(Neat touch actually.)

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Pretty much yeah, Alan's face cameos show him either confused as hell/surprised, or his eyes are shadowed which is what they usually do when a character has to make a hard choice (for Ash it's also when he loses important battles..or used to be). Seems Ash and his entire team are gonna get used to gather more energy (could we assume they're gathering life force from them too? ) When puni-chan falls into Flehhhhhhhhhd's control, and the megazord zygarde surfaces, who's gonna stop it? Will they fight it or will Bonnie somehow make puni-chan snap out of it and back on their side? There are plenty more cool things to come in this arc and the fact that Ash lost his 6th regional league shouldn't take the "hype" away from watching

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The worst part is that the battle wasn't even any good. Unlike Masqurein I think all the battles before this one were awesome, but THIS? They didn't even play the theme song! It's as if the writers intentionally made it shitty just to insult the audience!

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new ep aired

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What I want to see is Gioavani taking action against Team Flare! We saw once he seemed interested about the existance of Team Flare and I realy want to see him again outside of cameos...

And since the psychic Gym Leader saw that Team Rocket will have a big part in the Kalos crisis, I'm expecting something big from them!

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  On 8/27/2016 at 1:31 AM, VKR said:
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Nah, Sycamore has been revered as the most handsome professor by many, it's not simply psychological I'd say

Also, dem subs tho. Primitive, but at least they capture the gist. From the looks of it, Alan seems to be still in doubt that Lysandre is truly evil. He keeps questioning him as if hoping to change his mind or something, and ofc, ultimately doing nothing useful apart standing there dumbfounded. Alan pls, you're better than that. I'm curious to see what Malva's planning to do, as I said before, she didn't really seem like she knew this was part of the plan. I'm also curious to see whether TR's boss will play any part in all of this as foreseen by Olympia. That would be pretty cool. I hope the gym leader cameos mean more than just being shown to watch the Lumiose crisis. They probably don't since it's not like they can teleport to Lumiose but it'd have been nice if they'd somehow join in on the fight. In any case, the Flehhhhhhhhhhhhd arc is cool and will keep being cool.

Apparently, some staff dood supposedly tweeted something about 10 episodes left of the XY anime, not sure if including or excluding this one. No idea how credible that stuff is, but it's possible. We only know the confirmed episode titles until September 15 where we're having a zygarde vs zygarde 1h special. They're going on a break after that until September 29. The expected ending date of the XY season is around November 3 or 1 week earlier since the Pokemon anime usually ends 2-3 weeks before the release of the new games. Technically if we count the special as 2 eps (or count this episode in the 10), we'll have 10eps by november 3, so it fits. Do you think the Flehhhd arc ends immediately during the 1h special or will it end during the episode that follows after? And what will happen after it ends? That's still a bunch of episodes to go for a simple goodbye bit

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