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Baby Bucket List

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As some of you know I just got married. Moving in with my wife was a big step, and now I am trying to find a new job in the process. The other day she and I were watching a television show about a couple who are about to have a baby. The husband created a list of things he wanted to accomplish before starting a family. I realized there were a number of things I wanted to do as well before having our first child. We aren't having kids for a while so I am not too pressed for time, but some might take a while. Most of these are technology based as I've done a lot of real life things that I have wanted to try.

Bucket List:

-Create my own video game. I have an idea for a 2D side scroller, but have no idea what engine to use or how to create characters.

-Publish my book series. Currently a work in progress, but the publication part is still a work in progress.

-Attempt a YouTube series. Tried a few in the past, but can't find a theme. Two ideas were playing scary games drunk and videos on different monsters.

-Have my wife watch an anime. No idea how to approach this.

-Beat N64 and Sega games I couldn't as a kid. I got a sweet computer, just need the emulators.

-Make a Blog. Not sure which website to use.

So if anyone has any suggestions on how I can accomplish any of these or point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone has bucket list ideas too, somethings would sound cool to do.

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For the anime, is there a particular genre of movie that you and your wife both like? Maybe try to find one there or try to find a universally loved show (maybe Angel Beats! ?).

A simple way to start a blog would be to make a wordpress. It's free and fairly easy to customize the appearance through template themes and understandable menus. It might be somewhat difficult to get a hang of, but once you know it's great. You can just do a daily reflection for 5 minutes or, as it would seem you are a write, try to do a writing challenge everyday.

N64 games are up to you. I hope one of those games isn't Glover, as even I haven't been able to beat it going back 15 years after I first tried it.

Creating a video game could be done through GameMaker. It's mostly drag and drop "coding," but there's also a simple language behind it from what I understand. I made a decent side-scrolling "Metroid" game once, where bosses included Charizard, Master Chief, Deoxys, and an Omega Metroid, and it didn't take that long (not a super long game but still decent). Gamemaker comes free but there is a pro version with more features.

Publishing and writing the books are up to you, but I wish you well and if you need someone to proofread for anything (typos, plot, character coherence, etc), there's probably many people here to help including me if you'd like.

Overall, best of luck with this list and also let your wife know about it. She would probably be supportive of this and would make everything much more doable :3

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-Beat N64 and Sega games I couldn't as a kid. I got a sweet computer, just need the emulators.

I can help you with this. Talking about emulators and sharing links is currently forbidden on the main forum, so shoot me a PM.

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(Realise that Uria: lord of searing flames is the best sacred beast)

Realise that all Sacred Beasts suck and you should never play them, unless you are a Crystal Beast player and you like killing your consistency with Amon. Then again, you'd need to be someone who really hates consistency in order to play Crystal Beast, so I guess that, if you really hate it that much, you would probably bring yourself to killing it with Amon :P

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Okay, look, we'll just have to agree that Aster Phoenix is the best duelist and that destiny heroes are the best so as to avoid hijacking a bucket list thread T-T

For real though, a good thing to do would be to go look at some really nice scenery somewhere.

It seems overrated and there's the argument "why go places when I can look them up on the computer" BUT ACTUALLY BEING THERE IS DIFFERENT, excuse those dreadful caps.

It doesn't have to be some cliché amazing scenery like aurora borealis or mt Everest, I went to Austria once and the summit of a completely random skiing mountain was likely the most amazing sight I've ever seen.

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*bitches more about YGO cards*

In all seriousness, the "getting wife to watch anime" thing made me think: it is clear that you want to get your wife to try an interest of yours. My suggestion is to put, in this list, a point that is the other way around as well: just like she should share a passion of yours, you should share a passion of hers too!

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