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What about Zygarde?

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So with the Pokemon Sun and Moon coming out and the recent video revealing the new legendary Pokemon, we are looking at whole new region. This is great, except for one little tiny teeny problem...what happened to Zygarde? We saw a while back that Zygarde gets a ton of forms, but it does not look like there is any room for him in the new games to explore his lore. And it doesn't seem like they'll transfer him to the new games. Although that would be cool if Perfect Zygarde was under the control of the bad guys.

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Perhaps Nintendo will be saving Z for the future if and when they remake X and Y? I know it sounds silly to put something like that it the publics eye, only to use it later, but it would be odd for them to cram Zygrade into Sun and Moon as they already have two entirely new Legendaries.

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Because in this timeline Future Celebi travelled back in time and came back with a way to neutralize Xerneas and Yveltal before Zygarde woke up. Now Zygarde can't absorb them to reach its perfect form. At least in this timeline... god knows what will happen if it could follow Celebi's example and go to a different past timeline...

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  On 5/10/2016 at 3:51 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

They'll make a Zygarde-based game next gen and catch us off garde.

Not-so-much-of-a Mystery Dungeon, Zygardians of the PokeGalaxy

Title needs work, but the main concept is there.

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Zygarde will still be relevant at some point somehow, whether Sun Moon incorporate multiple regions, or Zygarde migrates, or we get sequels you can see on the 'mouth' of perfect Zygarde the colors of Xerneas/Yveltal/Solgaleo/Lunaala, It needs all four or something.

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They'll most likely bury the thing and act as if it never existed. And if anyone ever ask: "Where is Zygarde?!??!?!", they'll simply raise an eyebrow and ask:

"What in the world is a Zygarde?"

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Don't be so rushed to erase Zygarde! A few days ago a new expansion of cards in PTCG was released and Zygarde is one of the main superstars there. It even features all the different forms.

Pokemon Company hasn't forget Zygarde yet, they just don't know how to connect it with the shity story of X&Y or they wanted to rush S&M faster.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 4:48 PM, pyrromanis said:

Don't be so rushed to erase Zygarde! A few days ago a new expansion of cards in PTCG was released and Zygarde is one of the main superstars there. It even features all the different forms.

Pokemon Company hasn't forget Zygarde yet, they just don't know how to connect it with the shity story of X&Y or they wanted to rush S&M faster.

Don't worry, it was just a terrible joke. (Dry humour gets me nowhere)

Yeah, I think GF have problems with where to fit Zygarde. Maybe they are planning a "Pokémon Z" someday in the future for all we know, but for now, we have to be patient and wait.

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Is it possible the Zygrade's other forms will just be part of the anime universe, but not in the games? I think the whole Pokemon fusion thing will never make it to the games, so perhaps the forms will have a similar fate. This is just a theory though.

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  On 5/10/2016 at 8:12 PM, Combat Medic said:

Is it possible the Zygrade's other forms will just be part of the anime universe, but not in the games? I think the whole Pokemon fusion thing will never make it to the games, so perhaps the forms will have a similar fate. This is just a theory though.

But we had fusion in unova , although a different kind of fusion. I hope the human-pokemon fusion sh*t never makes it out of the anime. And I think it would be bad marketing for them to pull out a zygarde game right when the anime is probably "spoiling" any plot it might have. It may fit in a bit weird, but if SunMoon don't involve kalos and zygarde in any way, they might just redo kalos for a pokemon z after SM

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  On 5/10/2016 at 8:18 PM, Masquerain said:

But we had fusion in unova , although a different kind of fusion. I hope the human-pokemon fusion sh*t never makes it out of the anime. And I think it would be bad marketing for them to pull out a zygarde game right when the anime is probably "spoiling" any plot it might have. It may fit in a bit weird, but if SunMoon don't involve kalos and zygarde in any way, they might just redo kalos for a pokemon z after SM

I haven't watched the anime in years, so I can't claim to be an expert on it, and I skipped Black and White Two, so I always forget about that. Either way, I'm sure Game Freak has a plan, and I really don't care what they pull, as longs as it's fun, I'm happy.

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We'll likely hear more on Zygarde by the launch of Soon for a couple of reasons. One, Ash and Co. are travelling with a Zygarde cell this season iirc and two, the trailer for Movie 19 at the end of Hoopa's movie featured Zygarde. Due to these reasons, and the aforementioned Zygarde from Mystery Gift, I'd say it's fairly safe to say we'll be learning more about Zygarde soon enough.

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How about Zygarde appears as the ancient post-game vacationeer to Alola, and makes the volcano erupt when he doesn't get a complimentary straw umbrella with his fruit punch? We have to use moon bat/Mega Pyroar to plug the volcano's crater with a torrent of Lunatones in Moon and Solrocks in Sun, and we save the day by giving perfect CEL Zygarde a big watermelon, which pacifies him and let's us catch him and name him Winkles.

I seem to be inebriated today, despite by avoidance of alcohol. It might be on account of too much ice cream numbing my brain.

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It's fine :D it's good to be numb sometimes.

I honestly don't expect anything from Zygarde in the games now. Maybe there'll be some sneaking of it if XY sequels or post-game on some gen 7 plot do show up, but I doubt it.

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Well right now I just imagine Zygarde hanging out with Dunsparce both are snakes that live in caves and are seemingly ignored as of this current time, and are generally unimpressive due to lacking versatility or viability. Although would love to see a come back for Zygarde got a shiny one just sitting there in my PC waiting for something interesting to happen.

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