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Ok so. WoT ranting since they dont really allow it on their forums.

I play fast moble scouts. As such, I have to keep moving, because if I dont, I get shot at and get destroyed in one hit. It actually pays well. On average I make about 10,000 credits (which is multiplied by 1.10 if I survive)

But theres that one tank that I mentioned in an earlier post. That particular one is at the top tier of scouts... But the thing is, It has the lowest top speed compared to the others. Granted its turning and acceleration, and it's kick ass 90mm gun are unmatched for it's tier, but its armor (38mm at max) and speed (56km/h) make it pointless as a scout. Oh and uhhhh... It's repairs. On average, I make 6,000 credits per round with it. If I get destoyed it it, The massive repair bill is around 15,000, which means I have to hit the enemy team at least 8 times, which at the speeds and turning I do, is not easy. Everynow and then I pull it off, and actually make a profit when I die, but these moments are rare.

The thing that really pisses me off is when Im the only Light tank, and the idiotic people on the team tell me to go scout. Naturally, I dont, And as a result, they start screaming in all caps on the chat to tell me to go scout. Im paranoid about the location of the foe in the Chaffee. I dont want to pay 9000 credits just for someone else's kill.

With all due consideration it's hard to believe that something like this is a high tier.

USA-M24_Chaffee.png...I just realized that this is the stock model of the tank.

Then again it IS a post WWII tank so...

Edited by Owen V. Seattle
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Also when you're sitting your ass in college learning the same thing you learned every year since third grade

Not so much that, but rather, the fact that most of my classmates are apparently amnesiacs who forget every damn thing once the finals are over.

Which probably makes me one of four/five persons who could actually sleep in class and not lose marks in the exams for it.

Why can't these people RETAIN whatever was taught?

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I have the same issue, in that I forget a lot of things the second they become unnecessary; In my case, it's that I remember the things that interest me. Although it's not as extreme, because once I see something again, I immediately remember how to go about it, 90% of the time.

i.e. if you told me to do some sort of calculus RIGHT NOW I'd look at you and flip the desk saying "I don't know this!" but a sort of reminder thing would help greatly...

tl;dr you can't expect anyone to remember things that they don't care about

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I have the same issue, in that I forget a lot of things the second they become unnecessary; In my case, it's that I remember the things that interest me. Although it's not as extreme, because once I see something again, I immediately remember how to go about it, 90% of the time.

i.e. if you told me to do some sort of calculus RIGHT NOW I'd look at you and flip the desk saying "I don't know this!" but a sort of reminder thing would help greatly...

tl;dr you can't expect anyone to remember things that they don't care about

Well, they're all forgetting stuff that we'll actually need when we start work (clinical stuff, mostly)... so I'm sort of wondering just what the hell they'd do to their customers/patients once they graduate.

Thank the gods for stringent testing during exams, though - at least I get some sour satisfaction out of watching these same people flunk after they've laughed at me for remembering 'pointless' stuff :/

If your future bread and butter is pointless... then just what has a point?

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I hear ya. My cousin, who's a manager, was talking about how hard it is to find good help. Like one guy had great interview but the past work references said he was not rehirable because he was ALWAYS late, etc, etc. She interviewed 12 people, called back 6, and of those only 1 seems legit good. The same poor ethics they show in school are totally showing up in their work ethics and then they wonder why they can't get the job they want. Bad attitudes, incompetence, burnt bridges...

Lol, not me though. I went to my old work place and my old boss gave me food for free (it's a food chain). I loved working there.

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This is, legit, a paper I wrote in french, though never turned in cause it's.. well, here:

"There are many advantages to knowing a second language, however, my mind right now is clouded by the fact that our school system needs some continuity. As a senior, I would be reprimanded by using "my" in the last sentence, as well as "I" in this one. However, in sixth and seventh grade, all essays required a personal example Just this year, I've learned that contractions are one of the seven deadly sins of writing. Why was this not mentioned in the other seven years I've been required to write essays?"

There's more I could say on the point but.. I know that maturity differences and expectations should be accounted for and differentiated but.. honestly wtf.

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Also lol, in 7th and 8th grade we were never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr allowed to use "Said." Cause characters always have SOME emotion instead of just talking like a normal person ._.

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I liked to substitute stated for said. Declared, announced, and replied are also usually viable substitutes.

Or just go pro and make entire paragraphs into dialogue exchange so you don't have to mess with coming up with an appropriately non-boring verb.

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(warning: nothing to do with current "topic" {if it can be called that})


sometimes I just worry about the world. It just seems to be full of so many clueless people, so many utter and complete morons, and too many people who think that THEY'RE right, and everyone else is wrong. Just ACCEPT the fact that I never have and never will, and DEAL with it. I will ALWAYS prefer Harry Potter to it. Your arguments mean nothing to me. I don't CARE if you believe a man let himself be crucified to cleanse your sins, or that a man flew on his magical horse, or that the world was created by a flying spaghetti monster (although Pastafarians aren't so high and mighty). Those are opinions, and none of them can be PROVED. What if all those people who sacrificed themselves to the comet were right, huh? Stop telling me I will go to hell because I don't agree with you, that just because someone is gay they will burn for eternity, that just because i call a black person black I'm racist (its the color of their skin. deal with it. its a defining aspect of their appearance. Its not racist to say someone is blue-eyed or brown-haired, even though those have the EXACT SAME BEARING on a person as skin color. nut i digress). Hopefully these people can see the error of their ways, and hopefully can change themselves.


by the way, if this offends you in any way shape or form, deal with it. You might want to look at yourself in the mirror, and see if those are good things or not.

(im not always like this, just when i fear for humanity).

Oh. and Maelstrom? Thanks for serving. I could never do that. :)

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So last night, I decided to sleep just a little early. I had probably the most fucked up weekend I've ever had, and I ever will have, so bear with me. Anyway, for the past two nighs I've been crying before I go to sleep. I bet you're all thinking THIS GUY SUCKS and OMG HES SO WEAK. Well screw you and I hope your baby hippo dies of hungriness. Get it? Hungry hungry hippo? Anyway. I'm not sure why the hell I've been balling my eyes out. I've talked to a few people about it including Myles, Amethyst, TSS, just to name a few. Anyway. Life problems, just came out of the hospital, drugs and all so it could be that, or it could be the fact that I'm majorly depressed about something in my love life right now and I just can't seem to get a grip on knowing what to do. I'm hoping it's the drugs wearing off, finally or it's maybe the fact that I'm confused as fuck and have no clue what to do. Amethyst helped out a little though, last night but that still did not stop me from crying, I don't know why. I just had to, what's the word. Let it out. Anyway, so I did and I found out the cause. The cause of all of this is, well. Love songs, believe it or not. I listen to a love song and I just can't help but cry and ball the fuck out of my own eyes, I thought I might die due to lack of tears or something, but nope. It's just because, I listen to love songs. Now I'm still confused, because my problem isn't really that bad to begin with, but love songs seem to phaze me quite quickly, especially stuff like

"Hero" by Enrique Ing-Ig..That Spanish singer or whatever

'Hey There Delilah" - Plain White Ts?

"Im Yours" Jason Mras.

So yeah.

Any advice? Don't recommend meds because my throat is sore as fuck from taking antibiotics for my leg =/

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You know what's a good love-inspired song?

Fuck You! by C-lo Green. Highly reccommended.

Also, I reccommend going out and doing something physical. Maybe just workout or exercise. Depends though, I find myself letting my body do its thing when I work out and I think about random stuff.

I'm still not sure why you're in the hospital, so exercising may not be an option...

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When the only subjects you enjoy at school are the ones that you probably won't get to work with in the future.

I mean I can become a computer freak that does physics and knows his history that has a major in English and does part time poetry books, right?

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Absolutely. Uh, but I don't recommend English majors. They're generally useless. Just take electives for what you want to know and get your major in something that'll give you a stable job in case poetry doesn't go through.

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Absolutely. Uh, but I don't recommend English majors. They're generally useless. Just take electives for what you want to know and get your major in something that'll give you a stable job in case poetry doesn't go through.


But uh, I can major in like two things or something yeah?

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