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  On 3/27/2012 at 3:19 AM, Neo said:

I started picking up the little hints in your statuses. Nothing can excuse what he did. Mainly because there were far too many emotions involved. However, you just gotta get over that hump, and realize that the "real person" he pretended to be was entirely fabricated. It sucks to admit that, but it's the best course of action. Have you talked to said person about how you feel?

The only problem is... my brain knows about the fabrication, it's obvious and logical and everything else. But then I just haddd to go looking for "her" actual self's facebook. And then I had to find it. And, as terrible cliché as it sounds, I connect her eyes with "her" personality. I probably have told him about how I feel, just not as him acting as himself, of course.

...I'm pretty sure I just rambled, oh well.

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Nicole herself isn't real it was Lauren. JoJo knows how her pics were used.


Non tl;dr ... Oh God.

He has little to non existant self esteem, had an abusive father, a suicidal sister and mother, he was suicidal as well, he was told he was nothing and worthless and I think both of the siblings go to thereapy from what I gathered. http://prntscr.com/7g1n8


Tyler never wanted Inuki to talk to Nicole or whoever.

[3/26/2012 6:23:49 PM] Matt Webber: He didn't want Inuki hurt anymore and refused to let person to talk to him at first. But... Sisterscryingisahellofaweapon.

[3/26/2012 6:24:03 PM] Matt Webber: Tyler tried to stop it even... She.. didn't let him.

It's like... I can't say anything really but.. It's what I've come to learn and gather.. Hell I've heard how mean his parents can be... But... Meh..

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  On 3/27/2012 at 10:48 PM, Slut said:

While that's sad, it isn't really relevant to the matter at hand o-o


There's also the fact that his circumstances don't excuse that behavior. It may not be my place to say anything, but I figured that I'd provide my two cents.

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Correct. They excuse nothing. They do... however, lend him a slightly more human element. But this is coming from someone who already felt more pity than dislike for him in the first place.

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  On 3/27/2012 at 11:23 PM, Maelstrom said:

If you can trust this other story to begin with.

That's another issue that can come out of this. We've heard so many stories that it's hard to actually believe him. Kinda like a "Boy Who Cried Wolf" scenario.

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I'm with Ame, honestly. Regardless if it's true, the whole Nicole thing was really more of.. "The straw that broke the camel's back" only the camel was already dehydrated.

I've never hated Tyler and I'm never going to. I was angry because of everything feeling like it needed to hit at once (like usual trololol), so if he's lurking around and reading this, I'm sorry for all the misplaced rage actually directed at him.

Anyway, I didn't exactly expect this to become such a large topic (lol silly me not thinking so,) but for now at least, I'm done with it.

..Sorry if that sounded cross or derogatory, that's not my intention.

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Woo double post, but less serious.

"Let's put some spice into this site!"

What my teacher really means:

"Put SO MUCH SHIT in it that it couldn't even be considered a serious website! And please do your best to make it as annoying to look at and listen to as physically possible! And if you don't you'll get a bad grade~ <3"

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It's funny because that was how my web design teacher taught us- by making us learn ourselves with tutorials and from each other lol

Of course, my class was full of those "this class is an easy A idgaf about actually learning so we'll all just ask Michael because he knows it and he'll tell us"

LUCKILY FOR ME, the teacher gave extra credit for helping others teehee.

Also one of the main rules he told us was to keep it simple lawl sux4u Nicky

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I mean.. I'm glad I took it cause I understand HTML and stuff completely now, and I'd be able to use anything new that I'd find with it. But I'm past adding ocean sounds and page transitions that are only seen on pages made for little kids. >_>

If only my programming teacher didn't retire, though </3 She actually knew how to use a computer, and didn't chastise us for using keyboard shortcuts because they're "Lazy and don't work all the time."

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Keyboard shortcuts dont work all the time? LOL

I know that feel though, my programming teacher was awesome and ended up being my AP stats teacher the next year; actually passed that exam like a boss

..but he left the state to go back home pretty much when all of us graduated lol.

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republicans. HOLY Friggin' alksjdflkasjdflkajsldkfjas;lkjf;lkjdfsalk;js.

I hate the republican party with a passion. Especially when I see backwards bullshit like this

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on facebook.

It doesn't help that I work near an NCO who has nothing better to do than to come up with tasks for me to when I already have plenty, and have guard duty in the middle of my shift that makes me lose 6 hours of real worktime. And get's mad at me for responding slow because I'm busy fucking working and interrupting my train of thought. Getting called every fucking 5 minutes for something that isn't fucking time sensitive is stupid. I have priorities of work and I can hear enough in the closet office they moved us into to hear when it's urgent, important, or not. He seriously doesn't do shit except monitor radios and other communications and only has to do shit when stuff happens. I'm always doing shit and have to do EVEN MORE shit when stuff happens. Fucker is so damn full of himself too.

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Has anyone every ranted about how much they hate it when people com[plain when your using sand and that on your sand team you happen to be using an excadrill. First off, seriously if there is a pokemon that is really good when used in combination with something else, why would i not use that combo. for the sake of originality? ewwwwwwww, i think not. Secondly, Excadrill are not that hard to beat, most priority mach punch can handle it. and also if you dont have a wall on your team its your fault not mine you cant stop my excadrill. seriously, QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING!

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Word to the wise(r than myself)--

Do not fucking inhale cigars.

Lost my voice, and I've developed the ability to cough up bloody phlegm.

Trying to drink a lot of water, refrain from talking, and sleep a lot till it goes away.

Which is all very difficult for me...

I rarely drink water, talk tons, and never sleep.


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