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Ranting ahead.


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Mom, Dad. I really REALLY do appriciate what you are doing to help me get through the end of the year. I really honestly do. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE STOP HOVERING OVER MY BACK TELLING ME TO DO THINGS THAT HAVE Already. Been. Fucking. DONE. In all honesty, the only thing that you are doing is stressing me out even more than I have to be.

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I'll be simple.

I. Hate. Obliviousity. So Much. That I. Want. To Make It Materialize. So I CAN MAKE IT MY ETERNAL PUNCHING BAG.

Lacking Just The Intelligence Or Understanding Is Just As Much Of An Offense Imo, Unless There's A Good Reason For It.

Yup, just ventin' my usual weekly rage.

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The only things that can loosen my emotional bottle are my older brother and girls.

I had a huge crush on one of my friends for about a year now and it pretty much gave me bipolar disorder. Now that we've finally talked about things, I learned that she's known about my feelings and has been avoiding me because of how they made me act around her.

I'm over her now (mostly) and we're still friends, but this bit o' turmoil has taught me some things.

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Moral of the story: Don't bottle your emotions, kids.


EDIT: If you've seen the cover pic for my new book, then you're right. It is the girl in that that I'm talking about. Thankfully she still wants to be in it.

Edited by SF™ Inc.
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So I was in a foul mood because I was taunted and insulted all day by the people in my school (suprise.). I just wait for the bus and then one of the guys from my year (grade to you people in the heatstroke area) goes up to me. I tell him to leave me alone, and then he just goes crazy, raises the middle finger and says "Go get a fucking social life.".

Normally a comment like this would not bother me at all, but there were two cases in point at the time:

First: I actually hang out with friends. Actual friends. In school.

Second: This guy was one of the many that considered friends "usable", because i always see people like him suddenly becoming mates with people they bully daily and go back to bullying them the day after.

And what REALLY pisses me off is that people like him INFEST our school. I'll be honest here (and sorry if I sound like a jerk), that about 90% of the students that go to this school are, while half of them are fine in the education department, FUCKING IDIOTS. This includes the sixth form (basically like a in-built university in our school), because they just laugh at us and even INSULT us just because the teachers let them on the bus before us, and the teachers do NOTHING to stop them.

So I figure that few of the idiots (not none at all) had actual friends, of the same brain capacity, and just bully everyone else. Basically, all these people are hypocrites. Thankfully there are at least a few people who consider friends actual friends and talk about stuff normally. I hate hypocrisy. I DESPISE it, more so than obliviousity.

So yeah, that's the rant I have today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*drinks Am-







I see where this is going and I won't allow it.

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But I can't distance sucks SIGH

seriously though i need something to do


On the 16th was a party I couldn't go to because it was too late

Tomorrow there's a pool party I can't go to because all of my friends don't live in my area and it's too far from my house for any of them to give me a ride.

Why is that?


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If it wasn't obvious that I'm horrible at making decisions for myself, and taking initiative on anything already, it is now.

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Initiative is for people with goals.

I'm still looking for some. Anyone have any to spare?

Not having a goal is aggravating. Well, I'm going to Japan for sure, just not entirely sure when. Other than that... the future's a big blank slate and I don't have anything to fill it with.

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I wish I had the ability to make a really long post here, that would let me vent without ending up on a tangent of every little thing making a jumbled, hard to read, mess.

If only I could do that.

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There's this girl Katherine, about a year older than my sister, but in all her dance classes, and one encounter with her would let you know she's a bitch who needs to be slapped more often.

(relaying this story from my mother;)

Today, at a dance rehearsal, mother number four was attempting to persuade Katherine to get to her place on stage. she touches her shoulder and points, and Katherine immediately goes:

"DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME MY DAD IS A LAWYER YOU DO NOT TOUCH ME." To which my mom walks up to her, being a woman who takes no shit, "shut up and get moving."

Not used to this kind of treatment (authoritative) she does as she's told.

Now, today, my mother gets an email from one of the other dance moms who is concerned for my sister, Moira. It seems that Katherine was particularly nasty with her yesterday, and the mother was emailing because Moira seemed very upset afterwards.

Moira, very unlike me, is quiet and very sweet, wouldn't hurt a living thing other than my brother. She doesn't take any of his shit, but she will take and take and take from anyone else. This is why I'm very concerned about what might happen if she were ever to be bullied.

My mother is confused because my sister, not wanting to concern anybody, hadn't said a word about it. So she asks another dance mom who she's close to, and finds out this little shit Katherine made Moira cry. Because her makeup was messed up! This 13 year old girl picked on my younger sister, because her eyeshadow was smudged, and it was supposed to be different for that dance number or some shit.

What the hell?

And of course, my sister, being the kind of person she is, doesn't retaliate at all, but instead ignores it until it hurts her enough to make her cry.

I will never, ever ever, understand why people are so mean. Like, I wouldn't feel so bad if my sister was confrontational. But she's literally just the nice quiet girl. She's not ugly either, so I couldn't imagine what Katherine decided was the best line of verbal attack.

To end this story, I'd like to say that I genuinely hope that at middle school next year she's taught her place.

You do not disrespect people doing their job.

You do not bully others to tears.

You do not threaten people with your father.

Get beat up, Katherine.

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