The Fush Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 (edited) Know I'm gonna sound like a retard, but I will share a story. I start a LoL game with my friends, and I start getting fed... unusual for me, but CONTINUING on, all of a sudden the LoL client crashes on me, and i take like 5 minutes to reconnect. In those 5 minutes, the enemy team gets fed and we get our asses kicked and then we lose. FUCK YOU, big fat slow derpy computer! "But Roo, why aren't you on your super fast laptop with bigger everything instead?" Because my Dad bought some new internet with a router and all and it was worse than the old one. Youtube videos buffered mid-watching, pages took long to load and WORST OF ALL, it caused my laptop to skyrocket my ping whenever i played LoL. I checked graphics cards and firewalls, restarts, and all else, but to no avail. So I can't play LoL on my super fast laptop because of my new internet. All I can say is, FUCK YOU VIRGIN MEDIA. On 9/19/2012 at 12:27 AM, JellyMan said: I know that feel bro. Shoulders still ache 10 hours later. Edited September 19, 2012 by BeaverRoo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noivy Posted September 24, 2012 Share Posted September 24, 2012 (edited) - Edited September 14, 2016 by Noivy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Godot Posted September 24, 2012 Share Posted September 24, 2012 Oh mai GAWD I WANNA RANT! I WANNA RANT ALL THE RANTY THINGS ALL THE RANTS AND WHEN I FINISHING RANTING I WANT TO RANT SOME MORE... ABOUT RANTING, AND RANTING ABOUT RANTING End Rant Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted September 25, 2012 Share Posted September 25, 2012 (edited) HEY SPORTS TEAM... HEY, FUCKING SPORTS TEAM! I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I'VE HAD A STRESSFUL DAY. I'M STILL TRYING TO PLAY AS MUCH AS I CAN, DESPITE ALL THE BULLSHIT YOU'RE SPOUTING ABOUT ME, AND ALL YOU LOT DO IS BITCH ABOUT THE FOOTBALL TEAM COMPOSITION UNTIL THE END OF FUCKING TIME. WHAT IT THIS, THE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS COMMUNITY? JUST FUCKING PLAY ALREADY! Of course, I'm always stuck around one or two assholes who want my head on a spear. I get it. BUT IF YOU'RE GONNA BLAME SOMEONE FOR LOSING, BLAME YOURSELF FOR JUST WASTING YOUR TIME ANNOYING ME INSTEAD OF FUCKING PLAYING! Also, WHAT THE HELL? Yeah guys, bitch at me for HALF MY LUNCH TIME about how I don't use these fucking "swag" words, which apparently means that I'm some fucking hipster. Get a life. EDIT: I just realized that I get mad way too easily. Edited September 26, 2012 by BeaverRoo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zen Posted September 26, 2012 Share Posted September 26, 2012 Hello, administration office. Could you kindly not mess with the clinical timetables again? It's hard enough meeting a patient quota when we don't even know when we're supposed to be in the clinic. Toodle doo ~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Summer Posted September 26, 2012 Share Posted September 26, 2012 It's stupid when someone else takes the credit of my long-term doing. THE CLASS ROSTER WAS A LIE, BITCHES, I WAS THE ONLY ONE DOING ALL THE CLEANING.. But yet, the most annoying part is, no one believes me. I also hate people who try to win their case through lousy methods. I wouldn't explain - I believe in Karma. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mashew Posted September 26, 2012 Share Posted September 26, 2012 HEY I JUST MET YOU AND THIS IS CRAY CRAY BUT YOU LOOK GUCCI LET'S MAKE SOME BABAES <<>>. The fact that some asshole put a spike trap on the surfing area to get to a chinchou I've been wanting forever and now the entrance is glitched ._. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted September 29, 2012 Share Posted September 29, 2012 On 9/26/2012 at 2:19 PM, Celestial Virgo said: The fact that some asshole put a spike trap on the surfing area to get to a chinchou I've been wanting forever and now the entrance is glitched ._. Please forgive me for lmao at this. xD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted September 30, 2012 Share Posted September 30, 2012 I don't know who this raichu is, or what mood he's in, but he doesn't need to escalate the fact that something was a joke into a debate about school is like crime and life and then whine for 10 minutes about me calling him an idiot (yes, I got angry. VERY.), after calling me a pussy. Best thing of all, I'm the only one who gets yelled at, like everyone here I knew stabbed me in the fucking back. Never thought I'd have to complain about something on the reborn server, but honestly. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Amethyst Posted September 30, 2012 Administrators Share Posted September 30, 2012 Sorry Roo. I was so dead for most of that conflict, only able to peek in once or twice thanks to how bad the upload is lagging me, but from what I saw you definitely weren't the one to blame. I ended up muting Raichu anyway. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted September 30, 2012 Share Posted September 30, 2012 Ame are poopy interwebz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted September 30, 2012 Share Posted September 30, 2012 On 9/30/2012 at 12:33 AM, Amethyst said: Sorry Roo. I was so dead for most of that conflict, only able to peek in once or twice thanks to how bad the upload is lagging me, but from what I saw you definitely weren't the one to blame. I ended up muting Raichu anyway. No problem, I should've kept my temper in a bit more. Vented out by mourning for 3 minutes, punching myself in the head once and getting overly fed twice on LoL. Like how you said I shouldn't take myself too harshly, it helps to just try and keep a cool head. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 2, 2012 Share Posted October 2, 2012 (edited) I have no idea how much I've ranted on this forum since being on year 10, but it's only gonna go downhill from now on (provided that it's a Tuesday). I swear, if I have to carry all this luggage to the field for any more weeks (implying many weeks) I'm gonna end up looking like Rodrick from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It doesn't make it any better that everyone is out for my blood on that particular day. I go into the bus, and the driver is actually rather friendly, saying hello to people and stuff, but then a bunch of *insert absolutely bitch crazy horde of ranting girls* come on to the bus and start bullying both me AND the driver, like "DRIVE FASTER, FATTY!". So they say hi to me, sit a row back or two and start talking about me having mental problems and beating people up (which clearly shows that this is the type of intelligence that can no longer can be dealt with, since before the incident with the "Swagtard", I had a completely CLEAN record during this and the previous year), and then proceed to insult my family, and act like I can't hear them. First of all, if you want to talk behind someone's back, DON'T DO IT LITERALLY OR THEY CAN HEAR YOU, and SECOND OF ALL, don't shout so loud that it pisses of all the other passengers (who also glared at ME as I walked out). Even my fucking DOOR KEYHOLE wants a piece of me, as my key got jammed and I couldn't open the door for FIFTEEN minutes, before the cleaner of my house proceeds to endlessly bitch at me for nothing, then proceed to ground me for the rest of the day, because she thinks that the violence of video games that are exceedingly violent (ahem) are causing me to act like this. Well, unless the game must involve either a story that makes you cry a river or two, or a old man with an orange on his head doing one of the best dances ever to be seen, you can't blame video games entirely because almost ALL games are violent to some point. On tuesdays, it's me versus the world. Edited October 2, 2012 by BeaverRoo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheNewEnigma Posted October 2, 2012 Share Posted October 2, 2012 On 10/2/2012 at 4:56 PM, BeaverRoo said: I have no idea how much I've ranted on this forum since being on year 10, but it's only gonna go downhill from now on (provided that it's a Tuesday). I swear, if I have to carry all this luggage to the field for any more weeks (implying many weeks) I'm gonna end up looking like Rodrick from Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It doesn't make it any better that everyone is out for my blood on that particular day. I go into the bus, and the driver is actually rather friendly, saying hello to people and stuff, but then a bunch of *insert absolutely bitch crazy horde of ranting girls* come on to the bus and start bullying both me AND the driver, like "DRIVE FASTER, FATTY!". So they say hi to me, sit a row back or two and start talking about me having mental problems and beating people up (which clearly shows that this is the type of intelligence that can no longer can be dealt with, since before the incident with the "Swagtard", I had a completely CLEAN record during this and the previous year), and then proceed to insult my family, and act like I can't hear them. First of all, if you want to talk behind someone's back, DON'T DO IT LITERALLY OR THEY CAN HEAR YOU, and SECOND OF ALL, don't shout so loud that it pisses of all the other passengers (who also glared at ME as I walked out). Even my fucking DOOR KEYHOLE wants a piece of me, as my key got jammed and I couldn't open the door for FIFTEEN minutes, before the cleaner of my house proceeds to endlessly bitch at me for nothing, then proceed to ground me for the rest of the day, because she thinks that the violence of video games that are exceedingly violent (ahem) are causing me to act like this. Well, unless the game must involve either a story that makes you cry a river or two, or a old man with an orange on his head doing one of the best dances ever to be seen, you can't blame video games entirely because almost ALL games are violent to some point. On tuesdays, it's me versus the world. Huh. Well, can be worse, at least you didn't do the right thing in the end, but still lost a completely ignorant, stubborn, selfish, mentally undeveloped friend today. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Amethyst Posted October 5, 2012 Administrators Share Posted October 5, 2012 I knew this wasn't going to work out. I knew it the second I woke up. 6:31, the alarm goes off. I roll over and switch it off. The usual heart attack didn't accompany the alarm this morning though, because I had already been awake. I went to sleep at 2, and my cat graciously decided to wake me up at the hours of 4:01, 4:57, 5:12, 5:35, 5:56 and in all my utter exhaustion I couldn't get to sleep after that. Lord knows I tried, but sleep didn't come to me- only vague recollections of the Homestuck Kickstarter project. I had heard that it was launched a week or two ago and did phenomenally, but I hadn't thought of it since. I don't even like Homestuck. I've never read it. It had no business occupying my head. But after fading in and out of consciousness for half an hour, the alarm decided it would pull me from purgatory. I knew from that second that this wasn't going to work- this day wasn't going to happen. I curled up in a little ball, and just started echoing to myself quietly "no..." "no..." "no..." "no..." "no..." "no..." "no..." "please no..." "no..." It was only slightly gratifying. Eventually I forced myself up. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was horrified. I remembered I had failed to take my usual shower the night before, because my new work schedule was throwing me off. My hair was a mess. It's often a mess, but it was horrific this morning. You don't even know. The rest of the day panned out as such: Discover that we're out of milk for breakfast My roommate, Kitty, stumbles through the door at about six thirty seven, saying she's late for work after staying at her boyfriend's house all night. She asks to borrow my bike. I okay it, because I'm not late yet. My mom wakes up and informs me that the dog has an infection in her tooth And her butt And she peed herself last night On my floor And the couch I brush my hair. It still looks awful. I flat iron my hair. It still looks awful. I do all sorts of inhumane things to my hair. It becomes barely passable. I say 'fuck it' to putting on make-up though because really with the condition I/my hair was in there wasn't even any point. I force myself to leave early since I don't have a bike and have to walk instead. I'm horrified to learn that it's thirty degrees out. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I reach the bus stop right as my bus pulls away I catch the next bus with every intention to sleep the whole way. This works for about three stops, and then a particularly sketchy man takes the seat next to me. I find myself unable to sleep for the duration of the trip, the whole time entirely paranoid that he's going to pickpocket me. I get to my first class and sit next to my sort-of friend, who has like the cutest outfit on I legitimately want to cry she looked so pretty and then there I was sitting by her effectively looking like a homeless person I find out that she speaks fluent Japanese, so I feel like even more of an idiot compared to her And then this is the freakiest thing, I see her posting comments on a blog or something promoting the Homestuck Kickstarter. I mentioned how I had spontaneously had visions of it that morning, and she tells me how she donated two hundred dollars herself and that the project was closing today and raise 2.5 million. TWO AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS!!! From a personal project on the internet. Here I am running a Pokemon website and I'm like hurrdurr wat is money. Not that I want to make a living off of Pokemon, but I would like to make it off of some creative project in the future and as inspiring as seeing that is, given my negative attitude it was actually mainly demotivating She goes on to tell me how she has like a 40% discount on all of her clothes and I proceed to die of jealousy on the inside a little bit more This stuff about her is basically just me qqing, not actually why my day was bad, but details. The rest of the actual class was spent with the teacher taking suggestions from the students. The rest of the class is clearly massochistic because these suggestions included more homework, more quizzes, and grading quizzes stricter. This is an 8 AM class, btw. Next class. I fall asleep despite being on Reborn and trying to work on the game at the same time. I'm pretty sure when I jolted awake I accidentally kicked the chair of the girl in front of me. >< Break. Every Thursday my school gives out free pizza to anyone who wears the school spirit shirt. I plan around this, buying a much smaller lunch to be supplemented by the free pizza, since I finally for the first time remembered to bring my shirt. While waiting in a much-longer-line than usual this girl runs up to me- she and I talked once before when she said she liked my hair and then she proceeded to do an elaborate dance routine in front of the bus stop for no apparent reason (even declining to get on the bus when it came)- and starts feeling my hair. This wouldn't be a problem if it had been any other day but it just had to be the day that I looked and felt like a pile of mucus. She starts commenting on how she likes it, is trying to grow hers out, and how it's weird when white people get perms (she's black, her hair obviously perm'd too). I stand there like a deer in the headlights still trying to comprehend why anyone would want to talk to me in my present condition. Got my small lunch, ate it. Put shirt on, went to the free pizza place... one there. The ONE week I finally bring my shirt. Next class, we discuss articles. There are a lot to get through, and then my teacher decides to let class out early right before we start to discuss the one article I was actually looking forward to. Break between school and work, I get back on my computer. Checking my email, I see a promotion from my webhost to raise money for Breast Cancer research by pasting a link on the site. I do it, and then glance up and sitting across the room from me happens to be the girl from earlier, and she just happened to make eye contact with me for that split second. awkward. She runs across the room, feels up my hair again, and then finally asks my name. She gives me hers and like an idiot I don't hear it, so I ask her to repeat it, and she repeats the other thing she said, which I can't even remember what that was, and then leaves as if she were pissed off. I sit there wondering what just happened. Work. My student shows up late, so my boss gives me something to do in the meantime- numbering the free meal cards. I spend an hour numbering cards from one to four hundred. Great fun, really. A particularly boisterous student bursts into the office and after a bit incessantly starts telling me to cheer up. He doesn't seem to be able to take a hint. I'm suddenly informed that I will not be tutoring my student in Literature, but biology instead. I'm an English tutor. Not a science tutor. My student shows up and doesn't have her Biology. She has math. I'm definitely not a math tutor. Like I understand varying levels of education but this is a high schooler who needed a calculator to do 10+5. Here I am trying to figure out what percentile rank and bin width are because I haven't heard these terms in like five years if ever and she doesn't even know how to do basic multiplication what the fuck Get my own free meal from Subway! This is a good thing, right?. Veggie Patty with lettuce mayonaise parmesean and black olives. Take a bite into it- cringe. I spit out an olive pit. I didn't even know olives had pits. And you know what? They taste bloody awful. Partly from the taste and partly from the shock of that thing being in the sammich in the first place- I find it extremely difficult to recover the motivation to continue eating. As I leave, my favorite necklace breaks I walk in the door. My mom tells me to feed the bird. I do so. The bird shrieks. My mom tells me not to feed the bird for a while. I ask her if I can finally go take my shower and feed him afterwards, she says yes.I get out of the shower "Oh by the way I need you to wash the dog and the couch". So that was one good shower wasted, getting gross almost immediately. Sign onto Reborn- the website isn't working! Apparently it's not working because it's mysteriously contracted malware and avast is blocking me from it? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Deactivate Avast to undo the only change I made: Remove the breast cancer link Still doesn't fix it! Reactivate avast and go clean the couch. "Spray it and then take a rag towel and stomp on it to force the moisture out" As I go to get the ragtowel, I cut my toe on a mysterious sharp edge of the couch. This is a padded, cushioned couch. I do not think I could cut myself on it if I tried! But I did anyway! Can no longer stomp using that foot, and am forced to apply rag towel pressure by hoping on one foot Come back and try to play a game of LoL to unwind. Get matched with really good partners! ...d/c the entire game. Afterwards I discover that my entire computer no longer has internet access! LoL won't load, AIM won't load, google won't load. Malware? >Meaning it's not impossible, were there any, for the entire site to be infected and distributing it (later edit. apparently the malware thing stopped so there shouldnt be any further risk) But yeah. Here I am writing this on my netbook. I'm just qqing a lot, I know. But just.... iebdsjhbjhwbesjdhbjhwebjsdhbiuwbesdlob vljhewbsdljhblwhebsdlxcjhbljhwelsdjhblehdsbljhb. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Posted October 5, 2012 Share Posted October 5, 2012 Sounds like a hard case of Murphy's law. ...A really hard case. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted October 8, 2012 Share Posted October 8, 2012 Everything is just annoying me today. Some "friend" of mine steals the notebook where I draw all that stuff in, and decides it's funny to draw butts on two of the drawings I'm most proud of, forcing me to rip the pages out... and accidentally rip a third one out too. I would've had his head if I hadn't uploaded the drawings on imgur. No, seriously, I actually drew out my anger that lunchtime: The drawings ripped up and butted took 2 hours of my time to make. And then people now seem to push each other into one another and say "oh hey you make a great couple" and then start to laugh their asses off. Doesn't make it any better that I find out that teams in the LoL World Championships are supposedly cheating... Oh well. At least the Mastering Manga book from Mark Crilley arrived so I can now actually START to practice (Arceus bless you Will). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted October 10, 2012 Share Posted October 10, 2012 Republican Party. y u so ignorant and biased and presumptive and flat out untruthful and oh so many other things I refrained from saying? Or is that just Fox news? *checks* Nope, it's the party too. If anyone in here is a Republican... well, we need to talk because I just don't think you really know what you are doing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alice2 Posted October 10, 2012 Share Posted October 10, 2012 I have lots of rants I could share, but i'll only share one >.> I hate people that type like.. "r u kk?" and stuff :l It's like a code you have to decipher>.> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yuki Posted October 11, 2012 Author Share Posted October 11, 2012 Single Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Amethyst Posted October 12, 2012 Administrators Share Posted October 12, 2012 On 10/10/2012 at 2:02 PM, Alice said: I have lots of rants I could share, but i'll only share one >.> I hate people that type like.. "r u kk?" and stuff :l It's like a code you have to decipher>.> Hai, welcome to Reborn, you're going to fit right in here~ On 10/11/2012 at 10:47 PM, Hark said: Single what. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noivy Posted October 12, 2012 Share Posted October 12, 2012 Fire alarm. Working with dangerous power tools in metal shop. You get where I'm going with this? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted October 14, 2012 Share Posted October 14, 2012 I felt like my servine was underleveled because it was, so I put it first on the team and ran into some trainers. They all had tranquils. except the one with a trubbish. so much facepalm. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yuki Posted October 15, 2012 Author Share Posted October 15, 2012 was smoking in the woods yesterday, when i leaned in too close to take a hit and lit my hair on fire ;~; gave myself a haircut using a shaving razor (couldn't find scissors) and it looks the same, just shorter. Still, that's so embarassing Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheNewEnigma Posted October 15, 2012 Share Posted October 15, 2012 Was anyone around? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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