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M8, I didn't think I'd toss my panties into the ring here, but #yoloswag420blazeit.

First: Hark bb coem liv wit me. I be ur shuger daddie ;^)


The entire "Humanity is doomed" mentality turns my ass nine shades of red. I don't think you realize this, but the generation of people that are 15-20ish are going to be a part of one of if not the most pivotal generations in human history. Peak oil, Overpopulation, Resource scarity, A possible collapse of the world economy, Climate change, Nuclear proliferation, Reimaging of human rights, and ending the spread of corporatism are all issues that WILL fall on our plate. The idea that we'll just continue with business as usual is absurd. We've got several decades of cleanup ahead of us. To state that we will either hold onto/create new things to hate is insane. This generation moreso than any other is aware of the geopolitical/social problems we face. Humanity is growing up, and if you want to throw the mistakes of our past in our face, then you're also throwing them into the face of progress.

tl;dr We're not doomed, quit expecting the worst from your fellow man, and stop living in the goddman past when we more than anyone need to be looking forward.

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Are you fucking kidding me? You don't know the first thing about me, my circumstances, or a single fact outside of that. And you talk to me like I'm some sort of terrible person because of it.

You can berate me for shoplifting all you want, but you sure as hell can't catch me being judgemental and assuming the role of Divine Adjudicator or anything of the sort.

I live by the philosophy that as long as I'm not directly negatively impacting another individual (feelings, wellbeing, finances, etc) I'm not being That Guy.

Because I see That Guy as what you're doing, right now. Do you see yourself? You're taking a single point and using it as a scope of context on an entire person, who's had trillions of thoughts, experiences, rights, wrongs, and other life happenings to shape them.

Notice I said "right now"

Because I don't judge others so harshly or wholeheartedly, especially when I don't fucking know them

And then your next post?

Incase you haven't noticed, the number of bigots over the past 60 years has dwindled tremendously. And it continues to move in that direction.

There are countless groups, programs, and movements fighting to right the wrongs institutionally ingrained in our society through years of what has been accepted as the normal result of socialization.

And with this age of information and progressive attitude, it's the assholes who are being called out and ridiculed, at least from what I've seen, and more and more educated people are preaching rather than being preached to.

I haven't seen anybody so racist so to hate the entire countries/every muslim in real life (except for some 90ish year old woman in an airport when I was 12, who told an Asian woman to "go back to japan" in response to "oh, excuse me") so it may just be your own circumstances and how things are where you live (notice I'm considering those before making blind, hasty judgments-- VALIDATING YOUR EXPERIENCES RATHER THAN TRAMPLING ON THEM) but that's really not how things are in my part of the world.

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For one thing I don't hate North Korea and I don't hate the Middle East. Secondly, it was my great grandfather who told me to learn forgive and move on and he was a WWII vet. It's that ignorance that people have that will continue to plague our race.Not being able to learn from our mistakes so history will not repeat its self. It's easy to hate one another, but it's a challenge to move on. My opinion is influenced by what I have learned and the things I've been through and I believe that there is still hope for our race. You can say whatever you want, but that won't change what I believe in.

Well, you certainly are commited, and I respect that. You seem like a wise fellow, I wish only the best for you and may more Humans strive to share the same views as you do (on the subject of learning to forgive).


M8, I didn't think I'd toss my panties into the ring here, but #yoloswag420blazeit.

First: Hark bb coem liv wit me. I be ur shuger daddie ;^)


The entire "Humanity is doomed" mentality turns my ass nine shades of red. I don't think you realize this, but the generation of people that are 15-20ish are going to be a part of one of if not the most pivotal generations in human history. Peak oil, Overpopulation, Resource scarity, A possible collapse of the world economy, Climate change, Nuclear proliferation, Reimaging of human rights, and ending the spread of corporatism are all issues that WILL fall on our plate.The idea that we'll just continue with business as usual is absurd. We've got several decades of cleanup ahead of us. To state that we will either hold onto/create new things to hate is insane. This generation moreso than any other is aware of the geopolitical/social problems we face. Humanity is growing up, and if you want to throw the mistakes of our past in our face, then you're also throwing them into the face of progress.

tl;dr We're not doomed, quit expecting the worst from your fellow man, and stop living in the goddman past when we more than anyone need to be looking forward.

We're not doomed you say? But I believe you sort of proved my point when you said "Peak oil, Overpopulation, Resource scarity, A possible collapse of the world economy, Climate change, Nuclear proliferation, Reimaging of human rights, and ending the spread of corporatism are all issues that WILL fall on our plate." That's exactly what I mean... We're fucked, our parents generation consisted almost entirely of morons who set up this situation we're in and haven't done jack shit to teach us how to deal with THEIR problem. All they've really done is pussy-fied us and told us "Everything will be OK, you can do ANYTHING and the world is entirely black and white!" None of that is true... We'll be entirely on our own in a World that is collapsing, and when it does, you'll see I was right when I said we're all doomed. Unfortunately, most of our generation isn't much different than our parents. While there are people, like myself and you it seems who realizes what's at stake, most young people these days have eaten up the lies fed to them. When the inevitable happens, they'll all say "What happened? Everything was fine before..." But it wasn't, it never has been and never will be. Again, we're all doomed, accept it...

Edited by Ackalacka
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Are you fucking kidding me? You don't know the first thing about me, my circumstances, or a single fact outside of that. And you talk to me like I'm some sort of terrible person because of it.

You can berate me for shoplifting all you want, but you sure as hell can't catch me being judgemental and assuming the role of Divine Adjudicator or anything of the sort.

I live by the philosophy that as long as I'm not directly negatively impacting another individual (feelings, wellbeing, finances, etc) I'm not being That Guy.

Because I see That Guy as what you're doing, right now. Do you see yourself? You're taking a single point and using it as a scope of context on an entire person, who's had trillions of thoughts, experiences, rights, wrongs, and other life happenings to shape them.

Notice I said "right now"

Because I don't judge others so harshly or wholeheartedly, especially when I don't fucking know them

And then your next post?

Incase you haven't noticed, the number of bigots over the past 60 years has dwindled tremendously. And it continues to move in that direction.

There are countless groups, programs, and movements fighting to right the wrongs institutionally ingrained in our society through years of what has been accepted as the normal result of socialization.

And with this age of information and progressive attitude, it's the assholes who are being called out and ridiculed, at least from what I've seen, and more and more educated people are preaching rather than being preached to.

I haven't seen anybody so racist so to hate the entire countries/every muslim in real life (except for some 90ish year old woman in an airport when I was 12, who told an Asian woman to "go back to japan" in response to "oh, excuse me") so it may just be your own circumstances and how things are where you live (notice I'm considering those before making blind, hasty judgments-- VALIDATING YOUR EXPERIENCES RATHER THAN TRAMPLING ON THEM) but that's really not how things are in my part of the world.

I don't have to take any of that from a petty thief, that is all I have to say to you. Good bye. Seriously, don't respond to me. I don't want to have to deal with you and frankly, Blade Dancer Mash is right, Rule 1... Whether I like you or not, I'm going to at least PRETEND to be respectful of your "wise" and "adult-like" life choices...

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He was talking to you

I wasn't once disrespectful



You're honestly acting like a terrible person

and you don't knwo whether you like me or not


This entire time I've had the power to ban you from the forums/server, um, forever, but I haven't because I'm not "petty" and despite your attitude, disrespect, and trolling, I'm talking to you about it and trying to reason/explain things while not ONCE justifying my actions because I've already owned up to the fact that you can't rationalize or justify them.

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Again, I said I no longer wish to have communications with you. If it means anything I suppose I am quite sorry... However, you have no right to call someone a terrible person. I never did that to you, I merely told you to work on making your life better. < :)

Any way, bye now. I'm going to be the better person here and not say anything more. I could, but I'm not going to. Have a nice day. :D

Edited by Ackalacka
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Well, with all do respect, you and your friend are fucking morons for shop lifting from a store. you really need to clean yourself up... Start being responsible and smart, and start actually giving a fuck about life.

Frankly, I don't WANT to have a conversation with you... Six-Hundred dollars is what you said, correct? What the hell is wrong with you?

I don't have to take any of that from a petty thief, that is all I have to say to you. Good bye. Seriously, don't respond to me. I don't want to have to deal with you and frankly, Blade Dancer Mash is right, Rule 1... Whether I like you or not, I'm going to at least PRETEND to be respectful of your "wise" and "adult-like" life choices...

what about this doesn't imply you think i'm some sort of social pariah

I'm Hark

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You should learn some respect, kiddy. You make too many assumptions and honestly act as if you know them an from a personal experience. That's sickening, and you should severely learn more respect for people entirely. How dare you make assumptions on a man who has had troubles and say he's as bad as you try to portray. It only makes you look worse in such a case. Please, I recommend you try to learn more about the definition of respect and how you wish to portray your self to a community entirely. Come back when you've learned a thing or two about interaction with authority.

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I find that Philip DeFraco gif you have in your sig to be really ironic because you seem to be doing the exact goddamn opposite of what it preaches. You're spending your time actively spreading misery with your fatalistic outlook and yeah, I'm gonna say that because I'm not as nice a person as Ket is.

So what if the generation before ours set us up for an onslaught of shit they didn't teach us to deal with? Doesn't mean we're fucked; we're human. This is what we do. We don't see a problem and lie down and accept demise. We fight. We adapt. We see a problem and, when offered no solution, we come up with one of our own. It might be crude. It might not be the most well executed plan but it fucking works and it's a stepping stone for progress and, honestly, I see that as something miraculous. I don't know what you see when you're out in the world but it clearly isn't the limitless potential that I see and that honestly makes me sad for you.

Auth Mode Engaged:

I understand the forums are a place for open debate but blatant insults and clinging to your opinions as fact are not what entails what is commonly referred to as "debate". It's rude and ignorant and we'll have to ask you to kindly stop. You're being a dick.

EDIT - Hoodvash Mode Engaged:

Yo who the fuck are you to be criticizing anyone's life choices? You don't know them. You ain't know their struggle or what they been through or their philosophy or anything like what Ket previously stated. And you sure as HELL ain't got some kinda free pass to call someone and their friend "fucking morons" for making a decision that you in YOUR mind would not make because the second you do that then, well, my dude, you just unleashed the motherfucking kraken because "do unto others as you would like done to you" actually applies to real life. Welcome to the jungle, ya punk bitch.

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This is like watching tennis warmups. So I've got some..."alternative" reading material to the back-and-forth bantering

I just came back from a sleepover family reunion in Bobcaygeon over the past day and a half and let's just say my god, can some people drastically change.

You have my aunt and uncle, the whole hosts of the thing that let everyone camp out in their yard/field (they own a horse farm). They haven't changed and I'm thankful that they haven't.

Then...there's everyone else. Not to say that I hate how people have turned out after six years of not seeing the vast majority of them, but it was like talking to strangers. It was so alien.

I guess it's partially due to the fact that some of my cousins have married and had kids, or others have finished their education / gotten legitimate jobs (which I don't have ;_;) but you'd think they'd recognize you and the time you accidentally electrocuted one of Uncle Bob's cows (not the same as the hosting uncle), or when you went toe-to-toe with one of them in a poker game with a couple grand on the line.

It's just another reason why time and money are among the most cruel things that can happen to me. Time turned these people into self-focused people that are totally unable to pull themselves out of conversation their work life (which really isn't a bad thing), with these nickel coins, blue and green cotton bills and checks being their motivator in life.

Perhaps money is the be-all and end-all after all, and I have something of an outcast view. If so, now that funding from my parents is more or less cut off now, why is it that I'm able to live a fairly satisfactory life on cheap food, occasionally an Internet connection from the local library, a half-there social life, and absolutely no further expectations from the world?

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Inuki, I can't +1 you, but +1000 from here.

Let's break shit down:

"We're fucked, our parents generation consisted almost entirely of morons who set up this situation we're in"

You're thinking about the baby boomers. The generation of "Our parents" was/is largely passive when it comes to leadership. Take a look at the average age in congress. (So grandparents)

"consisted almost entirely of morons who set up this situation we're in and haven't done jack shit to teach us how to deal with THEIR problem."

Because learning from misinformed people is ideal. They're aware that we have to pick up the pieces, it's not like they know how to fix it.

"told us "Everything will be OK, you can do ANYTHING and the world is entirely black and white!""

Have you spoken to anyone even moderately intelligent from our generation? It's pretty well known that's not the case.

"We'll be entirely on our own in a World that is collapsing,"

As is to be expected of EVERY GENERATION THAT TAKES OVER LEADERSHIP SINCE BEFORE THE 60'S. We'll be the first generation in 80 years to not have the previous one looking over our shoulder. Now, about second part of that: Aside from climate and resources (Both things that can and will have to be fixed) the the world humanity dwells in has been in the best shape it's ever been. Violence as a whole is down, we're socially and economically aware, and we know what needs to be done. Doesn't sound like a collapse to me.

"most young people these days have eaten up the lies fed to them"

m8, the exception (being the average Facebook/Twitter junkie) isn't the rule. I don't know anyone who "drinks the koolaid", or has even been asked to do so.

"When the inevitable happens, they'll all say "What happened? Everything was fine before..." But it wasn't, it never has been and never will be."

You make it seem like the Earth is going to outright explode. Humanity has been faced with adversity before, we'll certainly seen it again. Hell, we've been pushed to the brink of extinction. (Black Death and MAD/Cuban Missle Crisis come to mind.) As a species, we're tough, hell life in general is tough. The problems we face are miniscule compared to what we've seen.

"Again, we're all doomed, accept it..."

If you want to spend your few years imagining the worst, then do so quietly. Don't bring others down with you, because while those who care are busy improving the planet, all you're going to be is an emotional anchor. Nobody needs that.

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Inuki, I can't +1 you, but +1000 from here.

Let's break shit down:

"We're fucked, our parents generation consisted almost entirely of morons who set up this situation we're in"

You're thinking about the baby boomers. The generation of "Our parents" was/is largely passive when it comes to leadership. Take a look at the average age in congress. (So grandparents)

"consisted almost entirely of morons who set up this situation we're in and haven't done jack shit to teach us how to deal with THEIR problem."

Because learning from misinformed people is ideal. They're aware that we have to pick up the pieces, it's not like they know how to fix it.

"told us "Everything will be OK, you can do ANYTHING and the world is entirely black and white!""

Have you spoken to anyone even moderately intelligent from our generation? It's pretty well known that's not the case.

"We'll be entirely on our own in a World that is collapsing,"

As is to be expected of EVERY GENERATION THAT TAKES OVER LEADERSHIP SINCE BEFORE THE 60'S. We'll be the first generation in 80 years to not have the previous one looking over our shoulder. Now, about second part of that: Aside from climate and resources (Both things that can and will have to be fixed) the the world humanity dwells in has been in the best shape it's ever been. Violence as a whole is down, we're socially and economically aware, and we know what needs to be done. Doesn't sound like a collapse to me.

"most young people these days have eaten up the lies fed to them"

m8, the exception (being the average Facebook/Twitter junkie) isn't the rule. I don't know anyone who "drinks the koolaid", or has even been asked to do so.

"When the inevitable happens, they'll all say "What happened? Everything was fine before..." But it wasn't, it never has been and never will be."

You make it seem like the Earth is going to outright explode. Humanity has been faced with adversity before, we'll certainly seen it again. Hell, we've been pushed to the brink of extinction. (Black Death and MAD/Cuban Missle Crisis come to mind.) As a species, we're tough, hell life in general is tough. The problems we face are miniscule compared to what we've seen.

"Again, we're all doomed, accept it..."

If you want to spend your few years imagining the worst, then do so quietly. Don't bring others down with you, because while those who care are busy improving the planet, all you're going to be is an emotional anchor. Nobody needs that.

What in the hell do you not understand about the argument being over? Just stop.

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What in the hell do you not understand about the argument being over? Just stop.

m8, it took the better part of an hour to type that shit. The least you could do would to respectfully reapond before ending the argument you got bodied in.

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Hypocritical admins? Name calling, are we? Oh my, I'm practically shaking. Don't be a dick, learn some respect and stop acting like you know the world better than the rest.

I wasn't name calling, you were name calling when you called me a dick... :/

Look, I'm sorry, alright? Honestly, I never meant for anyone to get offended, I just don't like people getting the last word in on me, it pisses me off when people can't just let somethings go. Could everyone just please stop with this stupid argument? Seriously, please, thank you...

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