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I'm gonna say this: there is gender equality in both directions, and while it is way more male bias, there exists a sizable bit of female bias. And also, whenever I say this to a feminist, they immediately ignore it and start talking about how women are oppressed. That doesn't cut it with me. So while I am not against feminism, I am against just removing one side of gender equality.

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I'm gonna say this: there is gender equality in both directions, and while it is way more male bias, there exists a sizable bit of female bias. And also, whenever I say this to a feminist, they immediately ignore it and start talking about how women are oppressed. That doesn't cut it with me. So while I am not against feminism, I am against just removing one side of gender equality.

Take it from me; there are a lot of double standards, bias and stereotypes that are associated with men too, so I am in complete agreement with you.

I've had to deal with this kind of shit firsthand, and almost nothing makes me angrier.

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The word is misleading, but feminism is equality for all genders. Not just women. Feminists are well aware of the way that the patriarchy impacts men's lives as well, and that is not something we ignore.

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I apologize if I'm not as knowledgeable on this particular topic as the rest of you but if feminism is about men and women being equal in all category's then wouldn't that make those who believe that both genders are and should be equal a feminists. It might be a stretch or maybe I'm completely wrong but I was just wondering.

Edited by LGND Red
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originally posted on tumblr..

anti-feminist blogs actually exist and when you send them a well-though-out ask where you’re trying to get them to explain their reasoning or look at something objectively rather than an angry “you’re an asshole” they ignore you because they can’t defend themselves from un-biased conversation BECAUSE THEY’RE WRONG.

Common anti-feminist defenses:

  • deflecting with “oh no, the patriarchy strikes again” or something of the like.
  • ad hominem.
  • ignoring your points and blowing a fact up into the ridiculous fringe racialist phrasing of a similar issue

Like really I have NEVER in my ENTIRE LIFE seen an anti-feminist try to calmly explain their views using facts or without trying to offend another person/group and there have been COUNTLESS feminists that kindly inform me of pressing issues and underlying implications of a movement using logic, morality, and OBJECTIVE REASONING.

And that says a hell of a lot.

In all fucking honesty, there's no reason to support Feminism when Equalism is a fucking thing.

While I'm on a somewhat related topic to what I'm gonna rant about:

So today while in a conversation with a uh "Feminist" (I use that term lightly) I was told that I'm privileged and benefit from the "Patriarchy", and my mom has been oppressed her whole life. Well that shit lit a fire under my ass like never before. Yes, totally, my mother who raised me as a single mom, parents are divorced, was totally oppressed while becoming the head of her own private practice. Yup, every turn of the way she was brought down by vicious men, and that I'm only successful because I'm a man. TOTALLY. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT I WORKED MY ASS OFF TO GRADUATE 3 YEARS EARLY, I HAVE BASICALLY EVERY COMPUTER CERTIFICATION I'LL EVER NEED, HAD A NEAR PERFECT SAT SCORE, BEEN INVITED TO COUNTLESS EVENTS FOR BEING OF HIGH CALIBER INTELLIGENCE, WAS IN NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY, AND WHATEVER THE FUCK ELSE I'VE DONE BECAUSE THIS SHIT IS JUST A DROP IN THE MOTHERFUCKING BUCKET.


My mom is obviously a depressed, oppressed, internalized misogynist, because she can't see what's going on around her. She totally raised me to be the perfect oppressor of women. She's a weak-hearted woman who raised 3 kids on her own, and she needs Feminism to realize what a misogynist I've become, and to snap herself out of the oppression. She obviously told me to objectify women, to treat them lesser than myself, why else would I be successful? That's the only way you can get ahead. Oppressing those without "privilege." I'm the oppressive offspring of a German and Puerto Rican immigrant.

How's about you stick your ideology up your ass.

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Equalism and Feminism are synonymous. Rad-fems wouldn't let you believe it, but it's true.

You can NOT invalidate an entire movement and history of oppression with a Special Snowflake story. I don't know how to word that in another way, but it's not meant to be received as patronizing as it sounds.

Being a white cis male myself, I am in no position to represent an entire movement, but from where I stand, feminist theory revolves around the idea that certain double standards exist for both genders, but women have received the short end of this rhetorical stick.

Remember, having privilege is not a crime. Ignoring your privilege however can contribute to the passive acceptance of inequality. -fandomsandfeminism

Privilege isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card made of gold, it is small, subtle advantages that are hard to spot and appreciate when you are lucky enough to have them. In order to acknowledge this, you have to be willing to entertain the idea that it exists, and then research and ponder it’s role in your day-to-day life.


Feminism: A series of movements and philosophies aimed at ending gender inequality. -fandomsandfeminism

And another thing that is VITAL to humoring the idea of feminism, is that THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE DIRIVITIVES AND DEFINITIONS.


What turns people on/off to the movement may totally contradict and go against what somebody else stands for.

What’s possibly MOST IMPORTANT about understanding privilege (sorry to jump around topics like this) and feminism is that the core of the movement is based in intersectionality. For example, females are much less underprivileged than PoC. And if you’re non-cis, non-white, non-hetero, non-male, you’re WAY worse off than somebody who is all of those things.

People who are pro-matriarchy or ignore the other underprivileged groups ARE NOT FEMINISTS. They are out for themselves and want to get ahead, not put everybody in the same ballpark.

Feminism is about equality, despite what the word would lead people to assume.

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  • You can be careless with your money and now have people blame it on your sex

Because men are bumbling Neanderthals. Teehee. No, seriously who the fuck cares?

  • You can be a careless driver and not have people blame it on your sex

Yeah, you just get called a dumbfuck. Again, this isn't a privilege. Men don't get a free pass to be assholes on the road

  • You can be confident that your coworkers won’t assume you were hired because of your sex

I've never seen/heard of someone hiring a woman strictly because she's a woman. Credentials matter, and since when were obviously wrong opinions valid?

  • If you are never promoted, it isn’t because of your sex

Was never aware that women only got promoted for having a vagina.

  • You can expect to be paid equitably for the work you do, and not paid less because of your sex

Salary varies by experience/credentials. I know women who make more than every man in their office.

  • If you are unable to succeed in your career, that won’t be seen as evidence against your sex in the workplace

Yup. Society just looks at us and calls us good-for-nothing bums.

  • A decision to hire you won’t be based on whether or not the employer assumes you will be having children in the near future

I've been put in the position to interview people, and never once has this been something I was told to scope out.

  • Work comfortably (or walk down a public street) without the fear of sexual harassment


  • Walk alone at night without the fear of being raped or otherwise harmed

Yup, totally gotta not worry about being mugged. Seriously?

  • Go on a date with a stranger without the fear of being raped

Yeah, I've never heard of a man getting rape- Oh wait, I have. Surely men never have to worry about waking up in a tub full of ice with scars on their kid- Oh wait, they do.

  • Dress how you want and not worry you it will be used as a defense if you are raped

And said defense would get knocked down in court. (Fucking lawyer in training here)

  • If you are straight, you are not likely to be abused by your partner, or to be told to continue living in an abusive household for your children

Because their aren't resources to help abused wo- Oh wait, there are. But women can never just take the kids and leave on their own free- Oh wait, they can.

  • You can decide not to have children and not have your masculinity questioned

Yup, I just get told that I'm childish/not ready for commitment.

  • If you choose to have children, you will praised for caring for your children, instead of being expected to be the full-time caretaker

Yeah, the rising number of “stay-at-home” dads must be bullshit and lies. Surely a woman can't work with chil- Oh wait, they can.

  • Balance a career and a family without being called selfish for not staying at home (or being constantly pressured to stay at home)


  • If you are straight and decide to have children with your partner, you can assume this will not affect your career

The vast majority of work places offer both Paternity and Maternity leave. Hell, paternity leave is way shorter.

  • If you rise to prominence in an organization/role, no one will assume it is because you slept your way to the top

Because Oprah fucked a ton of guys to get where they are.

  • You can seek political office without having your sex be a part of your platform

Gee, because woman surely hasn't done that be- OH WAIT

  • You can seek political office without fear of your relationship with your children, or who you hire to take care of them, being scrutinized by the press

Sarah Palin and her trainwreck =/= Every other woman politician

  • Most political representatives share your sex, particularly the higher-ups

Except the number of woman in office is rising. (And since when has being the same sex as the speaker of the house guaranteed a seat? Never.)

  • Your political officials fight for issues that pertain to your sex

Yup, because male custody rights is such a hot-button issue

  • You can ask for the “person in charge” and will likely be greeted by a member of your sex

Whoopdy fucking doo. A man as a manager. But wait, I've never, nor have ever heard of someone expecting a man.

  • As a child, you were able to find plenty of non-limiting, gender role stereotyped media to view

AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yup, Blues Clues was so gender role stereotyped

  • You can not care about your appearance without worrying about about being criticized at work or in social situations

Yeah, because unkept men can't be criticized

  • You can spend time on your appearance without having people criticizing you for upholding unhealthy gender norms

“Hey pretty boy”

  • If you’re not conventionally attractive (or in shape), you don’t have to worry as much about that negatively affecting your potential

“Hey, fatty hit the gym”

  • You are not pressured by peers and society to be thin as much as the opposite sex

Yeah, because the fat shaming of men is 100% non-existent

  • You’re not expected to spend excessive amounts of money on grooming, style, and appearance to fit in, while making less money than the opposite sex

I'm just expected to MAKE tons of money, and spend it on a nice house, car, tv, etc.

  • Have promiscuous sex and be viewed positively for it

I'll concede that one.

  • You can go to a car dealership or mechanic and assume you’ll get a fair deal and not be taken advantage of

The moment you open your mouth and show you don't know shit you're getting screwed.

  • Expressions and conventional language reflects your sex (e.g., mailman, “all men are created equal”)


  • Every major religion in the world is led by individuals of your sex

Gee, Bronze Age beliefs give me such a privilege.

  • You can practice religion without subjugating yourself or thinking of yourself as less because of your sex

….Yes, we're just viewed as worms beneath the feet of god. And I'd like to point out that in the religion most used for the point (Islam) ALL people are expected to be humble before Allah. Hence why the men wear what they wear. It's not to demean any particular sex. It's a sign of commitment to Allah.

  • You are less likely to be interrupted than members of the opposite sex

You've got to be kidding.

Honestly, I can understand the points of view from 1st wave and 2nd wave feminism, but 3rd wave is just plain cherry-picking.

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that's male privilege, not female privilege lol. you responded for the wrong gender

those were examples of privilege, which is totally separate from feminism.

you used the phrase "cherry picking" and responded exclusively to a random link and ignored the rest of my post.

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I know it's male privilege.

That doesn't change the fact that it just cherry-picked issues that it saw as giving males an advantage.

I responded as a male to point out how ridiculous it is. Coming from a male.

EDIT: Okay, yeah working on the rest of your post.

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Equalism and Feminism are synonymous. Rad-fems wouldn't let you believe it, but it's true.

You can NOT invalidate an entire movement and history of oppression with a Special Snowflake story. I don't know how to word that in another way, but it's not meant to be received as patronizing as it sounds.

Being a white cis male myself, I am in no position to represent an entire movement, but from where I stand, feminist theory revolves around the idea that certain double standards exist for both genders, but women have received the short end of this rhetorical stick.

Remember, having privilege is not a crime. Ignoring your privilege however can contribute to the passive acceptance of inequality. -fandomsandfeminism

Privilege isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card made of gold, it is small, subtle advantages that are hard to spot and appreciate when you are lucky enough to have them. In order to acknowledge this, you have to be willing to entertain the idea that it exists, and then research and ponder it’s role in your day-to-day life.


Feminism: A series of movements and philosophies aimed at ending gender inequality. -fandomsandfeminism

And another thing that is VITAL to humoring the idea of feminism, is that THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE DIRIVITIVES AND DEFINITIONS.


What turns people on/off to the movement may totally contradict and go against what somebody else stands for.

What’s possibly MOST IMPORTANT about understanding privilege (sorry to jump around topics like this) and feminism is that the core of the movement is based in intersectionality. For example, females are much less underprivileged than PoC. And if you’re non-cis, non-white, non-hetero, non-male, you’re WAY worse off than somebody who is all of those things.

People who are pro-matriarchy or ignore the other underprivileged groups ARE NOT FEMINISTS. They are out for themselves and want to get ahead, not put everybody in the same ballpark.

Feminism is about equality, despite what the word would lead people to assume.

Remember, having privilege is not a crime. Ignoring your privilege however can contribute to the passive acceptance of inequality. -fandomsandfeminism

Privilege isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card made of gold, it is small, subtle advantages that are hard to spot and appreciate when you are lucky enough to have them. In order to acknowledge this, you have to be willing to entertain the idea that it exists, and then research and ponder it’s role in your day-to-day life.


See my above post.

Feminism: A series of movements and philosophies aimed at ending gender inequality. -fandomsandfeminism

And another thing that is VITAL to humoring the idea of feminism, is that THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE DIRIVITIVES AND DEFINITIONS.


This site makes very good points. Thanks.

What turns people on/off to the movement may totally contradict and go against what somebody else stands for.

What’s possibly MOST IMPORTANT about understanding privilege (sorry to jump around topics like this) and feminism is that the core of the movement is based in intersectionality. For example, females are much less underprivileged than PoC. And if you’re non-cis, non-white, non-hetero, non-male, you’re WAY worse off than somebody who is all of those things.

People who are pro-matriarchy or ignore the other underprivileged groups ARE NOT FEMINISTS. They are out for themselves and want to get ahead, not put everybody in the same ballpark.

Feminism is about equality, despite what the word would lead people to assume.

That's a pretty fucking generalizing thing to say. It's also implying that the average hetero, white male is given a slice of an exclusive pie upon birth. Some people, are unfortunately victims of circumstance, but even then it IS possible for any person regardless of gender, sexuality, etc. to work their way up in the world. It's not like some malevolent force is going "Yes, Malik, sell crack. Goood. Goood". You're only as good off as you make yourself. The fact that most of the men/women we see in power are white has nothing to do with the tone of their skin (Perhaps more recently. It'd be unfair of me to denounce/ignore the works of the civil rights movement) . It had everything to do with work-ethic and ability.

People who are pro-matriarchy or ignore the other underprivileged groups ARE NOT FEMINISTS. They are out for themselves and want to get ahead, not put everybody in the same ballpark.

Yeah, I kinda got that. When I said "Shove your ideology up your ass", I was referring to her.

Feminism is about equality, despite what the word would lead people to assume.

Then it'd make far more sense to encourage the use of the term "Equalism".

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I don't wish to get involved with the animosity and intricacies of this debate, but I do wish to make a semantic point regarding the "feminism" vs "equalism" labels:




While I agree that the word we presently use is perhaps not ideal, there's your answer as to why it's preferred- "equalism" is not even technically a word.

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Most of prejudices against the female gender come from the previous generations, especially in several cultures. Well it doesn't mean the children have to follow them, and while we hear a lot about feminism, outrages etc, I believe we're heading towards gender equality.

Sometimes it's even a bit exagerrated, as belonging to the female gender can be an advantage in contests.

In highschool, there is an engineer class contest every year in Paris, where people in Terminale (the baccalauréat year) can participate. The first and second places were the only groups full of girls, and while the first was extremely good, the second could be outclassed by the 3th, 4th, 5th places full of boys (talking objectively, i didn't compete in that event).

Then, last year, a tough year with plenty of oral mock exams, everyone (both genders) believed that girls had an easier time in oral exams, and by that they were talking about the mark and the teachers (both genders too!) being more helpful.

So yeah, I'm very positive about this subject in developed countries, where every culture is represented, shared, and talked about. We as humans evolve, we change our weaknesses. Gender inequality is such a weakness, and we overcame more than that, dunno why we should stop there. =p

However. if we are talking about countries in which there is only a dominant culture, then that's different. The parents teach their children what they think, and the offspring won't change their mind because they don't see anything different around them. If everyone tell you "yo Soysauce is a real Kirby" and seem to live conveniently with that (they believe, or they accept), why would you think otherwise? If you do, it takes a lots of effort and enough power/reasoning to influence people.

And the main problem today, is that outrages about this or that happen in our own countries, while we should look outside and see what the real deal is. Solve this, and everything's good everywhere. =p

Tldr; Soysauce is still a freaking Kirby and we should talk about sth else. =D

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This is a rant about nothing in particular really, just things I hear on a daily basis from people in real life AND on the internet... I'm sure most of you can relate.

I hate it when someone believes in something so biased and stupid in every way and when you give them countless reasons as to why it is terrible, they simply ignore them all and continue to spew lies and bull shit at you. It especially pisses me off when they continue the same crap after you confront them about not even attempting to disprove your arguments, or provide any valid ones of their own, and that if they can't, they've lost the debate.

Arrogance and ignorance are one hell of a fucking combo when combined in the same person and/or ideaology... It's a shame that some people are simply looking for a reason to bitch, and will do so even if they have to twist around 'existing' facts, or if the reason is stupid. Ha, in fact, WHEN THEY CAN'T EVEN FIND ONE, they'll pull one right out of their ass in front of you a try to present it as an actual topic or issue.

As I always say, you can try to make a piece of shit look nice and pretty by putting some sparkles and confetti on it, but no matter how hard you try to cover it all up in false facts, statistics, and deceit, it's still obviously the same, smelly, pile of flaming feces... Hell, you only make it WORSE when you try to hide it... At the very least they could be straight forward about it. Cowardly, self-obsessed bastards...

That is all I have to say for now. It's shit like this that makes me want to fucking murder god damned everybody. People wonder why I'm not social...

On a POSITIVE note, this post might encourage people to start letting off steam here again?

^^^(A miracle has occured today, for once something ISN'T COMPLETELY NEGATIVE HERE!!!)

Also, sorry if this seems a bit... aggressive. It's just the things/people I am talking about opposing in this rant are in their very nature vicious. Ah, this feeling right now, it's so familiar... It comes to me at the end of every summer. After having too much free time without something productive and time consuming to do, such as work or school, my mind begins to try to create solutions to all of the problems in the World. An impossible task of course... As we all know, the current state of the World is unpleasant and complex, thus my attitude becomes the very same towards everything, and unfortunately other people as well... I don't think of it as a curse though, if I could just learn to control it maybe, direct it towards certain issues, stop it from making me so depressed and gain the power and intellect to change things... I could make a difference, and hopefully a positive one...

I'm going to stop myself now because I just realized I've been rambling... Not going to delete any of it though, it's good to release your thoughts some times. <:D

(Hence the reason this topic was made, hur hur derp...)

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Ummmm, I don't follow. Elaborate please?

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I'm pretty sure he thinks it's ironic that you might think the exact same thing as the opposition.

Hah, well, the thing about trying to share your honest thoughts on a controversial subject on a forum in which you hold no authority is if you oppose the opinion of a mod/admin/staff member, what ever it may be, they have the power to simply shut you down, which kind of prevents you from defending your argument after the first post that they disagreed with, yes?

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

I don't have much capability of picking my fights unfortunately, when I see something that pisses me off, I speak my mind about it. And in places such as this, I later come to regret it as I am threatened and/or punished, which makes it really hard to continue the debate...

Ah, on the internet, very much like in real life, the big man walks away with nothing against him, and the little guy is left to suffer and take the heat. Tis the nature of the World, I suppose. Yet another reason I wrote that rant...

Perhaps if one were to open their mind a little bit and get over their ego, they might observe and learn something... <<<To the generic TF2/MineCraft Admin -_-

Just a thought. Also, if you punish me for this one you've only further proved my point.

Edited by Ackalacka
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Hah, well, the thing about trying to share your honest thoughts on a controversial subject on a forum in which you hold no authority is if you oppose the opinion of a mod/admin/staff member, what ever it may be, they have the power to simply shut you down, which kind of prevents you from defending your argument after the first post that they disagreed with, yes?

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

I don't have much capability of picking my fights unfortunately, when I see something that pisses me off, I speak my mind about it. And in places such as this, I later come to regret it as I am threatened and/or punished, which makes it really hard to continue the debate...

Ah, on the internet, very much like in real life, the big man walks away with nothing against him, and the little guy is left to suffer and take the heat. Tis the nature of the World, I suppose. Yet another reason I wrote that rant...

Perhaps if one were to open their mind a little bit and get over their ego, they might observe and learn something...

Just a thought. Also, if you punish me for this one you've only further proved my point.

It's not THAT you disagree. It's the way in which you disagree. You are thoughtless in the way you word your arguments, implying and outright calling the other side stupid, among other things. In the eyes of others, you too are seen as ignoring the relevance of someone's else response has in regard to points you may have raised.

You can feel that you are being shut down all you want, but inflammatory language whose intent/effect is to put the other side down instead of arguing completely rationally will only get you in trouble, as it has.

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